4,147 research outputs found

    Dihydroxynaphthalene-based mimicry of fungal melanogenesis for multifunctional coatings

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    Material-independent adhesive action derived from polycatechol structures has been intensively studied due to its high applicability in surface engineering. Here, we for the first time demonstrate that a dihydroxynaphthalene-based fungal melanin mimetic, which exhibit a catechol-free structure, can act as a coating agent for material-independent surface modifications on the nanoscale. This mimetic was made by using laccase to catalyse the oxidative polymerization of specifically 2,7-dihydroxynaphthalene. Analyses of the product of this reaction, using Fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflectance and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, bactericidal action, charge-dependent sorption behaviour, phenol content, Zeta potential measurements and free radical scavenging activity, yielded results consistent with it containing hydroxyphenyl groups. Moreover, nuclear magnetic resonance analyses of the product revealed that C-O coupling and C-C coupling were the main mechanisms for its synthesis, thus clearly excluding a catechol structure in the polymerization. This product, termed poly(2,7-DHN), was successfully deposited onto a wide variety of solid surfaces, including metals, polymeric materials, ceramics, biosurfaces and mineral complexes. The melanin-like polymerization could be used to co-immobilize other organic molecules, forming functional surfaces. In addition, the hydroxyphenyl group contained in the coated poly(2,7-DHN) induced secondary metal chelation/reduction and adhesion with proteins, suggesting the potential of this poly(2,7-DHN) layer to serve as a platform material for a variety of surface engineering applications. Moreover, the novel physicochemical properties of the poly(2,7-DHN) illuminate its potential applications as bactericidal, radical-scavenging and pollutant-sorbing agents.1143Ysciescopu

    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance reference ranges for the heart and aorta in Chinese at 3T.

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    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) reference ranges have not been well established in Chinese. Here we determined normal cardiac and aortic reference ranges in healthy Singaporean Chinese and investigated how these data might affect clinical interpretation of CMR scans.In 180 healthy Singaporean Chinese (20 to 69 years old; males, n = 91), comprehensive cardiac assessment was performed using the steady state free precision technique (3T Ingenia, Philips) and images were analysed by two independent observers (CMR42, Circle Cardiovascular Imaging). Measurements were internally validated using standardized approaches: left ventricular mass (LVM) was measured in diastole and systole (with and without papillary muscles) and stroke volumes were compared in both ventricles. All reference ranges were stratified by sex and age; and indeterminate/borderline regions were defined statistically at the limits of the normal reference ranges. Results were compared with clinical measurements reported in the same individuals.LVM was equivalent in both phases (mean difference 3.0 ± 2.5 g; P = 0.22) and stroke volumes were not significantly different in the left and right ventricles (P = 0.91). Compared to females, males had larger left and right ventricular volumes (P  0.05 for all measures). In both sexes, age correlated negatively with left and right ventricular volumes; and positively with aortic sinus and sinotubular junction diameters (P < 0.0001 for all). There was excellent agreement in indexed stroke volumes in the left and right ventricles (0.1Β±5.7 mL/m2, 0.7Β±6.2 mL/m2, respectively), LVM (0.6Β±6.4 g/m2), atrial sizes and aortic root dimensions between values reported in clinical reports and our measured reference ranges.Comprehensive sex and age-corrected CMR reference ranges at 3T have been established in Singaporean Chinese. This is an important step for clinical practice and research studies of the heart and aorta in Asia

    The REDD+ policy arena in Vietnam: participation of policy actors

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    Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) has gained increasing global attention because of its potential to reduce carbon emissions and improve forest governance. Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation requires successful inclusive decision making and accountability. However, there have been limited empirical studies that examine the effectiveness of the current participatory mechanism used in REDD+. Our research analyzes the participation of policy actors in the development of the REDD+ instrument in Vietnam. We are interested in how the political context and the different interests of actors influence the degree of participation in national REDD+ policy decision making. We explored participation through the analysis of the mechanisms, e.g., how actors involve and participate in decision making, and dynamics of participation, e.g., highly centralized policy event vs. donor led event. The study aims to answer three research questions: (1) Who is involved in national REDD+ policy making and what are their interests in participating in core political events? (2) What level of participation do the different political actors have in core political events? and (3) To what extent do the outcomes, e.g., regulations and strategies, of REDD+ policy events incorporate different preferences of policy actors? Our findings highlighted the dominant role of government agencies in REDD+ policy making, which leaves limited political space for nonstate actors, e.g., NGOs and civil society organizations (CSOs), in Vietnam to exert an influence on the final policy outputs. Even in this highly centralized context, however, we found evidence to suggest that some political space in decision making is given to nonstate actors. Within this space, such actors are able to propose alternative policy options. Ensuring inclusive decision making and accountability in the Vietnam context requires a shift in current governance from traditional top-down approaches to a more participatory form of decision making

    Imaging Immune and Metabolic Cells of Visceral Adipose Tissues with Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy

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    Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) inflammation is recognized as a mechanism by which obesity is associated with metabolic diseases. The communication between adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) and adipocytes is important to understanding the interaction between immunity and energy metabolism and its roles in obesity-induced diseases. Yet visualizing adipocytes and macrophages in complex tissues is challenging to standard imaging methods. Here, we describe the use of a multimodal nonlinear optical (NLO) microscope to characterize the composition of VATs of lean and obese mice including adipocytes, macrophages, and collagen fibrils in a label-free manner. We show that lipid metabolism processes such as lipid droplet formation, lipid droplet microvesiculation, and free fatty acids trafficking can be dynamically monitored in macrophages and adipocytes. With its versatility, NLO microscopy should be a powerful imaging tool to complement molecular characterization of the immunity-metabolism interface

    Solving the problem of stacking goods: mathematical model, heuristics and a case study in container stacking in ports

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    Stacking goods or items is one of the most common operations in everyday life. It happens abundantly in not only transportation applications such as container ports, container ships, warehouses, factories, sorting centers, freight terminals, etc., but also computing systems, supermarkets, and so on. We investigate the problem of stacking a sequence of items into a set of capacitated stacks, subject to stacking constraints. In every stack, items are accessed in the last-in-first-out order. So at retrieval time, getting any lower item requires reshuffling all upper items that are blocking the way (called blocking items). These reshuffles are redundant and expensive. The challenge is to prevent reshuffles from happening. For this purpose, we aim at assigning items to stacks to minimize the number of blocking items with respect to the retrieval order. We provide some mathematical analyses on the feasibility of this problem and lower bounds. Besides, we provide a mathematical model and a two-step heuristic framework. We illustrate the applications of these models and heuristic framework in the real cargo handling process in an Asian port. Experimental results on real scenarios show that the proposed model can eliminate almost all reshuffles, and thus decrease the number of stacking violations from 62.6 % to 0.9 %. We also provide an empirical analysis of variants of the heuristic framework

    Cardiac magnetic resonance T1 and extracellular volume mapping with motion correction and co-registration based on fast elastic image registration

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    OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to investigate the technical feasibility of a novel motion compensation method for cardiac magntic resonance (MR) T1 and extracellular volume fraction (ECV) mapping. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Native and post-contrast T1 maps were obtained using modified look-locker inversion recovery (MOLLI) pulse sequences with acquisition scheme defined in seconds. A nonrigid, nonparametric, fast elastic registration method was applied to generate motion-corrected T1 maps and subsequently ECV maps. Qualitative rating was performed based on T1 fitting-error maps and overlay images. Local deformation vector fields were produced for quantitative assessment. Intra- and inter-observer reproducibility were compared with and without motion compensation. RESULTS: Eighty-two T1 and 39 ECV maps were obtained in 21 patients with diverse myocardial diseases. Approximately 60% demonstrated clear quality improvement after motion correction for T1 mapping, particularly for the poor-rating cases (23% before vs 2% after). Approximately 67% showed further improvement with co-registration in ECV mapping. Although T1 and ECV values were not clinically significantly different before and after motion compensation, there was improved intra- and inter-observer reproducibility after motion compensation. CONCLUSIONS: Automated motion correction and co-registration improved the qualitative assessment and reproducibility of cardiac MR T1 and ECV measurements, allowing for more reliable ECV mapping

    Remineralization of demineralized dentin using a dual analog system.

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    ObjectiveImproved methods are needed to remineralize dentin caries in order to promote conservation of dentin tissue and minimize the surgical interventions that are currently required for clinical treatment. Here, we test the hypothesis that bulk substrates can be effectively mineralized via a dual analog system proposed by others, using a tripolyphosphate (TPP) "templating analog" and a poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) or poly(aspartic acid) (pAsp) "sequestration analog," the latter of which generates the polymer-induced liquid-precursor (PILP) mineralization process studied in our laboratory.Material &amp; methodsDemineralized human dentin slices were remineralized with and without pre-treatment with TPP, using either PAA or pAsp as the PILP process-directing agent. A control experiment with no polymer present was used for comparison.ResultsNo mineralization was observed in any of the PAA groups. In both the pAsp and no polymer groups, TPP inhibited mineralization on the surfaces of the specimens but promoted mineralization within the interiors. Pre-treatment with TPP enhanced overall mineralization of the pAsp group. However, when analysed via TEM, regions with little mineral were still present.ConclusionPoly(acrylic acid) was unable to remineralize demineralized dentin slices under the conditions employed, even when pre-treated with TPP. However, pre-treatment with TPP enhanced overall mineralization of specimens that were PILP-remineralized using pAsp

    The Effect of a DNA Damaging Agent on Embryonic Cell Cycles of the Cnidarian Hydractinia echinata

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    The onset of gastrulation at the Mid-Blastula Transition can accompany profound changes in embryonic cell cycles including the introduction of gap phases and the transition from maternal to zygotic control. Studies in Xenopus and Drosophila embryos have also found that cell cycles respond to DNA damage differently before and after MBT (or its equivalent, MZT, in Drosophila). DNA checkpoints are absent in Xenopus cleavage cycles but are acquired during MBT. Drosophila cleavage nuclei enter an abortive mitosis in the presence of DNA damage whereas post-MZT cells delay the entry into mitosis. Despite attributes that render them workhorses of embryonic cell cycle studies, Xenopus and Drosophila are hardly representative of diverse animal forms that exist. To investigate developmental changes in DNA damage responses in a distant phylum, I studied the effect of an alkylating agent, Methyl Methanesulfonate (MMS), on embryos of Hydractinia echinata. Hydractinia embryos are found to differ from Xenopus embryos in the ability to respond to a DNA damaging agent in early cleavage but are similar to Xenopus and Drosophila embryos in acquiring stronger DNA damage responses and greater resistance to killing by MMS after the onset of gastrulation. This represents the first study of DNA damage responses in the phylum Cnidaria
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