86 research outputs found

    Chagasic myocarditis in dogs in Rio Grande do Sul

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    Neste trabalho, são relatados dois casos de morte súbita por doença de Chagas aguda em caninos da zona rural de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os cães, um macho Pit Bull com nove meses (canino 1) e uma fêmea Labrador Retriever com dois anos (canino 2), morreram em janeiro de 2005 e maio de 2008, respectivamente. As necropsias revelaram aumento cardíaco em ambos os casos. O coração do canino 2 apresentou formato globoso com múltiplas áreas pálidas na musculatura cardíaca, mais evidentes no ventrículo direito e câmaras cardíacas dilatadas, principalmente as da direita. Ao exame histológico, ambos os casos apresentaram alterações semelhantes caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório difuso não-purulento acentuado, predominantemente linfocitário intersticial. Nas fibras miocárdicas, havia grande número de pseudocistos, repletos de formas amastigotas do Trypanosoma cruzi. Ao teste sorológico TESA-blot, amostra do canino 2 foi positiva para anticorpos IgM e IgG anti-T.cruzi, achado característico da fase aguda da miocardite chagásica. Os resultados indicam que a doença de Chagas deve ser investigada em casos de morte súbita em cães na região Sul do Brasil e que a espécie pode servir como reservatório e sentinela da doença em humanos.Acute Chagas disease caused sudden death in two dogs from Porto Alegre rural zone of, Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. A 9-month-old Pit Bull male (dog 1) and a 2-year-old Labrador Retriever female (dog 2) died in January 2005 and May 2008, respectively. At necropsy, the hearts were enlarged. In dog 2, heart was remarkably globoid with multiple pale areas scattered in the myocardium, especially in the right ventricle. Heart chambers, especially in the right side, were dilated. Histological findings were similar in both cases and consisted of diffuse non suppurative myocarditis predominantly with lymphocytic interstitial infiltrates. Within myocardial fibers were observed pseudocysts filled with amastigotes forms of Trypanosoma cruzi. Serologic test TESA-blot resulted positive in samples from dog 2 and showed IgM e IgG anti-T.cruzi antibodies characteristic of acute Chagas disease. The results indicate that Trypanosoma cruzi infection must be considered in the differential diagnosis of sudden death in dogs in southern Brazil and that the specie may act as a reservoir and sentinel for the disease in human beings

    Scrapie diagnosis in a goat and four Santa Inês sheep from the same herd in Brazil

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    Scrapie is a fatal and progressive transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) of natural occurrence in sheep and goats. The suspicion of scrapie may be based on clinical signs; however, the detection of pathological features of the prionic protein (PrP) in target tissues is necessary to diagnose the disease. The presence of an abnormal protein form (PrPSc) in lymphoreticular and nervous tissues is an important characteristic in diagnosis. This paper reports a case of scrapie in a flock of 55 Suffolk crossbred sheep, 19 Santa Inês sheep and 21 goats in the Mato Grosso state, midwestern Brazil. The animals were euthanized after the confirmation of a scrapie case with clinical signs in a Suffolk sheep in the same farm. Samples of brainstem at the level of the obex and lymphoid issues like palatine tonsils, mesenteric lymph nodes, third eyelid fixed in formalin 10% were processed for histological examination. Histological examination with hematoxylin and eosin did not show any microscopic changes in samples. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) examination to detect anti-prion PrPSc was performed in lymphoid tissues. Scrapie diagnosis was confirmed based on IHC positive results for PrPSc in lymphoid tissues of a crossbreed goat and four Santa Inês sheep, without any clinical scrapie signs. IHC showed positive staining in at least three lymphoid germinal centers in goat mesenteric lymph node, palatine tonsil, and third eyelid samples. The mesenteric lymph node, and tonsil samples of all sheep showed positive immunostaining, and only one sheep showed positive staining in lymphoid follicles in the third eyelid. Scrapie diagnosis using IHC in fixed samples of lymphoreticular tissue is technically feasible to detect the disease in both goats and sheep, as a form of pre-clinical diagnosis. The results indicate that the herd was infected by a sheep coming from another herd where scrapie had been diagnosed before.Scrapie é uma encefalopatia espongiforme transmissível (EET) progressiva e fatal de ocorrência natural em ovinos e caprinos. A suspeita de scrapie é baseada nos sinais clínicos, porém a manifestação patológica da proteína priônica (PrP) nos tecidos-alvo é necessária para a confirmação da doença. A presença de uma forma anormal da proteína (PrPSc) em tecido linforreticular e tecido nervoso constitui uma característica importante para o diagnóstico. Este trabalho é o relato de um foco de scrapie ocorrido em rebanho com 55 ovinos mistos Suffolk, 21 caprinos e 19 ovinos Santa Inês, na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Os animais foram eutanasiados após a confirmação de um caso de scrapie com sinais clínicos em um ovino Suffolk nessa propriedade. Amostras de tronco cerebral na altura do obex e tecidos linfoides, que incluíram tonsilas, linfonodos mesentéricos e tecido linfoide da terceira pálpebra foram processados para exame histológico. O exame histológico utilizando a coloração de hematoxilina e eosina não revelou a presença de alterações microscópicas nos tecidos examinados. O diagnóstico de scrapie foi confirmado com base nos resultados positivos de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) para PrPSc nos tecidos linfoides de um caprino sem raça definida e quatro ovinos da raça Santa Inês, sem sinais clínicos de scrapie. A IHQ apresentou marcação positiva em pelo menos três centros linfoides na tonsila, terceira pálpebra e linfonodo mesentérico do caprino. Em todos os ovinos, a IHQ revelou marcação positiva nos folículos linfoides da tonsila palatínica e linfonodo mesentérico; a marcação positiva nos folículos linfoides da terceira pálpebra só foi observada em um dos ovinos. Este trabalho demonstra a importância da utilização de tecido linforreticular para o diagnóstico pré-clínico de scrapie através de IHQ e é tecnicamente viável em ovinos e caprinos. Os resultados indicam que os animais foram contaminados por um ovino oriundo de um rebanho que apresentava casos clínicos de scrapie

    Classical scrapie diagnosis in ARR/ARR sheep in Brazil

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    Background: Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that affects sheep flocks and goat herds. The transfer of animals or groups of these between sheep farms is associated with increased numbers of infected animals and with the susceptibility or the resistance to natural or classical scrapie form. Although several aspects linked to the etiology of the natural form of this infection remain unclarified, the role of an important genetic control in scrapie incidence has been proposed. Polymorphisms of the PrP gene (prion protein, or simply prion), mainly in codons 136, 154, and 171, have been associated with the risk of scrapie. Case: One animal from a group of 292 sheep was diagnosed positive for scrapie in the municipality of Valparaíso, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The group was part of a flock of 811 free-range, mixed-breed Suffolk sheep of the two genders and ages between 2 and 7 years from different Brazilian regions. Blood was collected for genotyping (for codons 136, 141, 154 and 171), and the third lid and rectal mucosa were sampled for immunohistochemistry (IHC) for scrapie, from all 292 animals of the group. IHC revealed that seven (2.4%) animals were positive for the disease. Collection of samples was repeated for 90 animals, among which the seven individuals diagnosed positive and 83 other animals that had some degree of kinship with those. These 90 sheep were sacrificed and necropsied, when samples of brain (obex), cerebellum, third eyelid, rectal mucosa, mesenteric lymph node, palatine tonsil, and spleen were collected for IHC. The results of IHC analyses carried out after necropsy of the seven positive animals submitted to the second collection of lymphoreticular tissue and of the 83 animals with some degree of kinship with them confirmed the positive diagnosis obtained in the first analysis, and revealed that three other sheep were also positive for scrapie. Samples of 80 animals (89%) were negative for the disease in all organs and tissues analyzed. In turn, 10 sheep (11%) were positive, presenting immunoreactivity in one or more tissues. Genotyping revealed the presence of four of the five alleles of the PrP gene commonly detected in sheep: ARR, ARQ, VRQ and ARH. These allele combinations formed six haplotypes: ARR/ARR, ARR/ARQ, ARH/ARH, ARQ/ARH, ARQ/ARQ and ARQ/VRQ. Animals were classified according to susceptibility to scrapie, when 8.9% of the genotyped sheep were classified into risk group R1 (more resistant, with no restriction to breeding). In turn, 40% of the animals tested ranked in groups R4 and R5 (genetically very susceptible, cannot be used for breeding purposes). Discussion: The susceptibility of sheep flocks depends on the genetic pattern of animals and is determined by the sequence of the gene that codifies protein PrP. Additionally, numerous prion strains are differentiated based on pathological and biochemical characteristics, and may affect animals differently, depending on each individual’s genotype. Most epidemiologic data published to date indicate that animals that carry the ARR/ARR genotype are less susceptible to classical scrapie. However, in the present study, the fact that two scrapie-positive sheep presented the haplotype ARR/ARR indicates that this genotype cannot always be considered an indicator of resistance to the causal agent of the classical manifestation of the disease. The coexistence in the same environment of several crossbred animals from different flocks and farms, which characterizes a new heterogeneous flock, may have promoted a favorable scenario to spread the disease, infecting animals in the most resistant group

    Uso do Laser ALGaInP na cicatrização de lesões cutâneas experimentais em coelhos

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    Background:  :  :  : Animals with extensive cutaneous lesions remain hospitalized for long periods. In addition to increasing treatment costs, this also causes stress in these animals. Low-power laser is widely used to support tissue repair processes. Its use in the treatment of cutaneous wounds has been studied, as it reduces the wound healing period and the consequences caused by the lesion. The study aimed to evaluat the wound healing process of experimental cutaneous wounds in rabbits with the use of laser therapy. Materials, Methods & Results: Ten healthy New Zealand rabbits were used in the study, which were divided in two groups (n=5). Skin biopsies were carried out on day 16 in Group 1 and on day 8 in Group 2. The animals were under general anesthesia for the experimental cutaneous lesion to be carried out. Two 1cm2 wounds were made on the back of each animal. The lesions were measured by a pachymeter in the immediate postoperative period, then covered with sterile gauze and maintained with rubber bandages. The animals were treated only with Tramadon 3 mg.kg-1 twice a day, during 3 days. Only the lesions on the right side of the animals were irradiated regularly, on each side of the wound, at a distance of 0.5 cm from the margin. The equipment used was a 660nm wavelength AlGaInP laser diode (Laserpulse, Ibramed), pulsed at a frequency of 20 Hz, at a dose of 3J and stimulation time of 12s. The left-side lesions represented the control and the treatment administered to them consisted only of a cleanse using a NaCl solution at 0.9% once a day. The measurement of the lesion area was made every two days with a pachymeter, and the macroscopic characteristics were noted on a control card. For the histological evaluation of the wound healing process, biopsy specimens were taken from the right and left lesions on the sixteenth day in G1 and on the eighth day in G2, by means of a 6mm punch. The samples were stained with Hematoxylin-eosin for the global evaluation of the tissue section, and with Masson’s trichrome for evaluation of the presence of collagen fibers in interstitial fibrosis sites. Hyperemia followed by a discreet bleeding could be observed in wounds treated with laser after its application. With regard to the wound healing area, there was no difference between treated and control animals in both groups. However, in the microscopic evaluation of G1, in relation to the histological variables, significantly higher results were found in lesions treated with laser however, in the microscopic evaluation of G1, in relation to the histological variables, significantly higher results were found in lesions treated with laser: vascular proliferation, fibroblast and collagen proliferation, as well as the presence of hair follicles. In G2, only the fibroblastic proliferation showed a significant difference (p= 0.08) in lesions treated with laser. Discussion: There was no difference in the number of inflammatory cells in this study, perhaps because the control animals underwent laser treatment of the contralateral lesion. However, the treated animals had a higher number of deposited collagen fibers than the control ones, corroborating the data mentioned in literature. The most important result found was associated with vascular proliferation, which showed a significant difference (p= 0.046). The formation of new blood vessels seems to be substantially facilitated by the laser use, because a relatively higher number of elements was found in the group irradiated by it, as similarly hyperemia and bleeding were observed during treatment. The results obtained suggest that irradiation with AlGaInP diode laser, at a dose of 3J, acted as a biostimulative agent in the wound healing of experimental lesions. Evidence of this could be demonstrated by an accelerated cell proliferation process during the experiment. The experimental lesion, animal species selected and laser application method were adequate for the execution of this project

    Brazilian consensus on the treatment of fibromyalgia

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    UNIFESP Ambulatório de FibromialgiaUFPR HC ambulatório de fibromialgiaUNIFESPUNIFESP Setor de reumatismos de partes molesPUC-SP Departamento de MedicinaPUC-Campinas Hospital Universitário Serviço de ReumatologiaSociedade Brasileira de ReumatologiaSanta Casa de Belo Horizonte Ambulatório de Fibromialgia Programa de Residência Médica em ReumatologiaFMUSP HC Serviço de ReumatologiaSanta Casa de Campo Grande Setor de Reumatologia programa de Residência em Clínica MédicaUniversidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto AlegreUNiSULUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo Hospital Universitário serviço de ReumatologiaSociedade Brasileira de Clínica MédicaSociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da DorAssociação Brasileira de Medicina Física e ReabilitaçãoUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade Federal FluminenseAcademia Brasileira de Neurologia Departamento de DorEuropean Neurological Society Subcomitê de DorPeripheral Nerve SocietyFMUSP Grupo de MãoSociedade Brasileira de ortopedia e TraumatologiaAxia.Bio farmacoeconomia e pesquisa em saúdeUNIFESP Núcleo de Gestão de PesquisasUNIFESP, Ambulatório de FibromialgiaUNIFESP, Setor de reumatismos de partes molesUNIFESP, Núcleo de Gestão de PesquisasSciEL