26 research outputs found

    Design and Modeling of an Integrated Micro-Transformer in a Flyback Converter

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    This paper presents the design and modeling of a square micro-transformer for its integration in a flyback converter. From the specifications of the switching power supply, we determined the geometric parameters of this micro-transformer. The π-electrical model of this micro-transformer highlights all parasitic effects generated by stacking of different material layers and permits to calculate the technological parameters by using the S-parameters. A good dimensioning of the geometrical parameters reduces efficiently the energy losses in the micro-transformer and permits to reach the desirable value of the converter output voltage. We have also simulated the electromagnetic effects with the help of the software FEMLAB3.1 in two cases. The first case, without ferromagnetic core, the second case with ferromagnetic core, in order to choose the micro-transformer that has better electromagnetic compatibility with the vicinity components. To validate dimensioning of the geometrical and technological parameters, we have simulated with the help of the software PSIM6.0, the equivalent electrical circuit of the converter containing the electrical circuit of the dimensioned planar micro-transformer

    Design and Modeling of an Integrated Inductor in a Buck Converter DC-DC

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    This paper presents the design and modeling of a square inductor for its integration in Buck converter DC-DC. The first, we calculate the value of inductance. The second, we descript our inductor; dimensioning and electrical model. A buck micro converter schematic simulation coupled with ideal and integrated inductor was presented. This conceptual model of the buck is best understood in terms of the relation between current and voltage of the inductor. Finely, we have simulated the electromagnetic effects in two cases. The first case, an inductor in the air, the second case with substrate. Our geometry is created en 3D space dimension

    Ceramic Substrates for High-temperature Electronic Integration

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    One of the most attractive ways to increase power handling capacity in power modules is to increase the operating temperature using wide-band-gap semiconductors. Ceramics are ideal candidates for use as substrates in high-power high-temperature electronic devices. The present article aims to determine the most suitable ceramic material for this application

    Seguimiento de dependientes del alcohol y/o de la cocaína después de su salida de una Comunidad Terapéutica: estudio piloto

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    En España, las Comunidades Terapéuticas (CT) constituyen un modelo de tratamiento común en las adicciones, aunque apenas existe investigación acerca de su eficacia y la persistencia de sus logros. Objetivos: Evaluar los efectos a corto, medio y largo plazo del tratamiento de la adicción al alcohol o cocaína en las CT de la “Fundación Salud y Comunidad”. Diseño: Estudio piloto descriptivo, con un diseño secuencial de cohorte. Se aplicó una encuesta diseñada ad hoc a 91 usuarios para conocer su evolución en los diferentes periodos de seguimiento (1, 3, 5 ó 10 años después de su salida de la CT): variables sociodemográficas, de uso de la/s sustancia/s psicoactiva/s y relacionadas con la estancia en la CT. Se describe el cambio entre antes de la CT y en la actualidad respecto a variables académicas, laborales, de consumo de droga/s, salud, adaptación socio-familiar y comportamiento delictivo. Resultados: las cohortes mostraron un patrón previo relativamente común, recibiendo un tratamiento similar. Los usuarios afirman haber disminuido el hábito de consumo frecuente de la droga principal, encontrando un 48.9% que no ha recaído ni siquiera mediante un consumo ocasional de la/s droga/s. También perciben haber mejorado su salud y sus relaciones familiares, así como el comportamiento agresivo y problemas legales derivados del consumo de droga/s. Conclusiones: tras su rehabilitación en una CT, los usuarios manifiestan una disminución global del consumo de drogas y perciben una mejora a nivel de salud, familia, violencia y problemáticas derivadas del consumo

    Design and Modeling of an Integrated Inductor in a Buck Converter DC-DC

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    This paper presents the design and modeling of a square inductor for its integration in Buck converter DC-DC. The first, we calculate the value of inductance. The second, we descript our inductor; dimensioning and electrical model. A buck micro converter schematic simulation coupled with ideal and integrated inductor was presented. This conceptual model of the buck is best understood in terms of the relation between current and voltage of the inductor. Finely, we have simulated the electromagnetic effects in two cases. The first case, an inductor in the air, the second case with substrate. Our geometry is created en 3D space dimension

    Intelligent and communicating real-time diagnostics for the fight against the Fire Compartments.

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    This results aims to improve the effectiveness of security systems by optimizing the interaction between technological components and organizational and human intervention. Objectives are to determine the specific laws governing indoor fire phenomena by means of experimental full-scale and numerical approaches, to get real-time information about the fire during operations. A second phase consists in a transformation of the usual passive-safety systems into intelligent and communicating systems, thereby optimizing and securing the human and organizational emergency response. The dual competence numerical /experimental data is essential in this type of study since the experimental data suffer from a lack of resolution (spatial, temporal) but nevertheless represent information necessary for validating the codes