193 research outputs found

    La industria guipuzcoana entre 1930 y 1936: incidencia de la crisis económica

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    En 1930, la provincia de Guipúzcua figuraba entre las más prósperas e industrializadas de España. Durante los años siguientes se vio afectada por una serie de circunstancias que motivaron la depresión de su actividad fabril: la contracción del comercio exterior, el cambio de regímenes políticos, el nuevo marco de relaciones laborales... Todo ello repercutió de forma muy particular en el ámbito guipuzcoano, caracterizado mayoritariamcnte por la pequeña dimensión de sus empresas, la di versificación productiva, su conexión con los mercados exteriores. Como telón de fondo, nos hallamos ante la incapacidad de los distintos gobiernos para armonizar los intereses dispares y encontrados de las diversas áreas económicas de España. La confección de este trabajo ha contado con la inestimable orientación de los profesores Montserrat Gárate, Pablo Martín Aceña y Luis Castells. Su labor, no obstante, no habrá podido impedir posibles incorrecciones cuya responsabilidad cabe atribuir tan sólo a su autora.In 1930 the province of Guipúzcoa stood among the most prosperous and heavily industrialized in Spain. In the following years it found itself affected by several circumstances which brought about the fall of its manufacturing activity: dwindling foreign trade, a shift of the political systems, a new frame of labour relations... All that had a very special effect throughout Guipúzcoa, mostly characterized by the small size of its enterprises, the diversification of its production and its close links with foreign markets. As a backdrop lies the inadequacy of the different governments to harmonize the disparate and conflicting interests of the mixed economic areas of Spain. The making of this work has had the invaluable guidance of professors Montserrat Gárate, Pablo Martín Aceña and Luis Castells. Nonetheless their assistance may not have prevented possible inaccuracies whose responsibility is to be solely attributed to its author.Publicad

    An autonomous and active journey to school: a case study of good practice / Uma viagem autônoma e ativa à escola: um estudo de caso de uma boa prática

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    This report analyses an instance of good practice for autonomous and active school walking in a large city of the Basque Country (Spain). Specifically, this work describes the background and development, methodology and phases, strengths and weaknesses, impact, and future challenges of this project. Various techniques such as life history timelines, personal interviews, documentary analysis, and contrast sessions have been used. The strengths of the project include the real impact on pupils and families in terms of work-life balance, the importance of the inter-institutional collaborative network and the inter-municipal relationship.  This has been achieved through a group of town councils, the involvement of the entire school community, the leadership and active participation of the municipal technical staff, and the use of new technological tools for the development of the project

    Energy modeling framework for optimizing heat recovery in a seasonal food processing facility

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    pre-printSocietal, cultural and economic factors are driving food processors to reduce energy consumed per unit mass of food. This presents a unique problem because time variant batch processing using low to medium grade heat is common in food production facilities. Heat recovery methods may be implemented by food processors to reduce energy consumption; however, temporal variance in the process and utility flow require the development of a robust, easily implemented energy model to accurately determine system effectiveness and economic incentive. A bottom-up modular computational framework is proposed to model the energy consumption of a cannery. The model predicts that the cannery will require 612 kJ gas/kg product produced, which is within the ranges provided in previous literature. Results show that adding a globally optimized indirect heat recovery system will reduce the gas consumption by 6% annually. The proposed framework, used here to represent a cannery, may be adapted to many different types of food processing facilities. With a clear picture of energy consumption by device, and the ability to predict the impact of process modification or heat recovery, plant-level energy usage for food processing may be significantly reduced

    Impacts of the MERCOSUR agreement on the Uruguayan economy

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    This thesis examines the MERCOSUR agreement (Common Market of the Southern Cone), specifically the provision for a common external tariff and its impact on the economy of Uruguay. The thesis begins by examining the economic regionalism which gives rise to trade agreements such as MERCOSUR and investigates the trade mechanisms through which such regionalism is accomplished. The provisions and background of the MERCOSUR agreement are explored, as well as the economic conditions, current and historical, which exist in the participant countries. The work continues by exploring two possibilities for Uruguay: (1) to continue economic integration by entering a customs union scheduled to take effect on January 1995 or (2) to remain in a free trade zone with the other three countries (Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay). These two possibilities are analyzed using traditional and new theories of international trade. The study further examines foreign direct investment and technology in the context of Uruguayan participation in MERCOSUR or in a free trade zone. The study concludes that if Uruguay, due to its small size, could obtain the special treatment of a free trade zone, the costs of trade diversion would be reduced and Uruguayan welfare would increasehttp://archive.org/details/impactsofmercosu00legoUruguayan author (civilian).Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Bobby Deglané. El arquitecto de la radio española

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    Ficha técnica:  Miguel Ángel Nieto González Ediciones B Barcelona, 2005  396 pp. ISBN 84-666-2634-

    La recuperación urbana de Marrakech: dos complejos religiosos de época saadí

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    [EN] Once the Saadian power was consolidated in al-Maghrib al-Aqsà and the capital was established in Marrakech, Sultan ʿAbdallāh al-Gālib (1557-1574) led one of the most splendid moments of the dynasty. So much so, that he undertook a set of works to reform and equip the city, which had been relegated to a secondary role and had suffered a regression throughout the fifteenth century. Among the works of this Sultan are the reorganization of the city as well as the construction of infrastructures and monumental buildings that became important referents within the urban landscape. In the present paper, all the known works that formed part of the ʿAbdallāh project are outlined, in order to recognize the historical relevance of his government. However, our main aim is to present two religious complexes located in the medina, which reproduce the same architectural model and implementation pattern. In both cases, the design of the complex and its relation with the environment has been analysed, in order to evaluate the impact that its construction entailed in the urban landscape and in the development of the city[AR] بعد استقرار الدولة السعدية في المغرب الأقصى واحتلال مدينة مراكش، قاد السلطان عبد الله الغالب (1557-1574) إحدى الفترات الأكثر ازدهارا للسلالة السعدية، فبدأ مجموعة من الأعمال من أجل إصلاح وتجهيز المدينة التي كانت تعيش من قبل مرحلة ٍتراجع خلال القرن الخامس عشر. ومن ضمن الإنجازات التي قام بها ذلك السلطان نجد تنظيم المدينة وتجديد البنية التحتية وإنشاء مبان عظيمة أثرت بصورة ملحوظة في تطوير المنظر العمراني. في هذا البحث نعرض بإيجاز كل المباني المتضمنة داخل مشروع عبد الله الغالب من أجل التعريف بأهمية فترة حكمه. إضافة إلى ذلك، نتناول بشكل متعمق المجمعين الدينيين اللذين أقيما في مراكش تبعا لنفس النموذج وبنفس النمط التخطيطي. ولذلك نرتكز في تحليلنا للمجمعين على تصميمهما المعماري وعلاقتهما بالبيئة الحضرية[ES] Una vez consolidado el poder saadí en al-Magrib al-Aqsà y establecida la capital en Marraquech, el sultán ʿAbdallāh al-Gālib )1557-1574( lideró uno de los momentos de mayor esplendor de la dinastía. Tal es así, que emprendió un conjunto de obras para reformar y equipar la ciudad, la cual había sido relegada a un papel secundario y había sufrido una regresión a lo largo del siglo XV. Entre las obras de este sultán, se encuentran tanto la reorganización de la ciudad como la construcción de infraestructuras y edificios monumentales que se convirtieron en importantes referentes dentro del paisaje urbano. En el presente trabajo se perfilan ligeramente todas las obras conocidas que formaron parte del proyecto de ʿAbdallāh, con el fin de reconocer la relevancia histórica de su gobierno. Sin embargo, se tratan de manera pormenorizada dos complejos religiosos, situados en la medina, que reproducen un mismo modelo arquitectónico y patrón de implantación. En ambos casos, se analiza el diseño del complejo y su relación con el entorno, lo que permite evaluar el impacto que supuso su construcción en el paisaje urbano y en el desarrollo de la ciudad.This article is part of the research project HAR2014-53006-P, “Arquitectura saadí: la pervivencia de al-Andalus en el Magreb”, funded by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, with support from the European Union FEDER programPeer reviewe

    Documentación en el medio radiofónico

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    Ficha técnica: María Victoria Nuño Moral Editorial Síntesis Madrid, 2007 199 p. ISBN 978-84-975646-0-

    Documentación en el medio radiofónico

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    Ficha técnica: María Victoria Nuño Moral Editorial Síntesis Madrid, 2007 199 p. ISBN 978-84-975646-0-

    Centro de formación Elcano

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    Proyecto de centro de formación profesional o escuela de oficios y artesanos, ubicado en la antigua Factoría Elcano, en el barrio de San Jerónimo de Manises. El edificio se distribuye en dos partes: la galería norte, donde se ubican los espacios docentes y administrativos, y la galería sur, donde se encuentran los equipamientos y los espacios más públicos. Cuenta con doce aulas y quince talleres de diferentes disciplinas.Almela Legorburu, Í. (2013). Centro de formación Elcano. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/46700

    Suitability of an increment borer as a sampling device for grapevine trunk disease

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    The sampling of wood from diseased grapevine trunks is usually a destructive process that involves cutting the arms or even total uprooting. As an alternative, an increment borer (Pressler borer) could allow the study of disease evolution over time for individual vines. A borer was evaluated on vines with and without Eutypa dieback, and covariance analyses conducted to determine the correlation between foliar symptoms and the relative incidence of Eutypa lata and Diplodia seriata. The variation of isolation frequencies was similar within and between vines. D. seriata was more frequently isolated than E. lata, but the two fungi followed different patterns in relation to foliar symptom intensity. E. lata was rare in asymptomatic material and was more frequently isolated as the foliar symptoms increased, stabilizing at the highest symptom intensities. For D. seriata, the isolation frequency was highest from asymptomatic and highly symptomatic vines, which could agree with the endophytic character of this fungus. The experimental error was high, probably due to the blind nature of the sampling