92 research outputs found

    Luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden arviointeja ei-rutiinimaisista matematiikan tehtävistä

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    Matematiikan harjoitustehtävät ovat pysyneet oppimateriaaleissa rakenteiltaan samankaltaisinaniiden historian ajan. Tehtävätyypit ovat lähinnä suljettuja tehtäviä, jotkauseimmiten kehittävät vain jo aikaisemmin opittua ja tukevat siis proseduraalista sujuvuutta.Tehtävät voisivat kehittää entistä enemmän myös käsitteellistä ymmärrystä jastrategista sekä metakognitiivisia taitoja. Tässä tutkimuksessa on kehitetty matematiikanperinteisistä tehtävistä poikkeavia tehtävätyyppejä. Keväällä 2016 tekijöiden yliopiston1. vuosikurssin luokanopettajaopiskelijat (N=82) kokeilivat neljä uutta tehtävätyyppiäkurssin harjoituksissa ja arvioivat niiden matemaattisen sekä monilukutaidon osaamisensuhteen. Artikkelissamme kuvaamme neljää tehtäväympäristöä, opiskelijoiden arviointejaniistä sekä yhden tehtävän ratkaisuja matemaattisten käsitteiden käytön näkökulmasta

    Exocrine pancreas function decreases during the progression of the beta-cell damaging process in young prediabetic children

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    Objective: The function of the exocrine pancreas is decreased in patients with type 1 diabetes but it is not known when this defect develops. The current study set out to determine whether the reduced exocrine function becomes manifest after the initiation of islet autoimmunity. Methods: The study was nested in the prospective Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention study where children with human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-conferred susceptibility are observed from birth. Elastase-1 levels were analyzed from stool samples collected at the time of seroconversion to islet autoantibody positivity and at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, as well as from samples taken from matched control children of similar age. Results: Elastase levels were lower in case children at the time of the diagnosis of diabetes when compared to the control children. However, elastase concentrations did not differ between cases and controls at the time when autoantibodies appeared. Conclusion: The results suggest that the defect in the exocrine function develops after the appearance of islet autoantibodies. Further studies are needed to assess whether reduced elastase levels predict rapid progression of islet autoimmunity to clinical disease.Peer reviewe

    Association of different enteroviruses with atopy and allergic diseases in early childhood

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    Background Enterovirus (EV) infections, being among the most prevalent viruses worldwide, have been associated with reduced risk of allergic diseases. We sought to determine the association between EVs and allergic sensitization and disease in early childhood. Methods The study was carried out in a nested case-control setting within a prospective birth cohort in Finland. We included 138 case children who had specific IgE (s-IgE) sensitization at the age of 5 years and 138 control children without s-IgE sensitization. Allergic disease was recorded at study visits and identified with the ISAAC questionnaire. We screened for the presence of serotype-specific antibodies against 41 EVs at 1-5 years of age and assessed their association with allergic sensitization and disease. Results The overall number of EV infections did not differ between s-IgE-sensitized children and non-sensitized control children. However, there was a tendency of case children with an allergic disease having less EV infections than their controls. This observation was statistically significant for species A EVs in case children with atopic dermatitis vs. control children: OR 0.6 (95% CI 0.36-0.99), p = .048. Conclusion This study supports the evidence that EV exposure and development of allergic disease are inversely associated. Interestingly, the inverse association was not observed for bare atopic IgE sensitization, but for IgE sensitization coupled with clinical atopic disease. This suggests that environmental factors influencing IgE sensitization may differ from those influencing progression to clinical allergic disease.Peer reviewe

    Coxsackievirus B1 infections are associated with the initiation of insulin-driven autoimmunity that progresses to type 1 diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis Islet autoimmunity usually starts with the appearance of autoantibodies against either insulin (IAA) or GAD65 (GADA). This categorises children with preclinical type 1 diabetes into two immune phenotypes, which differ in their genetic background and may have different aetiology. The aim was to study whether Coxsackievirus group B (CVB) infections, which have been linked to the initiation of islet autoimmunity, are associated with either of these two phenotypes in children with HLA-conferred susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. Methods All samples were from children in the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) study. Individuals are recruited to the DIPP study from the general population of new-born infants who carry defined HLA genotypes associated with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. Our study cohort included 91 children who developed IAA and 78 children who developed GADA as their first appearing single autoantibody and remained persistently seropositive for islet autoantibodies, along with 181 and 151 individually matched autoantibody negative control children, respectively. Seroconversion to positivity for neutralising antibodies was detected as the surrogate marker of CVB infections in serial follow-up serum samples collected before and at the appearance of islet autoantibodies in each individual. Results CVB1 infections were associated with the appearance of IAA as the first autoantibody (OR 2.4 [95% CI 1.4, 4.2], corrected p = 0.018). CVB5 infection also tended to be associated with the appearance of IAA, however, this did not reach statistical significance (OR 2.3, [0.7, 7.5], p = 0.163); no other CVB types were associated with increased risk of IAA. Children who had signs of a CVB1 infection either alone or prior to infections by other CVBs were at the highest risk for developing IAA (OR 5.3 [95% CI 2.4, 11.7], p <0.001). None of the CVBs were associated with the appearance of GADA. Conclusions/interpretation CVB1 infections may contribute to the initiation of islet autoimmunity being particularly important in the insulin-driven autoimmune process.Peer reviewe

    Enterovirus Infections Are Associated With the Development of Celiac Disease in a Birth Cohort Study

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    Enterovirus and adenovirus infections have been linked to the development of celiac disease. We evaluated this association in children who developed biopsy-proven celiac disease (N = 41) during prospective observation starting from birth, and in control children (N = 53) matched for the calendar time of birth, sex, and HLA-DQ genotype. Enterovirus and adenovirus infections were diagnosed by seroconversions in virus antibodies in longitudinally collected sera using EIA. Enterovirus infections were more frequent in case children before the appearance of celiac disease-associated tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies compared to the corresponding period in control children (OR 6.3, 95% CI 1.8-22.3; p = 0.005). No difference was observed in the frequency of adenovirus infections. The findings suggest that enterovirus infections may contribute to the process leading to celiac disease

    Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome caused by a deep intronic pseudoexon-activating mutation in the androgen receptor gene

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    Mutations in the X-linked androgen receptor (AR) gene underlie complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), the most common cause of 46, XY sex reversal. Molecular genetic diagnosis of CAIS, however, remains uncertain in patients who show normal coding region of AR. Here, we describe a novel mechanism of AR disruption leading to CAIS in two 46, XY sisters. We analyzed whole-genome sequencing data of the patients for pathogenic variants outside the AR coding region. Patient fibroblasts from the genital area were used for AR cDNA analysis and protein quantification. Analysis of the cDNA revealed aberrant splicing of the mRNA caused by a deep intronic mutation (c.2450-118A>G) in the intron 6 of AR. The mutation creates a de novo 5' splice site and a putative exonic splicing enhancer motif, which leads to the preferential formation of two aberrantly spliced mRNAs (predicted to include a premature stop codon). Patient fibroblasts contained no detectable AR protein. Our results show that patients with CAIS and normal AR coding region need to be examined for deep intronic mutations that can lead to pseudoexon activation.Peer reviewe