185 research outputs found


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    The capital market unite the company and investors. In determining which companies to be selected, investors carry out several analyzes, including analyze the price and frequency stock trading in the past to estimate the frequency in the future. Frequency trading is influenced by several factors, including the number of shares traded, the fundamental factors, the disclosure of information, and stock prices. Meanwhile, technology (internet) develop very fast and influenced the form of financial statements via the internet or the website called Internet Financial Reporting (IFR), while for non-financial information , companies use websites to reduce asymmetry information about the company. This study aims to determine the effect of the number of traded shares, IFR, the level of website disclosure, and the closing stock price toward the frequency of company’s shares trading. The data used in this study is a cross section data. This study uses the 94 companies that included in the KOMPAS100 index period from February to July 2015, have a website and apply IFR. Linear regression is used to determine the effect of the number of traded shares, IFR, the level of website disclosure, and the stock price toward the frequency of company’s shares trading. The results of this study indicate that according to the F test, the number of outstanding shares, IFR, the level of disclosure website, and stock prices affect the frequency trading (sig. 0.000), while according to the t test, partially only the number of shares outstanding and the stock price a positive and significant effect (with sig. 0.000), while IFR (sig. 0.732) and the level of information disclosure website (sig 0.805) did not significantly affect the company's shares trading frequency. Meanwhile, according to determination test, the number of outstanding shares, IFR, the level of information disclosure website and the closing share price affect the frequency of the company's shares trading amounted to 54.9%

    Rezistencija na tetraciklin bakterija mlečne kiseline izolovanih iz tradicionalnih sireva Srbije

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    Food chain may represent a possible route for the transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria between human and animal populations. Commensal bacteria originating from food-producing animals can contaminate food and by that means become a part of the complex food microbiota. Commensal bacteria can also serve as reservoirs for the antibiotic resistance genes. Tetracycline resistance in commensal bacteria is well documented and is coded with transmissible genes. Therefore, it is recognized as a model for the monitoring of antibiotic resistance ecology. Homolj, Zlatar and Sjenica cheese have protected geographical indication on the national level. As Homolj, Zlatar and Sjenica cheese are raw milk cheeses produced in the traditional manner, LAB originating from the raw milk and the environment constitute an important part of Serbian traditional cheeses’ microbiota. There are many data in the scientific literature that LAB can carry transmissible antibiotic resistance genes. The aims of this doctoral dissertation were to: characterize biodiversity of traditional Serbian cheeses; determine phenotype and prevalence of antibiotic resistance; define genetic basis of tetracycline resistance in the LAB isolates and to investigate possibility for in vitro transmission of the tet genes. Total of 48 samples traditional Serbian cheeses (13 samples of Homolj cheese, 20 samples of Zlatar cheese and 15 samples of Sjenica cheese) were analyzed. All samples were plated on MRS-S agar plates in order to determine LAB count and on MRS-S agar plates with added tetracycline in doubling concentrations (1-256 μg/ml), in order to determine tetracycline resistant LAB subpopulation count. Average count of LAB in Homolj cheese was 7,65±1,09 log CFU/g, in Zlatar cheese 7,74±0,6 log CFU/g and in Sjenica cheese 7,47±0,71 log CFU/g. Addition of tetracycline in concentration of 64 μg/ml has considerably reduced LAB count, which was in Homolj cheese 3,98±2,28 log CFU/g, in Zlatar cheese 3,35±2,02 log CFU/g and in Sjenica cheese 3,93±2,24 log CFU/g...Lanac hrane predstavlja jedan od mogućih puteva transmisije bakterija rezistentnih na antibiotike između populacija životinja i ljudi. Komensalne bakterije, poreklom od životinja, predstavljaju deo mikrobiote hrane životinjskog porekla, i često se prepoznaju kao „rezervoari“ gena za rezistenciju na antibiotike. Rezistencija na tetraciklin kod komensalnih bakterija je dobro dokumentovana i s obzirom da je prenosive prirode, koristi se kao model za praćenje ekologije rezistencije na antibiotike. Homoljski, zlatarski i sjenički sir su na nacionalnom nivou zaštićeni oznakom geografskog porekla. Proizvode se na tradicionalan način, od sirovog mleka, te bakterije mlečne kiseline, poreklom iz sirovine i/ili procesnog okruženja čine značajan deo mikrobiote tradicionalnih sireva Srbije. U naučnoj literaturi postoje brojni podaci o tome da bakterije mlečne kiseline mogu biti nosioci gena za rezistenciju na antibiotike. Ciljevi ove doktorske disertacije bili su: karakterizacija biodiverziteta tradicionalnih sireva Srbije, utvrđivanje fenotipa i prevalencije rezistencije na antibiotike i genetske baze rezistencije na tetraciklin kod izolata bakterija mlečne kiseline poreklom iz tradicionalnih sireva, kao i mogućnosti prenosa tet gena u uslovima in vitro. Ukupno 48 uzoraka tradicionalnih sireva (13 uzoraka homoljskog sira, 20 zlatarskog i 15 uzoraka sjeničkog sira), zasejano je na MRS-S agar radi utvrđivanja broja BMK i na MRS-S agar sa dodatkom tetraciklina u dvostrukorastućim koncentracijama (1-256 μg/ml), kako bi se utvrdila zastupljenost populacije BMK rezistentne na tetraciklin. Prosečan broj BMK u uzorcima homoljskog sira iznosio je 7,65±1,09 log CFU/g, u uzorcima zlatarskog sira 7,74±0,6 log CFU/g i u uzorcima sjeničkog sira 7,47±0,71 log CFU/g. Pri koncentraciji tetraciklina od 64 μg/ml primećeno je veće smanjenje broja BMK..

    Evaluation of Preeclampsia Risk in Gestational Weight Gain

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    Background: The incidence of obesity worldwide has increased over the last 20 years. The increase in obesity in maternal pregnancy is causing a major challenge to obstetrics practices. The aimed study was to evaluate gestational weight gain as a risk for preeclampsia in pregnant women.  Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 2756 pregnant women with gestational age≥37 weeks. The selection of women was categorized into two groups, 1528 normal-weight women with BMI less than 25kg/m2 and 1228 pregnant women with a BMI of 25kg/m2 or more. SPSS software version 26.0 was used to analyze data. Multivariate logistic regression described the relation of weight change to pregnancy course and outcomes. Results: A comparison between study groups shows an increase in antepartum complications in obese women. Besides that, arterial hypertension, pre-eclampsia, and gestational diabetes were more frequent in overweight women compared to normal-weight women. The incidence of cesarean was highest in overweight and obese women with a statistically significant difference from normal weight women (p-value <0.005). In addition, maternal overweight and obese were at twice the risk for delivering infants with macrosomia (OR = 3.1, 95%CI = [1.09-5.8]). The difference in mean birth weight of the babies between normal and overweight women was statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study show that obesity during pregnancy is associated with pregnancy complications. To optimize all complications for the mother and fetus, weight gain during the pregnancy must be controlled and appropriate. Furthermore, studies are recommended to explore maternal obesity complications and risk factors for obesity to minimize the adverse effect of this risk.   &nbsp

    Evaluation of Preeclampsia Risk in Gestational Weight Gain

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    Background: The incidence of obesity worldwide has increased over the last 20 years. The increase in obesity in maternal pregnancy is causing a major challenge to obstetrics practices. The aimed study was to evaluate gestational weight gain as a risk for preeclampsia in pregnant women. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 2756 pregnant women with gestational age≥37 weeks. The selection of women was categorized into two groups, 1528 normal-weight women with BMI less than 25kg/m2 and 1228 pregnant women with BMI over 25kg/m2. SPSS software version 26.0 was used to analyze data. Multivariate logistic regression described the relation of weight change to pregnancy course and outcomes. Results: A comparison between study groups appears an increase in antepartum complications in obese weight women. Besides that, arterial hypertension, pre-eclampsia, and gestational diabetes were more frequent in obese weight women compared to normal-weight women obese women. The incidence of cesarean was highest in obese women statistically significant difference from normal women with a p-value <0.005. In addition, maternal obese pregnancies were at twice the risk for delivery of infants who were macrosomia with higher odds (OR = 3.1, 95%CI = [1.09-5.8]). In perinatal outcomes, the difference in mean birth weight of the babies among normal and obese women was statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: As we saw from the results of this study obesity during pregnancy was associated with pregnancy complications. To optimize all complications to maternal and fetus, weight gains during the pregnancy must be controlled and appropriate. Furthermore, studies are recommended to explore the maternal obesity complication and risk factors that influence obesity to minimize the adverse negative effect of this risk


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    Pembelajaran membaca cerpen merupakan proses penting dalam pengembangan literasi dan karakter siswa di SMP. Dalam konteks pendidikan yang terus berkembang, model pembelajaran yang mampu mengintegrasikan aspek kognitif dan karakter peduli sosial menjadi semakin relevan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui profil pembelajaran membaca cerpen, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, efektivitas, dan respons pelibat terhadap pengembangan model pembelajaran konstruktivistik berbasis karakter peduli sosial berbantuan media canva dalam pembelajaran membaca cerpen yang dirancang. Sintaks dalam model ini meliputi orientasi, elicitasi, rekonstruksi ide, penggunaan ide dalam banyak situasi, review, dan publikasi ide baru. Dalam proses tersebut, siswa secara aktif melakukan pengembangan pemahamannya secara verbal, lalu diubah menjadi nonverbal berupa gambar visual, tulisan, dll dalam media canva. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) dengan model pengembangan 4D (define, design, development, dan disseminate). Melibatkan 90 siswa dari tiga sekolah menengah pertama di kota Cirebon sebagai subjek penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah pedoman wawancara, angket, dan soal tes membaca teks cerpen. Validasi dilakukan terhadap desain pengembangan model, dan validasi model. Penilaian dilakukan oleh tiga tim ahli, yaitu ahli materi dan ahli pembelajaran. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 1) profil pembelajaran membaca cerpen siswa SMP di kota Cirebon tergolong masih rendah; 2) informasi yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, penyebaran angket dan studi literatur, digunakan sebagai bahan perencanaan produk; 3) rancangan produk dinyatakan sangat layak oleh tim ahli; 4) produk yang dikembangkan terbukti efektif karena nilai rata-rata membaca teks cerpen siswa sudah melewati nilai KKM dan karakter peduli sosial siswa semakin terlihat; dan 5) respons pelibat terhadap produk yang dikembangkan adalah sangat baik. Reading short stories learning is an important process in developing students` literacy and character at the junior high school level. In the context of education that continues to evolve, learning models that are able to integrate cognitive aspects and social care characters are becoming increasingly relevant. This study aims to determine the profile of short story reading learning, planning, implementation, effectiveness, and response of participants to the development of the designed learning model. The syntax in this models include orientation, elicitation, ide reconstruction, using ideas in many situations, review, and publishing new ideas. In this process, students actively develop their understanding verbally, then it is converted into no nonverbal in the form of visual images, text, etc. in canva media. The method used in this research is research and development method (R&D) with a 4D development model (define, design, development, and disseminate). Involving 90 students from three junior high schools in Cirebon as research subjects. The instruments used in collecting data are interview guidelines, questionnaires, and short story text reading test questions. Validation is being used for the design, model development, and model validation. The assessment is carried out by three validators or a team of experts, namely material experts and learning experts. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that 1) the learning profile of junior high school students in Cirebon was still low; 2) information obtained from interviews, questionnaire dissemination and literature studies, used as material for product planning; 3) the product design is declared very feasible by material experts and learning experts; 4) the product developed has proven effective because the average score of students' short story text reading ability has passed the KKM score and the student's social care character is increasingly visible; and 5) the response of the engagement to the product developed was excellent

    Safety evaluation of Sjenica cheese with regard to coagulase-positive staphylococci and antibiotic resistance of lactic acid bacteria and staphylococci

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    Sjenica cheese is an artisanal cheese stored in brine, traditionally produced from raw sheeps milk in the southern part of Serbia - Sjenica Pester plateau. The aim of this study was to perform the safety evaluation of Sjenica cheese. As one of the safety criteria we considered the number of coagulase positive staphylococci and their enterotoxigenic potential. Antibiotic susceptibility/resistance patterns of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria and coagulase-positive staphylococci isolated from Sjenica cheese was also investigated. During the monitoring period of the cheese-making process, coagulase positive staphylococci did not reach the value of 10(5) cfu/g. Among coagulase positive staphylococci, 12 (46,15%) isolates showed enterotoxigenic potential and were identified as Staphylococcus intermedius (11 isolates) and Staphylococcus aureus (1 isolate). Vancomycin resistance was the most prevalent phenotypic resistance profile in coagulase positive staphylococci. Lactococci present the most dominant population among lactic acid bacteria. The most prevalent resistance phenotype in lactococci was resistance to streptomycin (83.33%), ampicillin and penicillin (70.83%); lactobacilli were characterized by resistance to vancomycin (62.5%) and tetracycline (54.17%), while resistance to streptomycin (82.46%) was the most prevalent phenotypic profile in enterococci. All coagulase positive staphylococci and lactic acid bacteria isolates that showed resistance to tetracycline on disc diffusion and E-test, were tested for the presence of ribosomal protection proteins, tet(M) and tet(K) genes. All isolates were positive for ribosomal protection proteins genes; 14 (60.87%) isolates showed tet(M) gene presence, while 2 lactobacilli isolates revealed the presence of tet(K) gene

    Evaluation of Preeclampsia Risk in Gestational Weight Gain

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    Background: The incidence of obesity worldwide has increased over the last 20 years. The increase in obesity in maternal pregnancy is causing a major challenge to obstetrics practices. The aimed study was to evaluate gestational weight gain as a risk for preeclampsia in pregnant women. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 2756 pregnant women with gestational age≥37 weeks. The selection of women was categorized into two groups, 1528 normal-weight women with BMI less than 25kg/m2 and 1228 pregnant women with BMI over 25kg/m2. SPSS software version 26.0 was used to analyze data. Multivariate logistic regression described the relation of weight change to pregnancy course and outcomes. Results: A comparison between study groups appears an increase in antepartum complications in obese weight women. Besides that, arterial hypertension, pre-eclampsia, and gestational diabetes were more frequent in obese weight women compared to normal-weight women obese women. The incidence of cesarean was highest in obese women statistically significant difference from normal women with a p-value <0.005. In addition, maternal obese pregnancies were at twice the risk for delivery of infants who were macrosomia with higher odds (OR = 3.1, 95%CI = [1.09-5.8]). In perinatal outcomes, the difference in mean birth weight of the babies among normal and obese women was statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: As we saw from the results of this study obesity during pregnancy was associated with pregnancy complications. To optimize all complications to maternal and fetus, weight gains during the pregnancy must be controlled and appropriate. Furthermore, studies are recommended to explore the maternal obesity complication and risk factors that influence obesity to minimize the adverse negative effect of this risk

    Tetracycline resistance in lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional serbian cheeses

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    Lanac hrane predstavlja jedan od mogućih puteva transmisije bakterija rezistentnih na antibiotike između populacija životinja i ljudi. Komensalne bakterije, poreklom od životinja, predstavljaju deo mikrobiote hrane životinjskog porekla, i često se prepoznaju kao „rezervoari“ gena za rezistenciju na antibiotike. Rezistencija na tetraciklin kod komensalnih bakterija je dobro dokumentovana i s obzirom da je prenosive prirode, koristi se kao model za praćenje ekologije rezistencije na antibiotike. Homoljski, zlatarski i sjenički sir su na nacionalnom nivou zaštićeni oznakom geografskog porekla. Proizvode se na tradicionalan način, od sirovog mleka, te bakterije mlečne kiseline, poreklom iz sirovine i/ili procesnog okruženja čine značajan deo mikrobiote tradicionalnih sireva Srbije. U naučnoj literaturi postoje brojni podaci o tome da bakterije mlečne kiseline mogu biti nosioci gena za rezistenciju na antibiotike. Ciljevi ove doktorske disertacije bili su: karakterizacija biodiverziteta tradicionalnih sireva Srbije, utvrđivanje fenotipa i prevalencije rezistencije na antibiotike i genetske baze rezistencije na tetraciklin kod izolata bakterija mlečne kiseline poreklom iz tradicionalnih sireva, kao i mogućnosti prenosa tet gena u uslovima in vitro. Ukupno 48 uzoraka tradicionalnih sireva (13 uzoraka homoljskog sira, 20 zlatarskog i 15 uzoraka sjeničkog sira), zasejano je na MRS-S agar radi utvrđivanja broja BMK i na MRS-S agar sa dodatkom tetraciklina u dvostrukorastućim koncentracijama (1-256 μg/ml), kako bi se utvrdila zastupljenost populacije BMK rezistentne na tetraciklin. Prosečan broj BMK u uzorcima homoljskog sira iznosio je 7,65±1,09 log CFU/g, u uzorcima zlatarskog sira 7,74±0,6 log CFU/g i u uzorcima sjeničkog sira 7,47±0,71 log CFU/g. Pri koncentraciji tetraciklina od 64 μg/ml primećeno je veće smanjenje broja BMK...Food chain may represent a possible route for the transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria between human and animal populations. Commensal bacteria originating from food-producing animals can contaminate food and by that means become a part of the complex food microbiota. Commensal bacteria can also serve as reservoirs for the antibiotic resistance genes. Tetracycline resistance in commensal bacteria is well documented and is coded with transmissible genes. Therefore, it is recognized as a model for the monitoring of antibiotic resistance ecology. Homolj, Zlatar and Sjenica cheese have protected geographical indication on the national level. As Homolj, Zlatar and Sjenica cheese are raw milk cheeses produced in the traditional manner, LAB originating from the raw milk and the environment constitute an important part of Serbian traditional cheeses’ microbiota. There are many data in the scientific literature that LAB can carry transmissible antibiotic resistance genes. The aims of this doctoral dissertation were to: characterize biodiversity of traditional Serbian cheeses; determine phenotype and prevalence of antibiotic resistance; define genetic basis of tetracycline resistance in the LAB isolates and to investigate possibility for in vitro transmission of the tet genes. Total of 48 samples traditional Serbian cheeses (13 samples of Homolj cheese, 20 samples of Zlatar cheese and 15 samples of Sjenica cheese) were analyzed. All samples were plated on MRS-S agar plates in order to determine LAB count and on MRS-S agar plates with added tetracycline in doubling concentrations (1-256 μg/ml), in order to determine tetracycline resistant LAB subpopulation count. Average count of LAB in Homolj cheese was 7,65±1,09 log CFU/g, in Zlatar cheese 7,74±0,6 log CFU/g and in Sjenica cheese 7,47±0,71 log CFU/g. Addition of tetracycline in concentration of 64 μg/ml has considerably reduced LAB count, which was in Homolj cheese 3,98±2,28 log CFU/g, in Zlatar cheese 3,35±2,02 log CFU/g and in Sjenica cheese 3,93±2,24 log CFU/g..


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    Esta pesquisa se caracteriza como exploratória qualitativa quanto aos fins de investigação e configurou-se bibliográfica quanto aos meios. Num referencial teórico construído em torno do tema: formação/atuação de professores, egressos do curso de Matemática/UNESC (ECM) e as questões ambientais trabalhadas por eles no ensino. Justifica-se por: considerar que não se preserva a natureza tanto quanto necessário; e a possibilidade de acontecer o que Ferreira e Wodewotzki (2007 p. 65) afirmam “[...] a junção da Matemática com questões ambientais pode apresentar-se como um caminho promissor para despertar um maior interesse dos alunos pelo aprendizado da Matemática, além de torná-los mais conscientes, críticos e reflexivos no tocante à problemática ambiental”. Objetivo foi: estudar as possibilidades que os ECM de 2010-2015 têm para trabalhar conceitos matemáticos nas aulas com aplicação no Meio Ambiente (MA), tema transversal considerado na legislação da Educação Brasileira. Os professores em sua maioria não trabalham as questões ambientais em suas aulas.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: meio ambiente; formação/atuação de professores; modelagem matemática


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    Esta pesquisa se caracteriza como exploratória qualitativa quanto aos fins de investigação e configurou-se bibliográfica quanto aos meios. Num referencial teórico construído em torno do tema: formação/atuação de professores, egressos do curso de Matemática/UNESC (ECM) e as questões ambientais trabalhadas por eles no ensino. Justifica-se por: considerar que não se preserva a natureza tanto quanto necessário; e a possibilidade de acontecer o que Ferreira e Wodewotzki (2007 p. 65) afirmam “[...] a junção da Matemática com questões ambientais pode apresentar-se como um caminho promissor para despertar um maior interesse dos alunos pelo aprendizado da Matemática, além de torná-los mais conscientes, críticos e reflexivos no tocante à problemática ambiental”. Objetivo foi: estudar as possibilidades que os ECM de 2010-2015 têm para trabalhar conceitos matemáticos nas aulas com aplicação no Meio Ambiente (MA), tema transversal considerado na legislação da Educação Brasileira. Os professores em sua maioria não trabalham as questões ambientais em suas aulas.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: meio ambiente; formação/atuação de professores; modelagem matemática