162 research outputs found

    Maximising export returns (MER): Communicating New Zealand's credence attributes to international consumers

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    This research used semi-structured key informant interviews with twenty-one European gatekeepers and twelve New Zealand exporters. Gatekeepers were defined as manufacturers, importers, distributors or retail customers who controlled the flow of product and information through the supply chain to the final consumer. The research indicated that the credence attributes of New Zealand food products were important to consumers but they were frequently filtered out through the distribution channel where products get further processed, repackaged and rebranded, or became an ingredient in another food product. As a result, a large percentage of New Zealand food exports arrived at the consumer unbranded and not identified with their New Zealand origin so they did not have New Zealand-specific credence attributes associated with them. The majority of New Zealand’s beef and dairy exports were unbranded commodities that entered the manufacturing sector as raw materials or ingredients for processed products. Likewise, significant proportions of lamb and venison exports entered the food service sector and were delivered to hotels, restaurants and institutions where they were, frequently, not identified to the consumer as being of New Zealand origin. The main products that were consistently branded and reached consumers with identification of New Zealand origin were kiwifruit, apples and wine

    Pengembangan Lks Memanfaatkan Laboratorium Virtual Pada Materi Optik Fisis Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik

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    This development research aimed to develop student worksheet by using PhET simulation for students, and described attractiveness, easiness, useful student worksheet, and effectiveness by assessment in cognitive and affective aspects at students of grade XI MIA 2 in SMA N 1 Pringsewu. Development procedure consist of the potentials and problems, gathering the data, product design, validity design, revision design, and product test. Product which had been validated, showed that student worksheet was very interesting, easy, and very useful and it was effective as learning media with percentage of the student study result more than 80% had reached the passing grade in cognitive and affective aspects.Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKS dengan menggunakan simulasi PhET bagi siswa, dan men­deskripsikan kemenarikan, kemudahan, dan kemanfaatan LKS, serta efektivitas melalui penilaian dalam aspek kognitif dan afektif pada siswa kelas XI MIA 2 di SMA N 1 Pringsewu. Prosedur pengembangan meliputi potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validitas desain, desain revisi, dan uji produk. Produk yang telah divalidasi, menunjukkan bahwa LKS sangat menarik, mudah, dan sangat bermanfaat, serta produk efektif sebagai media pembelajaran dengan persentase hasil belajar siswa lebih dari 80% telah mencapai kelulusan dalam aspek kognitif dan afektif

    Reduced fetal growth velocity and weight loss are associated with adverse perinatal outcome in fetuses at risk of growth restriction.

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    BACKGROUND Although fetal size is associated with adverse perinatal outcome, the relationship between fetal growth velocity and adverse perinatal outcome is unclear. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between fetal growth velocity and signs of cerebral blood flow redistribution, and their association with birthweight and adverse perinatal outcome. STUDY DESIGN This study was a secondary analysis of the TRUFFLE-2 multicenter observational prospective feasibility study of fetuses at risk of fetal growth restriction between 32+0 and 36+6 weeks of gestation (n=856), evaluated by ultrasound biometry and umbilical and middle cerebral artery Doppler. Individual fetal growth velocity was calculated from the difference of birthweight and estimated fetal weight at 3, 2, and 1 week before delivery, and by linear regression of all available estimated fetal weight measurements. Fetal estimated weight and birthweight were expressed as absolute value and as multiple of the median for statistical calculation. The coefficients of the individual linear regression of estimated fetal weight measurements (growth velocity; g/wk) were plotted against the last umbilical-cerebral ratio with subclassification for perinatal outcome. The association of these measurements with adverse perinatal outcome was assessed. The adverse perinatal outcome was a composite of abnormal condition at birth or major neonatal morbidity. RESULTS Adverse perinatal outcome was more frequent among fetuses whose antenatal growth was <100 g/wk, irrespective of signs of cerebral blood flow redistribution. Infants with birthweight <0.65 multiple of the median were enrolled earlier, had the lowest fetal growth velocity, higher umbilical-cerebral ratio, and were more likely to have adverse perinatal outcome. A decreasing fetal growth velocity was observed in 163 (19%) women in whom the estimated fetal weight multiple of the median regression coefficient was <-0.025, and who had higher umbilical-cerebral ratio values and more frequent adverse perinatal outcome; 67 (41%; 8% of total group) of these women had negative growth velocity. Estimated fetal weight and umbilical-cerebral ratio at admission and fetal growth velocity combined by logistic regression had a higher association with adverse perinatal outcome than any of those parameters separately (relative risk, 3.3; 95% confidence interval, 2.3-4.8). CONCLUSION In fetuses at risk of late preterm fetal growth restriction, reduced growth velocity is associated with an increased risk of adverse perinatal outcome, irrespective of signs of cerebral blood flow redistribution. Some fetuses showed negative growth velocity, suggesting catabolic metabolism

    Trans-abdominal in vivo placental vessel occlusion using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound.

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    Pre-clinically, High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) has been shown to safely and effectively occlude placental blood vessels in the acute setting, when applied through the uterus. However, further development of the technique to overcome the technical challenges of targeting and occluding blood vessels through intact skin remains essential to translation into human studies. So too does the assessment of fetal wellbeing following this procedure, and demonstration of the persistence of vascular occlusion. At 115 ± 10 d gestational age (term~147 days) 12 pregnant sheep were exposed to HIFU (n = 6), or to a sham (n = 6) therapy through intact abdominal skin (1.66 MHz, 5 s duration, in situ ISPTA 1.3-4.4 kW.cm-2). Treatment success was defined as undetectable colour Doppler signal in the target placental vessel following HIFU exposures. Pregnancies were monitored for 21 days using diagnostic ultrasound from one day before HIFU exposure until term, when post-mortem examination was performed. Placental vessels were examined histologically for evidence of persistent vascular occlusion. HIFU occluded 31/34 (91%) of placental vessels targeted, with persistent vascular occlusion evident on histological examination 20 days after treatment. The mean diameter of occluded vessels was 1.4 mm (range 0.3-3.3 mm). All pregnancies survived until post mortem without evidence of significant maternal or fetal iatrogenic harm, preterm labour, maternal or fetal haemorrhage or infection. Three of six ewes exposed to HIFU experienced abdominal skin burns, which healed without intervention within 21 days. Mean fetal weight, fetal growth velocity and other measures of fetal biometry were not affected by exposure to HIFU. Fetal Doppler studies indicated a transient increase in the umbilical artery pulsatility index (PI) and a decrease in middle cerebral artery PI as a result of general anaesthesia, which was not different between sham and treatment groups. We report the first successful application of fully non-invasive HIFU for occlusion of placental blood flow in a pregnant sheep model, with a low risk of significant complications. This proof of concept study demonstrates the potential of this technique for clinical translation

    Noninvasive high-intensity focused ultrasound treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome: A preliminary in vivo study.

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    We investigated the efficacy, maternofetal responses, and safety of using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for noninvasive occlusion of placental vasculature compared to sham treatment in anesthetized pregnant sheep. This technique for noninvasive occlusion of placental vasculature may be translatable to the treatment of conditions arising from abnormal placental vasculature, such as twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). Eleven pregnant sheep were instrumented with maternal and fetal arterial catheters and time-transit flow probes to monitor cardiovascular, acid-base, and metabolic status, and then exposed to HIFU (n = 5) or sham (n = 6) ablation of placental vasculature through the exposed uterine surface. Placental vascular flow was occluded in 28 of 30 targets, and histological examination confirmed occlusion in 24 of 30 targets. In both HIFU and sham exposures, uterine contact reduced maternal uterine artery flow, but delivery of oxygen and glucose to the fetal brain remained normal. HIFU can consistently occlude in vivo placental vessels and ablate blood flow in a pregnant sheep model. Cardiovascular and metabolic fetal responses suggest that the technique is safe in the short term and potentially translatable to human pregnancy

    The Influence of Temperament on Body Temperature Response to Handling in Angus Cattle

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    Previous studies have indicated that cattle with more excitable temperaments exhibit an increased stress response. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between temperament traits, handling, and stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) in beef cattle. Rectal temperatures (TREC, °C) of 60 purebred Angus cattle (30 heifers, 30 steers; 235.2 ± 5.11 kg) were recorded at 20 s intervals from 30 min prior to handling until two hours post handling. All cattle were exposed to a standardized handling procedure consisting of (i) being restrained in a weighing box for 30 s; (ii) being held within the crush for 30 s; and then (iii) being restrained in a head bail for 60 s. Cattle temperaments were evaluated via three traits: (1) agitometer score (AG); (2) crush score (CS); and (3) flight speed (FS) during the handling procedure. Agitometer scores and FS measures were used to describe an AG category (AGCAT) and an FS category (FSCAT) that were used to classify animals into three temperament categories: 1, calm; 2, intermediate; and 3, temperamental. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used to evaluate the associations between (i) AG, CS, FS, and TREC 30 min prior to entry into the weighing box (T-30) and then at 1 min intervals between time of entry into the weighing box (T0) until 10 min post-weighing (T10); and (ii) the relationship between AG, CS, and FS. The relationship between TREC and temperament traits over the 2.5 h were modeled by using a first-order autoregressive repeated measures model. Flight speed had strong to moderate associations with TREC at T-30 (r ≥ 0.37; p ≤ 0.006) and between T0 and T10 (r ≥ 0.36; p ≤ 0.01). There were moderate associations amongst TREC between T0 and T10 and CS (r ≥ 0.31; p ≤ 0.01). A weak relationship existed with CS (r = 0.16; p = 0.16). There were no associations between AG and TREC at T-30 (r ≥ −0.15; p = 0.84) or between T0 and T10 (r ≤ 0.04; p ≥ 0.4). Rectal temperature, irrespective of sex and temperament traits, was influenced by time (p REC (39.3 ± 0.04 °C) occurred between 4 and 5.7 min after entry into the weighing box. In addition, CS (p = 0.007) influenced TREC in these cattle. There were also time × temperament trait × sex interactions with the CS (p = 0.0003) and FSCAT (p = 0.043) categories; however, time × temperament trait interactions were not statistically significant. Results from this study suggest that cattle with excitable temperaments, as evaluated by FS and CS, have a greater increase in TREC. In addition, these results suggest that a relationship exists between basal TREC and FS and CS. Together, these results highlight that temperament, as assessed by FS and CS, influences both basal TREC and the peak temperature recorded following handling but does not influence the magnitude of change in TREC post handling

    Maternal and fetal cardiometabolic recovery following ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound placental vascular occlusion.

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    High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-invasive method of selective placental vascular occlusion, providing a potential therapy for conditions such as twin-twin transfusion syndrome. In order to translate this technique into human studies, evidence of prolonged fetal recovery and maintenance of a healthy fetal physiology following exposure to HIFU is essential. At 116 ± 2 days gestation, 12 pregnant ewes were assigned to control ( n = 6) or HIFU vascular occlusion ( n = 6) groups and anaesthetized. Placental blood vessels were identified using colour Doppler ultrasound; HIFU-mediated vascular occlusion was performed through intact maternal skin (1.66 MHz, 5 s duration, in situ ISPTA 1.8-3.9 kW cm-2). Unidentifiable colour Doppler signals in targeted vessels following HIFU exposure denoted successful occlusion. Ewes and fetuses were then surgically instrumented with vascular catheters and transonic flow probes and recovered from anaesthesia. A custom-made wireless data acquisition system, which records continuous maternal and fetal cardiovascular data, and daily blood sampling were used to assess wellbeing for 20 days, followed by post-mortem examination. Based on a comparison of pre- and post-treatment colour Doppler imaging, 100% (36/36) of placental vessels were occluded following HIFU, and occlusion persisted for 20 days. All fetuses survived. No differences in maternal or fetal blood pressure, heart rate, heart rate variability, metabolic status or oxygenation were observed between treatment groups. There was evidence of normal fetal maturation and no evidence of chronic fetal stress. There were no maternal injuries and no placental vascular haemorrhage. There was both a uterine and fetal burn, which did not result in any obstetric or fetal complications. This study demonstrates normal long-term recovery of fetal sheep from exposure to HIFU-mediated placental vascular occlusion and underlines the potential of HIFU as a potential non-invasive therapy in human pregnancy

    A randomized controlled trial of folic acid intervention in pregnancy highlights a putative methylation-regulated control element at ZFP57

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    Table S1. Pyrosequencing and transcriptional primer sets used in this study. Pyroassay primers are given as bisulfite converted sequence. The same primers were used for both RT-PCR and RT-qPCR. (DOCX 15 kb