523 research outputs found

    A note on frequent hypercyclicity of operators that λ -commute with the differentiation operator

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    A continuous linear operator on a Fréchet space X is frequently hypercyclic if there exists a vector x such that for any nonempty open subset U⊂ X the set of n∈ N∪ { 0 } for which Tnx∈ U has a positive lower density. Here we determine when an operator that commutes up to a factor with the differentiation operator D, defined on the space of entire functions, is frequently hypercyclic

    On statistical convergence and strong Cesaro convergence by moduli for double sequences

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    A remarkable result on summability states that the statistical convergence and the strong Cesàro convergence are closely connected. Given a modulus function f, we will establish that a double sequence that is f -strong Cesàro convergent is always f -statistically convergent. The converse, in general, is false even for bounded sequences. However, we will characterize analytically the modulus functions f for which the converse of this result remains true. The results of this paper adapt to several variables the results obtained in (León-Saavedra et al. in J. Inequal. Appl. 12:298, 2019)

    Los espacios del saber y del pensamiento en el mundo griego

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    The process of vocational guidance in Secondary Schools. The case of Córdoba

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    La orientación educativa se asume como parte del conjunto de factores que favorecen la calidad de la enseñanza y es uno de los principios a los que debe atender la acción educativa. La institucionalización de la orientación plantea la presencia de nuevos profesionales en el contexto educativo y, estos profesionales de la orientación, se conciben como agentes de innovación y mejora de la calidad de la intervención educativa, por lo que se postula que docencia y orientación confluyen en una misma intervención educativa. A lo largo de los últimos tres años, en el marco del Proyecto I+D “La transición escuela obligatoria-trabajo: los Departamentos de Orientación de los IES y la inserción laboral de los alumnos que abandonan la escuela tras la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO)”, un grupo de investigación de la Universidad de Córdoba analiza las prioridades de la orientación educativa en los Institutos de Enseñanza Secundaria; la labor de los orientadores en el ámbito de la orientación académica y profesional y la percepción del alumnado saliente acerca de la información recibida en sus centros de referencia. La exploración de las opiniones del alumnado mediante encuesta, y del talante y actividades de sus orientadoras y orientadores, mediante entrevista semiestructurada, ponen de manifiesto que las trayectorias escolares y de transición laboral dependen fuertemente de los condicionantes económicos, sociales y culturales de origen. Las vocaciones, actitudes y expectativas respecto a su futuro académico y laboral se construyen en medio de un entramado de relaciones sociales con el que hay que contar y sobre el que hay que actuar.Educational orientation is assumed as part of the set of factors that promote the quality of teaching and is one of the principles that must meet the educational activity. The institutionalization of the orientation posed by the presence of new professionals in the educational context, and these professionals for guidance, are conceived as agents of innovation and improving the quality of the educational intervention, which posits that teaching and counseling at the confluence the same educational intervention. Throughout the past three years, under the R & D Project "The compulsory school- work transition: The Guidance Department of the IES and the employment of students who leave school after Secondary Education (ESO), a research group at the University of Cordova discusses the priorities of educational guidance in secondary schools, the work of counselors in the field of academic and professional orientation and perception of the outgoing students about the information received at their centers. Exploring the views of the student survey, and the mood and activities of its practitioners and guide through qualitative interviews reveal that the trajectories of transition and school work are heavily dependent on the economic, social and cultural origin. Vocations, attitudes and expectations about their future academic work and are built in a web of social relations with which we must rely on and that we must act

    Schur Lemma and Uniform Convergence of Series through Convergence Methods

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    In this note, we prove a Schur-type lemma for bounded multiplier series. This result allows us to obtain a unified vision of several previous results, focusing on the underlying structure and the properties that a summability method must satisfy in order to establish a result of Schur's lemma type

    Orlicz–Pettis Theorem through Summability Methods

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    This paper unifies several versions of the Orlicz–Pettis theorem that incorporate summability methods. We show that a series is unconditionally convergent if and only if the series is weakly subseries convergent with respect to a regular linear summability method. This includes results using matrix summability, statistical convergence with respect to an ideal, and other variations of summability methods

    Influencia de un programa de expresión corporal en la imagen corporal en niños y niñas de Educación Primaria: [Influence of a corporal expression program on primary school children's body image]

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    This study aimed to know the effect of a corporal expression programme on 12-years-old children’s body image. The programme was composed of 45-min seven sessions of drama and dance. Pre and post-measures were obtained with 33 students (n = 13 control group -CG-; n = 20 experimental group -EG-). To know the students’ body image, CTBS was used. Also, an ad hoc questionnaire was administered to the EG to know their perceptions about the influence of the programme on their body image. Results revealed that participants from GE were more accurate in the perception of their body size and were more satisfied with their bodies, although the differences were not remarkable. Girls from EG showed less body dissatisfaction in the post-test (M = -0,57) in comparison with the pre-test (M = -2,37). Results suggest that expressive activities could help to improve body image, especially in girls.Este estudio pretendió observar el efecto de un programa de expresión corporal en la imagen corporal de alumnos de 12 años. El programa incluyó siete sesiones de 45 minutos de dramatización y baile. Se obtuvieron mediciones pre y post con 33 alumnos (n = 13 grupo control -GC-; n = 20 grupo experimental -GE-). Para conocer su imagen corporal se utilizó una escala de figuras corporales (Children’s Ten Bodies Scale). Los resultados revelaron mayor satisfacción corporal en el GE en comparación con el GC, aunque no hubo diferencias significativas tras la intervención y tampoco se encontraron diferencias por género. Sin embargo, las chicas del GE mostraron menos insatisfacción corporal en el post-test (M = -0,57) que en el pre-test (M = -2,37). Los resultados sugieren que las actividades expresivas podrían ayudar a mejorar la imagen corporal, especialmente en chicas. Palabras clave: baile; dramatización; Educación Física; satisfacción corporal; percepción corporal; niños.   Abstract: This study aimed to know the effect of a corporal expression programme on 12-years-old children’s body image. The programme was composed of 45-min seven sessions of drama and dance. Pre and post-measures were obtained with 33 students (n = 13 control group -CG-; n = 20 experimental group -EG-). A figure-rating scale was used (Children’s Ten Bodies Scale) to know the students' body image. Results revealed higher body satisfaction in EG in comparison with the CG, although there were no significant differences after the intervention and no differences were found by gender. However, girls from EG showed less body dissatisfaction in the post-test (M = -0,57) in comparison with the pre-test (M = -2,37). Results suggest that expressive activities may help to improve body image, especially in girls. Keywords: dance; drama; Physical Education; body satisfaction, body size perception, children