374 research outputs found

    Technetium and the third dredge up in AGB stars. I. Field stars

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    We searched for Tc in a sample of long period variables selected by stellar luminosity derived from Hipparcos parallaxes. Tc, as an unstable s-process element, is a good indicator for the evolutionary status of stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). In this paper we study the occurrence of Tc as a function of luminosity to provide constraints on the minimum luminosity for the third dredge up as estimated from recent stellar evolution models. A large number of AGB stars above the estimated theoretical limit for the third dredge up are found not to show Tc. We confirm previous findings that only a small fraction of the semiregular variables show Tc lines in their spectra. Contrary to earlier results by Little et al. (1987) we find also a significant number of Miras without Tc. The presence and absence of Tc is discussed in relation to the mass distribution of AGB stars. We find that a large fraction of the stars of our sample must have current masses of less than 1.5 M_{\sun}. Combining our findings with stellar evolution scenarios we conclude that the fraction of time a star is observed as a SRV or a Mira is dependent on its mass.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The AGB stars of the intermediate-age LMC cluster NGC 1846 Variability and age determination

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    Aims: To investigate variability and to model the pulsational behaviour of AGB variables in the intermediate-age LMC cluster NGC 1846. Methods: Our own photometric monitoring has been combined with data from the MACHO archive to detect 22 variables among the cluster's AGB stars and to derive pulsation periods. According to the global parameters of the cluster we construct pulsation models taking into account the effect of the C/O ratio on the atmospheric structure. In particular, we have used opacities appropriate for both O-rich stars and carbon stars in the pulsation calculations. Results: The observed P-L-diagram of NGC 1846 can be fitted using a mass of the AGB stars of about 1.8 M_{\sun}. We show that the period of pulsation is increased when an AGB star turns into a carbon star. Using the mass on the AGB defined by the pulsational behaviour of our sample we derive a cluster age of 1.4×1091.4\times10^{9} years. This is the first time the age of a cluster has been derived from the variability of its AGB stars. The carbon stars are shown to be a mixture of fundamental and first overtone radial pulsators.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Abundance analysis for long period variables. Velocity effects studied with O-rich dynamic model atmospheres

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    (abbreviated) Measuring the surface abundances of AGB stars is an important tool for studying the effects of nucleosynthesis and mixing in the interior of low- to intermediate mass stars during their final evolutionary phases. The atmospheres of AGB stars can be strongly affected by stellar pulsation and the development of a stellar wind, though, and the abundance determination of these objects should therefore be based on dynamic model atmospheres. We investigate the effects of stellar pulsation and mass loss on the appearance of selected spectral features (line profiles, line intensities) and on the derived elemental abundances by performing a systematic comparison of hydrostatic and dynamic model atmospheres. High-resolution synthetic spectra in the near infrared range were calculated based on two dynamic model atmospheres (at various phases during the pulsation cycle) as well as a grid of hydrostatic COMARCS models. Equivalent widths of a selection of atomic and molecular lines were derived in both cases and compared with each other. In the case of the dynamic models, the equivalent widths of all investigated features vary over the pulsation cycle. A consistent reproduction of the derived variations with a set of hydrostatic models is not possible, but several individual phases and spectral features can be reproduced well with the help of specific hydrostatic atmospheric models. In addition, we show that the variations in equivalent width that we found on the basis of the adopted dynamic model atmospheres agree qualitatively with observational results for the Mira R Cas over its light cycle. The findings of our modelling form a starting point to deal with the problem of abundance determination in strongly dynamic AGB stars (i.e., long-period variables).Comment: 13 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    AGAPEROS: Searching for variable stars in the LMC Bar II. Temporal and near-IR analysis of Long-Period Variables

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    We analysed the light curves of a large sample of long period variables in the LMC from the AGAPEROS catalogue. The (non)regularity of the light change is discussed in detail showing that the majority of the light curves cannot be described properly by a single period. We show that semiregular and small amplitude variability do not necessarily correlate as has been assumed in several previous studies. Using near-infrared data from the DENIS survey we correlate the light change with colours and luminosities of the objects. These results are used to compare long period variables in the LMC with LPVs in the Galactic Bulge and in the solar neighborhood.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures accepted for publication in A&

    The fluorine abundance in a Galactic Bulge AGB star measured from CRIRES spectra

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    We present measurements of the fluorine abundance in a Galactic Bulge Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) star. The measurements were performed using high resolution K-band spectra obtained with the CRIRES spectrograph, which has been recently installed at ESO's VLT, together with state-of-the-art model atmospheres and synthetic spectra. This represents the first fluorine abundance measurement in a Galactic Bulge star, and one of few measurements of this kind in a third dredge-up oxygen-rich AGB star. The F abundance is found to be close to the solar value scaled down to the metallicity of the star, and in agreement with Disk giants that are comparable to the Bulge giant studied here. The measurement is of astrophysical interest also because the star's mass can be estimated rather accurately (1.4 \lesssim M/\mathrm{M}_{\sun} \lesssim 2.0). AGB nucleosynthesis models predict only a very mild enrichment of F in such low mass AGB stars. Thus, we suggest that the fluorine abundance found in the studied star is representative for the star's natal cloud, and that fluorine must have been produced at a similar level in the Bulge and in the Disk.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication by Ap

    The complex environment of the bright carbon star TX Psc as probed by spectro-astrometry

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    Context: Stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) show broad evidence of inhomogeneous atmospheres and circumstellar envelopes. These have been studied by a variety of methods on various angular scales. In this paper we explore the envelope of the well-studied carbon star TX Psc by the technique of spectro-astrometry. Aims: We explore the potential of this method for detecting asymmetries around AGB stars. Methods:We obtained CRIRES observations of several CO Δ\Deltav=1 lines near 4.6 μ\mum and HCN lines near 3 μ\mum in 2010 and 2013. These were then searched for spectro-astrometric signatures. For the interpretation of the results, we used simple simulated observations. Results: Several lines show significant photocentre shifts with a clear dependence on position angle. In all cases, tilde-shaped signatures are found where the positive and negative shifts (at PA 0deg) are associated with blue and weaker red components of the lines. The shifts can be modelled with a bright blob 70 mas to 210 mas south of the star with a flux of several percent of the photospheric flux. We estimate a lower limit of the blob temperature of 1000 K. The blob may be related to a mass ejection as found for AGB stars or red supergiants. We also consider the scenario of a companion object. Conclusions: Although there is clear spectro-astrometric evidence of a rather prominent structure near TX Psc, it does not seem to relate to the other evidence of asymmetries, so no definite explanation can be given. Our data thus underline the very complex structure of the environment of this star, but further observations that sample the angular scales out to a few hundred milli-arcseconds are needed to get a clearer picture

    Long period variables in 47 Tuc: direct evidence for lost mass

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    We have identified 22 new variable red giants in 47 Tuc and determined periods for another 8 previously known variables. All red giants redder than V-I_c=1.8 are variable at the limits of our detection threshold, which corresponds to delta V ~ 0.1 mag. This colour limit corresponds to a luminosity log L/L_sun=3.15 and it is considerably below the tip of the RGB at log L/L_sun=3.35. Linear non-adiabatic models without mass loss on the giant branch can not reproduce the observed PL laws for the low amplitude pulsators. Models that have undergone mass loss do reproduce the observed PL relations and they show that mass loss of the order of 0.3 M_sun occurs along the RGB and AGB. The linear pulsation periods do not agree well with the observed periods of the large amplitude Mira variables, which pulsate in the fundamental mode. The solution to this problem appears to be that the nonlinear pulsation periods in these low mass stars are considerably shorter than the linear pulsation periods due to a rearrangement of stellar structure caused by the pulsation. Both observations and theory show that stars evolve up the RGB and first part of the AGB pulsating in low order overtone modes, then switch to fundamental mode at high luminosities.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in A&