66 research outputs found

    Increasing Hamstring Strength and Flexibility During Arabesque in Collegiate Dancers

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    The hamstring is an important muscle group to dancers because it assists in leg and hip extension and helps maintain many classical positions in dance such as attitude derrière and arabesque. Additionally, the hamstring is a common injury in dance caused by insufficient warm up or lack of flexibility, strength, or a combination of both. The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference between strength and flexibility training and its effect on a dancer’s hamstrings during arabesque. Having proper hamstring strength and flexibility increases performance in regard to execution and safety. The subject pool was selected from a group of volunteer university dance students. These dancers were randomly placed into either a strength group (n=1), flexibility group (n=1), or control group (n=1). Throughout the course of the study, dancers were given exercises that corresponded to their selected groupings and performed these exercises after going through a warm-up protocol. This seven-week study was conducted using pre and post testing, including hamstring flexibility and strength tests. The subjects underwent a training week, followed by 4 weeks of intervention

    Knowledge management applied to educational purposes

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    Orientador: Ivan Luiz Marques RicarteDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho propõe uma arquitetura de suporte ao gerenciamento do conhecimento (GC), que possa servir de base para a confecção de sistemas de suporte a este tipo de aplicação. Essa arquitetura suporta os processos de criação e conversão do conhecimento, com ênfase na identificação de conhecimentos tácitos de seus usuários. Além disso, discute-se como um sistema de suporte ao GC, desenvolvido com base na arquitetura proposta, pode ser aplicado a fins educacionais. O trabalho descreve os passos seguidos para a definição da arquitetura, detalhando as etapas de modelagem e projeto. Ao final, apresenta-se como exemplo um sistema que segue as especificações da arquitetura e discutem-se os resultados obtidos através da utilização do mesmo em um laboratório de pesquisas acadêmicasAbstract: This work proposes an architecture of knowledge management (KM) support, that can serve as a base to build systems for this type of application. This architecture supports the processes of knowledge creation and conversion, with emphasis in the identification of tacit knowledge of its users. Moreover, it is discussed how a knowledge management support system, developed according to the proposed architecture, can be used for educational applications. The work describes the steps followed for the definition of the architecture, detailing the stages of modeling and design. At the end, an example system is presented, following the specifications of the architecture, and its use in a laboratory of academic research is discussed.MestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Zeitgeist: Modelando um projeto editorial com interface digital

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    Die vorliegende Diskussion stellt die Leitgedanken eines Modells zur Publikation eines DaF-Lehrwerks zur Anwendung in brasilianischen Hochschulkontexten vor Berücksichtigt werden der Standpunkt des Verlags, technische Fragen bezüglich der eTechnologie und ein Lehr-Lern-Konzept, das dem vorgestellten Modell als theoretische Fundierung dienen kann.This paper presents the main lines that guide a model for an editorial project for the teaching of German as a foreign language in Brazilian higher education contexts. The discussion contemplates the editorial point of view, technical issues related to the use of digital technology and a teaching-learning concept that provides a theoretical justification for the model presented.Apresentam-se aqui as linhas-mestres de um modelo para projeto editorial de materiais didáticos destinados ao ensino de alemão em contextos universitários no Brasil. Contemplam-se o ponto de vista editorial, questões técnicas ligadas ao uso de tecnologia digital e uma concepção de ensino-aprendizagem que dê conta de uma justificação teórica do modelo apresentado

    Issues with SZZ: An empirical assessment of the state of practice of defect prediction data collection

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    Defect prediction research has a strong reliance on published data sets that are shared between researchers. The SZZ algorithm is the de facto standard for collecting defect labels for this kind of data and is used by most public data sets. Thus, problems with the SZZ algorithm may have a strong indirect impact on almost the complete state of the art of defect prediction. Recent research uncovered potential problems in different parts of the SZZ algorithm. Within this article, we provide an extensive empirical analysis of the defect labels created with the SZZ algorithm. We used a combination of manual validation and adopted or improved heuristics for the collection of defect data to establish ground truth data for bug fixing commits, improved the heuristic for the identification of inducing changes for defects, as well as the assignment of bugs to releases. We conducted an empirical study on 398 releases of 38 Apache projects and found that only half of the bug fixing commits determined by SZZ are actually bug fixing. Moreover, if a six month time frame is used in combination with SZZ to determine which bugs affect a release, one file is incorrectly labeled as defective for every file that is correctly labeled as defective. In addition, two defective files are missed. We also explored the impact of the relatively small set of features that are available in most defect prediction data sets, as there are multiple publications that indicate that, e.g., churn related features are important for defect prediction. We found that the difference of using more features is negligible.Comment: Submitted and under review. First three authors are equally contributin

    The Cinema Club as a Way for the Debate and Treatment to the Antidrug Preventive Education in Medicine Students

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    The diverse influences as regards prevention presently XXI century, among those that are, the education and the art, they are erected as an unavoidable exponent of the work against the drugs consumer and their undesirable effects. In fact the operation of the Cinema Club Sara Gomez of the Ability of Medicine No.1, stimulates, by means of the debate, the creative learning of the students who you/they play a more active part in the search of the knowledge starting from the complex situations of the life that are reflected in the film materials that are shown and they analyze in cinema debates conceived to promote an attitude coherent chord with the principles of the Cuban public health.Las diversas influencias en materia de prevención en el presente siglo XXI, entre las que se encuentran, la educación y el arte, se erigen como un exponente ineludible de la labor contra la drogadicción y sus efectos indeseables. Precisamente el funcionamiento del Cine Club Sara Gómez de la Facultad de Medicina No.1, estimula, mediante el debate, el aprendizaje creativo de los estudiantes quienes desempeñan un papel más activo en la búsqueda del conocimiento a partir de las situaciones complejas de la vida que se reflejan en los materiales cinematográficos que se muestran y analizan en cine debates concebidos para promover una actitud coherente acorde con los principios de la salud pública cubana

    Facial duplication: Case, review, and embryogenesis

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    The craniofacial anatomy of an infant with facial duplication is described. There were four eyes, two noses, two maxillae, and one mandible. Anterior to the single pituitary the brain was duplicated and there was bilateral arhinencephaly. Portions of the brain were extruded into a large frontal encephalocele. Cases of symmetrical facial duplication reported in the literature range from two complete faces on a single head (diprosopus) to simple nasal duplication. The variety of patterns of duplication suggests that the doubling of facial components arises in several different ways: Forking of the notochord, duplication of the prosencephalon, duplication of the olfactory placodes, and duplication of maxillary and/or mandibular growth centers around the margins of the stomatodeal plate. Among reported cases, the female:male ratio is 2:1.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/38153/1/1420250205_ftp.pd

    Skriveterapi for ektefeller til personer med demens i tidlig sykdomsfase

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    Denne studien retter fokus på ektefeller til personer med demenssykdom i tidlig sykdomsfase, deres erfaringer og behov i den livssituasjonen de er i, knyttet til implementeringen av et skrivetiltak, basert på ekspressiv skriving som metode. Det eksisterer lite forskning om pårørendes opplevelse av den tidligste sykdomsfasen, og hvordan man kan legge til rette for en best mulig tilpasning og mestring for denne målgruppen. Andre studier har vist at tidlige intervensjoner og tiltak, særlig for å styrke pårørendes muligheter for å leve opp til forventninger og idealer om egen mestring, er viktig for å fremme en bedre tilpasning i det videre sykdomsforløpet. Dette masterprosjektet har tatt for seg hvordan ektefeller kan nyttiggjøre seg ekspressiv skriving i en tidlig sykdomsfase. Sju deltakere ble inkludert i studien, hvorav fem gjennomførte skriveopplegget på fire uker. Semistrukturerte intervjuer ble gjennomført både før og etter, og oppfølging foregikk over telefon i løpet av perioden. For å svare på hvordan ektefellene har nyttiggjort seg tiltaket har jeg først undersøkt kjennetegn ved konteksten som tiltaket skal inn i, for så å se på hvordan deltakerne har tatt i bruk skrivetiltaket sett i sammenheng med den enkeltes hverdagsutfordringer, og videre hvilken verdi deltakerne selv har tillagt tiltaket. Resultatene viser at ekspressiv skriving kan være et nyttig verktøy for denne målgruppen, særlig knyttet til å gi 1) økt innsikt i og forståelse av egen rolle og håndtering av livssituasjon, 2) en arena for utblåsning, 3) oversikt og perspektiv på egne bekymringer, og 4) en lavere terskel for å snakke om problemer og hendelser med andre. Gjennomgående rapporteres en økt tro på egen mestring og evne til å påvirke og håndtere situasjoner