114 research outputs found

    Teleassistència publica a Espanya : consideracions dels seus efectes en els serveis socials i sanitaris

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    El artículo analiza un servicio destinado a la asistencia domiciliaria a la gente mayor im¬plementado en España a lo largo de la década de los noventa: la teleasistencia. El objetivo es hacer constar algunos efectos de su oferta pública sobre los servicios sociales y sanitarios, llamando la atención a formuladores de políticas y gestores sobre aspectos clave respecto a la organización de esos servicios en la cartera de prestaciones sociosanitarias. Para perfeccionar el actual modelo de telecuidado e identificar posibles consecuencias no previstas en los sistemas social y sanitario, se sugiere la ampliación del debate público y la adopción de modelos participativos de evaluación de esas tecnologías.L'article analitza un servei destinat a l'assistència domiciliària a la gent gran im-plementat a Espanya al llarg de la dècada dels noranta: la teleassistència. L'objectiu és es-mentar alguns efectes de la seva oferta pública sobre els serveis socials i sanitaris, tot cridant l'atenció a formuladors de polítiques i gestors sobre aspectes clau pel que fa a l'organització d'aquests serveis a la cartera de prestacions sociosanitàries. Per tal de perfeccionar l'actual model de telecura i identificar possibles conseqüències no previstes en els sistemes social i sanitari, se suggereix l'ampliació del debat públic i l'adopció de models participa¬tius d'avaluació d'aquestes tecnologies.The article analyzes the home health assistan¬ce for the elderly implemented in Spain during the 1990s: the virtual home health assistance. The aim is to state its impact on the social and health service public offer, underlining key aspects to policy makers and managers about the organization of those services in social and health benefits. In order to improve the existing virtual home health assistance and being able to identify unexpected impact in the social and health system, we recommend developing public debate and to implement participatory models for the evaluation of those technolo¬gies

    La metapsíquica en la prensa diaria barcelonesa : un análisis de 'La Vanguardia' (1932-1936)

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    En la historiografía internacional sobre la historia de la parapsicología falta incluir todavía información sobre cómo se desarrollaron las prácticas metapsíquicas (o parapsicológicas) en nuestro país. El presente trabajo representa un paso más en nuestra investigación que trata de esclarecer cuál fue el origen y cuáles fueron las actividades parapsicológicas que se dieron en Barcelona a principios del siglo XX. Para conseguir este objetivo utilizamos como fuente histórica la prensa diaria barcelonesa, concretamente La Vanguardia, en el periodo comprendido entre 1881 y 1936. El análisis muestra cuando se popularizó la metapsíquica en Barcelona y algunos de los actores sociales activos en este campo. Como objeto de estudio aparece un medium español con capacidades paranormales llamadas «metasomoscopia», que fue inmediatamente examinado por instituciones nacionales y extranjeras. El diario, además, se hace eco de las actividades organizadas por instituciones catalanas que fomentaron la difusión de la metapsíquica en la sociedad catalana de la época. Nuestro estudio nos ayuda a conocer cómo estas nuevas prácticas sociales y corrientes de pensamiento, relacionadas con la metapsíquica, fueron presentadas y vistas por el público lego. Si tomamos La Vanguardia como directriz, podemos observar que no fue hasta 1923 cuando se popularizó el término «metapsíquica» en el contexto catalán. Aún sin poder competir con la popularidad de la que las prácticas espiritistas habían gozado en décadas anteriores, la metapsíquica cala en la sociedad, traspasando paulatinamente los límites de la esfera cientíco-intelectual del Ateneo BarcelonésIn international historiography about the history of parapsychology the chapter on how parapsychological practices developed in Spain is still missing. $e present research wants to go a step further in an effort to achieve more knowledge about which were the parapsychological practices taking place at the beginnings of the twentieth century in Barcelona and about when they started. To achieve this aim we have used as historical source the public press of Barcelona, namely La Vanguardia in the period between 1881 and 1936. The analysis shows at what date parapsychology started to get papularized in Barcelona and who were the social actors involved. As research object a Spanish medium appears with paranormal capacities called «metasomoscopia», who was examined repeatedly by national and foreign institutions. The press also informed about activities organised by Catalan institutions, which fostered the discusion of parapsychology in Catalan society of that time. Our research has helped us to get to know how these new social practices and thoughts related to parapsychology were presented to and seen by the general public. Using La Vanguardia as guiding line, we can observe that it was from 1923 on when the term «parapsychology» (then called in Spain «metapsíquica») was popularized in the Catalan context. Although spiritualist practices had reached much higher impact some decades before, parapsychology became part of society, surpassing bit by bit the limits of the purely scientifc-intellectual sphere of the Barcelona Atene

    Information and Communication Technologies in Postgraduate Courses at Healthcare Institutions: Evidence and Stereotypes

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    Objectiu. L'escenari contemporani de la salut pública exigeix innovacions en els programes de postgrau de salut. L'èmfasi en la formació continuada, l'actuació en xarxa i els vincles més flexibles entre la docència i els serveis desafien les institucions d'educació. Es reformulen els mètodes d'ensenyament i es revisa l'estructura curricular. D'altra banda, sobren testimonis de la capacitat de les tecnologies d'informació i comunicació per a produir innovació i col·laboració. Aquest estudi presenta l'aplicació pilot d'un instrument en adaptació, que permet avaluar els usos quotidians d'aquestes tecnologies en la docència de postgraus de salut. Mètodes. A través de la Xarxa es va passar una enquesta a 350 de docents d'un centre de postgrau a Barcelona (Espanya). En l'escala de Likert, es van avaluar les necessitats, les creences i la comoditat amb les tecnologies. També se'n van investigar els usos i la participació en xarxes. Resultats. La taxa de resposta va ser del 25% (89), el temps mitjà per a emplenar va ser de 10 minuts. L'ús de les tecnologies es va revelar instrumental, amb poc èmfasi en recursos associats a la innovació i a les xarxes. Conclusions. Els resultats són discutits sota dues perspectives. En primer lloc, respecte al procés de validació de l'instrument, i en segon, es discuteix de forma preliminar l'aparent dissonància entre les dades aportades i la forta aposta pel potencial de les tecnologies d'informació i comunicació.Objetivos. El escenario contemporáneo de la salud pública exige innovaciones en los programas de posgrado de salud. El énfasis en la formación continuada, la actuación en red y los vínculos más flexibles entre la docencia y los servicios desafían a las instituciones de educación. Se reformulan los métodos de enseñanza y se revisa la estructura curricular. Por otra parte, sobran testimonios de la capacidad de las tecnologías de información y comunicación para producir innovación y colaboración. Ese estudio presenta la aplicación piloto de un instrumento en adaptación, que permite evaluar los usos cotidianos de esas tecnologías en la docencia de posgrados de salud. Métodos. A través de la red se pasó una encuesta a 350 docentes de un centro de posgrado en Barcelona (España).  En la escala Likert, se evaluaron las necesidades, las creencias y la comodidad con las tecnologías. Se indagó por sus usos y por la participación en redes. Resultados. La tasa de respuesta fue del 25% (89), el tiempo medio para cumplimentar fue de 10 minutos. El uso de las tecnologías se reveló instrumental, con poco énfasis en recursos asociados a la innovación y a las redes. Conclusiones. Los resultados son discutidos bajo dos perspectivas. En primer lugar, respecto al proceso de validación del instrumento, y en segundo, se discute de forma preliminar la aparente disonancia entre los datos aportados y la fuerte apuesta en el potencial de las tecnologías de información y comunicación.Objective. The current state of public healthcare calls for innovations in postgraduate courses. Emphasis on lifelong education, networking performance and more flexible links between the area of teaching and actual healthcare services all pose a major challenge to education institutions. Teaching methods are being redefined and syllabus structures revised. But while ther has been much discussion in the literature on the capacity of ICTs to bring about innovation and collaboration, there is very little real evidence to back this idea. This study presents a pilot test of an instrument which is being developed to allow the assessment of everyday uses of ICTs in teaching postgraduate healthcare courses. Methods. Through the Internet, a Likert-scale survey was conducted on 350 teachers of a postgraduate education centre in Barcelona, Spain, evaluating needs, beliefs and comfort with technology as well as teacher participation in networks. Results. The 89 respondents (25%) took, on average, ten minutes to fill out the questionnaire. The use of technology was instrumental, with little emphasis on resources related to innovation and networks. Conclusions. The results are discussed from the points of view of the validation of the instrument and the apparent dissonance between the presented data and the strong bet on the potential of information and communication technologies

    Identidad de lugar en usuarios de teleasistencia : un análisis conversacional

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    Este artículo presenta un análisis discursivo de la identidad de lugar en usuarios de teleasistencia domiciliaria. Dicho análisis es parte de los resultados de dos proyectos de investigación interesados por el cuidado de las personas mayores y dependientes en España. Los datos analizados se extraen de un conjunto de diez grupos de discusión llevados a cabo en Cataluña durante 2009 (n=62). A partir del rastreo del uso que los participantes hacen de una frase hecha ("no hay lugar como el hogar"), se propone un examen secuencial y detallado de los datos inspirado en el análisis conversacional y la psicología discursiva. Este examen resalta el carácter co-producido de la identidad de lugar y llama la atención sobre diferentes herramientas discursivas que los participantes emplean para enfrentar las amenazas que la conversación le plantea a dicha identidad. El resultado es la descripción del contexto en el que se produce una identidad de hogar que da sentido a la preferencia que los participantes muestran por envejecer en casa. Dicha identidad de hogar se presenta como un recurso de orden explicativo y retórico.This article presents a discourse analysis of place-identity in home telecare users. This analysis is part of the results of two research projects concerned with the care of old and dependent people in Spain. The data analyzed come from a set of ten focus groups conducted in Catalonia in 2009 (n=62). Drawing from tracking the participants' use of a fixed phrase ("there is no place like home"), a sequential and detailed examination of the data inspired by conversation analysis and discursive psychology is proposed. This examination highlights the co-produced nature of place-identity and draws attention to different discursive tools which the participants use to deal with threats that conversation supposes to that identity. The result is the description of the context in which a home-identity that gives meaning to the participants' preference for aging at home is produced. This home-identity is presented as anexplanatory and rhetoric resource

    Tecnologías de la información y comunicación en instituciones de posgrados de salud : evidencias y estereotipos

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    Objetivo: El escenario contemporáneo de la salud pública exige innovaciones en los programas de posgrado de salud. El énfasis en la formación continuada, la actuación en red y los vínculos más flexibles entre la docencia y los servicios desafían a las instituciones de educación. Se reformulan los métodos de enseñanza y se revisa la estructura curri­cular. Por otra parte, sobran testimonios de la capacidad de las tecnologías de información y comunicación para producir innovación y colaboración. Ese estudio presenta la aplicación piloto de un instrumento en adaptación, que permite evaluar los usos cotidianos de esas tecnologías en la docencia de posgrados de salud. Métodos: A través de la red se pasó una encuesta a 350 docentes de un centro de posgrado en Barcelona (España). En la escala Likert, se evaluaron las necesidades, las creencias y la comodidad con las tecnologías. Se indagó por sus usos y por la participación en redes. Resultados: La tasa de respuesta fue del 25% (89), el tiempo medio para cumplimentar fue de 10 minutos. El uso de las tecno­logías se reveló instrumental, con poco énfasis en recursos asociados a la innovación y a las redes. Conclusiones: Los resultados son discutidos bajo dos perspectivas. En primer lugar, respecto al proceso de validación del instrumento, y en segundo, se discute de forma preliminar la aparente disonancia entre los datos aportados y la fuerte apuesta en el potencial de las tecnologías de información y comunicación.Objective: The current state of public healthcare calls for innovations in postgraduate courses. Emphasis on lifelong education, networking performance and more flexible links between the area of teaching and actual healthcare services all pose a major challenge to edu-cation institutions. Teaching methods are being redefined and syllabus structures revised. But while there has been much discussion in the literature on the capacity of ICTs to bring about innovation and collaboration, there is very little real evidence to back this idea. This study presents a pilot test of an instrument which is being developed to allow the assessment of everyday uses of ICTs in teaching postgraduate healthcare courses. Methods: Through the Internet, a Likert-scale survey was conducted on 350 teachers of a postgraduate education centre in Barcelona, Spain, evaluating needs, beliefs and comfort with technology as well as teacher participation in networks. Results: The 89 respondents (25%) took, on average, ten minutes to fill out the questionnaire. The use of technology was instrumental, with little emphasis on resources related to innovation and networks. Conclusions: The results are discussed from the points of view of the validation of the instrument and the apparent dissonance between the presented data and the strong bet on the potential of information and communication technologies

    Cellular changes diagnosed by cérvico-vaginal cytology in a public health laboratory of Teresina-PI

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    Objective: to verify the frequency of cellular alterations of the female genital tract of women assisted by a public clinical laboratory in Teresina – Piaui in 2016, as well as to evaluate the relation between patients’ education levels and the frequency of atypia found. Methodology: data from the 9040 forms of cervical-vaginal oncocytology (SUS standard) from the 2016 year were collected. Results: 9040 reports were analyzed, among which 8,095 (89.55%) had negative and 945 (10.45%) were positive to oncologic abnormalities. It was identified squamous cells of indeterminate significance with 5.84%, low-grade intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) with 1,97%, high-grade intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) 1.33%, glandular cell atypia (ACG) with 1.25% and invasive squamous cell carcinoma 0.06%. Regarding the level of schooling, women who attended elementary and high school corresponded to the higher percentage of patients. Conclusion: it is concluded that the incidence of atypia was considerably higher than described in the previous literature. Thus, it is recommended the adoption of strategies to improve the adherence and the awareness of the population regarding the necessity of this exam

    Narrativas, memórias e devir: tessituras entre pesquisa educacional e extensão universitária numa ágora planetária

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    Resumo A pandemia da Covid-19 abriu perspectivas de novas alianças entre sociedade e universidade numa Ágora digital planetária. Com base no princípio da indissociabilidade entre pesquisa e extensão, apresentamos resultados de pesquisas sobre o Ateliê biográfico, enquanto dispositivo de pesquisa-ação-formação, cujo enfoque são vivências e práticas reconstruídas individualmente e de forma coletiva. O artigo focaliza possibilidades de entrelaçar memórias e devir no ato de narrar a experiência vivida mediante diversos instrumentos semióticos, incluindo webgrafias. Os resultados evidenciam que os participantes do Ateliê se apropriaram das interfaces entre vida existencial e profissional ao (re)interpretarem modos de ser e de agir. A reflexão coletiva contribui para a tomada de consciência e empoderamento de quem narra ao aliar dimensões pessoal, profissional e laboral com vista ao bem-estar necessário à preservação da qualidade de vida e do equilíbrio social numa sociedade mais justa.O Centro de Investigação em Educação e Psicologia é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto UIDB/04312/2020, abrangendo esta produção

    2,2′-Azobis (2-Amidinopropane) Dihydrochloride Is a Useful Tool to Impair Lung Function in Rats

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    Recently, several studies have reported that respiratory disease may be associated with an increased production of free radicals. In this context, 2,2’-azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) is a free radical-generating compound widely used to mimic the oxidative stress state. We aimed to investigate whether AAPH can generate lung functional, inflammatory, histological and biochemical impairments in the lung. Wistar rats were divided into five groups and instilled with saline solution (714 µL/kg, CTRL group) or different amounts of AAPH (25, 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg, 714 µL/kg, AAPH groups). Seventy-two hours later the animals were anesthetized, paralyzed, intubated and static elastance (Est), viscoelastic component of elastance (ΔE), resistive (ΔP1) and viscoelastic (ΔP2) pressures were measured. Oxidative damage, inflammatory markers and lung morphometry were analyzed. ΔP1 and Est were significantly higher in AAPH100 and AAPH200 than in the other groups. The bronchoconstriction indexes were larger in AAPH groups than in CTRL. The area occupied by collagen and elastic fibers, polymorpho- and mononuclear cells, malondialdehyde and carbonyl groups levels were significantly higher in AAPH200 than in CTRL. In comparison to CTRL, AAPH200 showed significant decrease and increase in the activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase, respectively. AAPH augmented the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 e TNF-α. Hence, exposure to AAPH caused significant inflammatory alterations and redox imbalance accompanied by altered lung mechanics and histology. Furthermore, we disclosed that exposure to AAPH may represent a useful in vivo tool to trigger lung lesions

    Peripheral ossifying fibroma:a 20-year retrospective study with focus on clinical and morphological features

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    Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma (POF) is a reactive hyperplastic lesion that exclusively occurs in the gingiva and is characterized by the deposition of dystrophic calcification, cementum-like tissue, and immature and mature bone within the connective tissue. The objective of the present study was to perform a retrospective analysis of clinicopathologic features of POF. Clinical and histopathological data were obtained from biopsy records and histopathological reports from a Brazilian reference service in Oral Pathology (1999 - 2020). Morphological analysis was performed to evaluate features related to the mesenchymal component, inflammatory infiltrate, ulceration, and mineralized tissue. A total of 270 POFs were diagnosed during the study period. A higher frequency was observed in females (71.9%) between the third (22.9%) and fourth (23.3%) decades of life. The anterior upper gingiva (29.1%) was the most affected region. Mature (86.7%) and immature (52.6%) bone tissue were the most frequent. There was a significant association between immature bone deposition and lesions with size ? 1.7 cm (p = 0.041); immature bone and cement-like tissue deposition with an evolution time ? 16 months (p < 0.001); deposition of immature bone and mesenchymal hypercellularization (p < 0.001); deposition of dystrophic calcification and the presence of ulceration (p < 0.001). The clinical characteristics corroborate the findings in the literature. The heterogeneous distribution and quantity of mineralized tissues found in the analyzed cases support the theory that the different mineralized tissues constitute a spectrum of clinical maturation of POF

    Clinicopathologic features of nasopalatine duct cysts:a retrospective study in two Brazilian oral and maxillofacial pathology referral centers

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    Nasopalatine duct cyst (NDC) is the most common non-odontogenic cyst in the oral cavity. Clinically it is not difficult to suspect these lesions based on clinical and radiographic appearance. However, the histopathological diagnosis may be difficult due to the broad morphological diversity of these lesions. The objective was to analyze the clinicopathological features of NDCs diagnosed in two oral and maxillofacial pathology services in the Brazilian northeast. A retrospective clinicopathologic study was performed. A total of 18,121 clinical records of oral lesions from two oral and maxillofacial pathology services in Brazil were analyzed (2000-2020). All NDCs cases were revised and demographic, clinical, radiographic, and histopathological data were collected. Among 18,121 diagnoses in the oral pathology services, 45 (0.2%) were NDCs. The series comprises 24 males (53.3%) and 21 females (46.7%), with a mean age of 43.2 years-old. Most lesions were asymptomatic (n = 27, 60%) with an mean size of 2.1 cm. Microscopically, the non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium was the most common (66.7%). However, in 88.9% of cases, the epithelial lining was varied and composed of two or more types of epithelium. There was no significant association between the type of epithelium and the size of the cysts (p = 0.389). Nerve, blood vessels, hemorrhage, and chronic inflammatory infiltrate were commonly observed. In contrast, there was a low frequency of mucous glands, sebaceous glands, cholesterol clefts, and multinucleated giant cells. The clinical, radiographic, and microscopic findings observed in this study are similar to those reported in the literature. Due to the morphological diversity of NDC, it is needed to correlate its histopathological features with the clinical and radiographic findings to establish a correct diagnosis