161 research outputs found

    Fidelity and costs of implementing the integrated chronic disease management model in South Africa

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    Background: The health systems in many low-middle income countries are faced with an increasing number of patients with non-communicable diseases within a high prevalence of infectious diseases. Integrated chronic disease management programs have been recommended as one of the approaches to improve efficiency, quality of care and clinical outcomes at primary healthcare level. The South African Department of Health has implemented the Integrated Chronic Disease Management (ICDM) Model in Primary Health care (PHC) clinics since 2011. Some of the expected outcomes on implementing the ICDM model have not been achieved, and there is a dearth of studies assessing implementation outcomes of chronic care models, especially in low-middle income countries. This thesis aims to assess the degree of fidelity, moderating factors of fidelity and costs associated with the implementation of the ICDM model in South African PHC clinics. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study design using mixed methods and following the process evaluation conceptual framework. A total of sixteen PHC clinics in the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda (DKK) health district of the North West Province as well as the West Rand (WR) health district of the Gauteng Province, that were ICDM pilot sites were included in the study. The degree of fidelity in the implementation of the ICDM model was evaluated using a fidelity criterion from the four major components of the ICDM model as follows: facility reorganization, clinical supportive management, assisted self-support and strengthening of the support systems. In addition, the implementation fidelity framework was utilized to guide the assessment of ICDM model fidelity moderating factors. The data on fidelity moderating factors were obtained by interviewing 30 purposively selected healthcare workers. The abbreviated Denison Organizational Culture (DOC) survey was administered to 90 healthcare workers to assess the impact of three cultural traits (involvement, consistency and adaptability) on fidelity. Cost data from the provider's perspective were collected in 2019. The costs of implementing the ICDM model current activities for three (facility reorganization, clinical supportive management and assisted self-management) components and additional costs of implementing with enhanced fidelity were estimated. Costs data was collected from budget reviews, interviews with management teams, and other published data. Descriptive statistics were used to describe participants and clinics. Fidelity scores were summarized using medians and proportions and compared by facilities and health districts. Qualitative data were analysed thematically. Pearson correlation coefficient was utilized to assess the association between fidelity and culture. The annual ICDM model implementation costs per PHC clinic and patient per visit were presented in 2019 US dollars. Results: The 16 PHC clinics had comparable patient caseload, and a median of 2430 (IQR: 1685-2942) patients older than 20 years received healthcare services in these clinics over six months. The overall implementation fidelity of the ICDM model median score was 79% (125/158, IQR: 117-132); WR was 80% (126/158, IQR: 123-132) while DKK was 74% (117/158, IQR: 106-130), p=0.1409. The highest clinic fidelity score was 86% (136/158), while the lowest was 66% (104/158). The fidelity scores for the four components of the ICDM model were very similar. A patient flow analysis indicated long (2-5 hours) waiting times and that acute and chronic care services were combined onto one stream. Interviews with healthcare workers revealed that the moderating factors of implementation fidelity of the ICDM model were the existence of facilitation strategies (training and clinical mentorship); intervention complexity (healthcare worker, time and space integration); and participant responsiveness (observing operational efficiencies, compliance of patients and staff attitudes). Participants also indicated that poor adherence to any one component of the ICDM model affected the implementation of the other components. Contextual factors that affected fidelity included supply chain management, infrastructure and adequate staff, and balanced patient caseloads. The overall mean score for the DOC was 3.63 (SD = 0.58), the involvement cultural trait had the highest (3.71; SD = 0.72) mean score, followed by adaptability (3.62; SD = 0.56), and consistency (3.56; SD = 0.63). Although there were no statistically significant differences in cultural scores between PHC clinics, culture scores for all three traits were significantly higher in WR (involvement 3.39 vs 3.84, p= 0.011; adaptability 3.40 vs 3.73, p= 0.007; consistency 3.34 vs 3.68, p= 0.034). The mean annual cost of implementing the ICDM model was 148446.00(SD:148 446.00 (SD: 65 125.00) per clinic, and 84% (124345.00)wasforcurrentcostswhileadditionalcostsforhigherfidelityaccountedforwere16124 345.00) was for current costs while additional costs for higher fidelity accounted for were 16% (24 102.00). The mean cost per patient per visit was 6.00(SD:6.00 (SD:0.77). Conclusion: There was some variability of fidelity scores on the components of the ICDM model by PHC clinics, and there are multiple (context, participant responsiveness, intervention complexity and facilitation strategies) interrelated moderating factors influencing implementation fidelity of the ICDM model. Organizational culture needs to be purposefully influenced to enhance adaptability and consistency cultural traits of clinics to enhance the ICDM model's principles of coordinated, integrated, patient-centred care. Small additional costs are required to implement the ICDM model with higher fidelity. Recommendations: Interventions to enhance the fidelity of chronic care models should be tailored to specific activities that have low degree of adherence to the guidelines. Addressing some of the moderating factors like training and mentoring of staff members, role clarification and supply chain management could contribute to enhanced fidelity. Organizational culture enhancements to ensure that the prevailing culture is aligned with the planned quality advancements is recommended prior to the implementation of new innovative interventions. Further research on the cost-effectiveness of the ICDM model in middle-income countries is recommended

    Economic Growth and Government Spending Nexus: Empirical Evidence from Lesotho

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    This study examines the long-run and causal relationship between government spending and economic growth in Lesotho using the ARDL bounds testing procedure for the period 1980 to 2012. Although several studies, have investigated causality between government expenditure and economic growth, none explored differentiating short run and long run causality. The results of our study indicate a stable long-term relationship between government spending and economic growth in Lesotho. However, the Granger causality test shows the direction running from economic growth to government expenditure, confirming Wagner’s Law in Lesotho. In addition, the outcomes of this study fail to support the Keynesian theory. The results highlight the need for policy makers to shift public outlays towards investment in physical infrastructure which will stimulate growth and consequently improve fiscal sustainability as opposed to recurrent expenditure.Keywords: Economic Growth, Fiscal Policy, Cointegration, Causality, Wagner’ La

    Axon diameter mapping using diffusion MRI

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    Axon diameter plays a key role in the function and performance of nerve pathways of the central and peripheral nervous system. Therefore, there is a growing interest in imaging axon diameter non-invasively. One such technique is using diffusion MRI. The purpose of this thesis is to test the feasibility of axon diameter imaging using diffusion MRI. This thesis provides for the first time a thorough experimental framework for evaluation and comparison of diffusion MR sequences, specifically two promising sequences: SDE and OGSE. The thesis involves designing a phantom to determine intrinsic sensitivity of the diffusion sequences to axon diameters. Additional experiments involving an ex vivo monkey brain and a viable rat sciatic nerve are carried out. The comparison of OGSE and SDE sequences across all different experiments demonstrate that OGSE is better than SDE. Diameter estimates of the optimal sequences are compared to the ground truth and the accuracy are found to depend on the gradient strength and SNR. For clinical scanners (G=62 mT/m and SNR>20), diameters of 5 ÎĽm are below the resolution limit. At G=300 mT/m and SNR=20, the resolution limit is 2.5 ÎĽm within an ex vivo monkey brain, causing overestimated diameters; however, an excellent prediction of the low-high-low diameter trend across the corpus callosum is observed. For G=800 mT/m and SNR=10, the resolution limit is at 2.5-3 ÎĽm for a viable rat sciatic nerve and excellent histology match is obtained. This thesis demonstrates that axon diameter imaging using diffusion MRI is possible in the nervous system. The small axons of the central nervous system require strong gradients, which are increasingly becoming more available, and peripheral nervous system have axons that are large enough to be imaged at clinical gradient strengths. This, therefore, opens up possibilities of using axon diameters as biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases and peripheral nerve regeneration studies

    The cost and cost implications of implementing the integrated chronic disease management model in South Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: A cost analysis of implementation of interventions informs budgeting and economic evaluations. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the cost of implementing the integrated chronic disease management (ICDM) model in primary healthcare (PHC) clinics in South Africa. METHODS: Cost data from the provider's perspective were collected in 2019 from four PHC clinics with comparable patient caseloads (except for one). We estimated the costs of implementing the ICDM model current activities for three (facility reorganization, clinical supportive management and assisted self-management) components and additional costs of implementing with enhanced fidelity. Costs were estimated based on budget reviews, interviews with management teams, and other published data. The standard of care activities such as medication were not included in the costing. One-way sensitivity analyses were carried out for key parameters by varying patient caseloads, required infrastructure and staff. Annual ICDM model implementation costs per PHC clinic and per patient per visit are presented in 2019 US dollars. RESULTS: The overall mean annual cost of implementing the ICDM model was 148446.00(SD:148 446.00 (SD: 65 125.00) per clinic. Current ICDM model activities cost accounted for 84% (124345.00)oftheannualmeancost,whileadditionalcostsforhigherfidelitywere16124 345.00) of the annual mean cost, while additional costs for higher fidelity were 16% (24 102.00). The mean cost per patient per visit was 6.00(SD:6.00 (SD:0.77); 4.94(SD:0.70)forcurrentcostand4.94 (SD:0.70) for current cost and 1.06 (SD:0.33) for additional cost to enhance ICDM model fidelity. For the additional cost, 49% was for facility reorganization, 31% for adherence clubs and 20% for training of nursing staff. In the sensitivity analyses, the major cost drivers were the proportion of effort of assisted self-management staff and the number of patients with chronic diseases receiving care at the clinic. CONCLUSION: Minimal additional cost are required to implement the ICDM model with higher fidelity. Further research on the cost-effectiveness of the ICDM model in middle-income countries is required

    Feasibility of Data-Driven, Model-Free Quantitative MRI Protocol Design: Application to Brain and Prostate Diffusion-Relaxation Imaging

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    Brain; Protocol design; Quantitative MRI (qMRI)Cerebro; Diseño de protocolo; Resonancia magnética cuantitativa (qMRI)Cervell; Disseny del protocol; Ressonància magnètica quantitativa (qMRI)Purpose: We investigate the feasibility of data-driven, model-free quantitative MRI (qMRI) protocol design on in vivo brain and prostate diffusion-relaxation imaging (DRI). Methods: We select subsets of measurements within lengthy pilot scans, without identifying tissue parameters for which to optimise for. We use the “select and retrieve via direct upsampling” (SARDU-Net) algorithm, made of a selector, identifying measurement subsets, and a predictor, estimating fully-sampled signals from the subsets. We implement both using artificial neural networks, which are trained jointly end-to-end. We deploy the algorithm on brain (32 diffusion-/T1-weightings) and prostate (16 diffusion-/T2-weightings) DRI scans acquired on three healthy volunteers on two separate 3T Philips systems each. We used SARDU-Net to identify sub-protocols of fixed size, assessing reproducibility and testing sub-protocols for their potential to inform multi-contrast analyses via the T1-weighted spherical mean diffusion tensor (T1-SMDT, brain) and hybrid multi-dimensional MRI (HM-MRI, prostate) models, for which sub-protocol selection was not optimised explicitly. Results: In both brain and prostate, SARDU-Net identifies sub-protocols that maximise information content in a reproducible manner across training instantiations using a small number of pilot scans. The sub-protocols support T1-SMDT and HM-MRI multi-contrast modelling for which they were not optimised explicitly, providing signal quality-of-fit in the top 5% against extensive sub-protocol comparisons. Conclusions: Identifying economical but informative qMRI protocols from subsets of rich pilot scans is feasible and potentially useful in acquisition-time-sensitive applications in which there is not a qMRI model of choice. SARDU-Net is demonstrated to be a robust algorithm for data-driven, model-free protocol design.This project was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC EP/R006032/1, M020533/1, G007748, I027084, N018702). This project has received funding under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 634541 and 666992, and from: Rosetrees Trust (United Kingdom, funding FG); Prostate Cancer United Kingdom Targeted Call 2014 (Translational Research St.2, project reference PG14-018-TR2); Cancer Research United Kingdom grant ref. A21099; Spinal Research (United Kingdom), Wings for Life (Austria), Craig H. Neilsen Foundation (United States) for jointly funding the INSPIRED study; Wings for Life (#169111); United Kingdom Multiple Sclerosis Society (grants 892/08 and 77/2017); the Department of Health’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centres and UCLH NIHR Biomedical Research Centre; Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon (Portugal); European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101003390. FG is currently supported by the investigator-initiated PREdICT study at the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (Barcelona), funded by AstraZeneca and CRIS Cancer Foundation

    Process evaluation of fidelity and costs of implementing the Integrated Chronic Disease Management model in South Africa: mixed methods study protocol.

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    INTRODUCTION: The South African Department of Health has developed and implemented the Integrated Chronic Disease Management (ICDM) model to respond to the increased utilisation of primary healthcare services due to a surge of non-communicable diseases coexisting with a high prevalence of communicable diseases. However, some of the expected outcomes on implementing the ICDM model have not been achieved. The aims of this study are to assess if the observed suboptimal outcomes of the ICDM model implementation are due to lack of fidelity to the ICDM model, to examine the contextual factors associated with the implementation fidelity and to calculate implementation costs. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A process evaluation, mixed methods study in 16 pilot clinics from two health districts to assess the degree of fidelity to four major components of the ICDM model. Activity scores will be summed per component and overall fidelity score will be calculated by summing the various component scores and compared between components, facilities and districts. The association between contextual factors and the degree of fidelity will be asseseed by multivariate analysis, individual and team characteristics, facility features and organisational culture indicators will be included in the regression. Health system financial and economic costs of implementing the four components of the ICDM model will be calculated using an ingredient approach. The unit of implementation costs will be by activity of each of the major components of the ICDM model. Sensitivity analysis will be carried out using clinic size, degree of fidelity and different inflation situations. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The protocol has been approved by the University of Cape Town and University of the Witwatersrand Human Research ethics committees. The results of the study will be shared with the Department of Health, participating health facilities and through scientific publications and conference presentations

    Prevalence and risk factors for latent tuberculosis infection among household contacts of index cases in two South African provinces: Analysis of baseline data from a cluster-randomised trial.

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    INTRODUCTION: Household contacts of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) often have latent TB infection, and are at risk of progression to disease. We set out to investigate whether index TB case HIV status was linked to a higher probability of latent TB infection among household contacts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were collected prospectively from participants in the intervention arm of a household cluster-randomised trial in two South Africa provinces (Mangaung, Free State, and Capricorn, Limpopo). In intervention group households, TB contacts underwent HIV testing and tuberculin skin testing (TST). TST induration was estimated at two cut-offs (≥5mm, ≥10mm). Multilevel Bayesian regression models estimated posterior distributions of the percentage of household contacts with TST induration ≥5mm and ≥10mm by age group, and compared the odds of latent TB infection by key risk factors including HIV status index case age and study province. RESULTS: A total of 2,985 household contacts of 924 index cases were assessed, with most 2,725 (91.3%) undergoing TST. HIV prevalence in household contacts was 14% and 10% in Mangaung and Capricorn respectively. Overall, 16.8% (458/2,725) had TST induration of ≥5mm and 13.1% (359/2,725) ≥10mm. In Mangaung, children aged 0-4 years had a high TST positivity prevalence compared to their peers in Capricorn (22.0% vs. 7.6%, and 20.5% vs. 2.3%, using TST thresholds of ≥5mm and ≥10mm respectively). Compared to contacts from Capricorn, household contacts living in Mangaung were more likely to have TST induration ≥5mm (odds ratio [OR]: 3.08, 95% credibility interval [CI]: 2.13-4.58) and ≥10mm (OR: 4.52, 95% CI: 3.03-6.97). There was a 90% and 92% posterior probability that the odds of TST induration ≥5mm (OR: 0.79, 95% CI: 0.56-1.14) and ≥10mm (OR: 0.77, 95% CI: 0.53-1.10) respectively were lower in household contacts of HIV-positive compared to HIV-negative index cases. CONCLUSIONS: High TST induration positivity, especially among young children and people living in Mangaung indicates considerable TB transmission despite high antiretroviral therapy coverage. Household contact of HIV-positive index TB cases were less likely to have evidence of latent TB infection than contacts of HIV-negative index cases
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