10,591 research outputs found

    Proposal of a P300-based BCI Speller using a predictive Text system

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    This paper presents a P300-based BCI speller system that uses a virtual 4 x 3 keyboard based on the T9 interface developed on mobile phones in order to increase the writing speed. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed BCI, we compared it with two adaptations of the classical Farwell and Donchin speller, which is based on a 6 x 6 symbol matrix. Three healthy subjects took part in the experiment. The preliminary results confirm the effectiveness of T9-based speller, since the time needed to spell words and complete sentences was considerably reduced.This work was partially supported by the Innovation, Science and Enterprise Council of the Junta de Andalucía (Spain), project P07-TIC-03310, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project TEC 2011-26395 and by the European fund ERDF

    Is Mercosur an optimum currency area?

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    We find that generalized purchasing power parity does not hold for Mercosur, and thus that the South American trade group does not constitute an optimum currency area. We also find that the role of the United States cannot be neglected in the region, and that high short run volatility of real exchange rates is accompanied by slow adjustment processes of between 2 and 16 years (PPP puzzle).generalized purchasing power parity; optimum currency area; Mercosur; PPP puzzle

    Is Mercosur an optimum currency area? An assessment using generalized purchasing power parity

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    We consider the cointegration approach of generalized purchasing power parity to show that a necessary condition for Mercosur to be an optimum currency area is met. Yet there are still large cross-country differences as to cast doubt on the success of either monetary union or official dollarization. The PPP puzzle is also found to occur in Mercosur.

    Madeira safe to discover. A multimodal and contrastive analysis of regulations and instructions regarding COVID-19 in Madeira Island and in the international framework

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    This internship with Associação de Promoção da Madeira (APM) and its investigation project was developed in the context of the master’s degree in Linguistics: Societies and Cultures. The project analyzed aspects of multilingual and multimodal narratives employed in COVID-19 regulations to identify how they were used in professional and public environments, specifically the ones associated with tourism. The project looked at editing choices, photography, design, drawing, color, and writing to get a better understanding of multimodal communication, semiotics, image analysis, and its correlation with the written text and the way it has been perceived and interpreted by the locals and visitors, be it in online or in-person contexts. A contrastive analysis between different communities in the online spectrum was also considered, specifically between the English and Portuguese-speaking communities, looking into instructions about the pandemic via online resources such as forums, websites, video clips, and the COVID-19 mobile application by the Associação de Promoção da Madeira called Madeira Safe to Discover which attempts to ensure that the activities and sights in the island are safe from COVID-19, incentivize tourism with a point-based reward system, and follow the norms and regulations required by the institutions against the virus. Additionally, the project looked at bilingual (mainly English–Portuguese) and multilingual texts, multimodal manifestations, and communicative and semiotic effectiveness.Este estágio na Associação de Promoção da Madeira (APM) e o seu projeto de investigação foram desenvolvidos no âmbito do mestrado em Linguística: Sociedades e Culturas. O projeto analisou aspetos de narrativas multilingues e multimodais empregados nos regulamentos da COVID-19 para identificar como estas eram usadas em ambientes profissionais e públicos, mais especificamente os associados ao turismo. O projeto analisou as escolhas de edição, fotografia, design, desenho, cor e escrita para obter uma melhor compreensão da comunicação multimodal, semiótica, análise de imagem e a sua correlação com o texto escrito e a forma como este é encarado e interpretado pelos habitantes locais e visitantes, seja em contextos online ou presenciais. Foi também ponderada uma análise contrastiva entre diferentes comunidades do espectro online, nomeadamente entre as comunidades inglesa e lusófona, analisando instruções sobre a pandemia através de recursos online, tais como fóruns, sites, videoclips e a aplicação móvel relativamente à COVID-19 da Associação de Promoção da Madeira chamada Madeira Safe to Discover, que procura garantir que as atividades e pontos turísticos da ilha estejam protegidos da COVID-19, incentivar o turismo com um sistema de recompensa baseado em pontos e seguir as normas e regulamentos exigidos pelas instituições face ao vírus. Adicionalmente, o projeto analisou textos bilingues (principalmente ingleses– portugueses) e multilingues, manifestações multimodais e a eficácia comunicativa e semiótica

    Analyzing the Targets of Hate in Online Social Media

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    Social media systems allow Internet users a congenial platform to freely express their thoughts and opinions. Although this property represents incredible and unique communication opportunities, it also brings along important challenges. Online hate speech is an archetypal example of such challenges. Despite its magnitude and scale, there is a significant gap in understanding the nature of hate speech on social media. In this paper, we provide the first of a kind systematic large scale measurement study of the main targets of hate speech in online social media. To do that, we gather traces from two social media systems: Whisper and Twitter. We then develop and validate a methodology to identify hate speech on both these systems. Our results identify online hate speech forms and offer a broader understanding of the phenomenon, providing directions for prevention and detection approaches.Comment: Short paper, 4 pages, 4 table

    Uncovering the Protological Hermeneutics of George McCready Price and Benjamin Warfield

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    Problem The problem this dissertation addresses is the protological hermeneutical impasse between George McCready Price and Benjamin Warfield over whether biblical protology should be interpreted literally or symbolically in response to the evolutionary theory. Method To identify, compare, and contrast the protological hermeneutics of George McCready Price and Benjamin Warfield, this dissertation adopts an interdisciplinary methodology that seeks to integrate historical theology, systematic theology, and exegetical-biblical theology. Conclusions The protological hermeneutical impasse between George McCready Price and Benjamin Warfield over the interpretation of biblical protology was caused by how they applied their views on epistemology. On the hermeneutical level (where ontology, metaphysics, and epistemology inform interpretation), Price held to the meaning of the biblical text interpreted through Scripture alone, and not based on external sources of protological knowledge. While Warfield held that Scripture is “the end of all strife,” he held to an interpretation of the biblical text contingent on the interpretations of nature by mainstream science. This research indicates many similarities between these two thinkers, bringing to an end a two-decades-long misconception that Warfield’s views on science were superior to Price’s views on science. In fact, they held similar views on science (i.e., its definition, task, etc.). In addition, they both agreed that: God is not timeless and he communicates with humankind through reason; “the heavens and the earth” (i.e., the entire galactic universe) might have been created more than six thousand years ago; Genesis 1:2a is a description of the condition of the earth after the creation of inorganic matter and prior to the beginning of the creation week; the seventh day of the creation week is the foundation of the Sabbath (they disagreed on the actual day of observance––Saturday vs. Sunday); and they both understood the biblical flood in Genesis 6-8 as a historical event. This research also challenged the claim that Price is the founder of modern Scientific Creationism. This idea was popularized by two historians who wanted to link Price to Fundamentalism––a term generally used pejoratively––to delegitimize Price’s contribution to theology and to science, and to uplift Warfield. However, this research showed that neither Price nor Warfield are Fundamentalists. The research also showed that the current categorization of the Creationist Movement in the West is obsolete and needs to be updated. The Old Earth vs. Young Earth can no longer account for the views of proponents of biblical protology. The Undated Earth Creation Movement must be included in a landmark publication. Altogether, these findings can facilitate a renewed dialogue about the relationship between theology and science in the writings of Price and Warfield, their interpretations of biblical protology, the history of the Creationist Movement in the West, and the contributions of their protological hermeneutics to contemporary Christian theology