32 research outputs found

    Interaction between forced and natural convection in a thin cylindrical fluid layer at low Prandtl number

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    Motivated by nuclear safety issues, we study the heat transfers in a thin cylindrical fluid layer with imposed fluxes at the bottom and top surfaces (not necessarily equal) and a fixed temperature on the sides. We combine direct numerical simulations and a theoretical approach to derive scaling laws for the mean temperature and for the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the system. We find two asymptotic scaling laws depending on the flux ratio between the upper and lower boundaries. The first one is controlled by heat transfer to the side, for which we recover scaling laws characteristic of natural convection. The second one is driven by vertical heat transfers analogous to Rayleigh Benard convection. We show that the system is inherently inhomogeneous, and that the heat transfer results from a superposition of both asymptotic regimes. Keeping in mind nuclear safety models, we also derive a one-dimensional model of the radial temperature profile based on a detailed analysis of the flow structure, hence providing a way to relate this profile to the imposed boundary conditions.Comment: 27 pages, 18 Figure

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    Conseil à l'officine face à une éruption vésiculo-bulleuse

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Interaction between forced and natural convection in a thin cylindrical fluid layer at low Prandtl number

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    International audienceMotivated by nuclear safety issues, we study the heat transfers in a thin cylindrical fluid layer with imposed fluxes at the bottom and top surfaces (not necessarily equal) and a fixed temperature on the sides. We combine direct numerical simulations and a theoretical approach to derive scaling laws for the mean temperature and for the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the system. We find two asymptotic scaling laws depending on the flux ratio between the upper and lower boundaries. The first one is controlled by heat transfer to the side, for which we recover scaling laws characteristic of natural convection (Batchelor, Q. Appl. Maths , vol. 12, 1954, pp. 209–233). The second one is driven by vertical heat transfers analogous to Rayleigh–BĂ©nard convection (Grossmann & Lohse, J. Fluid Mech. , vol. 407, 2000, pp. 27–56). We show that the system is inherently inhomogeneous, and that the heat transfer results from a superposition of both asymptotic regimes. Keeping in mind nuclear safety models, we also derive a one-dimensional model of the radial temperature profile based on a detailed analysis of the flow structure, hence providing a way to relate this profile to the imposed boundary conditions

    Highlighting of quorum sensing lux genes and their expression in the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata ectosymbiontic community. Possible use as biogeographic markers.

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    Rimicaris exoculata is a caridean shrimp that dominates the fauna at several hydrothermal vent sites of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It has two distinct and stable microbial communities. One of these epibiontic bacterial communities is located in the shrimp gut and has a distribution and role that are poorly understood. The second colonizes its enlarged gill chamber and is involved in host nutrition. It is eliminated after each molt, and has colonization processes reminiscent of those of a biofilm. The presence and expression of genes usually involved in quorum sensing (QS) were then studied. At four sites, Rainbow, TAG, Snake Pit and Logatchev, two lux genes were identified in the R. exoculata epibiontic community at different shrimp molt stages and life stages. RT-PCR experiments highlighted lux gene expression activity at TAG, Snake Pit and Rainbow vent sites. Their potential QS activity and their possible roles in epibiont colonization processes are discussed. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis has shown the presence of three clades for luxS (Epsilonproteobacteria) and four clades for luxR (Gammaproteobacteria) genes, each clade being restricted to a single site. These genes are more divergent than the 16S rRNA one. They could therefore be used as biogeographical genetic markers

    Corpus callosum size may predict late-life depression in women: A 10-year follow-up study

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    Background Recent research on late-life depression (LLD) pathophysiology suggests the implication of abnormalities in cerebral white matter and particularly in interhemispheric transfer. Corpus callosum (CC) is the main brain interhemispheric commissure

    Les carnets aujourd’hui

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    Petit objet nomade Ă  l’apparence souvent anodine, le carnet a dĂ©voilĂ© au fil du temps ses nombreuses potentialitĂ©s matĂ©rielles et crĂ©atives, exploitĂ©es autant par les Ă©crivains que les scientifiques, autant par les artistes que les thĂ©oriciens. L’exploration de ces potentialitĂ©s en contexte d’apprentissage ou de formation rĂ©unit, depuis 2012, des chercheurs et des enseignants Ă  l’école supĂ©rieure du professorat et de l’éducation (ESPE) de l’universitĂ© de Caen Normandie. Leurs Ă©changes et leurs rĂ©flexions ont fait Ă©merger trois dimensions clĂ©s du carnet : la construction d’un sujet lecteur / scripteur Ă  partir de carnets de lecture ou d’écriture, l’apprentissage (inter)disciplinaire facilitĂ© par l’utilisation du carnet en classe, et enfin les liens complexes qui se tissent entre carnet, mobilitĂ© et interculturalitĂ©. De maniĂšre inĂ©dite, cet ouvrage croise les regards sur l’objet carnet en proposant des dispositifs institutionnels, des recherches acadĂ©miques, anthropologiques et didactiques, mais aussi des comptes rendus d’expĂ©riences sur le terrain, en classe comme en formation