701 research outputs found

    Fitting Effective Diffusion Models to Data Associated with a "Glassy Potential": Estimation, Classical Inference Procedures and Some Heuristics

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    A variety of researchers have successfully obtained the parameters of low dimensional diffusion models using the data that comes out of atomistic simulations. This naturally raises a variety of questions about efficient estimation, goodness-of-fit tests, and confidence interval estimation. The first part of this article uses maximum likelihood estimation to obtain the parameters of a diffusion model from a scalar time series. I address numerical issues associated with attempting to realize asymptotic statistics results with moderate sample sizes in the presence of exact and approximated transition densities. Approximate transition densities are used because the analytic solution of a transition density associated with a parametric diffusion model is often unknown.I am primarily interested in how well the deterministic transition density expansions of Ait-Sahalia capture the curvature of the transition density in (idealized) situations that occur when one carries out simulations in the presence of a "glassy" interaction potential. Accurate approximation of the curvature of the transition density is desirable because it can be used to quantify the goodness-of-fit of the model and to calculate asymptotic confidence intervals of the estimated parameters. The second part of this paper contributes a heuristic estimation technique for approximating a nonlinear diffusion model. A "global" nonlinear model is obtained by taking a batch of time series and applying simple local models to portions of the data. I demonstrate the technique on a diffusion model with a known transition density and on data generated by the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm.Comment: 30 pages 10 figures Submitted to SIAM MMS (typos removed and slightly shortened

    Minimax Estimation of Nonregular Parameters and Discontinuity in Minimax Risk

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    When a parameter of interest is nondifferentiable in the probability, the existing theory of semiparametric efficient estimation is not applicable, as it does not have an influence function. Song (2014) recently developed a local asymptotic minimax estimation theory for a parameter that is a nondifferentiable transform of a regular parameter, where the nondifferentiable transform is a composite map of a continuous piecewise linear map with a single kink point and a translation-scale equivariant map. The contribution of this paper is two fold. First, this paper extends the local asymptotic minimax theory to nondifferentiable transforms that are a composite map of a Lipschitz continuous map having a finite set of nondifferentiability points and a translation-scale equivariant map. Second, this paper investigates the discontinuity of the local asymptotic minimax risk in the true probability and shows that the proposed estimator remains to be optimal even when the risk is locally robustified not only over the scores at the true probability, but also over the true probability itself. However, the local robustification does not resolve the issue of discontinuity in the local asymptotic minimax risk

    Comparison of Information Structures and Completely Positive Maps

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    A theorem of Blackwell about comparison between information structures in classical statistics is given an analogue in the quantum probabilistic setup. The theorem provides an operational interpretation for trace-preserving completely positive maps, which are the natural quantum analogue of classical stochastic maps. The proof of the theorem relies on the separation theorem for convex sets and on quantum teleportation.Comment: 12 pages. Substantial changes. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    On the Standard Asymptotic Confidence Ellipsoids of Wald

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    Maximum likelihood drift estimation for a threshold diffusion

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    We study the maximum likelihood estimator of the drift parameters of a stochastic differential equation, with both drift and diffusion coefficients constant on the positive and negative axis, yet discontinuous at zero. This threshold diffusion is called drifted Oscillating Brownian motion.For this continuously observed diffusion, the maximum likelihood estimator coincide with a quasi-likelihood estimator with constant diffusion term. We show that this estimator is the limit, as observations become dense in time, of the (quasi)-maximum likelihood estimator based on discrete observations. In long time, the asymptotic behaviors of the positive and negative occupation times rule the ones of the estimators. Differently from most known results in the literature, we do not restrict ourselves to the ergodic framework: indeed, depending on the signs of the drift, the process may be ergodic, transient or null recurrent. For each regime, we establish whether or not the estimators are consistent; if they are, we prove the convergence in long time of the properly rescaled difference of the estimators towards a normal or mixed normal distribution. These theoretical results are backed by numerical simulations

    Fisher information and asymptotic normality in system identification for quantum Markov chains

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    This paper deals with the problem of estimating the coupling constant θ\theta of a mixing quantum Markov chain. For a repeated measurement on the chain's output we show that the outcomes' time average has an asymptotically normal (Gaussian) distribution, and we give the explicit expressions of its mean and variance. In particular we obtain a simple estimator of θ\theta whose classical Fisher information can be optimized over different choices of measured observables. We then show that the quantum state of the output together with the system, is itself asymptotically Gaussian and compute its quantum Fisher information which sets an absolute bound to the estimation error. The classical and quantum Fisher informations are compared in a simple example. In the vicinity of θ=0\theta=0 we find that the quantum Fisher information has a quadratic rather than linear scaling in output size, and asymptotically the Fisher information is localised in the system, while the output is independent of the parameter.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. final versio

    Magic traits drive the emergence of pathogens

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    An important branch of evolutionary biology strives to understand how divergent selection for an ecologically important trait can foster the emergence of new species specialized on different niches. Such ecological speciation is usually difficult to achieve because recombination between different subsets of a population that are adapting to different environments counteracts selection for locally adapted gene combinations. Traits pleiotropically controlling adaptation to different environments and reproductive isolation are therefore the most favourable for ecological speciation, and are thus called “magic traits”. We used genetic markers and cross-inoculations to show that pathogenicity-related loci are responsible for both host adaptation and reproductive isolation in emerging populations of Venturia inaequalis, the fungus causing apple scab disease. Because the fungus mates within its host and because the pathogenicity-related loci prevent infection of the non-host trees, host adaptation pleiotropically maintains genetic differentiation and adaptive allelic combinations between sympatric populations specific to different apple varieties. Such “magic traits” are likely frequent in fungal pathogens, and likely drive the emergence of new diseases.

    The singular continuous diffraction measure of the Thue-Morse chain

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    The paradigm for singular continuous spectra in symbolic dynamics and in mathematical diffraction is provided by the Thue-Morse chain, in its realisation as a binary sequence with values in {±1}\{\pm 1\}. We revisit this example and derive a functional equation together with an explicit form of the corresponding singular continuous diffraction measure, which is related to the known representation as a Riesz product.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; revised and improved versio

    Asymptotically optimal quantum channel reversal for qudit ensembles and multimode Gaussian states

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    We investigate the problem of optimally reversing the action of an arbitrary quantum channel C which acts independently on each component of an ensemble of n identically prepared d-dimensional quantum systems. In the limit of large ensembles, we construct the optimal reversing channel R* which has to be applied at the output ensemble state, to retrieve a smaller ensemble of m systems prepared in the input state, with the highest possible rate m/n. The solution is found by mapping the problem into the optimal reversal of Gaussian channels on quantum-classical continuous variable systems, which is here solved as well. Our general results can be readily applied to improve the implementation of robust long-distance quantum communication. As an example, we investigate the optimal reversal rate of phase flip channels acting on a multi-qubit register.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure