120 research outputs found

    Oral manifestation of systemic disease

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    Badanie jamy ustnej stanowi integralną część badania przedmiotowego pacjenta. Wiele chorób ogólnych objawia się w obrębie jamy ustnej. W artykule omówiono najczęstsze dolegliwości stomatologiczne występujące u osób cierpiących na choroby ogólne.The examination of the oral cavity is an integral part of medical examination. A lot of disorders have an oral manifestation. The aim of this paper is a presentation of the most frequent oral symptoms and signs accompanied by systemic diseases

    Effects of low-dose ionizing radiation on α,β-globulins solutions studied by DSC

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    An attempt has been made to detect the effect of a small dose of ionizing radiation on the course of a,b-globulin thermal denaturation in aqueous solutions. Doses of 0.1 and 1.8 Gy have been delivered using c-rays emitted by 60Co isotope while doses of 10 and 100 Gy have been supplied by X-rays produced by linear accelerator. The highest dose has visibly changed DSC curve of protein solution while the changes due to lower doses are hardly detectable. Although very weak, the irradiation effect found has been dose dependent. The results suggest that the influence of ionizing radiation on globulins solution is bigger when the dose rate is lower at given dose. The opposite direction of differences between irradiated and control samples for fresh and stored protein solutions suggests various characters of changes in initial and later period of sample aging. This may be an important reason for difficulties in an investigation of the effect of ionizing radiation on protein solution, especially for low doses delivered very slowly

    The occurrence of spinal pain in trade sector workers

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    Wstęp. Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa są najczęstszym objawem za burzenia struktury i funkcji narządu ruchu. Pracownicy sektora handlowego, są szczególnie narażeni na przeciążenia kręgosłupa. Celem pracy była analiza zależności miedzy występowaniem dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa a wiekiem, płcią, wykształceniem i stażem pracy. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 200 pracowników sektora handlowego sklepów branży spożywczej w 2013 roku w Choszcznie. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, narzędziem był kwestionariusz ankiety zawierający pytania charakteryzujące badaną grupę oraz Wizualną Skalę Analogową. Wyniki. Ból odcinka lędźwiowego oceniono na średnim poziomie, a szyjnego odcinka na słabym poziomie. Osoby deklarujące ból odcinka lędźwiowego (58% ) i odcinka szyjnego (56%), były w wieku 36–55 lat. Ból odcinka lędźwiowego w 78% dotyczył kobiet. Osoby ze stażem pracy 6–15 lat w 44% deklarowały ból. Wnioski: 1. Występowanie dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa jest dość częstym zjawiskiem u handlowców wymagającym przestrzegania zasad ergonomii pracy. 2. Wiek i staż pracy przyczyniają się do nasilenia bólu kręgosłupa u handlowców. 3. Dolegliwości bólowe odcinka lędźwiowego częściej występują u kobiet.Background. Spinal pain is the most common manifestation of the disturbed structure and function of the motor organ. Trade sector workers run a high risk of the spine overload. Objectives was to analyze the relationship between spinal pain and such variables as: age, gender, education, and work seniority. Material and methods. This survey-based study was conducted in 2013, using the Visual Analogue Scale and the questionnaire concerning characteristics of the study group. It involved 200 workers of the trade sector stores the food industry in Choszczno. Results. Lumbar pain was assessed as medium, and neck pain as weak. Respondents complaining of lumbar (58%) and neck pains (56%) were aged 36–5 5 years. In 78% of cases, lumbar pain affected women. Some 44% of respondents with six-fifteen-years’ work experience suffered from pain. Conclusions 1. The occurrence of spinal pain is quite common among trade workers, and requires applying ergonomic principles. 2. Age and work seniority increase spinal pain in trade workers. 3. Lumbar pain is more common among women

    A Big Data processing strategy for hybrid interpretation of flood embankment multisensor data

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    The assessment of flood embankments is a key component of a country’s comprehensive flood protection. Proper and early information on the possible instability of a flood embankment can make it possible to take preventative action. The assessment method proposed by the ISMOP project is based on a strategy of processing huge data sets (Big Data). The detection of flood embankment anomalies can take two analysis paths. The first involves the computation of numerical models and comparing them with real data measured on a flood embankment. This is the path of model-driven analysis. The second solution is data-driven, meaning time series are analysed in order to detect deviations from average values.Flood embankments are assessed based on the results of model-driven and data-driven analyses and information from preprocessing. An alarm is triggered if a critical value is exceeded in one or both paths of analysis. Tests on synthetic data demonstrate the high efficiency of the chosen methods for assessing the state of flood embankments

    Influence of initial water saturation in earthen levees on results of numerical modelling of infiltration processes

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    Levees in Poland are mostly earthen constructions. The stability of earthen levees depends largely on factors such as the construction material, meteorological conditions and natural elements. The influence of initial water saturation of pore space on levee stability is analysed in this paper. Analysis was performed using numerical modelling and water pore pressure results were compared against data obtained from sensors located in a levee. The numerical modelling shows the moderate influence of initial water level on distribution of water pore pressure during high water level

    Asymmetric Friedel–Crafts Alkylation of Indoles Catalyzed by Chiral Aziridine-Phosphines

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    Over the course of the present studies, a series of optically pure phosphines functionalized by chiral aziridines was synthesized in reasonable/good chemical yields. Their catalytic activity was checked in the enantioselective Friedel–Crafts alkylation of indoles by β-nitrostyrene in the presence of a copper(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate benzene complex. The corresponding Friedel–Crafts products were achieved efficiently in terms of chemical yield and enantioselectivity (up to 85% in some cases).This research was funded by the National Science Centre (NCN) (Grant No. 2016/21/B/ST5/00421 for M.R.)

    Vitamin C content in orange juices obtained by different methods

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    Introduction Proper nutrition has the task of providing the right amount of energy and nutrients. A balanced diet should include vegetables and fruit at every meal. These products are rich in vitamin C, which is involved in many metabolic pathways in the body. A well-balanced diet will generally provide you with enough ascorbic acid. The content of vitamins in products depends on many factors, including the place of origin of the product, season, species, processing methods, or the conditions and time of storage. Vitamin C is easily destroyed by contact with oxygen, light radiation or metal ions. Aim of the study The aim of the study is to assess the content of vitamin C in juices squeezed from different types of oranges using various processing methods. Material and methods Three species of oranges were used for the study: Valencia, Saluciana and Novelina. Each type of orange was squeezed with 3 processing methods, using: a juicer, a slow-speed squeezer and a manual squeezer. The determination of vitamin C content in the obtained juices was performed by the Tillmans titration method with the use of standard, blue, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol dye. The vitamin C content in juices was determined: immediately after squeezing the juice, one hour after squeezing and 24 hours after squeezing. The juices were stored in the refrigerator between determinations. A pH meter was used to measure the pH, and a portable digital sucrose refractometer was used for the% sucrose measurement. Results The highest content of vitamin C immediately after pressing was observed in the juice of hand-squeezed oranges from the Salustiana variety. The decrease in vitamin C after 24 hours averaged 37.8%. Statistically significant differences were found between the method of squeezing and the time after squeezing the juice. Valencia variety was characterized by the highest pH, Navelina - the lowest. Significant differences were found in the mean level of the pH indicator and the type of orange

    Relationship between stereoscopic vision, visual perception, and microstructure changes of corpus callosum and occipital white matter in the 4-year-old very low birth weight children

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    Aim. To assess the relationship between stereoscopic vision, visual perception, and microstructure of the corpus callosum (CC) and occipital white matter, 61 children born with a mean birth weight of 1024 g (SD 270 g) were subjected to detailed ophthalmologic evaluation, Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3), and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) at the age of 4. Results. Abnormal stereoscopic vision was detected in 16 children. Children with abnormal stereoscopic vision had smaller CC (CC length: 53±6 mm versus 61±4 mm; p<0.01; estimated CC area: 314±106 mm2 versus 446±79 mm2; p<0.01) and lower fractional anisotropy (FA) values in CC (FA value of rostrum/genu: 0.7±0.09 versus 0.79±0.07; p<0.01; FA value of CC body: 0.74±0.13 versus 0.82±0.09; p=0.03). We found a significant correlation between DTVP-3 scores, CC size, and FA values in rostrum and body. This correlation was unrelated to retinopathy of prematurity. Conclusions. Visual perceptive dysfunction in ex-preterm children without major sequelae of prematurity depends on more subtle changes in the brain microstructure, including CC. Role of interhemispheric connections in visual perception might be more complex than previously anticipated

    Do the family doctors on the verge of career have reasons to worry?

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    Wstęp. Lekarze rodzinni u progu kariery codziennie narażeni są na frustrację. Brak pewności siebie w nowej roli, wysokie wymagania ze strony pacjentów, stale zmieniający się system opieki zdrowotnej — to niektóre z jej przyczyn. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena źródeł problemów u młodych lekarzy w trakcie specjalizacji z medycyny rodzinnej. Materiał i metody. Grupie 17 lekarzy w trakcie specjalizacji z medycyny rodzinnej postawiono trzy pytania otwarte: o ostatnie, najczęstsze i najpoważniejsze powody do zmartwień w pracy. Wypowiedzi zebrano i przeanalizowano pod względem częstości problemów i ich tematyki. Wyniki. 1. Źródłem stresu u 46% respondentów są sytuacje konfliktowe w relacji lekarz-pacjent. 2. Problemy wynikające z napięć na poziomie lekarz rodzinny-lekarz innej specjalności/inny personel medyczny zgłaszało 21%. 3. Problemy systemu ochrony zdrowia: nadmiar pracy administracyjnej, niesprawność systemu POZ oraz trudności związane z przebiegiem specjalizacji stanowią 33% skarg. Wnioski. 1. Zjawisku wypalenia zawodowego trzeba zapobiegać już od momentu rozpoczęcia pracy zawodowej. 2. Szkolenia z zakresu komunikacji, zapobiegania wypaleniu zawodowemu, umiejętności radzenia sobie ze stresem, przekazywania trudnych wiadomości stanowią ważną część kształcenia przed- i podyplomowego.Introduction. At the beginning of their professional path, family physicians experience a lot of frustration every day. Here are just a few reasons for the problem: lack of self confidence in the new role, high expectations from patients, constantly changing family care system. We have focused our attention on potential sources of stress for the young family doctors. Aim of the study. Assessment of the family medicine residents’ work related problems during the specialization course in family medicine. Material and methods. A group of 17 family medicine residents was asked 3 open questions: about latest, most common and most vital problems related to their work. The answers were collected and analyzed regarding quantity and variety of problems. Results. 1. For young GPs, the main reported source of stress are conflict situations between doctors and patients. 2. Many problems are also caused by tension between family physicians and doctors of another specialty or other members of medical stuff. 3. A significant part of problems are inflicted by system of public health care: excess of management work and insufficiency of family care system and difficulties of specialization process itself. Conclusions. 1. There is a need of prevention of burnout syndrome from the beginning of professional path. 2. T raining of young doctors that includes counteracting burnout syndrome, coping with stress, passing on a difficult messages, seems to be an important part of training during studies and postgraduate studies