11,538 research outputs found

    Basal cell carcinoma arising from an epidermal naevus

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    Epidermal naevus is a congenital cutaneous hamartoma with a benign course. We highlight a rare case of epidermal naevus with concurrent basal cell carcinoma. A 79-year-old male had a skin biopsy at our centre for an enlarging skin nodule within a linear papular lesion measuring 2 x 4 cm at the left side of his neck, which was later diagnosed as basal cell carcinoma arising from an epidermal naevus. PIK3CA mutation is attributed to basal cell carcinoma which suggests the basal cell carcinoma component is independent of the epidermal naevus component. Clinicians and pathologists must be aware of possible malignant changes that might arise in an epidermal naevus

    Excess Enthalpies of Mixing of Binary Mixtures of NaCl, KCl, NaBr and KBr in Mixed Ternary Solvent Systems at 298.15 K

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    Excess enthalpies of mixing for six possible binary combinations of solutions of NaCl, KCl, NaBr and KBr in mixed ternary solvents composed of formamide, 1,4-dioxane and water have been determined using a flow microcalorimeter at constant ionic strengths of 0.500 and 1.000 mol kg–1 at 298.15 K. Unlike the case of water, the data do not supportYoung’s cross square rule. Pitzer’s virial coefficient theory has been utilized to obtain binary and ternary interaction parameters, i.e. ΞH and ψH. The data were also analysed in terms of the Friedman model and it was found that interactions between solvated ions are dictated not only by coulombic interactions but also by appreciable asymmetric effects.Keywords: Enthalpy of mixing, ternary solvents, Pitzer theory, Friedman model, cross square rule

    Increased elastase sensitivity and decreased intramolecular interactions in the more transmissible 501Y.V1 and 501Y.V2 SARS-CoV-2 variants' spike protein-an in silico analysis.

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    Two SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern showing increased transmissibility relative to the Wuhan virus have recently been identified. Although neither variant appears to cause more severe illness nor increased risk of death, the faster spread of the virus is a major threat. Using computational tools, we found that the new SARS-CoV-2 variants may acquire an increased transmissibility by increasing the propensity of its spike protein to expose the receptor binding domain via proteolysis, perhaps by neutrophil elastase and/or via reduced intramolecular interactions that contribute to the stability of the closed conformation of spike protein. This information leads to the identification of potential treatments to avert the imminent threat of these more transmittable SARS-CoV-2 variants

    Two-Dimensional Vortex Lattice Melting

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    We report on a Monte-Carlo study of two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau superconductors in a magnetic field which finds clear evidence for a first-order phase transition characterized by broken translational symmetry of the superfluid density. A key aspect of our study is the introduction of a quantity proportional to the Fourier transform of the superfluid density which can be sampled efficiently in Landau gauge Monte-Carlo simulations and which satisfies a useful sum rule. We estimate the latent heat per vortex of the melting transition to be ∌0.38kBTM\sim 0.38 k_B T_M where TMT_M is the melting temperature.Comment: 10 pages (4 figures available on request), RevTex 3.0, IUCM93-00

    Sustained running in rats administered corticosterone prevents the development of depressive behaviors and enhances hippocampal neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity without increasing neurotrophic factor levels

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    We have previously shown that voluntary running acts as an anxiolytic and ameliorates deficits in hippocampal neurogenesis and spatial learning. It also reduces depression-like behaviors that are normally observed in rats that were administered either low (30 mg/kg) or moderate (40 mg/kg) doses of corticosterone (CORT). However, the protective effects of running were absent in rats treated with a high (50 mg/kg) dose of CORT. We examined whether allowing animals to exercise for 2 weeks prior and/or concurrently with the administration of 50 mg/kg CORT treatment could have similar protective effects. We examined hippocampal neurogenesis using immunohistochemical staining of proliferative and survival cells with the thymidine analogs (BrdU, CIdU, and IdU). In addition, we monitored synaptic protein expression and quantified the levels of neurotrophic factors in these animals as well as performing behavioral analyses (forced swim test and sucrose preference test). Our results indicate that the depressive phenotype and reductions in neurogenesis that normally accompany high CORT administration could only be prevented by allowing animals to exercise both prior to and concurrently with the CORT administration period. These animals also showed increases in both synaptophysin and PSD-95 protein levels, but surprisingly, neither brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) nor insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels were increased in these animals. The results suggest that persistent exercise can strengthen resilience to stress by promoting hippocampal neurogenesis and increasing synaptic protein levels, thereby reducing the deleterious effects of stress.published_or_final_versio

    Cisplatin induces tolerogenic dendritic cells in response to TLR agonists via the abundant production of IL-10, thereby promoting Th2-and Tr1-biased T-cell immunity

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    Although many advantageous roles of cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II), CDDP) have been reported in cancer therapy, the immunomodulatory roles of cisplatin in the phenotypic and functional alterations of dendritic cells (DCs) are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the effect of cisplatin on the functionality of DCs and the changes in signaling pathways activated upon toll-like receptor (TLR) stimulation. Cisplatin-treated DCs down-regulated the expression of cell surface molecules (CD80, CD86, MHC class I and II) and up-regulated endocytic capacity in a dose-dependent manner. Upon stimulation with various TLR agonists, cisplatin-treated DCs showed markedly increased IL-10 production through activation of the p38 MAPK and NF-kappa B signaling pathways without altering the levels of TNF-alpha and IL-12p70, indicating the cisplatin-mediated induction of tolerogenic DCs. This effect was dependent on the production of IL-10 from DCs, as neither DCs isolated from IL-10(-/-) mice nor IL-10-neutralized DCs generated tolerogenic DCs. Interestingly, DCs that were co-treated with cisplatin and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exhibited a decreased immunostimulatory capacity for inducing the proliferation of Th1- and Th17-type T cells; instead, these DCs contributed to Th2-type T cell immunity. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo investigations revealed a unique T cell population, IL-10-producing CD3(+)CD4(+)LAG-3(+)CD49b(+)CD25(-)Foxp3(-) Tr1 cells, that was significantly increased without altering the Foxp3(+) regulatory T cell population. Taken together, our results suggest that cisplatin induces immune-suppressive tolerogenic DCs in TLR agonist-induced inflammatory conditions via abundant IL-10 production, thereby skewing Th cell differentiation towards Th2 and Tr1 cells. This relationship may provide cancer cells with an opportunity to evade the immune system.1123Ysciescopu

    Cisplatin induces tolerogenic dendritic cells in response to TLR agonists via the abundant production of IL-10, therby promoting Th2- and Tr1-biased T-cell immunity

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    Although many advantageous roles of cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II), CDDP) have been reported in cancer therapy, the immunomodulatory roles of cisplatin in the phenotypic and functional alterations of dendritic cells (DCs) are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the effect of cisplatin on the functionality of DCs and the changes in signaling pathways activated upon toll-like receptor (TLR) stimulation. Cisplatin-treated DCs down-regulated the expression of cell surface molecules (CD80, CD86, MHC class I and II) and up-regulated endocytic capacity in a dose-dependent manner. Upon stimulation with various TLR agonists, cisplatintreated DCs showed markedly increased IL-10 production through activation of the p38 MAPK and NF-ÎșB signaling pathways without altering the levels of TNF-α and IL- 12p70, indicating the cisplatin-mediated induction of tolerogenic DCs. This effect was dependent on the production of IL-10 from DCs, as neither DCs isolated from IL-10- /- mice nor IL-10-neutralized DCs generated tolerogenic DCs. Interestingly, DCs that were co-treated with cisplatin and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exhibited a decreased immunostimulatory capacity for inducing the proliferation of Th1- and Th17-type T cells; instead, these DCs contributed to Th2-type T cell immunity. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo investigations revealed a unique T cell population, IL-10-producing CD3+CD4+LAG-3+CD49b+CD25-Foxp3- Tr1 cells, that was significantly increased without altering the Foxp3+ regulatory T cell population. Taken together, our results suggest that cisplatin induces immune-suppressive tolerogenic DCs in TLR agonistinduced inflammatory conditions via abundant IL-10 production, thereby skewing Th cell differentiation towards Th2 and Tr1 cells. This relationship may provide cancer cells with an opportunity to evade the immune system.1231sciescopu

    Complex examination of the Upper Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks from southern Transdanubia, SW Hungary—Mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemical study

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    A vertical section of Upper Paleozoic sandstones from southern Transdanubia (Mecsek-VillĂĄny area, Tisza mega-unit, Hungary) has been analyzed for major and trace elements, including rare earth elements (REEs). In addition, the clay mineralogy of the sandstone samples and the petrography and geochemistry of gneiss and granitoid clasts extracted from the associated conglomerates have been determined. Geochemistry of the sandstone samples analyzed in this study shows that these rocks were predominantly derived from a felsic continental source; nevertheless, compositions vary systematically up-section. The Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) TĂ©seny Formation has higher SiO(2) and lower Na(2)O, CaO, Sr, high field strength element (HFSE), and ÎŁREE contents relative to the Permian strata. Its high K(2)O and Rb contents together with the presence of abundant illite-sericite suggest a potassium metasomatism in this formation. Clay mineralogy and large ion lithophile element (LILE) contents of the Lower Permian KorpĂĄd Formation vary spatially and are interpreted as local variations in composition of the source region and postdepositional conditions. Zr and Hf abundances and REE patterns, however, show that this formation was derived from mature upper continental crust. The Upper Permian Cserdi Formation has higher TiO(2), Th, U, Y, Cr, and heavy (H) REE contents, and higher Cr/Th and Cr/Zr ratios relative to the underlying formations. These trends can be explained by a sedimentary system dominated by highly weathered detritus derived from combined recycled-orogen, basement-uplift, and volcanic-arc provenance in the TĂ©seny Formation, with an increased proportion of less weathered detritus derived from combined volcanic and basement-uplift provenances in the Permian formations. Characteristics of the Cserdi unit may reflect relatively proximal derivation from a felsic volcanic source

    Algebraic charge liquids

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    High temperature superconductivity emerges in the cuprate compounds upon changing the electron density of an insulator in which the electron spins are antiferromagnetically ordered. A key characteristic of the superconductor is that electrons can be extracted from them at zero energy only if their momenta take one of four specific values (the `nodal points'). A central enigma has been the evolution of the zero energy electrons in the metallic state between the antiferromagnet and the superconductor, and recent experiments yield apparently contradictory results. The oscillation of the resistance in this metal as a function of magnetic field indicate that the zero energy electrons carry momenta which lie on elliptical `Fermi pockets', while ejection of electrons by high intensity light indicates that the zero energy electrons have momenta only along arc-like regions. We present a theory of new states of matter, which we call `algebraic charge liquids', which arise naturally between the antiferromagnet and the superconductor, and reconcile these observations. Our theory also explains a puzzling dependence of the density of superconducting electrons on the total electron density, and makes a number of unique predictions for future experiments.Comment: 6+8 pages, 2 figures; (v2) Rewritten for broader accessibility; (v3) corrected numerical error in Eq. (5
