57 research outputs found

    Drought drove forest decline and dune building in eastern upper Michigan, USA, as the upper Great Lakes became closed basins

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    Current models of landscape response to Holocene climate change in midcontinent North America largely reconcile Earth orbital and atmospheric climate forcing with pollen-based forest histories on the east and eolian chronologies in Great Plains grasslands on the west. However, thousands of sand dunes spread across 12,000 km2 in eastern upper Michigan (EUM), more than 500 km east of the present forest-prairie ecotone, present a challenge to such models. We use 65 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages on quartz sand deposited in silt caps (n = 8) and dunes (n = 57) to document eolian activity in EUM. Dune building was widespread ca. 10–8 ka, indicating a sharp, sustained decline in forest cover during that period. This decline was roughly coincident with hydrologic closure of the upper Great Lakes, but temporally inconsistent with most pollen-based models that imply canopy closure throughout the Holocene. Early Holocene forest openings are rarely recognized in pollen sums from EUM because faint signatures of non-arboreal pollen are largely obscured by abundant and highly mobile pine pollen. Early Holocene spikes in nonarboreal pollen are recorded in cores from small ponds, but suggest only a modest extent of forest openings. OSL dating of dune emplacement provides a direct, spatially explicit archive of greatly diminished forest cover during a very dry climate in eastern midcontinent North America ca. 10–8 ka

    Thermally activated resonant tunnelling in GaAs/AlGaAs triple barrier tunnelling structures

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    A thermally activated resonant tunnelling feature has been observed in the current-voltage characteristics (I(V)) of triple barrier resonant tunnelling structures (TBRTS) due to alignment of the n=1 confined states in the two quantum wells (QWs) within the active region. With rising sample temperature, the tunnelling current of the resonant feature increases in magnitude, showing a small negative differential resistance region which is discernable even at 293K. This behaviour is unique to multiple barrier devices and cannot be observed in conventional double barrier resonant tunnelling structures. Symmetric TBRTS, of nominal well widths 67Å and asymmetric QW, with decreasing second well widths, nominally 64Å to 46Å, have been studied with temperature dependent resonant tunnelling behaviour observed in both symmetric and asymmetric designs. Activation energies have been extracted from Arrhenius plots of the magnitude of the thermally activated peak current for each device design. This activation energy decreases as the second well width is decreased due to alignment occurring at increasingly greater bias and as such at energies closer to the Fermi level in the emitter region of the devices. Experimentally determined activation energies are in good agreement with theoretical values obtained by modelling the device I(V) characteristic

    The Vehicle, 1964, Vol. 6

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    Vol. 6 Table of Contents Milepostspage 2 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Pagepage 4 Sadness No. 4 (Sorgen)Sherry S. Frypage 5 Christian BurialRoger J. Barrypage 7 The World of BeautyDavid Helmpage 9 The Song of the LarksDon Kapraunpage 10 ContrastKeith Haierpage 13 PanoramaDaun Alan Leggpage 13 A Child\u27s View of DeathCherie Brondellpage 14 RegretLiz Puckettpage 16 Brutal WarMary H. Soukuppage 17 aloneLiz Puckettpage 18 MadgeLinda Galeypage 19 Moon WatchingJoel E. Hendrickspage 20 AnalysisLiz Puckettpage 21 UniverseRick Talleypage 21 Anyone Can Be A LuniticRick Towsonpage 22 I, Too, Have A Rendezvous with DeathElaine Lancepage 23 The ReturnRobert D. Thomaspage 24 NamesLarry Gatespage 25 Eternal MomentsDavid Helmpage 25 The Last DaysPauline B. Smithpage 26 BeliefRichard J. Wiesepage 27 StormPauline B. Smithpage 28 ExplosionLiz Puckettpage 29 Autumn EveJoel E. Hendrickspage 29 The Girl On the White PonyLarry Gatespage 31 HoffnungTerry Michael Salempage 33 Stone WallsDaun Alan Leggpage 34 AdorationGail M. Barenfangerpage 37 MirageRoy L. Carlsonpage 38 Nature and NonsenseRick Talleypage 39 A Step Through A Looking GlassMarilyn Henrypage 40 Thoughts of a Summer PastPauline B Smithpage 42 Indiana GrassLarry Gatespage 43 RedondillaRoberta Matthewspage 44 Summer LoveDaun Alan Leggpage 45 To Youth Reaching For MaturityDavid Helmpage 45 Thanksgiving DayJoel E. Hendrickspage 46 Sadness No. 6 (Schatten)Sherry S. Frypage 48https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1012/thumbnail.jp

    The process and lessons of exchanging and managing in-vitro elite germplasm to combat CBSD and CMD in Eastern and Southern Africa

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    Varieties with resistance to both cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) can reverse food and income security threats affecting the rural poor in Eastern and Southern Africa. The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture is leading a partnership of five national (Malawi, Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) cassava breeding programs to exchange the most elite germplasm resistant to both CMD and CBSD. This poster documents the process and the key learning lessons. Twenty to 25 stem cuttings of 31 clones comprising of 25 elite clones (5 per country), two standard checks (Kibandameno from Kenya and Albert from Tanzania), and four national checks (Kiroba and Mkombozi from Tanzania, Mbundumali from Malawi, and Tomo from Mozambique) were cleaned and indexed for cassava viruses at both the Natural Resources Institute in the United Kingdom and Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services, in Kenya. About 75 in-vitro plantlets per clone were sent to Genetic Technologies International Limited, a private tissue culture lab in Kenya, and micro-propagated to ≥1500 plantlets. Formal procedures of material transfer between countries including agreements, import permission and phytosanitary certification were all ensured for germplasm exchange. At least 300 plantlets of each elite and standard check clones were sent to all partner countries, while the national checks were only sent to their respective countries of origin. In each country, the in-vitro plantlets were acclimatized under screen house conditions and transplanted for field multiplication as a basis for multi-site testing. Except for Tomo, a susceptible clone, all the clones were cleaned of the viruses. However, there was varied response to the cleaning process between clones, e.g. FN-19NL, NASE1 and Kibandameno responded slowly. Also, clones responded differently to micro-propagation protocols at GTIL, e.g. Pwani, Tajirika, NASE1, TME204 and Okhumelela responded slowly. Materials are currently being bulked at low disease pressure field sites in preparation for planting at 5-8 evaluation sites per country. The process of cleaning, tissue culture mass propagation, exchange and local hardening off/bulking has been successful for the majority of target varieties. Two key lessons derived from the process are that adequate preparations of infrastructure and trained personnel are required to manage the task, and that a small proportion of varieties are recalcitrant to tissue culture propagation

    Autocrine Regulation of Pulmonary Inflammation by Effector T-Cell Derived IL-10 during Infection with Respiratory Syncytial Virus

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is the leading viral cause of severe lower respiratory tract illness in young infants. Clinical studies have documented that certain polymorphisms in the gene encoding the regulatory cytokine IL-10 are associated with the development of severe bronchiolitis in RSV infected infants. Here, we examined the role of IL-10 in a murine model of primary RSV infection and found that high levels of IL-10 are produced in the respiratory tract by anti-viral effector T cells at the onset of the adaptive immune response. We demonstrated that the function of the effector T cell -derived IL-10 in vivo is to limit the excess pulmonary inflammation and thereby to maintain critical lung function. We further identify a novel mechanism by which effector T cell-derived IL-10 controls excess inflammation by feedback inhibition through engagement of the IL-10 receptor on the antiviral effector T cells. Our findings suggest a potentially critical role of effector T cell-derived IL-10 in controlling disease severity in clinical RSV infection

    Aqueous Dissolution of Alzheimer's Disease Ab Amyloid Deposits by Biometal Depletion

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    Zn(II) and Cu(II) precipitate Abeta in vitro into insoluble aggregates that are dissolved by metal chelators. We now report evidence that these biometals also mediate the deposition of Abeta amyloid in Alzheimer's disease, since the solubilization of Abeta from post-mortem brain tissue was significantly increased by the presence of chelators, EGTA, N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridyl-methyl) ethylene diamine, and bathocuproine. Efficient extraction of Abeta also required Mg(II) and Ca(II). The chelators were more effective in extracting Abeta from Alzheimer's disease brain tissue than age-matched controls, suggesting that metal ions differentiate the chemical architecture of amyloid in Alzheimer's disease. Agents that specifically chelate copper and zinc ions but preserve Mg(II) and Ca(II) may be of therapeutic value in Alzheimer's disease