344 research outputs found

    Mass spectrometry analysis of tau and amyloid-beta in iPSC-derived models of Alzheimer's disease and dementia

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    Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology enables the generation of human neurons in vitro, which contain the precise genome of the cell donor, therefore permitting the generation of disease models from individuals with a disease-associated genotype of interest. This approach has been extensively used to model inherited forms of Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia. The combination of iPSC-derived neuronal models with targeted mass spectrometry analysis has provided unprecedented insights into the regulation of specific proteins in human neuronal physiology and pathology. For example enabling investigations into tau and APP/Aβ, specifically: protein isoform expression, relative levels of cleavage fragments, aggregated species and functionally critical post-translational modifications. The use of mass spectrometry has enabled a determination of how closely iPSC-derived models recapitulate disease profiles observed in the human brain. This review will highlight the progress to date in studies using iPSCs and mass spectrometry to model Alzheimer's disease and dementia. We go on to convey our optimism, as studies in the near future will make use of this precedent, together with novel techniques such as genome editing and stable isotope labelling, to provide real progress towards an in depth understanding of early neurodegenerative processes and development of novel therapeutic agents

    Measurement of the Neutron Radius of Pb-208 through Parity Violation in Electron Scattering

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    We report the first measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry A(PV) in the elastic scattering of polarized electrons from Pb-208. APV is sensitive to the radius of the neutron distribution (R-n). The result A(PV) = 0.656 +/- 0.060(stat) +/- 0.014(syst) ppm corresponds to a difference between the radii of the neutron and proton distributions R-n - R-p = 0.33(-0.18)(+0.16) fm and provides the first electroweak observation of the neutron skin which is expected in a heavy, neutron-rich nucleus

    Muscle Glycogen Utilisation during an Australian Rules Football Game.

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    PURPOSE: To better understand the carbohydrate (CHO) requirement of Australian Football (AF) match play by quantifying muscle glycogen utilisation during an in-season AF match. METHODS: After a 24 h CHO loading protocol of 8 g/kg and 2 g/kg in the pre-match meal, two elite male forward players had biopsies sampled from m. vastus lateralis before and after participation in a South Australian Football League game. Player A (87.2kg) consumed water only during match play whereas player B (87.6kg) consumed 88 g CHO via CHO gels. External load was quantified using global positioning system technology. RESULTS: Player A completed more minutes on the ground (115 vs. 98 min) and covered greater total distance (12.2 vs. 11.2 km) than Player B, though with similar high-speed running (837 vs. 1070 m) and sprinting (135 vs. 138 m), respectively. Muscle glycogen decreased by 66% in Player A (Pre-: 656, Post-: 223 mmol∙kg-1 dw) and 24% in Player B (Pre-: 544, Post-: 416 mmol∙kg-1 dw), respectively. CONCLUSION: Pre-match CHO loading elevated muscle glycogen concentrations (i.e. >500 mmol.kg-1 dw), the magnitude of which appears sufficient to meet the metabolic demands of elite AF match play. The glycogen cost of AF match play may be greater than soccer and rugby and CHO feeding may also spare muscle glycogen use. Further studies using larger sample sizes are now required to quantify the inter-individual variability of glycogen cost of match play (including muscle and fibre-type specific responses) as well examine potential metabolic and ergogenic effects of CHO feeding

    New Measurements of the Transverse Beam Asymmetry for Elastic Electron Scattering from Selected Nuclei

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    We have measured the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry An in the elastic scattering of 1-3 GeV transversely polarized electrons from H-1 and for the first time from He-4, C-12, and Pb-208. For H-1, He-4, and C-12, the measurements are in agreement with calculations that relate A(n) to the imaginary part of the two-photon exchange amplitude including inelastic intermediate states. Surprisingly, the Pb-208 result is significantly smaller than the corresponding prediction using the same formalism. These results suggest that a systematic set of new A(n) measurements might emerge as a new and sensitive probe of the structure of heavy nuclei

    The band structure of BeTe - a combined experimental and theoretical study

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    Using angle-resolved synchrotron-radiation photoemission spectroscopy we have determined the dispersion of the valence bands of BeTe(100) along ΓX\Gamma X, i.e. the [100] direction. The measurements are analyzed with the aid of a first-principles calculation of the BeTe bulk band structure as well as of the photoemission peaks as given by the momentum conserving bulk transitions. Taking the calculated unoccupied bands as final states of the photoemission process, we obtain an excellent agreement between experimental and calculated spectra and a clear interpretation of almost all measured bands. In contrast, the free electron approximation for the final states fails to describe the BeTe bulk band structure along ΓX\Gamma X properly.Comment: 21 pages plus 4 figure

    Symmetry Breaking in Few Layer Graphene Films

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    Recently, it was demonstrated that the quasiparticle dynamics, the layer-dependent charge and potential, and the c-axis screening coefficient could be extracted from measurements of the spectral function of few layer graphene films grown epitaxially on SiC using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). In this article we review these findings, and present detailed methodology for extracting such parameters from ARPES. We also present detailed arguments against the possibility of an energy gap at the Dirac crossing ED.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, Conference Proceedings of DPG Meeting Mar 2007 Regensburg Submitted to New Journal of Physic

    CSF neurofilament light chain profiling and quantitation in neurological diseases.

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    Neurofilament light chain is an established marker of neuroaxonal injury that is elevated in CSF and blood across various neurological diseases. It is increasingly used in clinical practice to aid diagnosis and monitor progression and as an outcome measure to assess safety and efficacy of disease-modifying therapies across the clinical translational neuroscience field. Quantitative methods for neurofilament light chain in human biofluids have relied on immunoassays, which have limited capacity to describe the structure of the protein in CSF and how this might vary in different neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we characterized and quantified neurofilament light chain species in CSF across neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases and healthy controls using targeted mass spectrometry. We show that the quantitative immunoprecipitation-tandem mass spectrometry method developed in this study strongly correlates to single-molecule array measurements in CSF across the broad spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases and was replicable across mass spectrometry methods and centres. In summary, we have created an accurate and cost-effective assay for measuring a key biomarker in translational neuroscience research and clinical practice, which can be easily multiplexed and translated into clinical laboratories for the screening and monitoring of neurodegenerative disease or acute brain injury