272 research outputs found


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    Balita merupakan kelompok yang rawan terhadap penyakit ISPA, disebabkan karena saluran pernapasan yang sempit dan daya tahan tubuh yang lemah. Oleh sebab itu anak sangat tergantung pada orang dewasa serta lingkungan yang ada di sekitarnya dalam upaya pencegahan penyakit dan peningkatan derajat kesehatan untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian pada balita. Namun hingga kini, banyak keluarga yang belum memahami dengan baik mengenai tugas kesehatan keluarga, dimana keluarga berperan dalam menjaga kesehatan setiap anggota keluarganya. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis hubungan pelaksanaan tugas kesehatan keluarga dengan kejadian ISPA pada balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Oesapa Kota Kupang. Desain Penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian Cross-Sectional pada 130 orang responden dengan menggunakan Uji Statistik Spearman Rho. Dari hasil Uji Statistik Spearman Rho menunjukkan nilai p= 0,000 <α = 0,05. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara pelaksanaan tugas kesehatan keluarga dengan kejadian ispa pada balita di wilayah kerja puskesmas oesapa kota kupang tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar keluarga lebih peka terhadap informasi tentang kesehatan khususnya masalah ISPA pada balita, dan tindakan yang harus dilakukan ketika balita menderita ISPA, sehingga dengan informasi yang diperoleh dapat digunakan sebagai pegangan dalam menjaga kesehatan balit


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    Latar Belakang: Berdasarakan data PWS KIA Puskesmas Alak tahun 2017 Data yang didapat dari 1 tahun terakhir bahwa jumlah ibu hamil sebanyak 873. Jumlah ibu hamil yang mendapat pelayanan ANC 1 (K1) sebanyak 871 orang (99,77%), yang mendapat pelayanan ANC (K4) sebanyak 636(73 %), jumlah ibu yang bersalin dipuskesmas Alak sebanyak 720 (86%), sedangkan persalinan yang tidak ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan 171 orang. %), nifas yang mendapatkan pelayanan di fasilitas kesehatan sebanyak 600 (72%). Untuk cakupan kunjungan neonatal jumlah bayi yang lahir hidup sebanyak 716, yang melakukan kunjungan neonatal pertama sebanyak 716 (100%) dan yang melakukan kunjungan neonatal lengkap sebanyak 630 (83%).Dengan dilakukan asuhan kebidanan secara Komprehensif pada ibuhamil, bersalin, nifas, bayi baru lahirdan KB diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam upaya menurunkan AKI dan AKB di Indonesia serta tercapai kesehatan ibu dan anak yang optimal. Tujuan Penelitian: Menerapkan asuhan kebidanan secara Komprehensif pada ibuhamil, bersalin, nifas, bayi baru lahir, dan KB dengan pendokumentasian secara SOAP dengan menggunakan metode penelaan kasus unit tunggal, populasi seluruh ibu hamil TM III yang berada diwilayah PKM Alak, sampel ibu hamil TM III NY. Y.M PKM Alak. Hasi: Asuhan kebidanan secara komprehensif yang diberikan pada NY Y.M dengan G3P2A0AH2 di puskesmas Alak, yaitu usia kehamilan 38 minggu dengan 4 kali kunjungan rumah, dilakukan pemeriksaan selama hamil dalam batas normal, pada tanggal 17 mei 2018 NY.Y.M melahirkan di puskesmas Alak secara spontan pervaginam di tolong oleh tenaga kesehatan bidan dengan berpedoman 60 langkah APN pukul 23.15 wita, dengan lamanya kala I 6 jam, kala II 10 menit, kala III 5 menit, kala IV 2 jam, bayi lahir langsung menangis, nilai apgar 9/10, jenis kelamin perempuan, dilakukan IMD selama 1 jam, dilakukan pemeriksan anntropometri, diberikan salep mata dan Vitamin K 1 jam setelah persalinan, HB0 1 jam setelah pemberian vit K dan kedaan bayi sehat, keadaan ibu dan bayi sehat dirawat di PKM 2 hari dengan melanjutkan kunjungan rumah 3 kali dan hari ke 40 N.Y Y.M menggunakan KB. Simpulan: ANC 1 kali keadaan ibu dan bayi normal


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    The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the influence of communication, discipline, and motivation on employee performance. To achieve these objectives, this study uses quantitative research methods. Data were collected through questionnaires and documentation of 38 respondents in the office of Badan Kepegawaian, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kabupaten Teluk Wondama analyzed using SPSS 22. The results showed that there was a significant influence between communication, discipline, and motivation on employee performance. So to improve employee performance, the organization and institutional management must pay attention to improving good communication, discipline, and motivation. The findings of this study are expected to be useful for further researchers in the fields of management, accounting, administration and economics

    A Nulla év 1918 gazdasága Popovics Sándor pénzügyminisztersége alatt

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    In my essay I deal with the economic events of the last year of the First World War in Hungary. In the last year of the first big war the industry of the AustroHungarian monarchy was barely capable of supplying the fighting troops. There was a shortage of clothing, weapons and food in the army. Also the land became poor in the long war. I want to present the intense exhaustion which was characterized this period. The process that depleted all human, material and financial resources. The war effort has weakened the country within. I show the strong state intervention which in the last year of the First World War determined the everyday of the Hungarian economy. The most important economic things in this time was the food affair, the question of coal supply, the situation of the railway and the destiny of the common money of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. I try to illuminate these elementary factors a little bit better

    Paruka: Kulturní domény dragu

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    Keanekaragaman Serangga Air di Sungai Pajowa Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara

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    Serangga air merupakan kelompok Arthropoda yang sebagian siklushidupnya berada di perairan. Serangga ini berperan penting dalam rantaimakanan pada suatu ekosistem perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmenganalisis kelimpahan, kekayaan, keanekaragaman dan kemerataaanspesies serangga air di Sungai Pajowa, Kabupaten Minahasa, SulawesiUtara. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan surber sampler dan handcollection. Jumlah serangga air yang ditemukan sebanyak 22 spesies, 14famili dan 5 ordo. Spesies yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Gerrisremigis, sedangkan ordo yang memiliki spesies paling banyak adalahEphemeroptera. Kelimpahan dan kekayaan spesies serangga air tertinggiterdapat pada bagian tengah aliran sungai, sedangkan keanekaragamandan kemerataan spesies tertinggi di bagian hulu sungai. Kelimpahan,kekayaaan dan keanekaragaman spesies serangga air berbeda nyataantar stasiun pengamatan, sedangkan kemerataan spesies tidakmenunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata.Arthropods are a group of aquatic insects whose life cycles are partlyin the water. These insects play an important role in the food chain in anaquatic ecosystem. This research is aimed to analyze the abundance,richness, diversity and evenness of species of insects in the river waterPajowa, Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi. Surber sampler and handcollection are used in Sampling. Number of aquatic insects found as manyas 22 species, 14 families and 5 orders. The most commonly foundspecies is Gerris remigis, while orders that have the most species areEphemeroptera. Abundance and species richness of aquatic insects ishighest in the middle of the river, while the highest species diversity andevenness in the upper reaches of the river. Abundance, species richnessand diversity of aquatic insects were significantly different between thestations of observation, whereas species evenness did not showsignificant differences

    Paruka: Kulturní domény dragu

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    Leveraging Collaborative Project-Based Learning to Encourage Speaking Proficiency in EFL classroom: A Case Study in Engineering Department

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    The study aims to explore students' perspectives on the implementation of collaborative project-based learning (CPBL) in the Engineering Department as a means to enhance their understanding of the subject matter and develop problem-solving abilities. A quasi-experimental design was employed, and data was collected through a semi-structured questionnaire. The results indicate that CPBL has the potential to improve students' speaking and presentation skills in various aspects, including grammar, discourse competence, sociolinguistics, strategic competence, fluency, accuracy, and presentation skills. The study also recommends further investigation into computer-mediated communication within group projects and suggests incorporating controlled and energizing task speaking during comparison evaluations to foster reflective thinking among both teachers and students. In summary, this research highlights the positive impact of CPBL on language and presentation skills within the Engineering Department, emphasizing its potential benefits for student learning

    Teaching Method Used by English Teachers during Covid-19 Pandemic and New Normal Era

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    Teaching method selection is one of the factors in achieving learning objectives. This study aims to find out and analyze the use of teaching methods used by English teachers of Senior High School District Merauke. Some English teachers were the subject of this research that was taken from 4 Senior High School District Merauke. Selecting the sample used purposive sampling. This study used qualitative descriptive analysis. In collecting the data, researchers used interviews. Based on the result of the interview, the English teachers used a variety-teaching method in the teaching and learning process both online and offline learning. The teaching method was used by the teachers namely blended learning method, project-based learning, learning and playing, Audio Lingual Method, Total Physical Respond, Grammar-Translation Method. Furthermore, the English teacher also used applications from google such as GC (Google classroom), GM (Google meet), and GD (Google Docs). In teaching during a pandemic covid-19 and new normal, English teachers also used picture media as a tool in the teaching and learning process

    Luminescence investigation of zinc oxide nanoparticles doped with rare earth ions

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    Un-doped, Tb3+ as well as Yb3+ doped ZnO nanocrystals with different concentrations of RE3+ (Tb3+, Yb3+) ions were successfully synthesized via sol-gel method to produce rare earth activated zinc oxide nanophosphors. The phosphor powders were produced by drying the precursor gels at 200˚C in ambient air. Based on the X-ray diffraction results, it was found that the pure and RE3+ doped ZnO nanophosphors were highly polycrystalline in nature regardless of the incorporation of Tb3+ or Yb3+ ions. Moreover, the diffraction patterns were all indexed to the ZnO Hexagonal wurtzite structure and belong to P63mc symmetry group. The Raman spectroscopy confirmed the wurtzitic structure of the prepared samples. Elemental mapping conducted on the as prepared samples using Scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX) revealed homogeneous distribution of Zn, O, and RE3+ ions. The high resolution transmission electron microscope (HR-TEM) analyses indicated that the un-doped and RE3+ doped samples were composed of hexagonal homogeneously dispersed particles of high crystallinity with an average size ranging from 4 to 7 nm in diameter, which was in agreement with X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. ZnO:Tb3+ PL study showed that among different Tb3+ concentrations, 0.5 mol% Tb3+ doped ZnO nanoparticles showed clear emission from the dopant originating from the 4f-4f intra-ionic transitions of Tb3+ while the broad defects emission was dominating in the 0.15 and 1 mol% Tb3+doped ZnO. Optical band-gap was extrapolated from the Ultraviolet Visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) absorption spectra using TAUC‟s method and the widening of the optical band-gap for the doped samples as compared to the un-doped sample was observed. The PL study of ZnO:Yb3+ samples was studied using a 325 nm He-Cd laser line. It was observed that the ZnO exciton peak was enhanced as Yb3+ions were incorporated in ZnO matrix. Furthermore, UV-VIS absorption spectroscopic study revealed the widening of the band-gap in Tb3+ doped ZnO and a narrowing in the case of Yb3+ doped ZnO system. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy demonstrated that the dopant was present in the doped samples and the result was found to be consistent with PL data from which an energy transfer was evidenced. Energy transfer mechanism was evidenced between RE3+ and ZnO nanocrystals and was discussed in detail.PhysicsM.Sc. (Physics
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