357 research outputs found

    Removal of odour and ammnia in ventilation air from growing-finishing pig units using vertical biofilters

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    [Abstract] The aim of this study was to investigate the removal of odour and ammonia from outlet air using vertical biofilters in two units with growing-finishing pigs in the winter. Woodchips were used as media in the wall of the biofilters. The air from the pig units was humidified by a high-pressure water system before it reached the biofilters. A total of 56 odour and ammonia measurements were taken at an average outdoor temperature of 5.4 C. The biofilters significantly reduced the odour concentration (OUE/m3) in the outlet air (P<0.001). The measured odour removal efficiency averaged 60 %. In contrast, the biofilters did not reduce the ammonia concentration (ppm) significantly in the outlet air. The hedonic tone of the odour of the air was determined before and after the biofilter. The untreated air was recorded as more unpleasant than the air that had passed through the biofilters. In conclusion, the biofilters were capable of reducing the odour concentration in the outlet air from units with growing-finishing pigs in the winter. The biofilters’ treatment of the air made the odour less unpleasant. However, the biofilters were not capable of reducing the ammonia concentration in the outlet air in the winte

    Hvordan kan sykepleieren fremme pasientmedvirkning i postoperativ smertebehandling?

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    Bakgrunn: Konseptet Joint Care, et akselerert behandlingsforløp ved hofte- og kneprotesekirurgi, ble for få år siden implementert ved enkelte norske helseforetak. Akselererte pasientforløp inkluderer behandlingsmetoder hvor preoperativ informasjon, teamarbeid, pasientdeltakelse og effektiv smertelindring skal bidra til at pasienten raskt gjenvinner normale funksjoner etter kirurgi. Tidligere studier viser en medisinsk og kostnadsbesparende nytte av denne behandlingsformen, men samhandlingen mellom sykepleiere og pasienter i den postoperative perioden har ikke vært beskrevet. Hensikt: Hensikten med denne studien er å kartlegge hvordan sykepleierne samhandler med pasientene om den postoperative smertebehandlingen ved Joint Care. Metode: Studien har et kvalitativ beskrivende design med semistrukturerte dybdeintervjuer. Fem sykepleiere fra ortopedisk sengepost ved et av landets helseforetak deltok i studien. Det ble gjort en kvalitativ innholdsanalyse av datamaterialet. Resultater: Studien viser at pasientene er tidlig mobilisert etter hofteog kneprotesekirurgi, men at mange rapporterer sterke smerter ved mobilisering andre postoperative dag. Eldre pasienter viser ofte en passiv kommunikasjonsform i smerterapporteringen. Sykepleierne er usikre på om pasientene har tilstrekkelig kunnskap om bruk av «numeric rating scale» som smertekartleggingsverktøy. Konklusjon: Ved implementering av akselererte pasientforløp kreves det ikke bare omorganisering av prosedyrer og rutiner. Det bør også legges vekt på at kunnskap og holdninger knyttet til smertebehandling hos helsepersonell og pasienter får anledning til å endres, slik at optimal smertebehandling blir muli

    Interference of Postoperative Pain on Women's daily Life after Early Discharge from Cardiac Surgery

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    Women report more postoperative pain and problems performing domestic activities than men in the first month of recovery after cardiac surgery. The purpose of this article is to describe how women rate and describe pain interference with daily life after early discharge from cardiac surgery. A qualitative study was conducted in 2004-2005 with ten women recruited from a large Norwegian university hospital before discharge from their first elective cardiac surgery. Various aspects of the women's postoperative experiences were collected with qualitative interviews in the women's homes 8-14 days after discharge: a self-developed pain diary measuring pain intensity, types and amount of pain medication taken every day after returning home from hospital; and the Brief Pain Inventory–Short Form immediately before the interview. Qualitative content analysis was used to identify recurring themes from the interviews. Data from the questionnaires provided more nuances to the experiences of pain, pain management, and interference of postoperative pain. Postoperative pain interfered most with sleep, general activity, and the ability to perform housework during the first 2 weeks after discharge. Despite being advised at the hospital to take pain medication regularly, few women consumed the maximum amount of analgesics. Early hospital discharge after open cardiac surgery implies increased patient participation in pain management. Women undergoing this surgery need more information in hospital on why postoperative pain management beyond simple pain relief is important

    A Framework For A Scoping Review Of Digital Transformation Of Engineering Education

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    The digitalization of engineering education has made significant progress in recent years not only due to societal circumstances such as COVID-19, but also thanks to technological development and progress and digital transformation of engineering education seems more imminent than ever. This paper presents the development of a framework and process for an ongoing scoping review regarding frameworks for digital transformation of engineering education. Empirical studies on digital innovations in specific small-scale contexts are numerous and the literature is rich. This study, however, aims to identify more systematic and holistic approaches to digital transformation. At this stage the review work has resulted in 21 research papers for full-text screening from 4 databases, SCOPUS, ProQuest, Web of Science, and Engineering Village. The proposed framework facilitates analysis of how frameworks for digital transformation of engineering education are informed and conceptualized ideologically in the sense of what digitalization should do for engineering education and how they guide and facilitate digital transformation. The framework builds on and combines theory from educational and digital transformation research and enables elicitation of essential elements of digital transformation in an educational context, including ideologies, models, dimensions, actors, elements, and levels of digitalization

    Improved performance of partly pit exhaust systems in pig housing

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    Kongeriget Danmark i 1332 - et fallitbo

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    Denmark 1332 - A Bankrupt RealmIn the history of Denmark the years 1332-1340 were an interregnum. After Christopher II died in 1332 there was no King of Denmark until 1340, when his son Valdemar Atterdag acceded to the throne. At Christopher’s death the entire Danish realm had been mortgaged to domestic and foreign creditors, and he had no realistic chance of paying them off. To all appearances the realm would be dissolved, and its various parts would be incorporated in neighbouring kingdoms and principalities. That is not what happened. Valdemar IV succeeded in reuniting the realm, but it took him more than twenty years to do it.Pawning parts of the Danish realm was a frequent occurrence in the High and Late Middle Ages, but the situation in the 1330s was unique. Never before or after did the phenomenon reach a point that threatened the very existence of the realm, and Danish historians, who have ever since felt it as a national humiliation, have proffered a series of explanations to account for how it came about.The earliest explanations from the middle of the fourteenth up to the eighteenth century strongly emphasize Christopher’s personal responsibility: weak character and a sinful life plunged the realm into disaster. In the first half of the eighteenth century the blame was extended to a broader circle, and it was recognized that in Count Gerhard III of Holstein, the king faced as his most bitter opponent an adversary who far outmatched him in political wits. In the middle of the nineteenth century the source of the problem is placed further back in time to Christopher’s brother and predecessor, King Eric VI Menved, whose costly wars had thrown the country into debt.Another explanation, which with various modifications is still considered valid today, arose around the beginning of the twentieth century. It contends that Eric VI’s and Christopher II’s severe taxation of the Danish yeomanry undermined itself by driving the freehold peasants to seek the protection of the nobility: In ceding their property rights in return for tenure their land was safeguarded under the nobility’s exemption from royal taxes. The drop in tax revenues thus resulted in a collapse of the king’s finances, leading to the disastrous pawning policy and ultimately to the breakdown of royal power.Very few Danish historians have deviated from this explanatory framework, although it has been suggested that the background for mortgaging the realm was more political than financial, i.e., rather than an attempt to raise liquid assets it should be seen primarily a means to procure political support from persons for whom landed property meant more than money.The present study argues that there is no documentation for a royal financial crisis. Even if ordinary taxes were in decline, this was offset by the collection of extraordinary taxes. Moreover, the Danish kings’ credit was good, and their ability to contract loans far from exhausted. The collapse cannot be attributed to a state-finance crisis; it must have been due to a political crisis. The pawning away of the realm must be seen as a political instrument, not as a desperate attempt to raise money to rescue a bankrupt monarchy. In seeking an explanation of the hopeless situation of the realm just before and during the interregnum the focus thus returns to the personal character traits of the kings as politicians and the politics of the times.Translated by Michael Wolf

    Workshops med patient videocases

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     Når medicinstuderende begynder at møde patienter, starter de en langvarig proces med dannelse af kognitive mønstre kaldet illness scripts. Hvert enkelt nyt møde med en patient bidrager med nye detaljer. Imidlertid mindsker ændringer i arbejdstilrettelæggelse eller naturlige årstidsvariationer de studerendes chance for at møde virkelige patienter. Patient videocases er en værdifuld hjælp til at skabe interaktive, autentiske, virtuelle læringsmiljøer som kan fremme nødvendig script dannelse.Vi ville identificere en række vigtige tilstande, som de medicinstuderende ofte ikke møder dem under deres 16 dage i klinikophold på en børneafdeling. Vi fremstillede 8 digitale patient videocases med passende hyppighed, relevans og teknisk kvalitet. De studerende beskrev og fortolkede dem før de blev gennemgået med en underviser. Efterfølgende udfyldte de studerende et spørgeskema.Alle 65 medicin studerende deltog i de to workshops. Andelen, som udelukkende har mødt patienter med de 8 tilstande via patient videocases var 36,8-87,5 %, afhængigt af tilstanden. 
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