28 research outputs found

    Utilizando ARMSim y QtARMSim para la docencia de Arquitectura de Computadores

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    Muchos de los objetivos formativos de las asignaturas de introducción a la Arquitectura de Computadores se centran en aquellos aspectos que conforman la visión que un programador en lenguaje ensamblador tiene de un computador. Por regla general, para definir dichos objetivos se suele utilizar una arquitectura de computador concreta, que normalmente se selecciona con el doble criterio de que sea lo más sencilla posible y, a la vez, motive al estudiantado. La arquitectura ARM es una candidata idónea como vehículo conductor en la docencia de Arquitectura de Computadores. Por un lado, al estar basada en la arquitectura RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), es relativamente sencilla. Por otro, se trata de una arquitectura actual y ampliamente difundida (especialmente en dispositivos móviles, smartphones y tabletas), lo que motiva al estudiantado. Para poder realizar prácticas sobre ARM es conveniente disponer de un simulador o de una herramienta de desarrollo sobre una máquina ARM. Puesto que dicha materia se explica en los primeros cursos, conviene que la aplicación seleccionada sea sencilla de utilizar y lo suficientemente flexible. Por otro lado, conviene que sea software libre, para poder adaptarla en caso necesario, y también multiplataforma y gratuita, para facilitar que el estudiante que lo desee pueda instalarla en su propio equipo. Tras evaluar distintas opciones, finalmente se optó por desarrollar y liberar un simulador propio de ARM, ARMSim, y una interfaz gráfica para dicho simulador, QtARMSim. El motor de simulación, ARMSim, y su interfaz, QtARMSim, han sido utilizados durante el curso 2014–15. Las críticas recibidas, tanto por los estudiantes como por los profesores de laboratorio, han sido muy positivas.Many of the training objectives of the Introduction to Computer Architecture modules focus on those aspects that conform the vision that an assembly language programmer has about a computer. As a rule, in order to define those objectives a concrete computer architecture is used following the following criteria: simplicity and ability to motivate students. ARM architecture is an ideal candidate for the didactics of Computer Architecture. On the one hand, being based on RISC architecture (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) it is rather simple. On the other, it is widely spread contemporary architecture (especially in mobile phones, smartphones and tablets), something that motivates students. In order to carry out ARM practice it would be convenient to have a simulator or a development tool on an ARM machine. Given the fact that this module is taught during the first academic years, it would also be convenient that the application selected was easy to use and flexible enough. Besides, it would be a good idea that it used freeware in order to be adapted if necessary, besides being free of charge and cross-platform-based so the students may install it in their own computers. After assessing several options, an ARM simulator (ARMSim) as well as a graphic interface for the latter (QtARMSim) were finally developed. The simulation engine, ARMSim, as well as its interface, QtARMSim, were used during the 2014/2015 academic year. The feedback received from both the students and lab lecturers have been remarkably positive

    ARMSim y QtARMSim: simulador de ARM para docencia

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    Muchos de los objetivos formativos de las asignaturas de introducción a la Arquitectura de Computadores se centran en aquellos aspectos que conforman la visión que un programador en lenguaje ensamblador tiene de un computador. Por regla general, para definir dichos objetivos se suele utilizar una arquitectura de computadores concreta, que normalmente se selecciona con el doble criterio de que sea lo más sencilla posible y, a la vez, motive al estudiantado. La arquitectura ARM es una candidata idónea como vehículo conductor en la docencia de arquitectura de computadores. Por un lado, al estar basada en la arquitectura RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), es relativamente sencilla. Por otro, se trata de una arquitectura actual y ampliamente difundida (especialmente en dispositivos móviles, smartphones y tablets), lo que motiva al estudiantado. Para poder realizar prácticas sobre ARM es conveniente disponer de un simulador o de una herramienta de desarrollo sobre una máquina ARM. Puesto que dicha materia se explica en los primeros cursos, conviene que la aplicación seleccionada sea sencilla de utilizar y lo suficientemente flexible. Por otro lado, conviene que sea libre, para poder adaptarla en caso necesario, y también multiplataforma y gratuita, para facilitar que el estudiante que lo desee pueda instalarla en su propio equipo. Tras evaluar distintas opciones, finalmente optamos por desarrollar y liberar nuestro propio simulador de ARM, ARMSim, y una interfaz gráfica para dicho simulador, QtARMSim. El simulador ARMSim y su interfaz, QtARMSim, han sido utilizados durante el primer semestre del curso 2014/15. Las críticas recibidas, tanto por los estudiantes como por los profesores de laboratorio, han sido muy positivas.Most of the learning objectives of introductory courses to Computer Architecture focus on those aspects that are related to the vision an assembly language programmer has of a computer. Generally, a particular computer architecture is used to define these objec- tives, which is usually selected with the double objective of being as simple as possible and to motivate the students. The ARM architecture is an ideal candidate as a vehicle architecture in teaching computer architecture. On the one hand, as it is based on RISC, it is relatively simple architecture. On the other, it is a widespread and current architecture (especially on mobile devices, smartphones and tablets), which motivates the students. To perform practices on ARM, it is convenient to have access either to a simulator or a development tool on an ARM machine. Since this matter is taught on the first years, the selected application should be simple to use and flexible enough. On the other hand, it ought to be free, as in freedom, to be able to adapt it if necessary, multiplatform and free, as in free beer, to facilitate that any student could install it on his own computer. After evaluating different alternatives, we finally opted for developing and releasing our own ARM simulator, ARMSim, and a GUI for this simulator, QtARMSim. The ARMSim simulator and its interface, QtARMSim, have been used during the first semester of 2014/15. The feedback received by students and laboratory teachers has been very positive

    Gestión de entregables con grupos grandes

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    En el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), el docente debe asumir la responsabilidad de planificar el trabajo que tiene que realizar el estudiante, tanto dentro como fuera del aula, y además, evaluar el trabajo realizado, preferentemente de forma continua. Para ello, el profesor puede optar por preparar un conjunto de documentos donde se expliciten las actividades que el estudiante debe realizar a lo largo del curso y que irá entregando para su corrección (en adelante, llamaremos entregables a dichos documentos). El problema que plantea la utilización de entregables es que su gestión es un proceso bastante costoso, especialmente cuando el número de estudiantes por grupo es elevado. En este artículo se presenta una aplicación de gestión de entregables que reduce notablemente el tiempo que el profesor debe dedicar a su gestión, permitiendo que sea posible utilizar entregables incluso con grupos grandes. Se propone también un método de evaluación en el que el porcentaje de entregables realizados por el estudiante forma parte de su evaluación. Tanto la aplicación de gestión como el método de evaluación propuestos han sido probados en varias asignaturas con resultados satisfactorios.Este proyecto docente ha sido financiado por la Unitat de Suport Educatiu de la Universidad Jaume I (código del proyecto: 05G073-400)

    Aplicación para la gestión y calificación de actividades ECTS

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    En este artículo se describe una aplicación web que facilita la gestión y calificación de las actividades ECTS realizadas por los estudiantes. La principal ventaja de esta aplicación es que permite el seguimiento continuado del trabajo realizado por los estudiantes, aún con grupos grandes. La aplicación está siendo utilizada actualmente en 9 asignaturas del Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Jaume I, gestionando más de 200 actividades diferentes por curso.This paper describes a web application that facilitates the management and assesment of the ECTS activities performed by students. The main advantage of this application is that it allows the continuous monitoring of the work performed by students, even with big groups. The application is currently being used in 9 courses of the degree in Computer Engineering at the Jaume I University, managing more than 200 different activities per course.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por la Unitat de Suport Educatiu de la Universidad Jaume I, en el marco del Proyecto de Innovación Educativa 10G136-329

    RoboCrane: a system for providing a power and a communication link between lunar surface and lunar caves for exploring robots

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    Lava caves are the result of a geological process related to the cooling of basaltic lava flows. On the Moon, this process may lead to caves several kilometers long and diameters of hundreds of meters. Access to lava tubes can be granted through skylights, a vertical pit between the lava tube and the lunar surface. This represents an outstanding opportunity for long-term missions, for future permanent human settlements, and for accessing pristine samples of lava, secondary minerals and volatiles. Given this, the ESA launched a campaign through the Open Space Innovation Platform calling for ideas that would tackle the many challenges of exploring lava pits. Five projects, including Robocrane, were selected. Solar light and direct line of sight (for communications) with the lunar surface are not available inside lava tubes. This is a problem for any robot (or swarm of robots) exploring the lava tubes. Robocrane tackles both problems by deploying an element (called the Charging head, or CH) at the bottom of the skylight by means of a crane. This CH behaves as a battery charger and a communication relay for the exploring robots. The required energy is extracted from the crane’s solar panel (on the surface) and driven to the bottom of the skylight through an electrical wire running in parallel to the crane hoisting wire. Using a crane allows the system to deal with unstable terrain around the skylight rim and protect the wires from abrasion from the rocky surface and the pit rim. The charger in the CH is wireless so that the charging process can begin as soon as any of the robots get close enough to the CH. This avoids complex and time-consuming docking operations, aggravated by the skylight floor orography. The crane infrastructure can also be used to deploy the exploring robots inside the pit, reducing their design constraints and mass budget, as the robots do not need to implement their own self-deployment system. Finally, RoboCrane includes all the sensors and actuators for remote operation from a ground station. RoboCrane has been designed in a parametric tool so it can be dynamically and rapidly adjusted to input-variable changes, such as the number of exploring robots, their electrical characteristics, and crane reach, etc.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-099682-A-I0

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Assessing the Performance-Energy Balance of Graphics Processors for Spectral Unmixing

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    Remotely sensed hyperspectral imaging missions are often limited by onboard power restrictions while, simultaneously, require high computing power in order to address applications with relevant constraints in terms of processing times. In recent years, graphics processing units (GPUs) have emerged as a commodity computing platform suitable to meet real-time processing requirements in hyperspectral image processing. On the other hand, GPUs are power-hungry devices, which result in the need to explore the tradeoff between the expected high performance and the significant power consumption of computing architectures suitable to perform fast processing of hyperspectral images. In this paper, we explore the balance between computing performance and power consumption of GPUs in the context of a popular hyperspectral imaging application, such as spectral unmixing. Specifically, we investigate several processing chains for spectral unmixing and evaluate them on three different GPUs, corresponding to the two latest generations of GPUs from NVIDIA (“Fermi” and “Kepler”), as well as an alternative low-power system more suitable for embedded appliances. Our paper provides some observations about the possibility to use GPUs as effective onboard devices in hyperspectral imaging applications

    A reconfigurable platform for evaluating the performance of QoS networks

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    Nowadays, high performance System and Local Area Networks (SAN/LAN) have to serve heterogeneous traffic consisting of information flows with different bandwidth and latency requirements. This makes it necessary to provide Quality of Service (QoS) and optimize the design of network components. In this paper we present a hardware tool designed to analyze the performance of QoS networks, under given traffic conditions and server models. In particular, a reprogrammable multimedia traffic Generator/Monitor platform has been built. This permits prototyping the communication system of a high speed LAN/SAN on a single FPGA device. Hence, it can be used at design to produce more efficient devices. To illustrate the applicability of the platform we have used the Simple Multimedia Router (SMMR), an existing proposal to provide QoS. The modular structure of the tool and the fact that it has been implemented on an FPGA using a high level hardware programming language makes it flexible, scalable and easy to reconfigure. Besides, the architecture and implementation can be adapted to be used in more recent QoS NoC environments. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved