161 research outputs found

    Inside the eco-home: using video to understand the implications of innovative housing

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    As a method of qualitative research, video offers a means of looking into the world of a respondent and a means of stimulating a dialogue, both with the respondent and others. Video requires, however, the application of additional ethical procedures and may also increase refusal rates, if it is publicly disseminated. Applied to the home, the use of video reveals both practice and identity. Video records practice, showing how the spaces within a home are used at a particular time. For this reason, video is well adapted to understanding the implications of living in a home with an innovative design and technology, with all the complexities that this commonly involves. Equally, video communicates the appearance of the home and of its occupants to whoever is watching. Video is, therefore, intimately connected to identity and the home as a place

    Clonal interference of signaling mutations worsens prognosis in core-binding factor acute myeloid leukemia

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    Mutations in receptor tyrosine kinase/RAS signaling pathway genes are frequent in core-binding factor (CBF) acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs), but their prognostic relevance is debated. A subset of CBF AML patients harbors several signaling gene mutations. Genotyping of colonies and of relapse samples indicates that these arise in independent clones, thus defining a process of clonal interference (or parallel evolution). Clonal interference is pervasive in cancers, but the mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear, and its prognostic impact remains unknown. We analyzed a cohort of 445 adult and pediatric patients with CBF AML treated with intensive chemotherapy and with deep sequencing of 6 signaling genes (, , , , , ). A total of 152 (34%), 167 (38%), and 126 (28%) patients harbored no, a single, and multiple signaling clones (clonal interference), respectively. Clonal interference of signaling mutations was associated with older age ( = .004) and inv(16) subtype ( = .025) but not with white blood cell count or mutations in chromatin or cohesin genes. The median allele frequency of signaling mutations was 31% in patients with a single clone or clonal interference ( = .14). The repertoire of , , and / variants differed between groups. Clonal interference did not affect complete remission rate or minimal residual disease after 1-2 courses, but it did convey inferior event-free survival ( < 10), whereas the presence of a single signaling clone did not ( = .44). This inferior outcome was independent of clinical parameters and of the presence of specific signaling clones. Our results suggest that specific clonal architectures can herald distinct prognoses in AML

    Radical, Reformist, and Garden-Variety Neoliberal: Coming to Terms with Urban Agriculture’s Contradictions

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    For many activists and scholars, urban agriculture in the Global North has become synonymous with sustainable food systems, standing in opposition to the dominant industrial agri-food system. At the same time, critical social scientists increasingly argue that urban agriculture programmes, by filling the void left by the rolling back of the social safety net, underwrite neoliberalisation. I argue that such contradictions are central to urban agriculture. Drawing on existing literature and fieldwork in Oakland, CA, I explain how urban agriculture arises from a protective counter-movement, while at the same time entrenching the neoliberal organisation of contemporary urban political economies through its entanglement with multiple processes of neoliberalisation. By focusing on one function or the other, however, rather than understanding such contradictions as internal and inherent, we risk undermining urban agriculture\u27s transformative potential. Coming to terms with its internal contradictions can help activists, policy-makers and practitioners better position urban agriculture within coordinated efforts for structural change, one of many means to an end rather than an end unto itself

    Framing the Real: Lefèbvre and NeoRealist Cinematic Space as Practice

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    In 1945 Roberto Rossellini's Neo-realist Rome, Open City set in motion an approach to cinema and its representation of real life – and by extension real spaces – that was to have international significance in film theory and practice. However, the re-use of the real spaces of the city, and elsewhere, as film sets in Neo-realist film offered (and offers) more than an influential aesthetic and set of cinematic theories. Through Neo-realism, it can be argued that we gain access to a cinematic relational and multidimensional space that is not made from built sets, but by filming the built environment. On the one hand, this space allows us to "notice" the contradictions around us in our cities and, by extension, the societies that have produced those cities, while on the other, allows us to see the spatial practices operative in the production and maintenance of those contradictions. In setting out a template for understanding the spatial practices of Neo-realism through the work of Henri Lefèbvre, this paper opens its films, and those produced today in its wake, to a spatio-political reading of contemporary relevance. We will suggest that the rupturing of divisions between real spaces and the spaces of film locations, as well the blurring of the difference between real life and performed actions for the camera that underlies much of the central importance of Neo-realism, echoes the arguments of Lefèbvre with regard the social production of space. In doing so, we will suggest that film potentially had, and still has, a vital role to play in a critique of contemporary capitalist spatial practices

    Study of mass and momentum transfer in diesel sprays base on X-ray mass distribution measurements and on a theoretical derivation

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    [EN] In this paper, a research aimed at quantifying mass and momentum transfer in the near-nozzle field of diesel sprays injected into stagnant ambient air is reported. The study combines X-ray measurements for two different nozzles and axial positions, which provide mass distributions in the spray, with a theoretical model based on momentum flux conservation, which was previously validated. This investigation has allowed the validation of Gaussian profiles for local fuel concentration and velocity near the nozzle exit, as well as the determination of Schmidt number at realistic diesel spray conditions. This information could be very useful for those who are interested in spray modeling, especially at high-pressure injection conditions. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.This work was partly sponsored by "Vicerrectorado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion'' of the "Universidad Politecnica de Valencia'' in the frame of the project "Estudio del flujo en el interior de toberas de inyeccion Diesel'', reference no. 3150 and by "Generalitat Valenciana'' in the frame of the project with the same title and reference GV/2009/031. This support is gratefully acknowledged by the authors.Desantes, J.; Salvador Rubio, FJ.; López, JJ.; De La Morena, J. (2011). Study of mass and momentum transfer in diesel sprays base on X-ray mass distribution measurements and on a theoretical derivation. Experiments in Fluids. 50(2):233-246. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-010-0919-8S233246502Abramovich GN (1963) The theory of turbulent jets. MIT Press, Cambridge, MAAdler D, Lyn WT (1969) The evaporation and mixing of a liquid fuel spray in a Diesel air swirl. Proc Instn Mech Eng 184:171–180Coghe A, Cossali GE (1994) Phase Doppler characterisation of a Diesel spray injected into a high density gas under vaporisation regimes. In: 7th international symposium on application of laser techniques to fluid mechanics, LisbonCorreas D (1998) Theoretical and experimental study of isothermal Diesel free sprays (in Spanish). PhD Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaCossali GE (2001) An integral model for gas entrainment into full cone sprays. J Fluid Mech 439:353–366Dent JC (1971) A basis for the comparison of various experimental methods for studying spray penetration. SAE Paper 710571Desantes JM, Payri R, Salvador FJ, Gil A (2006a) Deduction and validation of a theoretical model for a free diesel Spray. Fuel 85:910–917Desantes JM, Arrègle J, López JJ, Cronhjort A (2006b) Scaling laws for free turbulent gas jets and Diesel-like sprays. Atomization Spray 16:443–473Desantes JM, Payri R, García JM, Salvador FJ (2007) A contribution to the understanding of isothermal diesel spray dynamics. Fuel 86:1093–1101Dumouchel C (2008) On the experimental investigation on primary atomization of liquid streams. Exp Fluids 45:371–422Heimgärtner C, Leipertz A (2000) of the primary spray break-up close to the nozzle of a common-rail high pressure diesel injection system. SAE Paper 2000-01-1799Hinze JO (1975) Turbulence. McGraw Hill, New YorkHiroyasu H, Arai M (1990) Structures of fuel sprays in diesel engines. SAE Paper 900475Jawad B, Gulari E, Henein NA (1992) Characteristics of intermittent fuel sprays. Combust Flame 88:384–396Lefèbvre AH (1989) Atomization and sprays. Hemisphere, New YorkLeick P, Riedel T, Bittlinger G, Powell CF, Kastengren AL, Wang J (2007) X-Ray measurements of the mass distribution in the dense primary break-up region of the spray from a standard multi-hole common-rail diesel injection system. In: Proc 21st ILASS (Europe)Linne M, Paciaroni M, Hall T, Parker T (2006) Ballistic imaging of the near field in a diesel spray. Exp Fluids 40:836–846Naber J, Siebers DL (1996) Effects of gas density and vaporisation on penetration and dispersion of diesel sprays. SAE Paper 960034Payri F, Bermúdez V, Payri R, Salvador FJ (2004) The influence of cavitation on the internal flow and the Spray characteristics in diesel injection nozzles. Fuel 83:419–431Payri R, García JM, Salvador FJ, Gimeno J (2005) Using spray momentum flux measurements to understand the influence of diesel nozzle geometry on spray characteristics. Fuel 84:551–561Payri R, Tormos B, Salvador FJ, Araneo L (2008) Spray droplet velocity characterization for convergent nozzles with three different diameters. Fuel 87:3176–3182Post S, Iyer V, Abraham J (2000) A study of near-field entrainment in gas jets and sprays under diesel conditions. ASME J Fluids Eng 122:385–395Prasad CMV, Kar S (1976) An investigation on the diffusion of momentum and mass of fuel in a diesel fuel spray. ASME J Eng Power 76-DGP-1:1–11Rajaratnam N (1976) Turbulent jets. Elsevier, AmsterdamRamirez AI, Som S, Aggarwal SK, Kastengren AL, El-Hannouny EM, Longman DE, Powell CF (2009) Quantitative X-ray measurements of high-pressure fuel sprays from a production heavy duty diesel injector. Exp Fluids 47:119–134Reitz RD, Bracco FV (1982) Mechanism of atomisation of a liquid jet. Phys Fluids 25(10):1730–1742Ricou FP, Spalding DB (1961) Measurements of entrainment by axisymmetrical turbulent jets. 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Pergamon Press, New YorkSubramaniam S (2001) Statistical modelling of a spray as using the droplet distribution function. Phys Fluids 13(3):624–642Tanner FX, Feigl A, Ciatti SA, Powell CF, Cheong S-K, Liu J, Wang J (2006) Structure of high-velocity dense sprays in the near-nozzle region. Atomization Spray 16:579–597Way RJB (1977) Investigation of interaction between swirl and jets in direct injection diesel engines using a water model. SAE Paper 770412Wu KJ, Santavicca DA, Bracco FV (1984) LDV measurements of drop velocity in diesel-type sprays. AAIA J 22(9):1263–1270Wu KJ, Reitz RD, Bracco FV (1986) Measurements of drop size at the spray edge near the nozzle in atomising liquid jets. Phys Fluids 29(4):941–951Yue Y, Powell CF, Poola R, Wang J, Schaller JK (2001) Quantitative measurements of diesel fuel spray characteristics in the near-nozzle region using X-ray absorption. Atomization Spray 11(4):471–49

    The ontological consequences of Copernicus: global being in the planetary world

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    This article argues that contemporary space exploration, in producing visual representations of the planetary Earth for terrestrial consumption, has engendered a shift in the way the Earth - as terra firma - is both experienced and conceived. The article goes on to suggest that this shift is a key, but still largely tacit presupposition, underlying contemporary discourses on globalization and cultural cosmopolitanization. However, a close reading of some of the texts that make up the canon of 20th-century European philosophy shows that this idea of a ‘deterritorialized’ planetary Earth challenges some basic presuppositions of that canon: especially its use of the pre-reflective experience of terra firma as a tropic site of intological and normative grounds. This article examines the way in which contemporary Western European philosophy - and intellectual culture generally - has responded to this challenge: and offers Deleuze and Guattari’s idea of the Earth as a ‘surface without territory’ as the most intellectually and ethically viable conception of the Earth in the age of ‘planetary deterritorialization’

    Designing a memorial place

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    The design and selection of a memorial stone and the site of the grave, both of which represent the deceased, can be a central issue for people bereaved by traffic accidents. This was revealed in an interview survey of recent Swedish roadside memorials and other memorial places. In this article we consider the design and selection of the memorial stone and gravesite as expressions of continuing care for the deceased and as a way to offer comfort to the bereaved. Materiality, representation and presence will be discussed as crucial parts of the link between the living and the dead. Communicative, spatial and physical values are important also in the professional's design of common public memorial places. Of specific interest for this text are two design practice-based terms, memory object and passage landscape, which may be used by landscape architects when designing memorial places, such as cemeteries and public monuments. Throughout this text, we argue that memorial places like these are capable of bridging the gap between the space of life and the space of death, as well as supporting the regeneration of present memories and the construction of future ones

    Tradition, modernity and gender in the Arab home: a study from Tripoli (Libya)

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    This socio-spatial study explores the meaning of home in an Arab context in terms of the response of residents to three case study sites that reflect different eras of development and involve different house types- traditional courtyard houses in the Medina and two collective housing estates. Based upon the triadic distinctions of Lefèbvre, a mixed methodology is applied to these case study sites, with relevant information coming from interviews and focus groups with architects and residents, a satisfaction survey and a space syntax analysis. Unlike many previous studies, the interviews and focus groups document the experience and views of female residents. The results highlight the continuing impact of religion and culture on the meaning of the home. The Arab-Libyan home constitutes a family and a feminine ideal, based on gender segregation and female privacy. The traditional courtyard house offers a suitable house type, but not the only possible type that meets the practices and preferences of Arab Libyan families