334 research outputs found

    Successes, lessons and challenges from grain legume sourcing, processing and marketing: Experiences from Guts Agro Industry

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    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundatio

    Global Epidemiology of Tuberculosis: Past, Present and Future

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    Implications of food-for-work programs for consumption and production diversity: Evidence from the Tigray Region of Ethiopia

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    Food-based transfer programs have the potential to change diets or alter basic crop mixes. This study empirically investigates the associations between participating in food-for-work (FFW) programs and the diversity of food consumption and production. Four waves of panel data from the Tigray Region of Northern Ethiopia, covering the period 2001–2010, are used to estimate a series of panel data regressions. A dose-response model is used to measure how the intensity of FFW participation aligns with dietary outcomes. Results show that FFW participants had greater household dietary diversity compared with non-participants, with an average magnitude equivalent to one-fifth of a standard deviation in the food variety score. When items directly provided by the FFW program are excluded from the variety score, the overall effect is statistically weaker, but similar in sign and magnitude, suggesting modest “crowding in” of dietary diversity from FFW participation. FFW participation was not correlated with changes in production diversity, suggesting that the labor demands of the program did not alter crop choice. Findings have relevance for interventions that aim to improve food security and promote dietary quality in low-income populations.publishedVersio

    Assessing potential locations for flood-based farming using satellite imagery: a case study of Afar region, Ethiopia

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    The dry lowlands of Ethiopia are seasonally affected by long periods of low rainfall and, coinciding with rainfall in the Amhara highlands, flood waters which flow onto the lowlands resulting in damage to landscapes and settlements. In an attempt to convert water from storm generated floods into productive use, this study proposes a methodology using remote sensing data and geographical information system tools to identify potential sites where flood spreading weirs may be installed and farming systems developed which produce food and fodder for poor rural communities. First, land use land cover maps for the study area were developed using Landsat-8 and MODIS temporal data. Sentinel-1 data at 10 and 20m resolution on a 12-day basis were then used to determine flood prone areas. Slope and drainage maps were derived from Shuttle RADAR Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model at 90m spatial resolution. Accuracy assessment using ground survey data showed that overall accuracies (correctness) of the land use/land cover classes were 86% with kappa 0.82. Coinciding with rainfall in the uplands, March and April are the months with flood events in the short growing season (belg) and June, July and August have flood events during the major (meher) season. In the Afar region, there is potentially >0.55m ha land available for development using seasonal flood waters from belg or meher seasons. During the 4 years of monitoring (2015–2018), a minimum of 142,000 and 172,000 ha of land were flooded in the belg and meher seasons, respectively. The dominant flooded areas were found in slope classes of <2% with spatial coverage varying across the districts. We concluded that Afar has a huge potential for flood-based technology implementation and recommend further investigation into the investments needed to support new socio-economic opportunities and implications for the local agro-pastoral communities

    Trends of Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes of Notified Cases in Three Refugee Camps in Sudan: A Four-year Retrospective Analysis, 2014–2017

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    Background: Refugees are vulnerable to tuberculosis (TB) infection. Tracking of program performance is needed to improve TB care and prevention. The objective of this study was to assess the trends of TB treatment outcomes of notified cases in three refugee camps in Sudan from 2014 to 2017. Methods: This study was a historical cohort study. Sex, age, type of TB, TB patient category, and treatment outcome of all TB cases registered in three refugee camps (Al Kashafa, Shagarab, Wadsherify) from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2017 were collected from the TB register. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to explore factors for unsuccessful TB treatment. Results: A total of 710 TB cases of which 53.4% were men, 22.1% children (&lt;15 years), and 36.2% extrapulmonary TB (EPTB) were registered. Overall, the TB treatment success rate was 75.7% with a declining trend from 86.2% in 2015 to 63.5% in 2017. On average, 11.4% were lost to follow-up (LTFU), 6.6% died, 5.9% were not evaluated, and in 0.3% the treatment failed. Being 15–24 years old and having EPTB were significantly associated with unsuccessful treatment outcome. Conclusion: The treatment success rate in the refugee camp in 2017 (63.5%) was far lower than the national treatment success rate (78%) and the End TB global target (≄90%) that needs to be improved. LTFU, died, and not evaluated outcomes were high which indicated the necessity to improve the TB treatment program

    Knowledge, acceptability, and use of misoprostol for preventing postpartum hemorrhage following home births in rural Ethiopia

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    Objective: To assess knowledge of, and intentions to use misoprostol to preventing postpartum hemorrhage by women in a pastoralist community of the Somali Region of Ethiopia. Methods: A cross-sectional study enrolled women aged 15–49 years living in Adadle district, Ethiopia, between April 26 and May 3, 2012. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on participants’ knowledge of misoprostol and if they had any intention to use it in the future. Participants also detailed their preferred healthcare provider for administering misoprostol. Results: A total of 829 women were enrolled in the study. Among the participants, 42 (5.1%) had knowledge of misoprostol and 302 (36.4%) described themselves as being willing to use misoprostol in the future. Among respondents who were willing to use misoprostol in the future, traditional birth attendants were the preferred healthcare practitioners to administer it. Conclusion: Awareness of misoprostol was low in the study sample but willingness to use the drug was somewhat higher. Raising awareness and knowledge among communities and traditional birth attendants regarding the advantages of misoprostol is crucial to enhance uptake and reduce the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage

    Facilitating livelihoods diversification through flood-based land restoration in pastoral systems of Afar, Ethiopia

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    The pastoral systems of Eastern Africa have been affected by the alternated incidence of recurrent drought and flood for the last decades, aggravating poverty and local conflicts. We have introduced an innovation to convert floods to productive use using water spreading weirs (WSW) as an entry point to capture and spread the torrential flood emerging in the neighbouring highlands into rangelands and crop fields of low-lying pastoral systems in Afar, Ethiopia. The productivity and landscape feature have changed from an abandoned field to a productive landscape within 3 years of intervention. The flood patterns and sediment loads created at least four different crop management zones and productivity levels. Based on moisture and nutrient regimes, we developed land suitability maps for integrating crops and forages fitting to specific niches. The outcome was a fast recovery of landscapes, with 150% biomass yield increment, increased access to dry season feed and food. These positive outcomes could be attributed to the proper design of weirs, joint planning and execution between pastoralists, researchers and development agents, identification and availing best-fitting varieties for each management zone and developing simple GIS-based parcel level maps to guide development agents and pastoralists. The major ‘agents’ were community leaders (‘Kedoh Abbobati’) who keenly debated potential benefits and drawbacks of innovations, enforced customary rules and byelaw and suggested changes in approaches and choices of interventions. In general, an innovation system approach helped to create local confidence, attract attention of government institutions and helped local actors to identify investment areas, develop implementation strategies to increase productivity, define changes as it occurs and minimize conflicts between competing communities. However, the risk of de facto use of a plot of communal land translating into long-term occupation and ownership may be impacting a communal territory and social cohesion that was subject to other collective choice customary rules
