476 research outputs found

    Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation of Cell Signaling and Transport in Renal Collecting Duct Principal Cells

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    The response of cells to their environment is driven by a variety of proteins and messenger molecules. In eukaryotes, their distribution and location in the cell is regulated by the vesicular transport system. The transport of aquaporin 2 between membrane and storage region is a crucial part of the water reabsorption in renal principal cells, and its malfunction can lead to Diabetes insipidus. To understand the regulation of this system, I aggregated pathways and mechanisms from literature and derived models in a hypothesis-driven approach. Furthermore, I combined the models to a single multi-scale model to gain insight into key regulatory mechanisms of aquaporin 2 recycling. To achieve this, I developed a computational framework for the modeling and simulation of cellular signaling systems. The framework integrates reaction and difusion of biochemical entities on a microscopic scale with mobile vesicles, membranes, and compartments on a cellular level. The simulation uses an adaptive step-width approach that e ciently regulates the agent-based simulation of macroscopic components with the numerical integration of mass action kinetics and grid-based nite diference methods. A reaction network generation algorithm was designed, that, in combination with a highly-modular modeling approach, allows for fast model prototyping. The analysis of the aquaporin 2 model system rationalizes that the compartmentalization of cAMP in renal principal cells is a result of the protein kinase A signalosome and can only occur if speci c cellular components are observed in conjunction. Endocytotic and exocytotic processes are inherently connected and can be regulated by the same protein kinase A signal.:Abstract 1. Introduction 1.1. Eukaryotic Signaling 1.2. Modeling and Simulation of Cellular Processes 1.3. Aquaporin 2 recycling 1.4. Motivation and Aims 1.5. Outline I. Background 2. Modeling and Simulation of Complex Signaling Pathways 2.1. Multi-scale Modeling 2.1.1. Approaches to Multi-scale Modeling 2.1.2. Reduction of Computational Complexity 2.2. Models of Chemical Reaction Networks 2.2.1. Reactions and Reaction Rates 2.2.2. Numerical Solutions 2.2.3. Reaction Network Generation 2.3. Models of Intracellular Transport 2.3.1. Undirected Transport 2.3.2. Directed Transport 3. Aquaporin 2 Recycling in Renal Principal Cells 3.1. The Physiology of Water Homeostasis 3.2. Molecular Mechanisms of the Vasopressin Response 3.2.1. The Vasopressin Receptor 3.2.2. cAMP Regulation of Protein Kinase A 3.2.3. Endo- and Exocytosis 3.3. Models of Water Transport in Renal Principal Cells II. Results & Discussion 4. Multi-scale Simulation of Cellular Signaling Pathways 4.1. Scale Separation and Bridging 4.2. Micro-scale Simulation Approach 4.2.1. Difusion and Discretization of the Simulation Space 4.2.2. Reaction Kinetics 4.3. Rule-based Reaction Network Generation 4.3.1. Definition of the Data Model 4.3.2. Design of Rule Based Reactions 4.3.3. Automated Generation of Reaction Networks 4.4. Macro-scale Simulation Approach 4.4.1. Agent-based Simulation of Discrete Entities 4.4.2. Modules for Displacement-based Behavior 4.5. Modularization and Error Estimation 4.5.1. Determination of the Numerical Error 4.5.2. Modularization of Concentration-based Events 4.5.3. Determination of the Displacement-based Error 5. Aquaporin 2 Recycling Model and Simulation 5.1. Model of Allosteric PKA Phosphorylation 5.1.1. Model Design 5.1.2. Simulation Results and Discussion 5.1.3. Conclusions 5.2. cAMP Compartmentalization in the Vesicle Storage Region 5.2.1. Model Design 5.2.2. Simulation Results and Discussion 5.2.3. Conclusions 5.3. Clathrin-mediated Endocytosis 5.3.1. Model Design 5.3.2. Simulation Results and Discussion 5.3.3. Conclusions 5.4. Intracellular Transport and Recycling 5.4.1. Model Design 5.4.2. Simulation Results and Discussion 6. Conclusion 6.1. Modeling and simulation approach 6.2. Insights into the AQP2 recycling model III. Appendix A. Code Availability B. Module Overview Bibliograph

    Red Grange: Marketing A Myth

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    This article examines the legendary Red Grange, one of the most famous football players in American history. Taking the stance that Grange\u27s wild success and notoriety was more a result of excellent marketing and advertising strategy than actual football talent, particularly in the professional game, this article argues that Grange owes more of his fame to clever marketing and a sly agent than athletic talent. Including in-depth examinations of Grange\u27s statistics, career, and a critical look at secondary sources, this paper will expose the marketing machinery that turned a collegiate football player into an American legend

    Decoding the microbial signature in the formation of Hells Bells underwater speleothems on the YucatĂĄn Peninsula, Mexico

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    In Zusammenhang mit steigenden Temperaturen ist in Zukunft mit einer verstĂ€rkten Eutrophierung und Stratifizierung zu rechnen, was zur Ausbreitung von Sauerstoffminimumzonen fĂŒhrt. Sauerstoffminimumzonen bilden wiederum die Grundlage fĂŒr das verstĂ€rkte Aufkommen von sulfidischen Wasserzonen. Mikroben können eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entgiftung von Schwefelwasserstoff spielen. Pelagische Redoxklinen als biogeochemische Transformationszonen stellen ideale Umgebungen dar, um die komplexe Rolle von Mikroorganismen in diesem Prozess und die entsprechenden wichtigen Kontrollfaktoren zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit wurde die mikrobielle Ökologie der Redoxkline der Cenote El Zapote auf der YucatĂĄn Halbinsel untersucht. In der Cenote El Zapote wurden die grĂ¶ĂŸten Unterwasser-SpelĂ€otheme der Welt, die sogenannten Hells Bells, entdeckt. FrĂŒhere Studien zur Hydrogeochemie der Cenote deuteten darauf hin, dass die Entwicklung der Kalzitformationen höchstwahrscheinlich auf mikrobieller AktivitĂ€t in der Redoxkline beruht. Um zu klĂ€ren, ob diese enigmatischen Kalkstrukturen durch mikrobiell induzierte Mineralisierung entstehen, wurde die funktionelle Vielfalt der verschiedenen Subbiotope (SĂŒĂŸwasser, Halokline, Redoxkline, Biofilm auf den SpelĂ€othemen) mittels 16S rRNA-Amplikonsequenzierung bestimmt und mit einem metagenomischen und -transkriptomischen Profiling der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft verbunden, um die mikrobiellen Hauptakteure und ihre vielfĂ€ltigen StoffwechselaktivitĂ€ten zu identifizieren. Diese Studie konnte aufdecken, dass chemolithoautotrophe Hydrogenophilales in dieser elektronenakzeptorlimitierten Umgebung eine unvollstĂ€ndige nitratgetriebene Sulfidoxidation mit elementarem Schwefel als Hauptprodukt anstelle von Sulfat katalysieren. Dieser protonenverbrauchende Prozess ist fĂŒr eine leichte lokale pH-Verschiebung ins Alkalische verantwortlich, welche wiederum KalzitfĂ€llung und schließlich die Bildung der TrĂŒbeschicht und das Wachstum der Hells Bells fördert. Auf Grundlage dieser Schlussfolgerung wurde KalzitfĂ€llung durch diese StoffwechselaktivitĂ€t mit Hilfe von mikrofluidischen Chip-Systemen im Labormaßstab untersucht und erfolgreich bestĂ€tigt. Folglich konnten die Kernaussagen vorrausgehender hydrogeochemischer Studien beleget werden. Ein Teilprojekt, das auf den metatranskriptomischen Daten basierte, ermöglichte es sogar, die Grundlage fĂŒr eine antikörperbasierte Isolierungsmethode zur Anreicherung von Thaumarchaeota aus der Redoxkline von El Zapote zu schaffen. Um den Ursprung von Hells Bells besser zu verstehen, wurde als NĂ€chstes die mikrobielle Ökologie der Redoxkline von Cenote Angelita untersucht, die keine SpelĂ€otheme aufweist. Metatranskriptomische Analysen zeigten, dass photolithoautotrophe Chlorobiales und chemolithoautotrophe Campylobacterales eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Die anoxygene Photosynthese und anaerobe Sulfidoxidation mit dem Hauptprodukt Sulfat bewirken in dem weniger elektronenakzeptorlimitierten Redoxregime eine pH-Absenkung, die wiederum zu einer KalzituntersĂ€ttigung und Hemmung der KalzitfĂ€llung fĂŒhrt. Mit dieser Studie konnten die mikrobiellen Hauptakteure, ihre komplexen Stoffwechselwege und SchlĂŒsselgene, die am biogeochemischen Kreislauf in diesen Redoxklinen beteiligt sind, aufgedeckt und damit das VerstĂ€ndnis des Wachstums von Hells Bells auf eine molekularbiologische Ebene gehoben werden

    Improving and developing analysis methods and investigation of the prolate-to-oblate shape phase transition in 193Os

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    This dissertation is presented in three parts: the systematic calibration procedure for fast-timing 152 Gd, populated by the experiments is improved by re-measuring the lifetime of the 2+ 1 state in ÎČ âˆ’ -decay of the 152 Eu fast-timing calibration standard. The development of a new Îł-Îł angular correlation analysis method is discussed, and both, the fast-timing method and the new angular correlation analysis method, are applied in the third project, to analyse a 192 Os(nth. ,Îł)193 Os thermal neutron capture experiment. In the first part of the thesis, the improvement of the fast-timing time-walk calibration standard 152 Eu is presented. A 152 Eu source was measured for about 28 days with an experimental setup consisting of four LaBr3 (Ce) detectors, connected to a CAEN V1730 digitizer. Using the centroid 152 Gd was re-measured, shift method for digital fast timing, the lifetime of the 2+ 1 state in improving the uncertainty by an order of magnitude. The impact of this significantly improved lifetime on the systematic fast-timing time-walk calibration procedure and the improved precision of future fast-timing experiments are discussed. Furthermore, a new method for Îł-Îł angular correlation analysis, using a symmetric ring of HPGe clover detectors, was developed. This method is based on a single-variable parameterization of all crystal positions of the clover ring to derive the effective interaction angles, and attenuation coefficients, directly from the experimental data itself. No detailed simulations of the experimental setup are required. For the experimental validation and as a proof of general applicability, different nuclei are investigated for three separate spectrometers, following the same geometric symmetry. The derived multipole mixing ratios are in excellent agreement with the adopted literature concerning accuracy and precision. In the third part of this thesis, a 192 Os(nth. ,Îł)193 Os thermal neutron capture experiment was investigated, using the FIPPS instrument at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France. For this experiment, the spectrometer was equipped with a central ring of HPGe clover detectors and sixteen LaBr3 (Ce) detectors, and lifetime measurements were performed using the well- established generalized centroid difference method. Spin assignments for the low-lying negative parity structure and multipole mixing ratio extraction for several Îł-ray transitions were performed using the newly introduced Îł-Îł angular correlation analysis method. Lifetimes of nine excited states were measured for the first time, and limits for the lifetimes of two additional states were established. The systematic time-walk curve of the experimental setup was calibrated using the improved calibration standard 152 Eu, yielding precise lifetimes, with the uncertainty dominated by the limited statistics of the experiment. Theoretical calculations were performed using the interacting boson-fermion model, based on self-consistent constrained mean-field calculation with the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method with the Gogny-D1M interaction. The results are discussed in the context of the prolate-to-oblate shape phase transition predicted to occur in the neutron-rich A ≈ 190 region

    Learning (by) feeling: socialization and development of emotions in cross- cultural studies

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    Forschungen zur Sozialisation und Ontogenese von Emotionen sind in der Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie bisher weitestgehend vernachlĂ€ssigt worden. Entwicklungspsychologen beschĂ€ftigen sich dagegen intensiv mit diesem Thema, wobei sich jedoch das Gros ihrer Studien auf euro-amerikanische Gesellschaften beschrĂ€nkt und somit kaum Aussagen ĂŒber interkulturelle Divergenzen zulĂ€sst. In diesem Artikel vergleichen wir die Sozialisation von Emotionen in zwei nicht-westlichen Gesellschaften: den Bara in Madagaskar und den Tao auf der taiwanesischen Insel Lanyu. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie folk models von Person, Emotion und Entwicklung mit den jeweiligen lokalen Erziehungspraktiken verknĂŒpft sind. In beiden Gesellschaften werden von den Bezugspersonen Sanktionierungsstrategien angewendet, die mit einem hohen Maß an emotionaler Erregung einhergehen. WĂ€hrend bei den Bara „Furcht“ induziert wird, kommt es bei den Tao zu einer Evokation von „Angst“ und „Scham“. Eine wichtige Frage ist, inwieweit diese „sozialisierenden Emotionen“ an der Herausbildung eines kultur-spezifischen Emotionsrepertoires beteiligt sind.Research on socialization and ontogeny of emotions has been widely neglected in social and cultural anthropology. In contrast, developmental psychologists are occupied intensively with this subject but the majority of their studies focus on Euro-American societies and thus do not explain intercultural differences. In this article we compare the socialization of emotions in two non-western societies: the Bara in Madagascar and the Tao on the Taiwanese Island of Lanyu. It will be illustrated how folk models of person, emotion, and development interrelate with local child rearing practices. In both societies sanctioning strategies are used by care-givers who operate with high levels of emotional arousal. While “fear” is induced among the Bara, in the Tao’s case the evoked emotions are “anxiety” and “shame”. An important question, among others, is to what extent these “socializing emotions” play a role in the development of a culture-specific emotional repertoire

    A multiscale model of the regulation of aquaporin 2 recycling

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    The response of cells to their environment is driven by a variety of proteins and messenger molecules. In eukaryotes, their distribution and location in the cell are regulated by the vesicular transport system. The transport of aquaporin 2 between membrane and storage region is a crucial part of the water reabsorption in renal principal cells, and its malfunction can lead to Diabetes insipidus. To understand the regulation of this system, we aggregated pathways and mechanisms from literature and derived three models in a hypothesis-driven approach. Furthermore, we combined the models to a single system to gain insight into key regulatory mechanisms of Aquaporin 2 recycling. To achieve this, we developed a multiscale computational framework for the modeling and simulation of cellular systems. The analysis of the system rationalizes that the compartmentalization of cAMP in renal principal cells is a result of the protein kinase A signalosome and can only occur if specific cellular components are observed in conjunction. Endocytotic and exocytotic processes are inherently connected and can be regulated by the same protein kinase A signal

    Teel : jutustus

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    Geister der Kindheit: Sozialisation von Emotionen bei den Tao in Taiwan

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    Die Sozialisation von Emotionen ist bislang vor allem in euroamerikanischen Mittelschichten untersucht worden. Der Autor analysiert in seiner sozial- und kulturanthropologischen Studie emotionale Sozialisationspraktiken bei den Tao, die auf Lanyu, einer zu Taiwan gehörenden Insel, leben. Lokalen Vorstellungen zufolge bedrohen Geister die Seelen von Kindern. Als Teil ihrer Erziehung und zu ihrem Schutz werden die Kinder einer ambivalent erscheinenden Form der AbhĂ€rtung unterzogen, die eine spezifische moralische Angst- und Scham-Disposition in ihnen hervorruft, die sie im spĂ€teren Entwicklungsverlauf ĂŒberwinden mĂŒssen. Die Studie zeigt, dass die ontogenetische Entwicklung von Emotionen eine grĂ¶ĂŸere PlastizitĂ€t aufweist als bislang in der Entwicklungspsychologie angenommen
