195 research outputs found

    Signs of outflow feedback from a nearby young stellar object on the protostellar envelope around HL Tau

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    HL Tau is a Class I-II protostar embedded in an infalling and rotating envelope and possibly associated with a planet forming disk, and it is co-located in a 0.1 pc molecular cloud with two nearby young stellar objects. Our ALMA observations revealed two arc-like structures on a 1000 au scale connected to the disk, and their kinematics could not be explained with any conventional model of infalling and rotational motions. In this work, we investigate the nature of these arc-like structures connected to the HL Tau disk. We conducted new observations in the 13CO and C18O (3-2; 2-1) lines with JCMT and IRAM 30m, and obtained the ACA data with the 7-m array. With the single-dish, ACA, and ALMA data, we analyzed the gas motions on both 0.1 pc and 1000 au scales in the HL Tau region. We constructed new kinematical models of an infalling and rotating envelope with the consideration of relative motion between HL Tau and the envelope. By including the relative motion between HL Tau and its protostellar envelope, our kinematical model can explain the observed velocity features in the arc-like structures. The morphologies of the arc-like structures can also be explained with an asymmetric initial density distribution in our model envelope. In addition, our single-dish results support that HL Tau is located at the edge of a large-scale (0.1 pc) expanding shell driven by the wind or outflow from XZ Tau, as suggested in the literature. The estimated expanding velocity of the shell is comparable to the relative velocity between HL Tau and its envelope in our kinematical model. These results hints that the large-scale expanding motion likely impacts the protostellar envelope around HL Tau and affects its gas kinematics. We found that the mass infalling rate from the envelope onto the HL Tau disk can be decreased by a factor of two due to this impact by the large-scale expanding shell.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Caused by Enteroviral Infection

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    A 4-year-old boy presented with enteroviral infection complicated with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). Enterovirus RNA was detected by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of both blood and kidney biopsy specimens. A survey of the complement system did not reveal a specific complement defect. Supportive therapy with blood components transfusion, plasma therapy, and immunosuppressants was administered, however, renal function did not recover. The results of this report demonstrate that the enterovirus is the cause of aHUS

    U-Pb single grain zircon ages for Sanbagawa Metamorphic Rocks in central Shikoku (Japan): the Sanbagawa Belt re-united

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    The high-P/low-T Sanbagawa Metamorphic Belt that traverses SW Japan, has been subdivided into two belts thought to have been metamorphosed at ca. 120 Ma and at ca. 65 Ma (‘Sanbagawa Metamorphic Rocks’ and ‘Shimanto Metamorphic Rocks’). The subdivision was based on the assumption that metamorphism occurred at ca. 116 Ma, largely based on an early Rb-Sr isotope study and zircon data obtained for the eclogite unit of the Sanbagawa Belt, whereas in some parts of the belt detrital zircons of late Cretaceous age (90-80 Ma) were discovered. Analysis of detrital zircons sampled from two sites within the area considered to expose the older ‘Sanbagawa Metamorphic Rocks’, including the area investigated by the Rb-Sr study, reveals the presence of zircons younger than 95 Ma in all samples and some grains as young as 80 ± 4 Ma. It is therefore concluded that the Sanbagawa Belt is one single tectonic entity that formed in the Late Cretaceous though it contains older components, including fossiliferous clasts, older basic meta-volcanics and eclogite units that may record earlier metamorphic events

    JCMT POL-2 and ALMA polarimetric observations of 6000-100 au scales in the protostar B335: linking magnetic field and gas kinematics in observations and MHD simulations

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    We present our analysis of the magnetic field structures from 6000 au to 100 au scales in the Class 0 protostar B335 inferred from our JCMT POL-2 observations and the ALMA archival polarimetric data. To interpret the observational results, we perform a series of (non-)ideal MHD simulations of the collapse of a rotating non-turbulent dense core, whose initial conditions are adopted to be the same as observed in B335, and generate synthetic polarization maps. The comparison of our JCMT and simulation results suggests that the magnetic field on a 6000 au scale in B335 is pinched and well aligned with the bipolar outflow along the east-west direction. Among all our simulations, the ALMA polarimetric results are best explained with weak magnetic field models having an initial mass-to-flux ratio of 9.6. However, we find that with the weak magnetic field, the rotational velocity on a 100 au scale and the disk size in our simulations are larger than the observational estimates by a factor of several. An independent comparison of our simulations and the gas kinematics in B335 observed with the SMA and ALMA favors strong magnetic field models with an initial mass-to-flux ratio smaller than 4.8. We discuss two possibilities resulting in the different magnetic field strengths inferred from the polarimetric and molecular-line observations, (1) overestimated rotational-to-gravitational energy in B335 and (2) additional contributions in the polarized intensity due to scattering on a 100 au scale.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    dbPTM: an information repository of protein post-translational modification

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    dbPTM is a database that compiles information on protein post-translational modifications (PTMs), such as the catalytic sites, solvent accessibility of amino acid residues, protein secondary and tertiary structures, protein domains and protein variations. The database includes all of the experimentally validated PTM sites from Swiss-Prot, PhosphoELM and O-GLYCBASE. Only a small fraction of Swiss-Prot proteins are annotated with experimentally verified PTM. Although the Swiss-Prot provides rich information about the PTM, other structural properties and functional information of proteins are also essential for elucidating protein mechanisms. The dbPTM systematically identifies three major types of protein PTM (phosphorylation, glycosylation and sulfation) sites against Swiss-Prot proteins by refining our previously developed prediction tool, KinasePhos (). Solvent accessibility and secondary structure of residues are also computationally predicted and are mapped to the PTM sites. The resource is now freely available at

    Age and anatomy of the Gongga Shan batholith, eastern Tibetan Plateau, and its relationship to the active Xianshui-he fault

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    The Gongga Shan batholith of eastern Tibet, previously documented as a ca. 32–12.8 Ma granite pluton, shows some of the youngest U-Pb granite crystallization ages recorded from the Tibetan Plateau, with major implications for the tectonothermal history of the region. Field observations indicate that the batholith is composite; some localities show at least seven crosscutting phases of granitoids that range in composition from diorite to leucocratic monzogranite. In this study we present U-Pb ages of zircon and allanite dated by laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry on seven samples, to further investigate the chronology of the batholith. The age data constrain two striking tectonic-plutonic events: a complex Triassic–Jurassic (ca. 215–159 Ma) record of biotite-hornblende granodiorite, K-feldspar megacrystic granite and leucogranitic plutonism, and a Miocene (ca. 14–5 Ma) record of monzonite-leucogranite emplacement. The former age range is attributed to widespread Indosinian tectonism, related to Paleo-Tethyan subduction zone magmatism along the western Yangtze block of south China. The younger component may be related to localized partial melting (muscovite dehydration) of thickened Triassic flysch-type sediments in the Songpan-Ganze terrane, and are among the youngest crustal melt granites exposed on the Tibetan Plateau. Zircon and allanite ages reflect multiple crustal remelting events; the youngest, ca. 5 Ma, resulted in dissolution and crystallization of zircons and growth and/or resetting of allanites. The young garnet, muscovite, and biotite leucogranites occur mainly in the central part of the batholith and adjacent to the eastern margin of the batholith at Kangding, where they are cut by the left-lateral Xianshui-he fault. The Xianshui-he fault is the most seismically active strike-slip fault in Tibet and is thought to record the eastward extrusion of the central part of the Tibetan Plateau. The fault obliquely cuts all granites of the Gongga Shan massif and has a major transpressional component in the Kangding-Moxi region. The course of the Xianshui Jiang river is offset by ∼62 km along the Xianshui-he fault and in the Kangding area granites as young as ca. 5 Ma are cut by the fault. Our new geochronological data show that only a part of the Gongga Shan granite batholith is composed of young (Miocene) melt, and we surmise that as most of eastern Tibet is composed of Precambrian–Triassic Indosinian rocks, there is no geological evidence to support regional Cenozoic internal thickening or metamorphism and no evidence for eastward-directed lower crustal flow away from Tibet. We suggest that underthrusting of Indian lower crust north as far as the Xianshui-he fault resulted in Cenozoic uplift of the eastern plateau

    Recent insights into breast milk microRNA: their role as functional regulators

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    Breast milk (BM) is a primary biofluid that plays a crucial role in infant development and the regulation of the immune system. As a class of rich biomolecules in BM, microRNAs (miRNAs) are regarded as active factors contributing to infant growth and development. Surprisingly, these molecules exhibit resilience in harsh conditions, providing an opportunity for infants to absorb them. In addition, many studies have shown that miRNAs in breast milk, when absorbed into the gastrointestinal system, can act as a class of functional regulators to effectively regulate gene expression. Understanding the absorption pattern of BM miRNA may facilitate the creation of formula with a more optimal miRNA balance and pave the way for novel drug delivery techniques. In this review, we initially present evidence of BM miRNA absorption. Subsequently, we compile studies that integrate both in vivo and in vitro findings to illustrate the bioavailability and biodistribution of BM miRNAs post-absorption. In addition, we evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of previous studies and discuss potential variables contributing to discrepancies in their outcomes. This literature review indicates that miRNAs can be absorbed and act as regulatory agents

    Cross-National Differences in Victimization : Disentangling the Impact of Composition and Context

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    Varying rates of criminal victimization across countries are assumed to be the outcome of countrylevel structural constraints that determine the supply ofmotivated o¡enders, as well as the differential composition within countries of suitable targets and capable guardianship. However, previous empirical tests of these ‘compositional’ and ‘contextual’ explanations of cross-national di¡erences have been performed upon macro-level crime data due to the unavailability of comparable individual-level data across countries. This limitation has had two important consequences for cross-national crime research. First, micro-/meso-level mechanisms underlying cross-national differences cannot be truly inferred from macro-level data. Secondly, the e¡ects of contextual measures (e.g. income inequality) on crime are uncontrolled for compositional heterogeneity. In this paper, these limitations are overcome by analysing individual-level victimization data across 18 countries from the International CrimeVictims Survey. Results from multi-level analyses on theft and violent victimization indicate that the national level of income inequality is positively related to risk, independent of compositional (i.e. micro- and meso-level) di¡erences. Furthermore, crossnational variation in victimization rates is not only shaped by di¡erences in national context, but also by varying composition. More speci¢cally, countries had higher crime rates the more they consisted of urban residents and regions with lowaverage social cohesion.

    The impact of active community-based survey on dementia detection ratio in Taiwan: A cohort study with historical control

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    BackgroundAlthough early dementia detection is crucial to optimize the treatment outcomes and the management of associated symptoms, the published literature is scarce regarding the effectiveness of active screening protocols in enhancing dementia awareness and increasing the rate of early detection. The present study compared the detection ratio of an active community-based survey for dementia detection with the detection ratio of passive screening during routine clinical practice. Data for passive screening were obtained from the National Health Insurance (NHI) system, which was prospectively collected during the period from 2000 to 2003.DesignA population-based cohort study with historical control.SettingTaiwan.ParticipantsA total of 183 participants aged 65 years or older were involved in a community-based survey. Data from 1,921,308 subjects aged 65 years or older were retrieved from the NHI system.MeasurementsAn adjusted detection ratio, defined as a ratio of dementia prevalence to incidence was used.ResultsThe results showed that the dementia prevalence during the 2000–2003 period was 2.91% in the elderly population, compared with a prevalence of 6.59% when the active survey was conducted. The incidence of dementia in the active survey cohort was 1.83%. Overall, the dementia detection ratio was higher using active surveys [4.23, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.68–6.69] than using passive detection (1.45, 95% CI: 1.43–1.47) for those aged 65–79 years. Similar findings were observed for those aged 80 years and older.ConclusionThe implementation of an active community-based survey led to a 3-fold increase in the detection rate of early dementia detection compared to passive screening during routine practice