28 research outputs found

    Determinação da contagem de ovos de nematódeos no período peri-parto em vacas

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    Two experiments were carried out to study the changes in the nematode faecal egg counts (EPG) in cows, during the periparturient period. In the first experiment, faeces from Holstein (dairy) and Zebu (beef) cows, were examined from the 6th week before birth up to the 6th week after birth. It was observed a significant difference (p<0,05) with a higher number of cows, from the Holstein group, with nematode eggs in faeces. In the dairy animals a significant rise in the EPG was observed at the moment of birth and on week four post parturition, when compared to pre parturition period. A negative association was found between the time of parturition and EPG, with the younger cows presenting higher EPG (p<0.05). Based on these results a second experiment was conducted to compare the EPG variations from the 4th week before birth up to the 10th week post parturition, in Holsteins cows, including primary and second gestation (group 1), and 3rd or more gestation (group 2). It was observed a significant difference with cows from the 1st and 2nd gestation showing higher EPG than group 2, at week 2, 3 and 4 after birth (p<0,05). The EPG from group 1 ranged from 0 to 1800, and from group 2 from 0 to 150 EPG. The results suggest that an anthelminthic treatment around the 2nd week before birth, in cows at the 1st and 2nd gestation, will decrease pasture contamination and nematode infection.Dois experimentos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de se observar as alterações do número de ovos de nematódeos por grama de fezes (OPG) eliminados por vacas no período do peri-parto. No primeiro foram utilizadas vacas de raças européia (leiteiras) e zebuínas (de corte), da 6ª semana pré-parto à 6ª semana pós-parto. Observou-se diferença significativa (p<0,05) com maior número de animais leiteiros apresentando ovos de nematódeos nas fezes durante o peri-parto. Na categoria de animais leiteiros, houve um aumento significativo no OPG no momento do parto e na semana quatro pós-parto, em relação ao pré-parto. Também nesta categoria, observou-se uma associação negativa entre o número de partos e a positividade em relação ao OPG (p<0,05). Devido ao comportamento diferenciado dos animais leiteiros um segundo experimento foi feito para se comparar, nessa categoria animal, as alterações de OPG da quarta semana pré-parto à décima pós-parto, em vacas de primeira e segunda crias e três ou mais crias. Observou-se diferença significativa, com os animais de primeira e segunda crias apresentando maiores valores de OPG nas semanas dois, três e quatro pós-parto (p<0,05). Os valores de OPG para os animais de primeira e segunda crias foram de 0 - 1800, enquanto nos animais mais velhos a variação foi de 0 - 150 OPG. Os resultados de ambos os estudos sugerem que um esquema de controle contra nematódeos gastrintestinais deva ser implantado em vacas de primeira e segunda crias com o uso de anti-helmínticos no pré-parto, ao redor da segunda semana antes dos nascimentos

    Determinação da contagem de ovos de nematódeos no período peri-parto em vacas

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    Two experiments were carried out to study the changes in the nematode faecal egg counts (EPG) in cows, during the periparturient period. In the first experiment, faeces from Holstein (dairy) and Zebu (beef) cows, were examined from the 6th week before birth up to the 6th week after birth. It was observed a significant difference (p<0,05) with a higher number of cows, from the Holstein group, with nematode eggs in faeces. In the dairy animals a significant rise in the EPG was observed at the moment of birth and on week four post parturition, when compared to pre parturition period. A negative association was found between the time of parturition and EPG, with the younger cows presenting higher EPG (p<0.05). Based on these results a second experiment was conducted to compare the EPG variations from the 4th week before birth up to the 10th week post parturition, in Holsteins cows, including primary and second gestation (group 1), and 3rd or more gestation (group 2). It was observed a significant difference with cows from the 1st and 2nd gestation showing higher EPG than group 2, at week 2, 3 and 4 after birth (p<0,05). The EPG from group 1 ranged from 0 to 1800, and from group 2 from 0 to 150 EPG. The results suggest that an anthelminthic treatment around the 2nd week before birth, in cows at the 1st and 2nd gestation, will decrease pasture contamination and nematode infection.Dois experimentos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de se observar as alterações do número de ovos de nematódeos por grama de fezes (OPG) eliminados por vacas no período do peri-parto. No primeiro foram utilizadas vacas de raças européia (leiteiras) e zebuínas (de corte), da 6ª semana pré-parto à 6ª semana pós-parto. Observou-se diferença significativa (p<0,05) com maior número de animais leiteiros apresentando ovos de nematódeos nas fezes durante o peri-parto. Na categoria de animais leiteiros, houve um aumento significativo no OPG no momento do parto e na semana quatro pós-parto, em relação ao pré-parto. Também nesta categoria, observou-se uma associação negativa entre o número de partos e a positividade em relação ao OPG (p<0,05). Devido ao comportamento diferenciado dos animais leiteiros um segundo experimento foi feito para se comparar, nessa categoria animal, as alterações de OPG da quarta semana pré-parto à décima pós-parto, em vacas de primeira e segunda crias e três ou mais crias. Observou-se diferença significativa, com os animais de primeira e segunda crias apresentando maiores valores de OPG nas semanas dois, três e quatro pós-parto (p<0,05). Os valores de OPG para os animais de primeira e segunda crias foram de 0 - 1800, enquanto nos animais mais velhos a variação foi de 0 - 150 OPG. Os resultados de ambos os estudos sugerem que um esquema de controle contra nematódeos gastrintestinais deva ser implantado em vacas de primeira e segunda crias com o uso de anti-helmínticos no pré-parto, ao redor da segunda semana antes dos nascimentos

    Fatores de risco para a ocorrência de acidentes em laboratórios de ensino e pesquisa em uma universidade brasileira (2012)

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    O estudo teve o objetivo de analisar os principais fatores associados à ocorrência de acidentes envolvendo agentes biológicos, materiais perfurocortantes ou compostos químicos em laboratórios de ensino e pesquisa de uma universidade brasileira. Trata-se de estudo transversal e analítico, com aplicação de questionário a 271 indivíduos que desenvolviam atividades laboratoriais em três unidades acadêmicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais em 2012. A triagem de características potencialmente associadas à ocorrência de acidentes foi realizada por testes estatísticos univariados. A verificação dos principais fatores de risco ou proteção para a ocorrência de acidentes foi feita por modelos de análise multivariada (

    Epidemiological determinants of Chrysomya (Diptera: calliphoridae) infestation in layer farms of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Aspects related to the epidemiology of Diptera belonging to genus Chrysomya were studied in order to determine predisposing factors for their occurrence in commercial laying hens farms from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. An observational, analytical and sectional survey was conducted to verify the main epidemiological determinants of infestations by Chrysomya spp. Forty-three farms were visited in 2012 and these 13 (30,23%) were infested by Chrysomya putoria, 4 (9,30%) by Chrysomya megacephala and 2 (4,65%) by Chrysomya albiceps and in 2 farms (4,65%) was not possible to identify the species of Chrysomya. The epidemiological determinants for the occurrence of infestations by Chrysomya spp. were investigated using multiple logistic regression models. Housing clustering type and its conditions were important factors involved in epidemiology of these species (OR=5.05, 95% CI = 2.66 to 9.58, p = 0.000). It was also observed that the increase of the humidity of manure leads to increase chances of infestations (OR = 1.81, 95% CI = 1.36 to 2.40, p = 0.000). The presence of the beetle “lesser mealworm” (Alphitobius diaperinus) (OR = 0.15, 95% CI = 0.067 to 0.36, p = 0.000) was characterized as a protective factor against infestations, probably due to predation behavior of the beetle. Some regions of the state were characterized as lower risk areas for Chrysomya spp. infestation as compared to other regions. Management measures, such as constant monitoring of water leaks on manure, adequate composting of dead poultry and periodic removal of manure could assist in decreasing the presence of Chrysomya spp. inside the laying houses

    Epidemiological Characterization and Risk Assessment Associated with the Presence of Diptera Order in Laying Poultry Farms

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    Background: Health aspects of flocks of laying chickens, such as the occurrence of infestations by parasites and poultry pests, influence significantly the productivity indicators. In recent years, Brazilian poultry has gone through a scientific and technological evolution which resulted in high density poultry hens in the laying sheds and an increase of the occurrence of ectoparasites such as Diptera. The presence of these flies have caused negative impacts for poultry farming, since these may be responsible for the increase of stress and disease emergence and, in addition, reduction of productivity. In this context, the control of synanthropic Diptera is one of the challenges of the poultry farmers and professionals of this area. This study was carried to assess and characterize the risks for the presence of flies in chicken houses of laying farms in the state of Minas Gerais.Materials, Methods & Results: Was used a secondary database and adapted for this study, with information from 402 chicken houses of 42 laying hens commercial properties. The variables used to compose the correspondence model were selected through chi-square tests (P ≤ 0.05). A risk index was built to the presence of flies from variables considered as risk factors for these ectoparasites. In addition, a study of the spatial analysis was carried to evaluate the intensity of chicken houses of poultry farms with the presence of flies. For this, a Kernel map was produced using the QGIZ 2.18.1 software, georreferencing the regions of state of Minas Gerais that have these ectoparasites. It was observed the presence of flies in 253 chicken houses evaluated, which corresponds to a frequency of 62.9%, with the most present flies were Chrysomya spp. 37.3%, M. domestica 34.3%, Fannia spp. 16% and Stomoxys spp. 14%. The graph of the correspondence analysis produced for the epidemiological characterization of the presence of flies presented an accumulated chi-square value of 56.05%. There was an association of the risk index with removal interval and the humidity of the manure and with the type of installation of chicken houses. Farms with chicken houses that create their birds on the ground present a lower risk for the presence of Diptera. In addition, when the removal of the manure is performed manually and is not done periodically, the presence of flies in the chicken houses is observed. It was verified that clusters located in the messoregion south/southwest of Minas Gerais and between the west and metropolitan mesoregion of Belo Horizonte with chicken houses that have the presence of flies.Discussion: The accumulation and permanence of manure can occur in less technical farms that have laying hens kept in confinement with high densities. In the case of Diptera, the greater the interval of removal of the manure below cages, the greater the risk for their presence, combined with the high densities of the birds that contribute to a faster accumulation of manure. The humidity of the manure is another important factor for the development of flies. The risk is high when chicken feces are liquefied, due to the fact that larvaes of flies need a moist substrate for survival. These results provide knowledge about the epidemiology of flies, in addition to demonstrate the profile of laying farms in the state of Minas Gerais. The implementation of certain management measures and the investment in technification of the chicken houses could reduce the risks of possible infestations in the flocks, besides the negative effects resulting from this ectoparasitism

    Redução da dispnéia relacionado ao uso da solução de bicarbonato de sódio em indígenas infectados com SARS-CoV-2 no estado do Acre, Amazônia Brasileira / Dyspnea reduction related to the use of the sodium bicarbonate solution in SARS-CoV-2 infected indigenous in the state of Acre, Brazilian Amazon

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Em 17 de março de 2020, o estado do Acre registrou os três primeiros casos confirmados na capital Rio Branco, sendo decretado o lockdown (20 de março) como medida para evitar a disseminação do SARS-CoV-2 em municípios e aldeias indígenas. Os 3 primeiros casos notificados no alto rio Juruá no dia 4 de abril, mobilizaram toda a equipe do DSEI para o enfrentamento do COVID-19. METODOLOGIA: Dentre os sintomas que mais levam o paciente a deixar a aldeia e procurar atendimento médico em hospitais de campanha está o desconforto respiratório ou dispneia. Relatamos aqui a redução da dispneia pelo uso de nebulização com solução de bicarbonato de sódio a 3% (NaHCO3 3%), em pacientes indígenas no Estado do Acre, Amazônia Ocidental. Por conveniência, foram selecionados 20 pacientes indígenas, positivos para SARS-CoV-2, que apresentavam a dispneia,  casos moderados, independentemente do sexo e idade, foram analisados. Esses pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos, um tratado com a solução e o outro controle não tratado. RESULTADOS: O grupo de tratamento nebulizou com 10ml de solução de NaHCO3 a 3% por 20 minutos, a cada 6h, por 7 dias consecutivos. A saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2%) foi medida por oxímetro de pulso, antes e após cada nebulização. Para a análise dos dados paramétricos, utilizou o teste de comparação com a média entre os grupos e o teste t pareado para comparar as médias dos dependentes. Para dados não paramétricos, o teste dos postos sinalizados de Wilcoxon foi usado a um nível de significância de 0,05. Verificou-se que os dez participantes do grupo tratado com a solução relataram melhora da dispneia e aumento da SpO2% nos dias 2, 3 e 4, após nebulizações com a solução. CONCLUSÃO: Espera-se, com estes resultados, ampliar o estudo para um número maior de participantes, em diferentes condições clínicas e comorbidades, grupos etários, indígenas e não indígenas.  

    Aspectos epidemiológicos de Megninia spp (Acari: Analgidae) e malófagos (Insecta: Phthiraptera) na avicultura de postura de Minas Gerais (2012)

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    Exportado OPUSMade available in DSpace on 2019-08-12T09:15:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 disserta__o_para_biblioteca_e_colegiado.pdf: 2534262 bytes, checksum: ad0dd09126ac648738df6a0a3f74b2c8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 21No presente trabalho apresentam-se aspectos relacionados à epidemiologia de infestações por ácaros do gênero Megninia e de malófagos com o objetivo geral de determinar os principais fatores associados à ocorrência destes ectoparasitos em sistemas comerciais de produção de ovos no Estado de Minas Gerais no ano de 2012. Para isso finalidade, foi realizado um estudo observacional, seccional e analítico. Coletou-se amostras de ectoparasitos de penas e do esterco existentes nos galpões, com posterior identificação de espécies e outros taxa. Para a obtenção de informações sobre cada estabelecimento e o manejo nele existente foi realizada a inspeção dos mesmos bem como a aplicação de um questionário validado por um procedimento de teste-reteste, o qual continha cerca de 89 alternativas de questões objetivas e categóricas. A verificação dos aspectos epidemiológicos foi feita empregando modelos de regressão logística múltipla ou modelos de regressão de Poisson, selecionados conforme a frequência de ocorrência dos ectoparasitos. Foram visitados 431 galpões de 43 granjas no ano de 2012, sendo que as taxas de ocorrência destes ectoparasitos foram muito diversificadas e, aparentemente, apresentam valores próximos às taxas de prevalência destas infestações. Megninia ginglymura e Megninia cubitalis foram verificados em cerca de 39,53% e 2,32%, respectivamente, dos estabelecimentos avícolas. As frequências dos malófagos Lipeurus caponis, Menacanthus cornutus, Menacanthus pallidulus, Menacanthus stramineus e Menopon gallinae foram, respectivamente, 4,65%, 20,93%, 11,62%, 11,62% e 2,32%, tendo sido observadas co-infestações em muitos galpões. Também foi constatada a presença de outros artrópodes como ácaros no esterco dos aviários, dípteros, coleópteros e dermápteros. A presença de criações de subsistência de galinhas domésticas nos arredores das granjas avícolas foi considerado como um fator predisponente para a ocorrência de infestações por M. ginglymura, L. caponis e M. pallidulus. O uso de óleo mineral foi avaliado como um fator de proteção contra infestações por M. ginglymura. No caso de L. caponis, a linhagem das galinhas predominante no galpão e o tipo de instalação foram consideradas fatores de risco. A presença de aves sinantrópicas como anus brancos (Guira guira), canários-da-terra (Sicalis flaveola) e de pombos (Columba livia) foram considerados fatores predisponentes para a ocorrência de infestações por M. cornutus, embora existam relatos na literatura classificando este como um parasito específico de galinhas domésticas. O uso de acaricidas foi considerado fator de proteção contra este parasito. Observou-se que aves mais velhas e galpões com maior densidade de aves têm maiores chances de apresentarem infestações por M. stramineus, assim como aqueles onde se verificou a presença de melros (Gnorimopsar chopi) e de anús-brancos nas adjacências. A presença de garças (Bubulcus ibis)e o tipo de instalação dos estabelecimentos avícolas também exerceram influência sobre a ocorrência de M. pallidulus. Em alguns dos modelos multivariados observou-se que muitas das regionais do Estado de Minas Gerais foram consideradas como áreas de risco ou proteção para a ocorrência de algumas das espécies de ectoparasitos, muito provavelmente em função de condições climáticas diferentes e outros fatores não avaliados no presente estudo.The present work presents aspects related to the epidemiology of infestations by mites belonging to genus Megninia and of Mallophaga, aiming determine the predisposing factors for the occurrence of these ectoparasites in commercial layer hens farms in the State of Minas Gerais. Thus, an observational, cross-sectional and analytical study was conducted. Samples of feathers, ectoparasites and manure were collected in order to perform the detection and identification of species and taxa. The inspection of facilities and the application of a questionnaire validated by a test-retest procedure were performed. The questionnaire had 89 questions alternatives of objective and categorical questions. The verification of the epidemiological aspects was done using multiple logistic regression models or Poisson regression models, which were selected according to the frequency of occurrence of ectoparasites. Four hundred thirty-one chicken houses were visited in 43 farms in 2012, and the rates of occurrence of these ectoparasites were very diverse and apparently have values close to the actual prevalence rates. Megninia ginglymura and Megninia cubitalis were observed in approximately 39.53% and 2.32% of poultry farms. The frequencies of Lipeurus caponis, Menacanthus cornutus, Menacanthus pallidulus, Menacanthus stramineus and Menopon gallinae were 4.65%, 20.93%, 11.62%, 11.62% and 2.32%, respectively. Co-infestations of louse species were observed in many chicken houses. Other arthropods such as manure mites, beetles and Dermaptera and Diptera insects were also observed. The presence of subsistence poultry in the vicinity of the poultry farms was considered a predisposing factor for the occurrence of infections by M. ginglymura, L. caponis and M. pallidulus. Mineral oil was classified as a protective factor against infestation by M. ginglymura. Regarding L. caponis, the predominant lineage of chickens and the type of installation were considered risk factors. The presence of synanthropic birds such as Guira cuckoo (Guira guira), Saffron-finch (Sicalis flaveola) and pigeons (Coumba livia) were considered predisposing factors for the occurrence of infections by M. cornutus, although it is a specificous parasite of domestic chicken. The use of of acaricides was considered a protective factor against this parasite. Older hens and houses with greater density of chickens have greater chances of presenting infestations by M. stramineus, as well as presence of Chopi blackbird (Gnorimopsar chopi) and Guira Cuckoo in the vicinity was demonstrated. The presence of Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) and type of house facility also influenced the occurrence of M. pallidulus. Multivariate models demonstrated that some of the regions of the State of Minas Gerais were considered risk or protection areas for the occurrence ectoparasites, mainly due to different climatic conditions and other factors not assessed in this study

    Epidemiology of Megninia spp. in laying flocks from the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Aspects related to the epidemiology of Megninia ginglymura were studied, in order to determine predisposing factors for the ocurrence in layer chicken houses of commercial farms in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. An observational, cross-sectional, analytical survey was conducted for identifying major risks or protection factors for infestations. Four hundred thirty-one houses located in forty-three farms were visited in 2012. Regarding the farms, 17 (39.53%) had chickens infested by M. ginglymura and 1 (2.32%) presented Megninia cubitalis. The epidemiological aspects of the occurrence of M. ginglymura were investigated using multiple logistic regression models. The chicken house organization was an important protection factor involved in the occurrence of M. ginglymura (odds ratio [OR] = 0.85). The presence of subsistence breedings of poultry within the premises or at the proximity of a farm was characterized as a risk factor for the occurrence of infestations (OR = 3.92). The use of mineral oil (OR = 0.16) was considered protective against new infestations. Some regions of the state were characterized by a higher risk for mite infestation than others

    Sedentary Behavior and Health Outcomes: An Overview of Systematic Reviews

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    <div><p>Objective</p><p>1) To synthesize the current observational evidence for the association between sedentary behavior and health outcomes using information from systematic reviews. 2) To assess the methodological quality of the systematic reviews found.</p><p>Methodology/Principal Findings</p><p>Medline; <i>Excerpta Medica</i> (Embase); PsycINFO; and Web of Science were searched for reviews published up to September 2013. Additional publications were provided by Sedentary Behaviour Research Network members. The methodological quality of the systematic reviews was evaluated using recommended standard criteria from AMSTAR. For each review, improper use of causal language in the description of their main results/conclusion was evaluated. Altogether, 1,044 review titles were identified, 144 were read in their entirety, and 27 were included. Based on the systematic reviews with the best methodological quality, we found in children and adolescents, strong evidence of a relationship between time spent in sedentary behavior and obesity. Moreover, moderate evidence was observed for blood pressure and total cholesterol, self-esteem, social behavior problems, physical fitness and academic achievement. In adults, we found strong evidence of a relationship between sedentary behavior and all-cause mortality, fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. In addition, there is moderate evidence for incidence rates of ovarian, colon and endometrial cancers.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>This overview based on the best available systematics reviews, shows that sedentary behavior may be an important determinant of health, independently of physical activity. However, the relationship is complex because it depends on the type of sedentary behavior and the age group studied. The relationship between sedentary behavior and many health outcomes remains uncertain; thus, further studies are warranted.</p></div