14 research outputs found

    Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr)

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    We propose an experiment to search for QCD axion and axion-like-particle (ALP) dark matter. Nuclei that are interacting with the background axion dark matter acquire time-varying CP-odd nuclear moments such as an electric dipole moment. In analogy with nuclear magnetic resonance, these moments cause precession of nuclear spins in a material sample in the presence of an electric field. Precision magnetometry can be used to search for such precession. An initial phase of this experiment could cover many orders of magnitude in ALP parameter space beyond the current astrophysical and laboratory limits. And with established techniques, the proposed experimental scheme has sensitivity to QCD axion masses m_a < 10^-9 eV, corresponding to theoretically well-motivated axion decay constants f_a > 10^16 GeV. With further improvements, this experiment could ultimately cover the entire range of masses m_a < 10^-6 eV, complementary to cavity searches.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. v2: Reordered sections and minor modifications to agree with published versio

    Detection of a single cobalt microparticle with a microfabricated atomic magnetometer

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    We present magnetic detection of a single, 2 {\mu}m diameter cobalt microparticle using an atomic magnetometer based on a microfabricated vapor cell. These results represent an improvement by a factor of 105 in terms of the detected magnetic moment over previous work using atomic magnetometers to detect magnetic microparticles. The improved sensitivity is due largely to the use of small vapor cells. In an optimized setup, we predict detection limits of 0.17 {\mu}m^3.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Near-zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance

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    We investigate nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in near-zero-field, where the Zeeman interaction can be treated as a perturbation to the electron mediated scalar interaction (J-coupling). This is in stark contrast to the high field case, where heteronuclear J-couplings are normally treated as a small perturbation. We show that the presence of very small magnetic fields results in splitting of the zero-field NMR lines, imparting considerable additional information to the pure zero-field spectra. Experimental results are in good agreement with first-order perturbation theory and with full numerical simulation when perturbation theory breaks down. We present simple rules for understanding the splitting patterns in near-zero-field NMR, which can be applied to molecules with non-trivial spectra.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Long-lived heteronuclear spin-singlet states

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    We report observation of long-lived spin-singlet states in a 13C-1H spin pair at zero magnetic field. In 13C-labeled formic acid, we observe spin-singlet lifetimes as long as 37 seconds, about a factor of three longer than the T1 lifetime of dipole polarization in the triplet state. We also observe that the lifetime of the singlet-triplet coherence, T2, is longer than T1. Moreover, we demonstrate that this singlet states formed by spins of a heteronucleus and a 1H nucleus, can exhibit longer lifetimes than the respective triplet states in systems consisting of more than two nuclear spins. Although long-lived homonuclear spin-singlet states have been extensively studied, this is the first experimental observation of analogous spin-singlets consisting of a heteronucleus and a proton.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of Untruncated Nuclear Spin Interactions via Zero- to Ultra-Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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    Zero- to ultra-low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (ZULF NMR) provides a new regime for the measurement of nuclear spin-spin interactions free from effects of large magnetic fields, such as truncation of terms that do not commute with the Zeeman Hamiltonian. One such interaction, the magnetic dipole-dipole coupling, is a valuable source of spatial information in NMR, though many terms are unobservable in high-field NMR, and the coupling averages to zero under isotropic molecular tumbling. Under partial alignment, this information is retained in the form of so-called residual dipolar couplings. We report zero- to ultra-low-field NMR measurements of residual dipolar couplings in acetonitrile-2-13^{13}C aligned in stretched polyvinyl acetate gels. This represents the first investigation of dipolar couplings as a perturbation on the indirect spin-spin JJ-coupling in the absence of an applied magnetic field. As a consequence of working at zero magnetic field, we observe terms of the dipole-dipole coupling Hamiltonian that are invisible in conventional high-field NMR. This technique expands the capabilities of zero- to ultra-low-field NMR and has potential applications in precision measurement of subtle physical interactions, chemical analysis, and characterization of local mesoscale structure in materials.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Fundamental Aspects of Parahydrogen Enhanced Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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    We report new phenomena in low-field 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy using parahydrogen induced polarization (PHIP), enabling determination of chemical shift differences, δν, and the scalar coupling constant J. NMR experiments performed with thermal polarization in millitesla magnetic fields do not allow the determination of scalar coupling constants for homonuclear coupled spins in the inverse weak coupling regime (δν<J). We show here that low-field PHIP experiments in the inverse weak coupling regime enable the precise determination of δν and J. Furthermore we experimentally prove that observed splittings are related to δν in a nonlinear way. Naturally abundant 13C and 29Si isotopes lead to heteronuclear J-coupled 1H-multiplet lines with amplitudes significantly enhanced compared to the amplitudes for thermally prepolarized spins. PHIP-enhanced NMR in the millitesla regime allows us to measure characteristic NMR parameters in a single scan using samples containing rare spins in natural abundance

    High-Resolution Zero-Field NMR <i>J</i>‑Spectroscopy of Aromatic Compounds

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    We report the acquisition and interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) <i>J</i>-spectra at zero magnetic field for a series of benzene derivatives, demonstrating the analytical capabilities of zero-field NMR. The zeroth-order spectral patterns do not overlap, which allows for straightforward determination of the spin interactions of substituent functional groups. Higher-order effects cause additional line splittings, revealing additional molecular information. We demonstrate resonance linewidths as narrow as 11 mHz, permitting resolution of minute frequency differences and precise determination of long-range <i>J</i>-couplings. The measurement of <i>J</i>-couplings with the high precision offered by zero-field NMR may allow further refinements in the determination of molecular structure and conformation

    High-Resolution Zero-Field NMR <i>J</i>‑Spectroscopy of Aromatic Compounds

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    We report the acquisition and interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) <i>J</i>-spectra at zero magnetic field for a series of benzene derivatives, demonstrating the analytical capabilities of zero-field NMR. The zeroth-order spectral patterns do not overlap, which allows for straightforward determination of the spin interactions of substituent functional groups. Higher-order effects cause additional line splittings, revealing additional molecular information. We demonstrate resonance linewidths as narrow as 11 mHz, permitting resolution of minute frequency differences and precise determination of long-range <i>J</i>-couplings. The measurement of <i>J</i>-couplings with the high precision offered by zero-field NMR may allow further refinements in the determination of molecular structure and conformation

    High-Resolution Zero-Field NMR <i>J</i>‑Spectroscopy of Aromatic Compounds

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    We report the acquisition and interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) <i>J</i>-spectra at zero magnetic field for a series of benzene derivatives, demonstrating the analytical capabilities of zero-field NMR. The zeroth-order spectral patterns do not overlap, which allows for straightforward determination of the spin interactions of substituent functional groups. Higher-order effects cause additional line splittings, revealing additional molecular information. We demonstrate resonance linewidths as narrow as 11 mHz, permitting resolution of minute frequency differences and precise determination of long-range <i>J</i>-couplings. The measurement of <i>J</i>-couplings with the high precision offered by zero-field NMR may allow further refinements in the determination of molecular structure and conformation