90 research outputs found

    Native or Introduced? Fossil Pollen and Spores may Say. An Example from the Azores Islands

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    Aim: Among the various possible approaches to assess whether a species is native or introduced, the analysis of subfossil pollen and spores from natural archives is a valuable tool. Requirements include a sufficiently high taxonomic resolution of the pollen morphology, as well as sufficient temporal and spatial resolution. The aim of this study is to show the usefulness of this method in solving whether the taxon is native or introduced. Location: The results are derived from two islands of the Azores: Flores and Pico. Methods: Analysis of pollen and spores in lake sediments; radiocarbon dating of the studied sediments. Results: Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A. Braun has occurred on the Azores Islands at least for the last 6000 years. Main conclusions: Different authors had assigned three different types of status to Selaginella kraussiana: native, introduced (invasive), or uncertain. High numbers of spores of this taxon were present in the sediment cores from the two studied lakes already several thousand years before the Portuguese discovery and the Flemish settlement in the 15th century. This proves that the species is native on the Azores Islands. Pollen and spore analysis can therefore contribute to historical biogeography not only regarding questions about pre-Quaternary plate tectonics but also about early human impact

    Postglacial fire regime changes and vegetation dynamics at Lake Victoria, Africa

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    Lake Victoria is the largest tropical lake on the planet. Located in East Africa at an altitude of 1135 m asl, it lies across the limits between two major climatic zones with a temperature and moisture gradient and associated tropical biomes, the rain forest, and the savanna. At higher altitudes > 1200-2500 m a.s.l. temperatures are significantly lower and vegetation forms an Afromontane belt. Primarily triggered by climate shifts, these three biomes and fire regimes have been dynamically interspersing over the last 17,000 years. Here, we present a robust 14C chronology mainly based on macroscopic charcoal using the MICADAS system of LARA at the University of Bern, new palynological data used as biostratigraphic control, and the first continuous charcoal record in Lake Victoria to establish the fire history. Our pollen and macro-charcoal records, support the assumption that throughout time regional fire dynamics are controlled by biome's changes, and that climate was the main driver of these vegetation shifts at least until the Iron Age. Our results indicate that during the Last Glacial Maxima and Heinrich Stadial 1, under dry and colder climates the savanna was dominating, with low fire regimes before 15,000 cal yr BP and increased fire occurrence between 15,000 and 14,000 cal yr BP. After this period, the Afromontane forest started to expand, and warmer and humid climates promoted the growth of rain forests and reduced fire events, which is particularly observed in the African Humid Period (between ca. 11,500 and 5000 cal yr BP). Subsequently, our records indicate a global maximum of fire occurrence at 5000 cal yr BP, followed by unexpectedly low fire regimes during the Iron Age and the subsequent periods. This work is part of a SINERGIA project funded by the Swiss National Foundation which seeks to unravel the long-term causes and consequences of Lake Victoria's ecosystem dynamics with a special focus on the evolution of fish species and other biotas from the late Pleistocene to the present

    Palynological investigations reveal Eemian interglacial vegetation dynamics at Spiezberg, Bernese Alps, Switzerland

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    Interglacial pollen records are valuable archives of past vegetation dynamics and provide important information about vegetation responses to different-than-today climates. Interglacial pollen archives pre-dating the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) are scarce on the Swiss Plateau in contrast to the many available Late Glacial and Holocene records. This is mainly due to the rapidly changing palaeo- environmental conditions throughout the Quaternary and the low preservation potential of material suitable for palynological investigations. The Spiezberg site offers a palynological record situated most proximal to the Alps in Switzerland. Previous investigations tentatively assigned this record to the Eemian interglacial (MIS 5e). We have conducted additional pollen analytical investigations to increase the quantity of pollen information. Besides biostratigraphic interpretations, we use numerical methods such as distance analysis (distantia) and ordination techniques (PCA) to evaluate the similarities and differences between the Spiezberg record and its geographically and chronostratigraphically closest physically dated (U/Th, luminescence) analogues from the Eemian (MIS 5e) and Meikirch 3 (MIS 7a) interglacials. Our palynological investigations reveal the predominance of closed temperate forests with abundant fir (Abies) and spruce (Picea) as well as evergreen broad-leaved taxa (e.g. Hedera). The attri- bution to the Eemian interglacial relies on the observation of very rare beech (Fagus) occurrences, a phase with prominent yew (Taxus) and the unimportance of hornbeam (Carpinus), all of which are typical Eemian features on the Swiss Plateau. An Eemian age is supported by the numerical comparison with the Beerenmo€sli (MIS 5e) and Meikirch 3 (MIS 7a) reference records. Furthermore, the Picea, Taxus and Fagus dynamics observed on the Swiss Plateau during the Eemian are in excellent agreement with vegetational patterns observed elsewhere in Central Europe. Surprisingly, Carpinus was almost absent on the Swiss Plateau during the Eemian, whereas it was a major component of the forest at other European sites with a similar elevation as Spiezberg. We explain this by environmental conditions and the strong competition with Abies alba. In particular, considering the European Eemian vegetation history and the results of our reconstructions from the Swiss Plateau, we find that Abies alba was a highly competitive tree under natural warmer-than-today conditions. This finding provides further evidence that Abies alba may benefit from future climate warming

    Characterisation of puroindoline genes in wild tetraploid and hexaploid wheats (Triticum araraticum; T. timopheevii and T. zhukovskyi)

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    Treatment with cisplatin-containing chemotherapy regimens causes hearing loss in 40-60% of cancer patients. It has been suggested that genetic variants in the genes encoding thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT) and catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT) can predict the development of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity and may explain interindividual variability in sensitivity to cisplatin-induced hearing loss. Two recently published studies however, sought to validate these findings and showed inconsistent results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of polymorphisms in the TPMT and COMT genes in cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. Therefore we investigated two independent cohorts of 110 Dutch and 38 Spanish patients with osteosarcoma and performed a meta-analysis including all previously published studies resulting in a total population of 664 patients with cancer. With this largest meta-analysis performed to date, we show that the influence of TPMT and COMT on the development of cisplatin-induced hearing loss may be less important than previously suggested

    Volcano- and climate-driven changes in atmospheric dust sources and fluxes since the Late Glacial in Central Europe

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    International audienceAtmospheric dusts are an important part of the global climate system, and play an important role in the marine and terrestrial bio- geochemical cycles of major and trace nutrient elements. A peat bog record of atmospheric deposition shows considerable variation in dust deposition during the past 15 k.y., with abrupt changes in fluxes at 12, 9.2, 8.4, 7.2, and 6 cal. kyr B.P. Using Nd isotopes and rare earth elements, it is possible to clearly distinguish between volcanic inputs and those driven by climate change, such as the long-term aridification of the Sahara and regional erosion due to forest clearing and soil cultivation activities. Our results indicate that a major dust event in North Africa and Europe preceded the 8.2 kyr B.P. cold event by 200 yr. This dust event may have played an active role in the following climate cooling of the 8.2 kyr B.P. event. Nd isotope evidence also indicates a relatively slow change in dust regime over Europe from 7 to 5 kyr B.P. due to Sahara expansion. These fi ndings show that the inorganic fraction in high-resolution peat records can provide remarkably sensitive indicators of dust load and sources. Our study supports the priority to better identify the impact of dust loading during the Holocene in terms of direct and indirect impacts on environmental and climate changes

    Long-term ecological successions of vegetation around Lake Victoria (East Africa) in response to latest Pleistocene and Early Holocene climatic changes

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    Reconstructions of ecosystem dynamics in tropical East Africa during the latest Pleistocene and the Holocene provide important long-term ecological insights, but so far, only a few, sometimes incomplete terrestrial records exist. In this paper, we present a new high-resolution palynological record from the Lake Victoria basin, covering the period from 16,600 to 9000 cal yr BP, when Afromontane forests and tropical rainforests gradually replaced the savanna. We discuss this dataset in the context of published palaeoclimate data, TEX86 inferred temperature and δD leaf wax inferred precipitation records, to assess long-term ecological successions and their potential causes. By ca. 16,500 cal yr BP, the movement of the Afrotropical rainbelt, not only brought an increase in temperature and moisture into the Lake Victoria basin, but also promoted the spread of arboreal taxa, such as Celtis and Podocarpus, at the expense of the savanna. At that time, fires were prominent in the sparse Afromontane vegetation. Later from ca. 15,500–15,000 cal yr BP, temperature and humidity rose and Afromontane trees such as Olea and Macaranga spread slightly, while grasses were burning in the savanna. During the period from 13,250 to 10,700 cal yr BP, Afromontane vegetation dominated by Olea became more prominent and expanded towards the lowlands where the tropical rainforest or gallery forest established; however, the savanna only marginally retreated. An initial spread of tropical rainforests occurred from ca. 11,500–11,100 cal yr BP during the onset of the Holocene, when temperatures and moisture further increased. Subsequently, between 10,700 and 10,300 cal yr BP the tropical savanna was largely replaced by the tropical rainforest, while the Afromontane forest likely spread to higher elevations, similar to the patterns observed today. Our high-resolution record demonstrates the dynamic response of African tropical ecosystems to major temperature and humidity variations from 16,600 to 9000 cal yr BP, including some of the most important landscape transformations in East Africa in the past 20,000 years

    Multiclonal complexity of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia and the prognostic relevance of subclonal mutations

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    Genomic studies of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) have shown remarkable heterogeneity in initial diagnosis, with multiple (sub)clones harboring lesions in relapse-associated genes. However, the clinical relevance of these subclonal alterations remains unclear. We assessed the clinical relevance and prognostic value of subclonal alterations in the relapse-associated genes IKZF1, CREBBP, KRAS, NRAS, PTPN11, TP53, NT5C2, and WHSC1 in 503 ALL cases. Using molecular inversion probe sequencing and breakpoint-spanning polymerase chain reaction analysis we reliably detected alterations with an allele frequency below 1%. We identified 660 genomic alterations in 285 diagnostic samples of which 495 (75%) were subclonal. RAS pathway mutations were common, particularly in minor subclones, and comparisons between RAS hotspot mutations revealed differences in their capacity to drive clonal expansion in ALL. We did not find an association of subclonal alterations with unfavorable outcome. Particularly for IKZF1, an established prognostic marker in ALL, all clonal but none of the subclonal alterations were preserved at relapse. We conclude that, for the genes tested, there is no basis to consider subclonal alterations detected at diagnosis for risk group stratification of ALL treatment.Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    Original plant diversity and ecosystems of a small, remote oceanic island (Corvo, Azores): Implications for biodiversity conservation

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    Remote islands harbour many endemic species and unique ecosystems. They are also some of the world's most human-impacted systems. It is essential to understand how island species and ecosystems behaved prior to major anthropogenic disruption as a basis for their conservation. This research aims to reconstruct the original, pre-colonial biodiversity of a remote oceanic island to understand the scale of past extinctions, vegetation changes and biodiversity knowledge gaps. We studied fossil remains from the North Atlantic island of Corvo (Azores), including pollen, charcoal, plant macrofossils, diatoms and geochemistry of wetland sediments from the central crater of the island, Caldeirão. A comprehensive list of current vascular plant species was compiled, along with a translation table comparing fossilized pollen to plant species and a framework for identifying extinctions and misclassifications. Pollen and macrofossils provide evidence for eight local extinctions from the island's flora and show that four species listed as ‘introduced’ are native. Up to 23% of the pollen taxa represent extinct/misclassified species. Corvo's past environment was dynamic, shifting from glacial-era open vegetation to various Holocene forest communities, then almost completely deforested by fires, erosion and grazing following Portuguese colonisation. Historical human impacts explain high ecological turnover, several unrecorded extinctions and the present-day abundance of vegetation types like Sphagnum blanket mire. We use Corvo as a case study on how fossil inventories can address the Wallacean and Hookerian biodiversity knowledge gaps on remote islands. Accurate baselines allow stakeholders to make informed conservation decisions using limited financial and human resources, particularly on islands where profound anthropogenic disruption occurred before comprehensive ecological research