821 research outputs found

    CompetĂȘncias de literacia, de numeracia e sociais em dois perĂ­odos do desenvolvimento da criança: no prĂ©-escolar e no 1Âș ano de escolaridade

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    [Resumo] O presente estudo inserese no projecto “Contextos e Transição”, desenvolvido no Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto, e pretende analisar a relação existente entre trĂȘs grupos de competĂȘncias de literacia, de numeracia e sociais em dois momentos do desenvolvimento prĂ©escolar e 1Âș ano de escolaridade. No primeiro momento avaliaramse 81 crianças com uma idade cronolĂłgica entre os 53 e os 68 meses, a frequentar o prĂ©escolar, utilizandose os seguintes instrumentos: Provas de Avaliação da ConsciĂȘncia FonolĂłgica (Sucena & Castro, 2001), Segueme Lua (Clay, 2000), Provas de Avaliação da Leitura (Castro, Cary, & Gomes, 1998) e Teste de VocabulĂĄrio Peabody (Dunn & Dunn, 1981) (literacia); Contagem abstracta, Prova AritmĂ©tica da Escala de InteligĂȘncia de Wechsler para a Idade PrĂ©escolar e PrimĂĄria (Wechsler, 1989) e Leitura de nĂșmeros (numeracia); e InventĂĄrio de Comportamentos na Sala, versĂŁo prĂ©escolar (competĂȘncias sociais) (Schaefer & Edgerton, 1978). No segundo momento, avaliouse uma subamostra do primeiro momento (N = 26), a frequentar o 1Âș ano. Utilizaramse os mesmos instrumentos do primeiro momento, adicionandose o Teste de CompreensĂŁo da leitura (Durviaux & Simon, 1990) para a literacia; na numeracia, utilizouse o Teste de CompetĂȘncias em MatemĂĄtica (Ginsburg & Baroody, 2003); e, para as competĂȘncias sociais, o mesmo instrumento do primeiro momento, na versĂŁo escolar. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam uma heterogeneidade de competĂȘncias de literacia e numeracia a nĂ­vel do prĂ©escolar; correlaçÔes positivas em ambos os momentos de avaliação entre os trĂȘs grupos de competĂȘncias em estudo; uma evolução positiva dos valores obtidos nos dois momentos de avaliação; e associaçÔes positivas e moderadas entre os resultados dos dois momentos, ao nĂ­vel das trĂȘs competĂȘncias. Estes dados apontam para a necessidade de se proceder a uma avaliação inicial e posterior monitorização destas competĂȘncias desde o prĂ©escolar.[Abstract] This study is part of the project - “Settings and Transition”, which was developed in the Psychology Centre of University of Porto, and aims to analyze the relationship between three groups of skills - literacy, numeracy and social skills - in two periods of development - preschool and 1st year of education. In the first moment we evaluated 81 children with a chronological age ranging from 53 to 68 months, attending preschool, using the following instruments: a Phonological Awareness Test (Sucena & Castro, 2001), Follow Me, Moon (Clay, 2000), a Letter Knowledge Test - Beginners Level (Castro, Cary, & Gomes, 1998) and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (Dunn & Dunn, 1981) (literacy), a verbal counting task, the arithmetic subtest of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (Wechsler, 1989) and a number identification task (numeracy); and Classroom Behaviour Inventory, preschool version (social skills) (Schaefer & Edgerton, 1978). In the second moment, we evaluated a sub-sample of the fist moment (N = 26), in which the children were attending the first grade. We used the same instruments from the first moment, and also, the Hainaut Test on Reading Comprehension (Durviaux & Simon1990) for literacy; to evaluate the numeracy skills we used the Test of Early Mathematics Ability (Ginsburg & Baroody, 2003); and, for social skills, it was used the same instrument of the first moment, in the school version. The results obtained show a variety of literacy and numeracy skills in preschool; positive associations in both moments of evaluation

    O Direito Internacional e a IngerĂȘncia HumanitĂĄria: o poder/dever da intervenção armada

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    Nas Ășltimas dĂ©cadas, na comunidade internacional, assistimos ao reconhecimento de um aspecto muito particular do direito internacional humanitĂĄrio, vulgarmente denominado por “direito de ingerĂȘncia”. A concepção actual do “direito de ingerĂȘncia”, com a consolidação do conceito de ius cogens, enquanto limite jurĂ­dico imperativo erga omnes, veio abalar a estrutura clĂĄssica do direito internacional, particularmente, no que respeita ao alcance e extensĂŁo do princĂ­pio da soberania dos Estados e ao decorrente princĂ­pio da nĂŁo ingerĂȘncia nos assuntos internos dos Estados. Por outro lado, o progressivo avanço no reconhecimento, cada vez mais alargado e consensual, das matĂ©rias de cariz humanitĂĄrio, tem vindo a alargar o Ăąmbito da jurisdição internacional e consequentemente a limitar o Ăąmbito do conceito de “reserva de Estado”. Neste percurso, torna-se absolutamente necessĂĄrio aprofundar a apreciação conceptual e a verificação dos termos da sedimentação dos instrumentos de tutela jurĂ­dica internacional adequados a garantir a inderrogabilidade do direito imperativo

    Fandom, culture, and videogames: analysing what makes a successful videogame franchise through Final Fantasy

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    This study intends to validate the importance of discussing media in the modern world by exploring how the concepts of media, fandoms and culture are related, why fandoms exist and the power of media over culture. The object of study is videogames, and more specifically the videogame franchise ‘Final Fantasy’, There is also focus in understanding their appeal over other types of media, the history and evolution of videogames and the history and business model of Square Enix, the company behind ‘Final Fantasy’ products. Additionally, object of study includes how corporate practices and decisions affect the franchise, the evolution of the franchise throughout the years and what makes it a successful videogame franchise, taking into account all the previous information. In order to achieve its purpose, the methodology used was based on qualitative methods of investigation. Document research about the topic at hand, from bibliography, ludography, and other pre-existing materials was gathered and triangulated with an online questionnaire. The information gathered from 85 participants was analysed and it was possible to conclude how the target audience for Final Fantasy experiences the games and the fandom, how it perceives cultural elements and how do they feel about corporate decisions as frequent customers, as well as their opinions on the importance of discussing media

    Dinah Silveira De Queiroz: An Innovator in Brazilian Literature

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    Paper by Maria Teresa Leal de MartĂ­ne

    Fiscal forecasting: lessons from the literature and challenges

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    While fiscal forecasting and monitoring has its roots in the accountability of governments for the use of public funds in democracies, the Stability and Growth Pact has significantly increased interest in budgetary forecasts in Europe, where they play a key role in the EU multilateral budgetary surveillance. In view of the increased prominence and sensitivity of budgetary forecasts, which may lead to them being influenced by strategic and political factors, this paper discusses the main issues and challenges in the field of fiscal forecasting from a practitioner’s perspective and places them in the context of the related literature. JEL Classification: H6, E62, C53Fiscal policies, forecasting, government budget, monitoring
