17 research outputs found

    Mercury in the marine environment of the Canadian Arctic: Review of recent findings

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    AbstractThis review summarizes data and information which have been generated on mercury (Hg) in the marine environment of the Canadian Arctic since the previous Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report (CACAR) was released in 2003. Much new information has been collected on Hg concentrations in marine water, snow and ice in the Canadian Arctic. The first measurements of methylation rates in Arctic seawater indicate that the water column is an important site for Hg methylation. Arctic marine waters were also found to be a substantial source of gaseous Hg to the atmosphere during the ice-free season. High Hg concentrations have been found in marine snow as a result of deposition following atmospheric mercury depletion events, although much of this Hg is photoreduced and re-emitted back to the atmosphere. The most extensive sampling of marine sediments in the Canadian Arctic was carried out in Hudson Bay where sediment total Hg (THg) concentrations were low compared with other marine regions in the circumpolar Arctic. Mass balance models have been developed to provide quantitative estimates of THg fluxes into and out of the Arctic Ocean and Hudson Bay.Several recent studies on Hg biomagnification have improved our understanding of trophic transfer of Hg through marine food webs. Over the past several decades, Hg concentrations have increased in some marine biota, while other populations showed no temporal change. Marine biota also exhibited considerable geographic variation in Hg concentrations with ringed seals, beluga and polar bears from the Beaufort Sea region having higher Hg concentrations compared with other parts of the Canadian Arctic. The drivers of these variable patterns of Hg bioaccumulation, both regionally and temporally, within the Canadian Arctic remain unclear. Further research is needed to identify the underlying processes including the interplay between biogeochemical and food web processes and climate change

    View to the U: An eye on UTM research

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    This is an audio recording from the podcast series "View to the U: An eye on UTM research".On this episode of the VIEW to the U podcast, which has come out in honour of Earth Day, April 22, 2019, we will learn more about climate change and its effects on aquatic ecosystems and Indigenous populations with Professor Igor Lehnherr. Igor Lehnherr is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at U of T Mississauga, where he has been on faculty since 2014. Prior to coming to UTM he was the W. Garfield Weston postdoctoral fellow in Northern Research in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Waterloo. His research seeks to understand the impacts of environmental stressors such as contaminants and climate change on aquatic ecosystems, and he focuses primarily on Arctic and Boreal ecoregions. His current projects include studying how the recent accelerated melting of glaciers and lake ice has impacted carbon cycling and mercury bioaccumulation in these northern regions. On this episode of the podcast we get insight on a few other topics that relate to his work, including how he got interested in this area of research in the first place, the importance of experiential education and connecting with the natural environment, and what it’s like being up in the Arctic from someone who has visited there many times over the last 15 years. With this new, third season of the VIEW to the U highlighting UTM’s Global Perspectives, Igor discusses his Northern research, and though he has seen dramatic changes to the stunning Lake Hazen landscape where he conducts a good portion of his work – spoiler alert – the picture isn’t all doom and gloom

    Atmospheric mercury in the Canadian Arctic. Part II: Insight from modeling

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    AbstractA review of mercury in the Canadian Arctic with a focus on field measurements is presented in part I (see Steffen et al., this issue). Here we provide insights into the dynamics of mercury in the Canadian Arctic from new and published mercury modeling studies using Environment Canada's mercury model. The model simulations presented in this study use global anthropogenic emissions of mercury for the period 1995–2005. The most recent modeling estimate of the net gain of mercury from the atmosphere to the Arctic Ocean is 75Mgyear−1 and the net gain to the terrestrial ecosystems north of 66.5° is 42Mgyear−1. Model based annual export of riverine mercury from North American, Russian and all Arctic watersheds to the Arctic Ocean are in the range of 2.8–5.6, 12.7–25.4 and 15.5–31.0Mgyear−1, respectively. Analysis of long-range transport events of Hg at Alert and Little Fox Lake monitoring sites indicates that Asia contributes the most ambient Hg to the Canadian Arctic followed by contributions from North America, Russia, and Europe. The largest anthropogenic Hg deposition to the Canadian Arctic is from East Asia followed by Europe (and Russia), North America, and South Asia. An examination of temporal trends of Hg using the model suggests that changes in meteorology and changes in anthropogenic emissions equally contribute to the decrease in surface air elemental mercury concentrations in the Canadian Arctic with an overall decline of ~12% from 1990 to 2005. A slow increase in net deposition of Hg is found in the Canadian Arctic in response to changes in meteorology. Changes in snowpack and sea-ice characteristics and increase in precipitation in the Arctic related with climate change are found to be primary causes for the meteorology-related changes in air concentrations and deposition of Hg in the region. The model estimates that under the emissions reduction scenario of worldwide implementation of the best emission control technologies by 2020, mercury deposition could potentially be reduced by 18–20% in the Canadian Arctic

    Methylmercury Cycling in High Arctic Wetland Ponds: Controls on Sedimentary Production

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    Methylmercury (MeHg) is a potent neurotoxin that has been demonstrated to biomagnify in Arctic freshwater foodwebs to levels that may be of concern to Inuit peoples subsisting on freshwater fish, for example. The key process initiating the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of MeHg in foodwebs is the methylation of inorganic Hg­(II) to form MeHg, and ultimately how much MeHg enters foodwebs is controlled by the production and availability of MeHg in a particular water body. We used isotopically enriched Hg stable isotope tracers in sediment core incubations to measure potential rates of Hg­(II) methylation and investigate the controls on MeHg production in High Arctic wetland ponds in the Lake Hazen region of northern Ellesmere Island (Nunavut, Canada). We show here that MeHg concentrations in sediments are primarily controlled by the sediment methylation potential and the quantity of Hg­(II) available for methylation, but not by sediment demethylation potential. Furthermore, MeHg concentrations in pond waters are controlled by MeHg production in sediments, overall anaerobic microbial activity, and photodemethylation in the water column

    Determination of Monomethylmercury and Dimethylmercury in the Arctic Marine Boundary Layer

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    Our understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of monomethylmercury (MMHg) in the Arctic is incomplete because atmospheric sources and sinks of MMHg are still unclear. We sampled air in the Canadian Arctic marine boundary layer to quantify, for the first time, atmospheric concentrations of methylated Hg species (both MMHg and dimethylmercury (DMHg)), and, estimate the importance of atmospheric deposition as a source of MMHg to Arctic land- and sea-scapes. Overall atmospheric MMHg and DMHg concentrations (mean ± SD) were 2.9 ± 3.6 and 3.8 ± 3.1 (<i>n</i> = 37) pg m<sup>−3</sup>, respectively. Concentrations of methylated Hg species in the marine boundary layer varied significantly among our sites, with a predominance of MMHg over Hudson Bay (HB), and DMHg over Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) waters. We concluded that DMHg is of marine origin and that primary production rate and sea-ice cover are major drivers of its concentration in the Canadian Arctic marine boundary layer. Summer wet deposition rates of atmospheric MMHg, likely to be the product of DMHg degradation in the atmosphere, were estimated at 188 ± 117.5 ng m<sup>–2</sup> and 37 ± 21.7 ng m<sup>–2</sup> for HB and CAA, respectively, sustaining MMHg concentrations available for biomagnification in the pelagic food web

    Methylmercury Cycling in High Arctic Wetland Ponds: Sources and Sinks

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    The sources of methylmercury (MeHg; the toxic form of mercury that is biomagnified through foodwebs) to Arctic freshwater organisms have not been clearly identified. We used a mass balance approach to quantify MeHg production in two wetland ponds in the Lake Hazen region of northern Ellesmere Island, NU, in the Canadian High Arctic and to evaluate the importance of these systems as sources of MeHg to Arctic foodwebs. We show that internal production (1.8–40 ng MeHg m<sup>–2</sup> d<sup>–1</sup>) is a much larger source of MeHg than external inputs from direct atmospheric deposition (0.029–0.051 ng MeHg m<sup>–2</sup> d<sup>–1</sup>), as expected. Furthermore, MeHg cycling in these systems is dominated by Hg­(II) methylation and MeHg photodemethylation (2.0–33 ng MeHg m<sup>–2</sup> d<sup>–1</sup>), which is a sink for a large proportion of the MeHg produced by Hg­(II) methylation in these ponds. We also show that MeHg production in the two study ponds is comparable to what has previously been measured in numerous more southerly systems known to be important MeHg sources, such as temperate wetlands and lakes, demonstrating that wetland ponds in the High Arctic are important sources of MeHg to local aquatic foodwebs

    Sources of Methylmercury to Snowpacks of the Alberta Oil Sands Region: A Study of In Situ Methylation and Particulates

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    Snowpacks in the Alberta Oil Sands Region (AOSR) of Canada contain elevated loadings of methylmercury (MeHg; a neurotoxin that biomagnifies through foodwebs) due to oil sands related activities. At sites ranging from 0 to 134 km from the major AOSR upgrading facilities, we examined sources of MeHg by quantifying potential rates of MeHg production in snowpacks and melted snow using mercury stable isotope tracer experiments, as well as quantifying concentrations of MeHg on particles in snowpacks (pMeHg). At four sites, methylation rate constants were low in snowpacks (<i>k</i><sub>m</sub> = 0.001–0.004 d<sup>–1</sup>) and nondetectable in melted snow, except at one site (<i>k</i><sub>m</sub> = 0.0007 d<sup>–1</sup>). The ratio of methylation to demethylation varied between 0.3 and 1.5, suggesting that the two processes are in balance and that in situ production is unlikely an important net source of MeHg to AOSR snowpacks. pMeHg concentrations increased linearly with distance from the upgraders (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.71, <i>p</i> < 0.0001); however, snowpack total particle and pMeHg loadings decreased exponentially over this same distance (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.49, <i>p</i> = 0.0002; R<sup>2</sup> = 0.56, <i>p</i> < 0.0001). Thus, at near-field sites, total MeHg loadings in snowpacks were high due to high particle loadings, even though particles originating from industrial activities were not MeHg rich compared to those at remote sites. More research is required to identify the industrial sources of snowpack particles in the AOSR

    Atmospheric Deposition of Mercury and Methylmercury to Landscapes and Waterbodies of the Athabasca Oil Sands Region

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    Atmospheric deposition of metals originating from a variety of sources, including bitumen upgrading facilities and blowing dusts from landscape disturbances, is of concern in the Athabasca oil sands region of northern Alberta, Canada. Mercury (Hg) is of particular interest as methylmercury (MeHg), a neurotoxin which bioaccumulates through foodwebs, can reach levels in fish and wildlife that may pose health risks to human consumers. We used spring-time sampling of the accumulated snowpack at sites located varying distances from the major developments to estimate winter 2012 Hg loadings to a ∼20 000 km<sup>2</sup> area of the Athabasca oil sands region. Total Hg (THg; all forms of Hg in a sample) loads were predominantly particulate-bound (79 ± 12%) and increased with proximity to major developments, reaching up to 1000 ng m<sup>–2</sup>. MeHg loads increased in a similar fashion, reaching up to 19 ng m<sup>–2</sup> and suggesting that oil sands developments are a direct source of MeHg to local landscapes and water bodies. Deposition maps, created by interpolation of measured Hg loads using geostatistical software, demonstrated that deposition resembled a bullseye pattern on the landscape, with areas of maximum THg and MeHg loadings located primarily between the Muskeg and Steepbank rivers. Snowpack concentrations of THg and MeHg were significantly correlated (<i>r</i> = 0.45–0.88, <i>p</i> < 0.01) with numerous parameters, including total suspended solids (TSS), metals known to be emitted in high quantities from the upgraders (vanadium, nickel, and zinc), and crustal elements (aluminum, iron, and lanthanum), which were also elevated in this region. Our results suggest that at snowmelt, a complex mixture of chemicals enters aquatic ecosystems that could impact biological communities of the oil sands region

    Winter Dust Storms Impact the Physical and Biogeochemical Functioning of a Large High Arctic Lake

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    We found that a winter of abnormally low snowfall and numerous dust storms from eolian processes acting on exposed landscapes (including a major 4-day dust storm while onsite in May 2014) caused a cascade of impacts on the physical, chemical, and ecological functioning of the largest lake by volume in the High Arctic (Lake Hazen; Nunavut, Canada). MODIS imagery revealed that dust deposited in snowpacks on the lake’s ice acted as light-absorbing impurities (LAIs), reducing surface reflectance and increasing surface temperatures relative to normal snowpack years, causing early snowmelt and drainage of meltwaters into the lake. LAIs remaining on the ice surface melted into the ice, causing premature candling and one of the earliest ice-offs and longest ice-free seasons on record for Lake Hazen. Meltwater inputs from snowpacks resulted in dilution of dissolved, and increased concentration of particulate bound, chemical species in Lake Hazen’s upper water column. Spring inputs of nutrients increased both heterotrophy and algal productivity under the surface ice following snowmelt, with a net consumption of dissolved oxygen. As climate change continues to alter High Arctic temperatures and precipitation patterns, we can expect further changes in dust storm frequency and severity with corresponding impacts for freshwater ecosystems