26 research outputs found

    Prospects for Annihilating Dark Matter in the inner Galactic halo by the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    We compute the sensitivity to dark matter annihilations for the forthcoming large Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) in several primary channels and over a range of dark matter masses from 30 GeV up to 80 TeV. For all channels, we include inverse Compton scattering of e±^\pm by dark matter annihilations on the ambient photon background, which yields substantial contributions to the overall gamma-ray flux. We improve the analysis over previous work by: i) implementing a spectral and morphological analysis of the gamma-ray emission; ii) taking into account the most up-to-date cosmic ray background obtained from a full CTA Monte Carlo simulation and a description of the diffuse astrophysical emission; and iii) including the systematic uncertainties in the rich observational CTA datasets. We find that our spectral and morphological analysis improves the CTA sensitivity by roughly a factor 2. For the hadronic channels, CTA will be able to probe thermal dark matter candidates over a broad range of masses if the systematic uncertainties in the datasets will be controlled better than the percent level. For the leptonic modes, the CTA sensitivity will be well below the thermal value of the annihilation cross-section. In this case, even with larger systematics, thermal dark matter candidates up to masses of a few TeV will be easily studied.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, v2: Jfactors for two different DM profiles in Tab.1 added; two new plots added; some clarifications and some references added; results unchanged; matches version published on Phys. Rev.

    Recherche de matière noire, observation du centre galactique avec H.E.S.S.et modernisation des caméras de H.E.S.S. I

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    The ground-based Cherenkov telescope array H.E.S.S. (High Energy Stereoscopic System) is able to detect gamma rays at very high energies (E> 50GeV) to probe the most violent non-thermal phenomena in the universe. These gamma rays can also come from dark matter particle annihilation. Gamma-ray astronomy provides a promising avenue to search for signatures of these annihilations in overdense regions of the universe. This thesis is composed of three parts. After a brief reminder of the H.E.S.S. instrument, the performance tests to calibrate the new electronics used for the modernization of the four cameras CT1-4 telescopes are presented. The analysis of the upgraded camera raw data shows a reduction global array dead time allowing to maximize the benefit of the stereoscopy between the 5 telescopes. The second part of the thesis deals with 10 years of observations of the Galactic Center region with H.E.S.S. and recent observations taken with the 28-meter-diameter telescope (CT5) located at the center of the array. The data analysis towards the central source HESS J1745-290 provides access to events at lower energies (100 GeV). The spectrum of the central source is in very good agreement with the one of HESS J1745-290 measured with CT1-4 and data below 150 GeV enable to connect it to the Fermi 3FGHL J1745.6-2859c source spectrum. In the third part, the 10 years of data in the region of the Galactic Centre with the first phase of H.E.S.S. are scanned for a dark matter annihilation signal using a likelihood method using the spectral and spatial characteristics of the dark matter signal compared to background. No dark matter signal is detected. The constraints are calculated on the annihilation cross section and, for the first time, a ground-based Cherenkov telescope array is capable to probe the thermal cross section in the case of a cuspy dark matter profile. The sensitivity of the annihilation cross section of the H.E.S.S. instrument using CT5 is then presented toward the Galactic Center and the recently discovered dwarf galaxy Reticulum II. The last part of the thesis studies the potential of the future ground-based instrument CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) for the detection of dark matter annihilation signal. Towards the Galactic Center region, the expected dark matter signal is significantly increased by the contribution of gamma rays produced by inverse Compton process of energetic electrons and positrons on ambient radiation fields. The sensitivity obtained enables CTA to probe the thermal cross section in all annihilation channels for a cuspy dark matter profile. The impact on CTA sensitivity of systematic errors and diffuse emission measured by Fermi is also shown. In the case of dwarf galaxy satellites of the Milky Way, the CTA performances enable to consider them as extended objects and provide a competitive sensitivity with the Galactic Centre sensitivity for a kpc-core profile. In the case of a line signal, CTA will be able to strongly constrain specific TeV dark matter models through the Sommerfeld effect, as Wino and MDM-5plet.Le réseau de 5 télescopes Tcherenkov au sol H.E.S.S. (High Energy Stereoscopic System) permet de détecter des rayons gamma à très hautes énergies (E>50GeV) pour sonder les phénomènes non thermiques les plus violents de l'univers. Ces rayons gamma peuvent provenir de l'annihilation de particules de matière noire. L'astronomie gamma permet donc de rechercher les signatures de l'annihilation de particules de matière noire dans les régions denses de l'univers. Cette thèse est composée de trois parties. Après un bref rappel sur l'instrument H.E.S.S., sont présentés en premier lieu les tests de performance effectués pour l'étalonnage de la nouvelle électronique utilisée pour la modernisation des caméras des quatre télescopes CT1 à 4. L'analyse des premières données de la caméra CT1 modernisée montre la réduction du temps mort de lecture du réseau qui permettra de bénéficier pleinement de la stéréoscopie entre les 5 télescopes du réseau. La deuxième partie de la thèse traite des 10 ans d'observations de la région du Centre Galactique avec H.E.S.S. ainsi que les récentes observations obtenues avec l'ajout en 2012 du télescope de 28 mètres de diamètre (CT5) au centre du réseau. L'analyse des données de CT5 en direction de la source centrale HESS J1745-290 permet d'avoir accès aux événements aux plus basses énergies accessibles avec H.E.S.S. (100 GeV). Le spectre de la source centrale est en très bon accord avec celui de HESS J1745-290 mesuré avec CT1-4 et les données en dessous de 150 GeV permettent de raccorder ce dernier à celui de la source Fermi 3FGHL J1745.6-2859c.Dans la troisième partie, les 10 ans de données dans la région du Centre Galactique avec la première phase de H.E.S.S sont analysés pour rechercher un signal d'annihilation de matière noire à l'aide d'une méthode de vraisemblance utilisant les caractéristiques spectrale et spatiale du signal de matière noire par rapport à celles du bruit de fond. En l'absence de signal matière noire, les contraintes sont calculées sur la section efficace d'annihilation et, pour la première fois, un réseau de télescope Tcherenkov au sol est capable de sonder la section efficace d'annihilation thermique dans le cas d'un profil de matière noire piqué. La sensibilité sur la section efficace d'annihilation de l'instrument H.E.S.S. utilisant CT5 est ensuite présentée vers le Centre Galactique et la galaxie naine récemment découverte Reticulum II. La dernière partie de cette thèse étudie le potentiel du futur réseau de télescopes Tcherenkov CTA, (Cherenkov Telescope Array) pour la détection d'un signal d'annihilation de matière noire. Vers la région du Centre Galactique le signal de matière noire attendu est significativement augmenté par la contribution de rayons gamma produits par effet Compton inverse d'électrons et positrons énergétiques sur les champs de radiation ambiants. La sensibilité obtenue permet à CTA de sonder la section efficace d'annihilation thermique dans tous les canaux d'annihilation dans le cas d’un profil de matière noire piqué. L’impact sur la sensibilité de CTA des erreurs systématiques et de l’émission diffuse mesurée par Fermi est aussi montré. Dans le cas des galaxies naines satellites de la Voie Lactée, les performances de CTA permettent de les considérer comme des objets spatialement étendus, et d'obtenir une sensibilité compétitive avec celle du Centre Galactique dans le cas d’un profil à cœur de plusieurs kpc. Dans le cas d'un signal de matière noire de type ligne, CTA sera capable de contraindre fortement des modèles spécifiques de matière noire au TeV grâce à l'effet Sommerfeld, comme le Wino et le MDM-5plet

    Exposure to negative socio-emotional events induces sustained alteration of resting-state brain networks in older adults

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    Basic emotional functions seem well preserved in older adults. However, their reactivity to and recovery from socially negative events remain poorly characterized. To address this, we designed a ‘task–rest’ paradigm in which 182 participants from two independent experiments underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while exposed to socio-emotional videos. Experiment 1 (N = 55) validated the task in young and older participants and unveiled age-dependent effects on brain activity and connectivity that predominated in resting periods after (rather than during) negative social scenes. Crucially, emotional elicitation potentiated subsequent resting-state connectivity between default mode network and amygdala exclusively in older adults. Experiment 2 replicated these results in a large older adult cohort (N = 127) and additionally showed that emotion-driven changes in posterior default mode network–amygdala connectivity were associated with anxiety, rumination and negative thoughts. These findings uncover the neural dynamics of empathy-related functions in older adults and help understand its relationship to poor social stress recovery

    Worry and ruminative brooding: associations with cognitive and physical health in older adults

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    IntroductionMental health conditions are associated with cognition and physical function in older adults. We examined whether worry and ruminative brooding, key symptoms of certain mental health conditions, are related to subjective and/or objective measures of cognitive and physical (cardiovascular) health.MethodsWe used baseline data from 282 participants from the SCD-Well and Age-Well trials (178 female; agemean = 71.1 years). We measured worry and ruminative brooding using the Penn State Worry Questionnaire and the Ruminative Response Scale-brooding subscale. We assessed subjective physical health using the WHOQOL-Bref physical subscale, and objective physical health via blood pressure and modified versions of the Framingham Risk Score and Charlson Comorbidity Index. With subjective and objective cognition, we utilized the Cognitive Difficulties Scale and a global composite (modified Preclinical Alzheimer’s Cognitive Composite, PACC5, with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV, category fluency, Mattis Dementia Rating Scale-2, and either the California Verbal Learning Test or the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test). We conducted linear regressions, adjusted for education, age, sex and cohort.ResultsWorry and ruminative brooding were negatively associated with subjective physical health (worry: β = −0.245, 95%CI −0.357 to −0.133, p < 0.001; ruminative brooding: β = −0.224, 95%CI −0.334 to −0.113, p < 0.001) and subjective cognitive difficulties (worry: β = 0.196, 95%CI 0.091 to 0.302, p < 0.001; ruminative brooding: β = 0.239, 95%CI 0.133 to 0.346, p < 0.001). We did not observe associations between worry or ruminative brooding and any measure of objective health.DiscussionWorry and ruminative brooding may be common mechanisms associated with subjective but not objective health. Alternatively, cognitively unimpaired older adults may become aware of subtle changes not captured by objective measures used in this study. Interventions reducing worry and ruminative brooding may promote subjective physical and cognitive health; however, more research is needed to determine causality of the relationships

    Search for dark matter, Galactic Center observation with H.E.S.S. and upgrade of the H.E.S.S. I camera

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    Le réseau de 5 télescopes Tcherenkov au sol H.E.S.S. (High Energy Stereoscopic System) permet de détecter des rayons gamma à très hautes énergies (E>50GeV) pour sonder les phénomènes non thermiques les plus violents de l'univers. Ces rayons gamma peuvent provenir de l'annihilation de particules de matière noire. L'astronomie gamma permet donc de rechercher les signatures de l'annihilation de particules de matière noire dans les régions denses de l'univers. Cette thèse est composée de trois parties. Après un bref rappel sur l'instrument H.E.S.S., sont présentés en premier lieu les tests de performance effectués pour l'étalonnage de la nouvelle électronique utilisée pour la modernisation des caméras des quatre télescopes CT1 à 4. L'analyse des premières données de la caméra CT1 modernisée montre la réduction du temps mort de lecture du réseau qui permettra de bénéficier pleinement de la stéréoscopie entre les 5 télescopes du réseau. La deuxième partie de la thèse traite des 10 ans d'observations de la région du Centre Galactique avec H.E.S.S. ainsi que les récentes observations obtenues avec l'ajout en 2012 du télescope de 28 mètres de diamètre (CT5) au centre du réseau. L'analyse des données de CT5 en direction de la source centrale HESS J1745-290 permet d'avoir accès aux événements aux plus basses énergies accessibles avec H.E.S.S. (100 GeV). Le spectre de la source centrale est en très bon accord avec celui de HESS J1745-290 mesuré avec CT1-4 et les données en dessous de 150 GeV permettent de raccorder ce dernier à celui de la source Fermi 3FGHL J1745.6-2859c.Dans la troisième partie, les 10 ans de données dans la région du Centre Galactique avec la première phase de H.E.S.S sont analysés pour rechercher un signal d'annihilation de matière noire à l'aide d'une méthode de vraisemblance utilisant les caractéristiques spectrale et spatiale du signal de matière noire par rapport à celles du bruit de fond. En l'absence de signal matière noire, les contraintes sont calculées sur la section efficace d'annihilation et, pour la première fois, un réseau de télescope Tcherenkov au sol est capable de sonder la section efficace d'annihilation thermique dans le cas d'un profil de matière noire piqué. La sensibilité sur la section efficace d'annihilation de l'instrument H.E.S.S. utilisant CT5 est ensuite présentée vers le Centre Galactique et la galaxie naine récemment découverte Reticulum II. La dernière partie de cette thèse étudie le potentiel du futur réseau de télescopes Tcherenkov CTA, (Cherenkov Telescope Array) pour la détection d'un signal d'annihilation de matière noire. Vers la région du Centre Galactique le signal de matière noire attendu est significativement augmenté par la contribution de rayons gamma produits par effet Compton inverse d'électrons et positrons énergétiques sur les champs de radiation ambiants. La sensibilité obtenue permet à CTA de sonder la section efficace d'annihilation thermique dans tous les canaux d'annihilation dans le cas d’un profil de matière noire piqué. L’impact sur la sensibilité de CTA des erreurs systématiques et de l’émission diffuse mesurée par Fermi est aussi montré. Dans le cas des galaxies naines satellites de la Voie Lactée, les performances de CTA permettent de les considérer comme des objets spatialement étendus, et d'obtenir une sensibilité compétitive avec celle du Centre Galactique dans le cas d’un profil à cœur de plusieurs kpc. Dans le cas d'un signal de matière noire de type ligne, CTA sera capable de contraindre fortement des modèles spécifiques de matière noire au TeV grâce à l'effet Sommerfeld, comme le Wino et le MDM-5plet.The ground-based Cherenkov telescope array H.E.S.S. (High Energy Stereoscopic System) is able to detect gamma rays at very high energies (E> 50GeV) to probe the most violent non-thermal phenomena in the universe. These gamma rays can also come from dark matter particle annihilation. Gamma-ray astronomy provides a promising avenue to search for signatures of these annihilations in overdense regions of the universe. This thesis is composed of three parts. After a brief reminder of the H.E.S.S. instrument, the performance tests to calibrate the new electronics used for the modernization of the four cameras CT1-4 telescopes are presented. The analysis of the upgraded camera raw data shows a reduction global array dead time allowing to maximize the benefit of the stereoscopy between the 5 telescopes. The second part of the thesis deals with 10 years of observations of the Galactic Center region with H.E.S.S. and recent observations taken with the 28-meter-diameter telescope (CT5) located at the center of the array. The data analysis towards the central source HESS J1745-290 provides access to events at lower energies (100 GeV). The spectrum of the central source is in very good agreement with the one of HESS J1745-290 measured with CT1-4 and data below 150 GeV enable to connect it to the Fermi 3FGHL J1745.6-2859c source spectrum. In the third part, the 10 years of data in the region of the Galactic Centre with the first phase of H.E.S.S. are scanned for a dark matter annihilation signal using a likelihood method using the spectral and spatial characteristics of the dark matter signal compared to background. No dark matter signal is detected. The constraints are calculated on the annihilation cross section and, for the first time, a ground-based Cherenkov telescope array is capable to probe the thermal cross section in the case of a cuspy dark matter profile. The sensitivity of the annihilation cross section of the H.E.S.S. instrument using CT5 is then presented toward the Galactic Center and the recently discovered dwarf galaxy Reticulum II. The last part of the thesis studies the potential of the future ground-based instrument CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) for the detection of dark matter annihilation signal. Towards the Galactic Center region, the expected dark matter signal is significantly increased by the contribution of gamma rays produced by inverse Compton process of energetic electrons and positrons on ambient radiation fields. The sensitivity obtained enables CTA to probe the thermal cross section in all annihilation channels for a cuspy dark matter profile. The impact on CTA sensitivity of systematic errors and diffuse emission measured by Fermi is also shown. In the case of dwarf galaxy satellites of the Milky Way, the CTA performances enable to consider them as extended objects and provide a competitive sensitivity with the Galactic Centre sensitivity for a kpc-core profile. In the case of a line signal, CTA will be able to strongly constrain specific TeV dark matter models through the Sommerfeld effect, as Wino and MDM-5plet

    Prospects for annihilating Dark Matter towards Milky Way's dwarf galaxies by the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    International audienceWe derive the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) sensitivity to dark matter (DM) annihilation in several primary channels, over a broad range of DM masses. These sensitivities are estimated when CTA is pointed towards a large sample of Milky Way's dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) with promising J-factors and small statistical uncertainties. This analysis neglects systematic uncertainties, which we estimate at the level of at least 1 dex. We also present sensitivities on the annihilation cross section from a combined analysis of 4 dSphs. We assess the CTA sensitivity by: i) using, for each dSph, a recent determination of the J-factor and its statistical error, ii) considering the most up-to-date cosmic ray background, and iii) including both spatial and spectral terms in the likelihood analysis. We find that a joint spectral and spatial analysis improves the CTA sensitivity, in particular for primary channels with sharp features in the γ-ray energy spectrum and for dSphs with steep J-factor profiles, as deduced from the internal kinematics. The greatest sensitivities are obtained for observations of Ursa Minor among the classical dSphs and of Ursa Major II for ultra-faint dSphs

    Astro-COLIBRI: a new platform for real-time multi-messenger astrophysics

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    International audienceFlares of known astronomical sources and new transient phenomena occur on different timescales, from sub-seconds to several days or weeks. The discovery potential of both serendipitous observations and multi-messenger and multi-wavelength follow-up observations could be maximized with a tool which allows for quickly acquiring an overview over both persistent sources as well as transient events in the relevant phase space. We here present COincidence LIBrary for Real-time Inquiry (Astro-COLIBRI), a novel and comprehensive tool for this task.Astro-COLIBRI's architecture comprises a RESTful API, a real-time database, a cloud-based alert system and a website as well as apps for iOS and Android as clients for users. The structure of Astro-COLIBRI is optimized for performance and reliability and exploits concepts such as multi-index database queries, a global content delivery network (CDN), and direct data streams from the database to the clients to allow for a seemless user experience. Astro-COLIBRI evaluates incoming VOEvent messages of astronomical observations in real time, filters them by user specified criteria and puts them into their MWL and MM context. The clients provide a graphical representation with an easy to grasp summary of the relevant data to allow for the fast identification of interesting phenomena and provides an assessment of observing conditions at a large selection of observatories around the world.In this contribution, the key features of Astro-COLIBRI are presented. We'll outline the architecture, summarize the used data resources and provide examples for applications and use cases. Focussing on the high-energy domain, we'll for example showcase the search for high-energy gamma-ray counterparts to high-energy neutrinos, gamma-ray bursts and gravitational waves

    Dark Matter in γ lines: Galactic Center vs. dwarf galaxies

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    International audienceWe provide CTA sensitivities to Dark Matter (DM) annihilation in γ-ray lines, from the observation of the Galactic Center (GC) as well as, for the first time, of dwarf Spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). We compare the GC reach with that of dSphs as a function of a putative core radius of the DM distribution, which is itself poorly known. We find that the currently best dSph candidates constitute a more promising target than the GC, for core radii of one to a few kpc. We use the most recent instrument response functions and background estimations by CTA, on top of which we add the diffuse photon component. Our analysis is of particular interest for TeV-scale electroweak multiplets as DM candidates, such as the supersymmetric Wino and the Minimal Dark Matter fiveplet, whose predictions we compare with our projected sensitivities

    Astro-COLIBRI 2—An Advanced Platform for Real-Time Multi-Messenger Discoveries

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    The study of flaring astrophysical events in the multi-messenger approach requires instantaneous follow-up observations to better understand the nature of these events through complementary observational data. We present Astro-COLIBRI as a platform that integrates specific tools in the real-time multi-messenger ecosystem. The Astro-COLIBRI platform bundles and evaluates alerts about transients from various channels. It further automates the coordination of follow-up observations by providing and linking detailed information through its comprehensible graphical user interface. We present the functionalities with documented examples of Astro-COLIBRI usage through the community since its public release in August 2021. We highlight the use cases of Astro-COLIBRI for planning follow-up observations by professional and amateur astronomers, as well as checking predictions from theoretical models

    Sgr A* Observations with H.E.S.S. II

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    International audienceThe Galactic Centre has been studied with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) for over 10 years, revealing a bright, complex gamma-ray morphology. Besides a strong point-like very-high-energy gamma-ray source coincident with the supermassive black hole Sgr A*, pre- vious analyses also revealed a diffuse ridge of gamma-ray emission, indicative of a powerful cosmic-ray accelerator in this region. The addition of a fifth telescope with 600 m 2 mirror area to the centre of the H.E.S.S. array has increased the energy range accessible, allowing observations to take place down to 100 GeV and potentially below. This wider energy range allows an important overlap in observations with satellite instruments such as the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray telescope. We will present the results of new H.E.S.S observations of the Galactic Centre region and show a detailed analysis of the central source, including comparisons to results at other wavelengths