9 research outputs found

    Ciencia Odontológica 2.0

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    Libro que muestra avances de la Investigación Odontológica en MéxicoEs para los integrantes de la Red de Investigación en Estomatología (RIE) una enorme alegría presentar el segundo de una serie de 6 libros sobre casos clínicos, revisiones de la literatura e investigaciones. La RIE está integrada por cuerpos académicos de la UAEH, UAEM, UAC y UdeG

    Percepciones de los habitantes acerca de la actividad turística, la crisis económica y los problemas sociales en Puerto Peñasco, México

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    The beach and sun tourism is a very important economic activity for Mexico. Puerto Peñasco is a border town with the United States which has recently became the main tourist place en Sonora, and one of the most important in the northwest of Mexico. Such relevance had effects on the city and its residents as well. The tourist activity changed the seaside landscape, made the city to star growing, produced new urban problems and built an image similar to the main tourist places of Mexico. Nevertheless, the most recent economic crisis paralyzed the tourist activities, the North American tourist disappeared, the sale of second residence condos stopped, the unemployment in the community increased, and some social problems goy worst. This work analysis the community’s perception of the touristification process, the impact the economic crisis has on the city, and the main social and urban problems occurred in a fast growing city.El turismo de sol y playa es una actividad económica muy importante para México. Puerto Peñasco es una ciudad fronteriza con Estados Unidos que en años recientes se convirtió en el principal lugar turístico de Sonora y uno de los más importantes en el noroeste de México. Tal relevancia tuvo efectos sobre la ciudad y sus habitantes. La actividad turística transformó el paisaje costero, hizo crecer la ciudad, generó nuevos problemas urbanos y construyó una imagen similar a la de los principales destinos turísticos de México. Sin embargo, la crisis económica más reciente paralizó la actividad turística, el turista norteamericano desapareció, la venta de condominios de segunda residencia se detuvo, el desempleo aumentó en la comunidad y algunos problemas sociales se agravaron. Este trabajo analiza las percepciones que la comunidad tiene del proceso de turistificación, el impacto de la crisis económica en la ciudad y los principales problemas sociales y urbanos ocurridos en una ciudad en rápido crecimiento

    Peregrinación y devoción a San Francisco. Percepciones sociales del patrimonio cultural y el turismo religioso en Magdalena de Kino, Sonora

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    Magdalena de Kino is an important destination for religious tourism in Northwest Mexico. On the western border between Mexico and the United States, the figure of San Francisco is the subject of devotion by thousands of pilgrims who attend a major popular festival in his honor in the state of Sonora, Mexico. San Francisco has traditionally been a symbol of popular religiosity in the region. Veneration of the saint goes back to the arrival of Jesuit missionaries in the 17th century and indigenous cultural syncretism, and today has become a tourist attraction exploited by public policy and the Catholic institution. The aim of this paper is to show the perceptions of the population of Magdalena de Kino concerning their cultural heritage and how tourism is building up an offer linked to the consumption of religious symbols.Magdalena de Kino es un importante destino para el turismo religioso en el Noroeste de México. En la frontera occidental entre México y Estados Unidos, la figura de San Francisco es motivo de devoción de miles de peregrinos que lo visitan, y en su honor se celebra una importante fiesta popular en el Estado de Sonora, México. San Francisco ha sido tradicionalmente un símbolo de religiosidad popular en la región, la veneración por el santo se remite a la llegada de los misioneros jesuitas en el siglo XVII y al sincretismo cultural indígena, para convertirse hoy en día en un atractivo turístico que es explotado por las políticas públicas y la institución católica. El objetivo de este texto es mostrar las percepciones de la población de Magdalena de Kino referidas a su patrimonio cultural y a cómo el turismo construye una oferta ligada al consumo de los símbolos religiosos

    Virtualization of the practical teaching of Organic Chemistry (I and II) in Degree in Pharmacy and Double Degree in Pharmacy and Human Nutrition and Dietetics

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    El presente proyecto recoge las acciones llevadas a cabo para virtualizar en el campus virtual las prácticas de las asignaturas de Química Organica (I y II), con el fin de mejorar la comprensión del alumnado de las mismas. Se han realizado presentaciones en Power Point de los fundamentos de cada una de las prácticas así como un video demostrativo de su realización.This project gathers the actions carried out to virtualize in the virtual campus the practices of the subjects of Organic Chemistry (I and II), in order to improve the students' understanding of them. Power Point presentations of the fundamentals of each of the practices have been made as well as a video demonstration of their realizationUCMDepto. de Química en Ciencias FarmacéuticasFac. de FarmaciaFALSEsubmitte

    Down syndrome as risk factor for respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization : A prospective multicenter epidemiological study

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in childhood, particularly in premature infants, is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. To compare the hospitalization rates due to RSV infection and severity of disease between infants with and without Down syndrome (DS) born at term and without other associated risk factors for severe RSV infection. In a prospective multicentre epidemiological study, 93 infants were included in the DS cohort and 68 matched by sex and data of birth (±1 week) and were followed up to 1 year of age and during a complete RSV season. The hospitalization rate for all acute respiratory infection was significantly higher in the DS cohort than in the non-DS cohort (44.1% vs 7.7%, P<.0001). Hospitalizations due to RSV were significantly more frequent in the DH cohort than in the non-DS cohort (9.7% vs 1.5%, P=.03). RSV prophylaxis was recorded in 33 (35.5%) infants with DS. The rate of hospitalization according to presence or absence of RSV immunoprophylaxis was 3.0% vs 15%, respectively. Infants with DS showed a higher rate of hospitalization due to acute lower respiratory tract infection and RSV infection compared to non-DS infants. Including DS infants in recommendations for immunoprophylaxis of RSV disease should be considered

    Mural Endocarditis: The GAMES Registry Series and Review of the Literature

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    Contemporary use of cefazolin for MSSA infective endocarditis: analysis of a national prospective cohort

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    Objectives: This study aimed to assess the real use of cefazolin for methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infective endocarditis (IE) in the Spanish National Endocarditis Database (GAMES) and to compare it with antistaphylococcal penicillin (ASP). Methods: Prospective cohort study with retrospective analysis of a cohort of MSSA IE treated with cloxacillin and/or cefazolin. Outcomes assessed were relapse; intra-hospital, overall, and endocarditis-related mortality; and adverse events. Risk of renal toxicity with each treatment was evaluated separately. Results: We included 631 IE episodes caused by MSSA treated with cloxacillin and/or cefazolin. Antibiotic treatment was cloxacillin, cefazolin, or both in 537 (85%), 57 (9%), and 37 (6%) episodes, respectively. Patients treated with cefazolin had significantly higher rates of comorbidities (median Charlson Index 7, P <0.01) and previous renal failure (57.9%, P <0.01). Patients treated with cloxacillin presented higher rates of septic shock (25%, P = 0.033) and new-onset or worsening renal failure (47.3%, P = 0.024) with significantly higher rates of in-hospital mortality (38.5%, P = 0.017). One-year IE-related mortality and rate of relapses were similar between treatment groups. None of the treatments were identified as risk or protective factors. Conclusion: Our results suggest that cefazolin is a valuable option for the treatment of MSSA IE, without differences in 1-year mortality or relapses compared with cloxacillin, and might be considered equally effective