306 research outputs found

    Modèle statique d'une PEMFC en vue d'une application au pronostic

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    National audienceDans le cadre d'un projet européen et en vue d'une application au pronostic de pile PEMFC, un modèle de comportement obtenu grâce à une approche analytique est développé. Ce papier décrit un modèle statique basé sur une loi de Butler-Volmer qui est finalement validé grâce à des données expérimentales. ABSTRACT - In this European project one of the aims is to apply prognostics to a PEM Fuel Cell. For that purpose, an analytical behavior model is developed. This paper describes a static model based on the Butler-Volmer law and validated thanks to experimental data

    New hybrid and ionic polymer electrolytes for lithium metal solid state batteries

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    Los capítulos 1 y 2 están sujetos a confidencialidad por la autora 182 p.The rising need for the development of the electric transportation requires batteries with higher energy densities. Lithium metal batteries look to be the most promising technology. Nonetheless, common organic liquid electrolytes cannot be used, due to their poor chemical stability towards the lithium and the formation of dendrites. Solid state batteries, where the liquid electrolyte is replaced by a solid ionic conductor, enable to reach higher energy density, are safer and can mitigate dendrites formation. In this thesis, we report new hybrid and polymer solid electrolytes to couple with a lithium metal anode. For this purpose, we developed ionic polymer matrices based on poly(ethylene glycol) derivatives. For the hybrids, we choose to use garnet nanoparticles Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) as active inorganic fillers. The performance of the hybrid and polymer solid electrolytes was carried out in lithium symmetrical solid-state batteries. The study of voltage shapes at different current densities reveals about the homogeneity of Li stripping/plating processes and the formation of Li dendrites

    A new landscape of host–protozoa interactions involving the extracellular vesicles world

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    This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works. © Cambridge University Press 2018Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are released by a wide number of cells including blood cells, immune system cells, tumour cells, adult and embryonic stem cells. EVs are a heterogeneous group of vesicles (~30–1000 nm) including microvesicles and exosomes. The physiological release of EVs represents a normal state of the cell, raising a metabolic equilibrium between catabolic and anabolic processes. Moreover, when the cells are submitted to stress with different inducers or in pathological situations (malignancies, chronic diseases, infectious diseases.), they respond with an intense and dynamic release of EVs. The EVs released from stimulated cells vs those that are released constitutively may themselves differ, both physically and in their cargo. EVs contain protein, lipids, nucleic acids and biomolecules that can alter cell phenotypes or modulate neighbouring cells. In this review, we have summarized findings involving EVs in certain protozoan diseases. We have commented on strategies to study the communicative roles of EVs during host–pathogen interaction and hypothesized on the use of EVs for diagnostic, preventative and therapeutic purposes in infectious diseases. This kind of communication could modulate the innate immune system and reformulate concepts in parasitism. Moreover, the information provided within EVs could produce alternatives in translational medicine.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Magnetic resonance imaging in pulmonary hypertension: an overview of current applications and future perspectives.

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    Pulmonary hypertension is an heterogeneous group of diseases characterised by increased pulmonary arterial pressures which impact on the upstream right ventricle. Pulmonary hypertension can be challenging to diagnose, classify and monitor when specific therapies are applicable. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging has greatly evolved in the last decades and is a promising tool to non-invasively follow pulmonary hypertension patients. CMR provides a comprehensive evaluation of the heart and is therefore the gold standard for quantification of right ventricular volumes, mass and function, which are critical for pulmonary hypertension prognosis. In addition, innovative MR techniques allow an increasingly precise evaluation of pulmonary haemodynamics and lung perfusion. This review highlights the main advantages offered by CMR in pulmonary hypertension and gives an overview of putative future applications. Although right heart catheterisation remains mandatory in the diagnostic algorithm, CMR could play an increasingly important role in the coming years in monitoring pulmonary hypertension patients

    Influence de la transformation martensitique induite par la déformation sur le comportement mécanique d’aciers inoxydables duplex

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    Duplex stainless steels offer an attractive combination of high mechanical properties, low thermalconductivity and a relatively low cost. They are increasingly used as structural materials such as inthe construction sector as concrete reinforcement bars, where both high strength (Rm > 900 MPa)and high elongation to failure (A% > 15 %) are required. This thesis aims at improving the strength/ elongation compromise by developing new duplex stainless steel compositions experiencing a wellcontrolledmartensitic transformation induced by plasticity (TRIP effect). The optimisation of thiscompromise has required a good understanding of the transformation mechanisms and of plasticdeformation associated with each phase : ferrite (BCC), austenite (FCC) and martensite (BCC).The influence of martensitic transformation on mechanical behavior has been studied in four duplexgrades of variable austenite stability as a function of their chemical composition. The influence ofmultiphase microstructure on martensitic transformation kinetics has been determined by makingthree alloys respectively representative of a duplex grade and its two constituents (austenite andferrite). Using multiple characterization techniques at different scales has allowed determiningboth the transformation mechanisms and its kinetics as a function of strain, giving thus accessto the influence of transformation on the mechanical behavior. The study of kinematic fields hashighlighted the impact of the martensitic phase on the distribution of deformations. Finally, theuse of a mechanical model taking explicitly into account the phase transformation has allowed theduplication of the mechanical behavior of a duplex stainless steel.Les aciers inoxydables duplex présentent une combinaison intéressante entre des propriétés mécaniques élevées, une faible conductivité thermique et un coût relativement faible. Ils sont couramment employés dans le domaine du bâtiment comme rond à béton, application qui requière notamment une résistance élevée (Rm > 950 MPa) et une ductilité importante (A% > 15). Cette thèse a pour objectif d’améliorer le compromis résistance / allongement, en développant de nouvelles nuances duplex présentant une transformation martensitique induite par la plasticité (effet TRIP) aux caractéristiques contrôlées. L’optimisation de ce compromis a nécessité en particulier une compréhension détaillée des mécanismes de transformation et de déformation plastique associés à chaque phase : la ferrite (BCC), l’austénite (FCC) et la martensite (BCC).L’influence de la transformation martensitique sur le comportement mécanique est étudiée pour quatre alliages duplex de stabilité variable de la phase austénitique en fonction de leur composition chimique. L’influence d’une microstructure multiphasée sur la cinétique de transformation est déterminée grâce à l’élaboration de trois nuances modèles représentant respectivement une nuance duplex et es deux compositions représentatives de ses constituants austénite et ferrite. L’utilisation de plusieurs techniques de caractérisation à différentes échelles a permis de décrire à la fois les mécanismes de transformation de phase et leur cinétique en fonction de la déformation, donnant ainsi accès à leur influence sur le comportement mécanique. L’étude des champs cinématiques a mis en évidence l’impact de la phase martensitique sur la répartition des déformations dans la microstructure multi-phasée. Finalement l’utilisation d’un modèle mécanique prenant en compte explicitement la transformation martensitique a permis de reproduire le comportement mécanique d’un alliage duplex

    Contribution au pronostic de pile à combustible PEMFC basé sur modèle semi-analytique.

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    The current environmental concerns lead us to consider alternative solutions. The fuel cell can be one of them with numerous advantages, it presents however weaknesses, especially, its life duration which is too short. Face to this issue, we offer to apply the PHM to the PEMFC. For that, it is necessary to develop the prognostics for this application and the possibility of the on-line implementation on an industrial system. It was chosen to base the approach on a behavioral model in which the knowledge gaps are completed with the use of data. So, the approach proposed here, is hybrid. In this work, the behavioral model is studied on laps of time longer in order to finally introduce a prediction of a thousand of hours. Then, the online implementation on a real system is considered with a genericity and an applicability study. This work proposes a hybrid prognostics approach based on a behavioral model and study its implementation on an industrial system.}Les préoccupations environnementales actuelles nous amènent à envisager des solutions alternatives, telles que la pile à combustible. Cette dernière malgré ses avantages présente des faiblesses qui ralentissent sa diffusion au sein de l'industrie, entre autres, sa trop courte durée de vie. Face à cette considération, nous proposons d'appliquer le PHM à la PEMFC. Il faut donc développer le pronostic puis considérer son insertion au sein d'un système industriel. Nous choisissons de baser l'approche proposée sur un modèle de comportement, tout en proposant de combler le manque de connaissance concernant le vieillissement de la pile par les données, ce qui nous permet amène à développer une approche hybride. Dans ces travaux, le modèle comportemental est étudié sur des durées de plus en plus grandes pour enfin proposer une prédiction de l'ordre du millier d'heure. Afin de prendre en compte une implantation au sein d'un système réel, une étude sur la généricité et applicabilité de l'approche est réalisée. Ainsi, ces travaux proposent une approche de pronostic hybride basée sur un modèle de comportement et étudie son insertion au sein d'un système réel.

    Towards an ageing model of a PEMFC for prognostics purpose

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    International audienceOne of the main constraints of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) in its breakthrough in the industrial world is its life duration [1], which is too short and not enough managed. From this point of view, the development of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) technology [2] appears to be a relevant discipline; the estimation of the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of a fuel cell system enables deciding for actions in order to try to mitigate the degradation and ensure longer life duration and availability. This paper addresses this topic and aims at proposing a basic FC ageing model [3][4] that will serve for prognostics issues. Here, the proposed ageing model is based on the combination of a static model with a dynamical one. A physical based model is considered built on a Butler-Volmer law where the voltage is function of the current density and of fuel cell's physical parameters. This analytical static model allows the separation of cathode and anode contribution. The dynamical model is based on an electrical equivalence; on which different internal components can be distinguished. This model is expressed in a state-space representation and defines the voltage depending on the current. Moreover, the model also provides the possibility of modelling the ageing of the Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. Indeed, different internal parameters can be represented using time-dependent functions. The limits of this model and its suitability for prognostics are discussed. The model validation is based on actual long-duration experimental tests

    Phenotypic Diversity of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Implications for Therapy.

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a progressive incurable condition that is characterized by extensive remodeling of the pulmonary circulation, leading to severe right-sided heart failure and death. Similar to other vascular contractile cells, pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells play central roles in physiological and pathologic vascular remodeling because of their remarkable ability to dynamically modulate their phenotype to ensure contractile and synthetic functions. The dysfunction and molecular mechanisms underlying their contribution to the various pulmonary vascular lesions associated with PAH have been a major focus of research. The aim of this review is to describe the medial and nonmedial origins of contractile cells in the pulmonary vascular wall and present evidence of how they contribute to the onset and progression of PAH. We also highlight specific potential target molecules and discuss future directions that are being explored to widen the therapeutic options for the treatment of PAH

    Control electronics for the CIME RF system

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    International audienceThe paper describes the characteristics of the amplitude and phase loops for the accelerating voltage, thecontrol system which manages securities, sparks and multipactor problems for the cavities. Design methods andresults during first power tests are presented

    Single-ion polymer/LLZO hybrid electrolytes with high lithium conductivity

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    Hybrid solid electrolytes which combine the properties of inorganic and polymeric ion conductors are being investigated for lithium batteries which use lithium metal anodes. The number of inorganic/polymer compositions and their synergy in ion-conducting properties are limited by the hybrid fabrication method and the limited compatibility between both types of materials. Here we report a hybrid solid electrolyte formed by a poly(ethylene glycol) type single-ion polymer network and ceramic garnet-type nanoparticles of Li7−3XAlXLa3Zr2O12 (LLZO) with very high lithium conductivity. The combination of a lithium-single ion polymer matrix with LLZO inorganic particles results in flexible free-standing films by using a fast UV-photopolymerization process with facile control of its composition. This methodology showed excellent dispersion of the LLZO nanoparticles within the gel polymer network with up to 50 wt% ceramic content, as shown in the enviromental ESEM images. These hybrid electrolytes have high ionic conductivity values (1.4 × 10−4 S cm−1 at 25 °C) and high lithium transference number as compared to previous hybrid electrolytes. The effect of LLZO nanoparticle content on the lithium transport was investigated in detail using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). Finally, determination of the critical current density (CCD) before lithium dendrites are initiated has been carried out on both pristine and hybrid electrolytes, so as to assess their potential as solid electrolytes for lithium metal batteries.This work was supported by the European Commission’s funded Marie Sklodowska-Curie project POLYTE-EID (Project No. 765828). L.P. has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska–Curie grant agreement No 797295