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    Incidencia de una secuencia did?ctica sobre los modelos hist?ricos de la ley de boyle en las concepciones de naturaleza de la ciencia (NdC) en profesores en formaci?n de ciencias

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    196 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste documento pretende comprender la incidencia de una secuencia did?ctica de los modelos hist?ricos presentes en la constituci?n de la Ley de Boyle en las concepciones de NdC de un grupo de profesores en formaci?n de ciencias naturales de la Universidad del Tolima. En virtud del anterior prop?sito se asume como premisa principal que la NdC es un metacontenido con alto valor educativo que puede y debe ser ense?ado y aprendido. Para esto, han sido planteados diferentes enfoques y contextos. En particular, se destaca la Historia de la Ciencia (HC) por su potencial para la ense?anza y el aprendizaje en y sobre la ciencia. A la par de estas reflexiones de corte hist?rico, el otro hilo conductor del presente trabajo de grado es la visi?n sem?ntica de ciencia, que presenta como aspecto central la noci?n de modelo. A partir de estas consideraciones, se realiza un escrutinio conceptual en torno a la idea de teor?as y leyes cient?ficas desde la visi?n sem?ntica de ciencia. Posteriormente, se presenta una discusi?n te?rica sobre el contexto hist?rico que permiti? la formulaci?n de la Ley de Boyle y, finalmente, se escriben unas l?neas acerca del concepto de NdC desde una perspectiva de modelos. Este abordaje te?rico permite establecer tres modelos hist?ricos presentes en la formulaci?n de dicha Ley tales como la discusi?n filos?fica sobre el vac?o, el inter?s por la producci?n de vac?o experimental y, en ?ltima instancia, la construcci?n de la bomba de vac?o y el tubo en forma de ?J?. Sobre la base de lo anterior se dise?a e implementa la Secuencia Did?ctica (SD) denominada ?El estudio de la Ley de Boyle: Contando historias de la historia de la ciencia?. A nivel metodol?gico, se recurre a un estudio de tipo cualitativo. Para comprender la incidencia de esta SD se implementa como m?todo el an?lisis de contenido con sus respectivos sistemas categoriales y unidades de trabajo; estas ?ltimas seleccionadas a partir de un muestreo intencional. El universo documental recopilado que consta de la aplicaci?n de algunas cuestiones provenientes del Cuestionario de Opiniones sobre Ciencia, Tecnolog?a y Sociedad (COCTS), evidencias escritas, representaciones gr?ficas y discusiones verbales permite suscitar reflexiones alrededor de la incidencia que dicha secuencia presenta en las concepciones de NdC de este grupo de profesores en formaci?n. As? las cosas, se establece a manera de corolario que a trav?s de esta intervenci?n did?ctica se evidencia evoluci?n en diversos t?picos de la NdC tales como la importancia de las suposiciones en el progreso cient?fico, reconociendo que ?stas no siempre tienen que ser verdaderas, tambi?n se destaca la relevancia de los errores en la pr?ctica cient?fica y el papel de las comunidades cient?ficas. De hecho, la ciencia es un esfuerzo humano de car?cter colectivo. Adem?s se hace alusi?n a que el conocimiento en la ciencia no crece de manera lineal ni acumulativa y que el tipo de conocimiento que proviene de la ciencia se caracteriza por la provisionalidad, entre otros hallazgos. Palabras clave: concepciones de Naturaleza de la Ciencia (NdC), Historia de la Ciencia (HC), visi?n sem?ntica de ciencia, modelo, Ley de Boyle.This paper aims to comprehend the impact of a didactic sequence about the historical models on the foundation of the Law of Boyle above NoS conceptions in a group of preservice teachers who belong to the Universidad del Tolima. Based on that purpose it is assumed as rationale the NoS is a meta-knowledge with high educational value which can and should be taught and learned. According to that, it has been set up differents approaches and context. Specially, it highlights the History of Science (HOS) due to its potential for teaching and learning inside and outside of the science. At the same time on those historical reflections, the other main scheme in this thesis is the semantic vision of science that introduces as key aspect the notion of model. From those assumptions, it is carried out a conceptual debate between the idea of scientifics theories and laws in the semantic vision of science framework. Subsequently, it is showed a theoretical discussion about the historical context that allowed the constitution of the Law of Boyle and, at the end, it is written some lines around NoS concept from the perspective models. This theoretical focus allows to set up three historical models in the formulation of the Law of Boyle such as the philosophical discussion about the vacuum, the intrigue by the produce experimental vacuum and, finally, the air pump construction and the ?J? tube. Based on the above, it is designed and implemented the didactic sequence called ?The study of the Law of Boyle: Telling stories from the History of Science? At the methodological level, it is used a qualitative study. In order to comprehend the didactic sequence incidence is set up as method, the content analysis with its their respective categories systems and job units; those last were selected from a purposive sampling. The documentary universe collected which contains the application of some questions from the Questionnaire of Opinions on Science, Technology and Society (QOSTS), written evidences, pictorial representations and verbal discussions has aroused reflections concerning the impact of this sequence on the NoS conceptions in those preservice teachers. Thus, it is established as a conclusion that the educational intervention allows to make evidence evolution in several topics of the NoS such as the importance of the assumptions in scientific progress, recognizing that those do not always have to be true, it also highlights the relevance of the wrongs in scientific practice and the role of scientific communities. In fact, the science is a human endeavor of collective nature. Furthermore, it is referred to that knowledge in science it does not grow linear nor accumulative way and that the type of knowledge which comes from science is characterized by tentativeness, among others findings made. Keywords: conceptions of the Nature of Science (NoS), History of Science (HOS), semantic vision of science, model, Law of Boyl

    República portuguesa, secularização e novos símbolos (1910-1926)

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    We did select the historical perspective which involves the relations between the laical State and the Catholic Church, looking for deep marks of identity and national symbols, through the promotion of republican culturalʼs key objectives: republican citizenshipʼs rituals and political emblems; popular and civic participation on holidays and national parties; solidary ties between political republican memory and historical nacional memory construction

    Mean-Field and Non-Mean-Field Behaviors in Scale-free Networks with Random Boolean Dynamics

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    We study two types of simplified Boolean dynamics over scale-free networks, both with synchronous update. Assigning only Boolean functions AND and XOR to the nodes with probability 1p1-p and pp, respectively, we are able to analyze the density of 1's and the Hamming distance on the network by numerical simulations and by a mean-field approximation (annealed approximation). We show that the behavior is quite different if the node always enters in the dynamic as its own input (self-regulation) or not. The same conclusion holds for the Kauffman KN model. Moreover, the simulation results and the mean-field ones (i) agree well when there is no self-regulation, and (ii) disagree for small pp when self-regulation is present in the model.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Influence of Increasing Renewable Power Penetration on the Long-Term Iberian Electricity Market Prices

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    ABSTRACT: n recent years, there has been a significant increase in investment in renewable energy sources, leading to the decarbonization of the electricity sector. Accordingly, a key concern is the influence of this process on future electricity market prices, which are expected to decrease with the increasing generation of renewable power. This is important for both current and future investors, as it can affect profitability. To address these concerns, a long-term analysis is proposed here to examine the influence of the future electricity mix on Iberian electricity prices in 2030. In this study, we employed artificial intelligence forecasting models that incorporated the main electricity price-driven components of MIBEL, providing accurate predictions for the real operation of the market. These can be extrapolated into the future to predict electricity prices in a scenario with high renewable power penetration. The results, obtained considering a framework featuring an increase in the penetration of renewables into MIBEL of up to 80% in 2030, showed that electricity prices are expected to decrease by around 50% in 2030 when compared to 2019, and there will be a new pattern of electricity prices throughout the year due to the uneven distribution of renewable electricity. The study's findings are relevant for ongoing research on the unique challenges of energy markets with high levels of renewable generation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Variabilidad en el tamaño de ovocitos y fecundidad parcial de anchoveta (Engraulis ringens, Jenyns 1842) en dos áreas de desove de la costa de Chile

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    Utilising histological preparations of ovaries from Engraulis ringens females collected in two contrasting spawning habitats along the Chilean coast, we assess the variability in oocyte size and batch fecundity during the peak spawning seasons in three years. The effects of female size (length and weight), batch fecundity and mean sea surface temperature on oocyte size were also examined. Results showed larger oocytes and lower batch fecundity in females from the southern area. Oocyte volume differences persisted inter-annually and were not explained by differences in female sizes. Since ovary weight was similar between areas, the cost of producing larger oocytes in the south population seems to be a fecundity reduction. The latitudinal variations in oocyte number and size seem to be determined by the predominant environmental conditions in each habitat. Hence, female E. ringens seem to adapt their reproductive tactics by producing eggs sizes and quantities that favour survival of their offspring under the environmental conditions in which they are to develop.Utilizando preparaciones histológicas de ovarios de anchovetas (Engraulis ringens) colectadas en dos hábitats contrastantes a lo largo de la costa de Chile, se estudia la variabilidad en tamaño de ovocitos y fecundidad parcial en la estación de máximo desove durante tres años. Los efectos de tamaño de hembra (longitud total y peso total), fecundidad parcial y temperatura superficial del mar sobre el tamaño de los ovocitos, también fueron investigados. Los resultados mostraron ovocitos más grandes y menor fecundidad en hembras de la zona sur. Las diferencias en volumen de ovocitos persistieron inter-anualmente y no fueron explicadas por diferencias en el tamaño de las hembras. Dado que los pesos de los ovarios fueron similares entre zonas, el coste de producir ovocitos más grandes en la población del sur sería la reducción en la fecundidad. Las variaciones latitudinales en número y tamaño de ovocitos parecen ser determinadas por las condiciones ambientales predominantes en cada hábitat de desove. De este modo, las hembras de E. ringens adaptarían sus tácticas reproductivas produciendo tamaño y cantidades de huevos que favorezcan la supervivencia de sus descendientes a las condiciones ambientales en las que se desarrollarán

    Pátria e Liberdade

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    O presente volume reúne textos inseridos no tema do V Seminário de História e Cultura Política, que se realizou na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, no dia 12 de Março de 2013. O objectivo desse Seminário, iniciativa do Grupo de Investigação Memória & Historiografia do Centro de História da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, era o aprofundamento crítico do conhecimento sobre pensadores portugueses e estrangeiros através das doutrinas políticas que perfilharam em relação à Pátria e à Liberdade. Desenvolvendo o trabalho científico iniciado com o I Seminário de 2009, pretende-se anualmente dar continuidade a este projecto de Seminário de História e Cultura Política – com um tema de base – e que as perspectivas analíticas comunicadas sejam feitas através de vários olhares disciplinares, em particular a partir da História, da Filosofia e da Ciência Política. A reflexão crítica e o debate produzidos visam continuar a estimular a vivificação da memória da cultura política e a construção historiográfica das ideias políticas e sociais, dentro da área do pensamento europeu, ibero‐americano e português, um mundo aberto, plural e conflitual, onde há um grande campo de investigação crítica a desenvolver, para percepcionar fundamentos filosóficos, dinâmicas históricas e expressões ideológicas e políticas.Fundação Eng. António de Almeidainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio