11,022 research outputs found

    Answering Mermin's Challenge with Conservation per No Preferred Reference Frame

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    In 1981, Mermin published a now famous paper titled, "Bringing home the atomic world: Quantum mysteries for anybody" that Feynman called, "One of the most beautiful papers in physics that I know." Therein, he presented the "Mermin device" that illustrates the conundrum of quantum entanglement per the Bell spin states for the "general reader." He then challenged the "physicist reader" to explain the way the device works "in terms meaningful to a general reader struggling with the dilemma raised by the device." Herein, we show how "conservation per no preferred reference frame (NPRF)" answers that challenge. In short, the explicit conservation that obtains for Alice and Bob's Stern-Gerlach spin measurement outcomes in the same reference frame holds only on average in different reference frames, not on a trial-by-trial basis. This conservation is SO(3) invariant in the relevant symmetry plane in real space per the SU(2) invariance of its corresponding Bell spin state in Hilbert space. Since NPRF is also responsible for the postulates of special relativity, and therefore its counterintuitive aspects of time dilation and length contraction, we see that the symmetry group relating non-relativistic quantum mechanics and special relativity via their "mysteries" is the restricted Lorentz group.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. This version as revised and resubmitted to Scientific Report

    Correlated Dirac Particles and Superconductivity on the Honeycomb Lattice

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    We investigate the properties of the nearest-neighbor singlet pairing and the emergence of d-wave superconductivity in the doped honeycomb lattice considering the limit of large interactions and the t−J1−J2t-J_1-J_2 model. First, by applying a renormalized mean-field procedure as well as slave-boson theories which account for the proximity to the Mott insulating state, we confirm the emergence of d-wave superconductivity in agreement with earlier works. We show that a small but finite J2J_2 spin coupling between next-nearest neighbors stabilizes d-wave symmetry compared to the extended s-wave scenario. At small hole doping, to minimize energy and to gap the whole Fermi surface or all the Dirac points, the superconducting ground state is characterized by a d+idd+id singlet pairing assigned to one valley and a d−idd-id singlet pairing to the other, which then preserves time-reversal symmetry. The slightly doped situation is distinct from the heavily doped case (around 3/8 and 5/8 filling) supporting a pure chiral d+idd+id symmetry and breaking time-reversal symmetry. Then, we apply the functional Renormalization Group and we study in more detail the competition between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in the vicinity of half-filling. We discuss possible applications to strongly-correlated compounds with Copper hexagonal planes such as In3_3Cu2_{2}VO9_9. Our findings are also relevant to the understanding of exotic superfluidity with cold atoms.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Experimental study of internal wave generation by convection in water

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    We experimentally investigate the dynamics of water cooled from below at 0^oC and heated from above. Taking advantage of the unusual property that water's density maximum is at about 4^oC, this set-up allows us to simulate in the laboratory a turbulent convective layer adjacent to a stably stratified layer, which is representative of atmospheric and stellar conditions. High precision temperature and velocity measurements are described, with a special focus on the convectively excited internal waves propagating in the stratified zone. Most of the convective energy is at low frequency, and corresponding waves are localized to the vicinity of the interface. However, we show that some energy radiates far from the interface, carried by shorter horizontal wavelength, higher frequency waves. Our data suggest that the internal wave field is passively excited by the convective fluctuations, and the wave propagation is correctly described by the dissipative linear wave theory

    Jet energy loss in the quark-gluon plasma by stream instabilities

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    We study the evolution of the plasma instabilities induced by two jets of particles propagating in opposite directions and crossing a thermally equilibrated non-Abelian plasma. In order to simplify the analysis we assume that the two jets of partons can be described with uniform distribution functions in coordinate space and by Gaussian distribution functions in momentum space. We find that while crossing the quark-gluon plasma, the jets of particles excite unstable chromomagnetic and chromoelectric modes. These fields interact with the particles (or hard modes) of the plasma inducing the production of currents; thus, the energy lost by the jets is absorbed by both the gauge fields and the hard modes of the plasma. We compare the outcome of the numerical simulations with the analytical calculation performed assuming that the jets of particles can be described by a tsunami-like distribution function. We find qualitative and semi-quantitative agreement between the results obtained with the two methods.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    More oxygen during development enhanced flight performance but not thermal tolerance of Drosophila melanogaster

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    High temperatures can stress animals by raising the oxygen demand above the oxygen supply. Consequently, animals under hypoxia could be more sensitive to heating than those exposed to normoxia. Although support for this model has been limited to aquatic animals, oxygen supply might limit the heat tolerance of terrestrial animals during energetically demanding activities. We evaluated this model by studying the flight performance and heat tolerance of flies (Drosophila melanogaster) acclimated and tested at different concentrations of oxygen (12%, 21%, and 31%). We expected that flies raised at hypoxia would develop into adults that were more likely to fly under hypoxia than would flies raised at normoxia or hyperoxia. We also expected flies to benefit from greater oxygen supply during testing. These effects should have been most pronounced at high temperatures, which impair locomotor performance. Contrary to our expectations, we found little evidence that flies raised at hypoxia flew better when tested at hypoxia or tolerated extreme heat better than did flies raised at normoxia or hyperoxia. Instead, flies raised at higher oxygen levels performed better at all body temperatures and oxygen concentrations. Moreover, oxygen supply during testing had the greatest effect on flight performance at low temperature, rather than high temperature. Our results poorly support the hypothesis that oxygen supply limits performance at high temperatures, but do support the idea that hyperoxia during development improves performance of flies later in life

    Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Level 2: Structures and Facilities for Model Definitions

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    With the rise of Systems Biology as a new paradigm for understanding biological processes, the development of quantitative models is no longer restricted to a small circle of theoreticians. The dramatic increase in the number of these models precipitates the need to exchange and reuse both existing and newly created models. The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is a free, open, XML-based format for representing quantitative models of biological interest that advocates the consistent specification of such models and thus facilitates both software development and model exchange.

Principally oriented towards describing systems of biochemical reactions, such as cell signalling pathways, metabolic networks and gene regulation etc., SBML can also be used to encode any kinetic model. SBML offers mechanisms to describe biological components by means of compartments and reacting species, as well as their dynamic behaviour, using reactions, events and arbitrary mathematical rules. SBML also offers all the housekeeping structures needed to ensure an unambiguous understanding of quantitative descriptions.

This is Release 1 of the specification for SBML Level 2 Version 4, describing the structures of the language and the rules used to build a valid model. SBML XML Schema and other related documents and software are also available from the SBML project web site, "http://sbml.org/":http://sbml.org/

    Interfacial conditions between a pure fluid and a porous medium: implications for binary alloy solidification

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    The single-domain, Darcy-Brinkman model is applied to some analytically tractable flows through adjacent porous and pure-fluid domains and is compared systematically with the multiple-domain, Stokes-Darcy model. In particular, we focus on the interaction between flow and solidification within the mushy layer during binary alloy solidification in a corner flow and on the effects of the chosen mathematical description on the resulting macrosegregation patterns. Large-scale results provided by the multiple-domain formulation depend strongly on the microscopic interfacial conditions. No satisfactory agreement between the single- and multiple-domain approaches is obtained when using previously suggested conditions written directly at the interface between the liquid and the porous medium. Rather, we define a viscous transition zone inside the porous domain, where Stokes equation still applies, and we impose continuity of pressure and velocities across it. This new condition provides good agreement between the two formulations of solidification problems when there is a continuous variation of porosity across the interface between a partially solidified region (mushy zone) and the melt

    Solidification of a binary alloy: finite-element, single-domain simulation and new benchmark solutions

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    A finite-element simulation of binary alloy solidification based on a single-domain formulation is presented and tested. Resolution of phase change is first checked by comparison with the analytical results of Worster (1986) for purely diffusive solidification. Fluid dynamical processes without phase change are then tested by comparison with previous numerical studies of thermal convection in a pure fluid (de Vahl Davis 1983, Mayne et al. 2000, Wan et al. 2001), in a porous medium with a constant porosity (Lauriat & Prasad 1989, Ni et al. 1997) and in a mixed liquid-porous medium with a spatially variable porosity (Ni et al. 1997, Zabaras & Samanta 2004). Finally, new benchmark solutions for simultaneous flow through both fluid and porous domains and for convective solidification processes are presented, based on the similarity solutions in corner-flow geometries recently obtained by Le Bars & Worster (2006). Good agreement is found for all tests, hence validating our physical and numerical methods. More generally, the computations presented here could now be considered as standard and reliable analytical benchmarks for numerical simulations, specifically and independently testing the different processes underlying binary alloy solidification
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