1,590 research outputs found

    Spin precession and inverted Hanle effect in a semiconductor near a finite-roughness ferromagnetic interface

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    Although the creation of spin polarization in various non-magnetic media via electrical spin injection from a ferromagnetic tunnel contact has been demonstrated, much of the basic behavior is heavily debated. It is reported here for semiconductor/Al2O3/ferromagnet tunnel structures based on Si or GaAs that local magnetostatic fields arising from interface roughness dramatically alter and even dominate the accumulation and dynamics of spins in the semiconductor. Spin precession in the inhomogeneous magnetic fields is shown to reduce the spin accumulation up to tenfold, and causes it to be inhomogeneous and non-collinear with the injector magnetization. The inverted Hanle effect serves as experimental signature. This interaction needs to be taken into account in the analysis of experimental data, particularly in extracting the spin lifetime and its variation with different parameters (temperature, doping concentration). It produces a broadening of the standard Hanle curve and thereby an apparent reduction of the spin lifetime. For heavily doped n-type Si at room temperature it is shown that the spin lifetime is larger than previously determined, and a new lower bound of 0.29 ns is obtained. The results are expected to be general and occur for spins near a magnetic interface not only in semiconductors but also in metals, organic and carbon-based materials including graphene, and in various spintronic device structures.Comment: Final version, with text restructured and appendices added (25 pages, 9 figures). To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Review of patient-specific simulations of transcatheter aortic valve implantation

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    International audienceTranscatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) accounts for one of the most promising new cardiovascular procedures. This minimally invasive technique is still at its early stage and is constantly developing thanks to imaging techniques, computer science, biomechanics and technologies of prosthesis and delivery tools. As a result, patient-specific simulation can find an exciting playground in TAVI. It canexpress its potential by providing the clinicians with powerful decision support, offering great assistance in their workflow. Through a review of the current scientific field, we try to identify the challenges and future evolutions of patient-specific simulation for TAVI. This review article is an attempt to summarize and coordinate data scattered across the literature about patient-specific biomechanical simulation for TAVI

    Electrical and thermal spin accumulation in germanium

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    In this letter, we first show electrical spin injection in the germanium conduction band at room temperature and modulate the spin signal by applying a gate voltage to the channel. The corresponding signal modulation agrees well with the predictions of spin diffusion models. Then by setting a temperature gradient between germanium and the ferromagnet, we create a thermal spin accumulation in germanium without any tunnel charge current. We show that temperature gradients yield larger spin accumulations than pure electrical spin injection but, due to competing microscopic effects, the thermal spin accumulation in germanium remains surprisingly almost unchanged under the application of a gate voltage to the channel.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Sub-nanometer active seismic isolator control

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    Ambitious projects such as the design of the future Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) require challenging parameters and technologies. Stabilization of the CLIC particle beam is one of these challenges. Ground motion (GM) is the main source of beam misalignment. Beam dynamics controls are however efficient only at low frequency (<4Hz), due to the sampling of the beam at 50 Hz. Hence, ground motion mitigation techniques such as active stabilization are required. This paper shows a dedicated prototype able to manage vibration at a sub-nanometer scale. The use of cutting edge sensor technology is however very challenging for control applications as they are usually used for measurement purposes. Limiting factors such as sensor dynamics and noise lead to a performance optimization problem. The current state of the art in GM measurement and GM mitigation techniques is pointed out and shows limits of the technologies. The proposed active device is then described and a realistic model of the process has been established. A dedicated controller design combining feedforward and feedback techniques is presented and theoretical results in terms of Power Spectral Density (PSD) of displacement are compared to real time experimental results obtained with a rapid control prototyping tool

    Crossover from spin accumulation into interface states to spin injection in the germanium conduction band

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    Electrical spin injection into semiconductors paves the way for exploring new phenomena in the area of spin physics and new generations of spintronic devices. However the exact role of interface states in spin injection mechanism from a magnetic tunnel junction into a semiconductor is still under debate. In this letter, we demonstrate a clear transition from spin accumulation into interface states to spin injection in the conduction band of nn-Ge. We observe spin signal amplification at low temperature due to spin accumulation into interface states followed by a clear transition towards spin injection in the conduction band from 200 K up to room temperature. In this regime, the spin signal is reduced down to a value compatible with spin diffusion model. More interestingly, we demonstrate in this regime a significant modulation of the spin signal by spin pumping generated by ferromagnetic resonance and also by applying a back-gate voltage which are clear manifestations of spin current and accumulation in the germanium conduction band.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Srs2 removes deadly recombination intermediates independently of its interaction with SUMO-modified PCNA

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Srs2 helicase plays at least two distinct functions. One is to prevent recombinational repair through its recruitment by sumoylated Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA), evidenced in postreplication-repair deficient cells, and a second one is to eliminate potentially lethal intermediates formed by recombination proteins. Both actions are believed to involve the capacity of Srs2 to displace Rad51 upon translocation on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), though a role of its helicase activity may be important to remove some toxic recombination structures. Here, we described two new mutants, srs2R1 and srs2R3, that have lost the ability to hinder recombinational repair in postreplication-repair mutants, but are still able to remove toxic recombination structures. Although the mutants present very similar phenotypes, the mutated proteins are differently affected in their biochemical activities. Srs2R1 has lost its capacity to interact with sumoylated PCNA while the biochemical activities of Srs2R3 are attenuated (ATPase, helicase, DNA binding and ability to displace Rad51 from ssDNA). In addition, crossover (CO) frequencies are increased in both mutants. The different roles of Srs2, in relation to its eventual recruitment by sumoylated PCNA, are discussed

    WRF-Chem model predictions of the regional impacts of N2O5 heterogeneous processes on night-time chemistry over north-western Europe

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    Abstract. Chemical modelling studies have been conducted over north-western Europe in summer conditions, showing that night-time dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) heterogeneous reactive uptake is important regionally in modulating particulate nitrate and has a~modest influence on oxidative chemistry. Results from Weather Research and Forecasting model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) model simulations, run with a detailed volatile organic compound (VOC) gas-phase chemistry scheme and the Model for Simulating Aerosol Interactions and Chemistry (MOSAIC) sectional aerosol scheme, were compared with a series of airborne gas and particulate measurements made over the UK in July 2010. Modelled mixing ratios of key gas-phase species were reasonably accurate (correlations with measurements of 0.7–0.9 for NO2 and O3). However modelled loadings of particulate species were less accurate (correlation with measurements for particulate sulfate and ammonium were between 0.0 and 0.6). Sulfate mass loadings were particularly low (modelled means of 0.5–0.7 μg kg−1air, compared with measurements of 1.0–1.5 μg kg−1air). Two flights from the campaign were used as test cases – one with low relative humidity (RH) (60–70%), the other with high RH (80–90%). N2O5 heterogeneous chemistry was found to not be important in the low-RH test case; but in the high-RH test case it had a strong effect and significantly improved the agreement between modelled and measured NO3 and N2O5. When the model failed to capture atmospheric RH correctly, the modelled NO3 and N2O5 mixing ratios for these flights differed significantly from the measurements. This demonstrates that, for regional modelling which involves heterogeneous processes, it is essential to capture the ambient temperature and water vapour profiles. The night-time NO3 oxidation of VOCs across the whole region was found to be 100–300 times slower than the daytime OH oxidation of these compounds. The difference in contribution was less for alkenes (× 80) and comparable for dimethylsulfide (DMS). However the suppression of NO3 mixing ratios across the domain by N2O5 heterogeneous chemistry has only a very slight, negative, influence on this oxidative capacity. The influence on regional particulate nitrate mass loadings is stronger. Night-time N2O5 heterogeneous chemistry maintains the production of particulate nitrate within polluted regions: when this process is taken into consideration, the daytime peak (for the 95th percentile) of PM10 nitrate mass loadings remains around 5.6 μg kg−1air, but the night-time minimum increases from 3.5 to 4.6 μg kg−1air. The sustaining of higher particulate mass loadings through the night by this process improves model skill at matching measured aerosol nitrate diurnal cycles and will negatively impact on regional air quality, requiring this process to be included in regional models. This work was supported by the NERC RONOCO project NE/F004656/1. S. Archer-Nicholls was supported by a NERC quota studentship.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared at http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/15/1385/2015/acp-15-1385-2015.pd