672 research outputs found

    Regards croisés sur les politiques d’habitat social au Maghreb : Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie

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    Au Maghreb, les évolutions récentes des politiques d’habitat social sont marquées par l’émergence de l’approche participative du développement et par l’introduction de dispositifs multi-acteurs d’ingénierie sociale. À travers des regards croisés sur les programmes de logement en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie, l’objectif de cet article est d’apporter une lecture critique des modalités de participation de la société civile dans les projets d’habitat social au sud de la Méditerranée. Alors que les instances internationales recommandent un processus plus inclusif, plus équitable et plus efficace que les interventions stato-centrées habituelles, la résorption de l’habitat insalubre se heurte en pratique à de multiples défis socioéconomiques, organisationnels et politiques.In the Maghreb, recent changes in social housing policies have been marked by the emergence of a participatory approach to development and the introduction of multiplayer social engineering mechanisms. Through a comparative assessment of housing programs in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, this paper takes a critical look at the mechanisms of civil society involvement in social housing projects on the south coast of the Mediterranean. Whereas international authorities recommend a more inclusive, more equitable, more effective process than the usual State-centred initiatives, addressing the problems of unsanitary housing poses significant socioeconomic, organizational and political challenges in practice

    The identity of a new profession: Examining the aegis of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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    In Canada, there is a growing interest in regulating the practices of acupuncture and Chinese herbology under the banner of ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine’ (TCM). However, the origins and definition of TCM are unclear and therefore disputed. While TCM is often used as an umbrella term to represent Chinese medical traditions that span millennia, numerous academics consider TCM to be a modern construct that has departed from the foundational roots of Chinese medicine. To better understand TCM and its implications for the profession, our study investigates: 1) historical precedents leading up to the formal creation of TCM; 2) characteristics and defining features of TCM; and 3) how this relates to education, practice and regulation of the profession in Canada. A mixed-methods study design was employed. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore perceptions of individuals who contributed to mediums that discussed the formation of TCM or traditions that exist outside of TCM. In addition, an anonymous web-based survey was sent to TCM-related professional organizations, who were asked to distribute the survey to their members to capture the views of persons practicing within TCM-related health professions in Canada. Due to a lack of participation from the organizations, no survey data was collected. Interviews revealed that TCM is a product of the standardization and simplification of Chinese medicine during the 1950’s and 60’s in China to meet healthcare needs at the time. Currently in Canada, there appears to be a lack of awareness that the establishment of TCM is not a comprehensive representation of Chinese medical traditions, and that many aspects of it may not be suited to the healthcare landscape of modern-day Canada. There is a need for more discussion surrounding the identity of this new profession


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    International audienceThis paper presents a hp−refinement method for a first order scalar transport- reaction equation discretized by a discontinuous Galerkin method. First, the theoretical rates of convergence of h− and p−refinement are recalled and numerically tested. Then, in order to design some meshes, we propose two different estimators of the local error on the spatial domain. These quantities are analysed and compared depending on the regularity of the solution so as to find the best way to lead the refinement process and the best strategy to choose between h− and p−refinement. Finally, the different possible refinement strategies are compared first on analytical examples and then on realistic applications for neutron transport in a nuclear reactor core

    High-order discrete ordinate transport in hexagonal geometry: A new capability in ERANOS

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    This paper presents the implementation of an arbitrary order discontinuous Galerkin scheme within the framework of a discrete ordinate solver of the neutron transport equation for nuclear reactor calculations. More precisely, it deals with non-conforming spatial meshes for the 2D and 3D modeling of core geometries based on hexagonal assemblies. This work aims at improving the capabilities of the ERANOS code system dedicated to fast reactor analysis and design. Both the angular quadrature and spatial scheme peculiarities for hexagonal geometries are presented. A particular focus is set on the spatial non-conforming mesh and variable order capabilities of this scheme in anticipation to the development of spatial adaptiveness algorithms. These features are illustrated on a 3D numerical benchmark with comparison to a Monte Carlo reference and a 2D benchmark that shows the potential of this scheme for both h- and p-adaptation

    Retours d'expériences et perspectives d'utilisation de la méthode "Imagine". Analyse systémique et prospective de durabilité -

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    La montée en puissance des préoccupations environnementales se traduit par des demandes sociale et politique en faveur de la participation du public à la conception et la mise en uvre de stratégies territoriales de long terme. Dans ce contexte, le Plan Bleu a développé, expérimenté et consolidé une méthode d'analyse systémique et prospective territoriale, "Imagine", qui propose des outils pour décrire, évaluer et explorer le niveau de durabilité d'un éco-socio-système, à travers une approche participative considérant les acteurs locaux comme experts de leur territoire

    Feedback and potential uses of the "Imagine" method : A systemic and predictive analysis of sustainability -

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    Preoccupation with the environment has gained increasing prominence, reflected in social and political demands for general public participation in the conception ad implementation of long-term strategy for defined geographical or administrative areas. In this context, the Blue Plan has developed, tested and consolidated a method of systemic, predictive and proactive analysis "Imagine", that proposes tools for describing, evaluating and investigating the degree of sustainability of a socio-ecosystem. It is based on a participatory approach that considers local stakeholders and others involved as experts in their area

    Poisoning by non-edible squash: retrospective series of 353 patients from French Poison Control Centers

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    CONTEXT: Among the numerous varieties of squash that exist, some are edible while other bitter-tasting ones are not fit for human consumption. Cases of confusion seem to be multiplying and are characterized by digestive problems (diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain). METHODS: This is a descriptive retrospective study of cases of exposure reported to French Poison Control Centers between 1 January 2012 and 12 December 2016. RESULTS: 353 patients were included, with 71.7% belonging to collective cases of poisoning. The male to female sex ratio was 0.75 for an average age of 38.2 ± 23.6 years. The circumstances of exposure were dietary for 337 patients (95.5%). The majority of the squash consumed was purchased at a store (55.8%) but some also came from the garden (25.5%). 204 patients (57.8%) mostly presented with diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, sometimes with the consequent dehydration, hypotension, tachycardia, headaches, or vertigo. There were no deaths or severe (Poisoning Severity Score (PSS) 3) cases, but there were 14 patients (4.0%) of moderate severity, 190 patients (53.8%) of minor severity (PSS 1), and 149 patients (42.2%) without severity (PSS 0) but among which we include the bitter taste of the squash. The average age of PSS 2 patients was significantly (p = .003) older than that of the PSS <2 patients. CONCLUSION: As the first consequential series in Europe, our study shows that exposure to non-edible squash is frequent. Usually benign, poisoning could be the consequence of the irritating effect of certain cucurbits, the molecules responsible for the taste and toxicity of the fruits. In terms of prevention therefore, we recommend disposing of any squash with a bitter taste

    A higher-order entity formed by the flexible assembly of RAP1 with TRF2

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    Essonne committee of the Ligue contre le cancer M18756 M22897 Foundation ARC pour la Recherche sur le Cancer SFI20121205503International audienceTelomere integrity is essential to maintain genome stability, and telomeric dysfunctions are associated with cancer and aging pathologies. In human, the shelterin complex binds TTAGGG DNA repeats and provides capping to chromosome ends. Within shel-terin, RAP1 is recruited through its interaction with TRF2, and TRF2 is required for telomere protection through a network of nucleic acid and protein interactions. RAP1 is one of the most conserved shelterin proteins although one unresolved question is how its interaction may influence TRF2 properties and regulate its capacity to bind multiple proteins. Through a combination of biochemical, biophysical and structural approaches, we unveiled a unique mode of assembly between RAP1 and TRF2. The complete interaction scheme between the full-length proteins involves a complex biphasic interaction of RAP1 that directly affects the binding properties of the assembly. These results reveal how a non-DNA binding protein can influence the properties of a DNA-binding partner by mutual conformational adjustments
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