90 research outputs found
Struktur Histopatologi Ginjal Dan Hati Kambing Penderita Tripanosomiasis Pasca Pengobatan Berenil
BerenilR (diminazene aceturate) is a chemotrypanocide and commonly used for treatment of protozoa infections as Babesiosis, Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis in large animals. Indonesian government explained that the drug was never used before. Since 1999, Directorate of Livestock Services, Department of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia recommended that the drug could be used for treatment of Trypanosomes cases. In contrast, the dosage level for the treatment of Trypanosomes was never determined before. In the late 2005, Indonesian researchers have investigated the new dosage of BerenilR for trypanosomes treatment. Base on the problem described above, the study was carried out to evaluate toxic effect of BerenilR to kidneys and livers. The objective of this study was to obtain the new data of toxic effect at multiple dosages. Ten Etawa breed goats were infected by Trypanosoma evansi Bangkalan isolate at more than 3.108 Trypanosoma/ml during the week. Five of ten subjects were treated by intramuscularly of BerenilR at multiple doses or superimpose dose (initial dosage 10.44 mg/kg body weight and four times of 7 mg/kg body weight every 31 minutes). Forty five days post treatment; the subjects were killed and the kidneys and livers were removed and preserved in 20% formalin. The histological specimens of their organs stained by haematoxylline eosin (HE) were examined by light microscope. There were no breakage on the histology structure of the Etawa breed goat kidneys and livers after treatment. It could be concluded that the BerenilR at multiple dosages was effective dose for treatment (P < 0.05) of Trypanosomes
Struktur Histopatologi Ginjal dan Hati Kambing Penderita Tripanosomiasis Pasca Pengobatan Berenil
BerenilR (diminazene aceturate) is a chemotrypanocide and commonly used for treatment of protozoa infections as Babesiosis, Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis in large animals. Indonesian government explained that the drug was never used before. Since 1999, Directorate of Livestock Services, Department of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia recommended that the drug could be used for treatment of Trypanosomes cases. In contrast, the dosage level for the treatment of Trypanosomes was never determined before. In the late 2005, Indonesian researchers have investigated the new dosage of BerenilR for trypanosomes treatment. Base on the problem described above, the study was carried out to evaluate toxic effect of BerenilR to kidneys and livers. The objective of this study was to obtain the new data of toxic effect at multiple dosages. Ten Etawa breed goats were infected by Trypanosoma evansi Bangkalan isolate at more than 3.108 Trypanosoma/ml during the week. Five of ten subjects were treated by intramuscularly of BerenilR at multiple doses or superimpose dose (initial dosage 10.44 mg/kg body weight and four times of 7 mg/kg body weight every 31 minutes). Forty five days post treatment; the subjects were killed and the kidneys and livers were removed and preserved in 20% formalin. The histological specimens of their organs stained by haematoxylline eosin (HE) were examined by light microscope. There were no breakage on the histology structure of the Etawa breed goat kidneys and livers after treatment. It could be concluded that the BerenilR at multiple dosages was effective dose for treatment (P < 0.05) of Trypanosomes. Key words: diminazene aceturate, superimpose, goats, toxic effect, kidney, live
Analisis Sifat Korosi Hasil Cor terhadap Temperatur Pembuatan Propeller Perahu Menggunakan Metode Sand Casting
Propeller sebagai bagian penting pada kapal yang berguna untuk menggerakkan kapal. Propeller dapat diproses dari bahan aluminium melalui metode pengecoran. Pengecoran yang digunakan di industri rumahan biasa menggunakan aluminium bekas sebagai bahan baku. Manfaat dari re-casting sendiri adalah limbah-limbah aluminium dapat didaur kembali menjadi produk yang lain. Sayangnya re-casting ini malah dapat meningkatkan porositas dan mengurangi kekuatan serta kekerasan. Selain itu dalam pengecoran aluminium bekas juga susah untuk mengontrol komposisi kimia yang diinginkan karena tidak diketahui jenis aluminium yang dijadikan sebagai bahan baku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh temperatur cor terhadap ketahan korosi dari propeller yang telah dibuat. Propeller dicor dengan dengan bahan aluminim bekas dan menggunakan cetakan pasir dengan variasi suhu penuangan 400°C, 500°C dan 550°C. Metode karakterisasi yang dilakukan adalah uji komposisi kimia, pengamatan mikrostruktur, dan uji korosi (polarisasi potensiodinamik). Hasil dari pengujian komposisi kimia (spectrometer) bahwa unsur yang terkandung yaitu jenis paduan Al-Si dengan persentase sebesar Al 92,92%, kemudian Si 3,84%. Hasil pengamatan mikrostruktur didapatkan temperatur 550°C menghasilkan nilai porositas terkecil dengan rata-rata 7,17 m. Semakin meningkat temperatur tuang didapatkan arus korosi (Icorr) semakin kecil yaitu mencapai 0,42 µA/cm2. Apabila semakin rendah nilai laju korosi, semakin meningkat ketahanan korosinya. Sehingga semakin kecil ukuran poros maka ketahan korosinya meningkat
Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah ketika punk sebagai budaya barat
yang sangat terkenal di tahun 70an hingga kini bukan lagi tentang musik
melainkan tentang ideologi dan perilaku. Penyebaran punk dan segala
unsurnya akhirnya masuk ke Indonesia di akhir dekade 80an. Awal
keberadaan punk di Indonesia menjadi sebuah hal yang fenomenal dan
yang akhirnya menciptakan persepsi buruk di kalangan masyarakat luas.
Hal ini dikarenakan perilaku punkers yang kerap melanggar norma-norma
sosial dan norma agama. Pada tahun 2007 terbentuk sebuah komunitas
punkers bernama Punk Muslim di Surabaya, dengan cepat pergerakan ini
meluas ke kota-kota lain yang akhirnya sampai ke Bekasi. Komunitas
Punkajian Bekasi yang berdiri di pertengahan tahun 2016 memiliki visi
menjadi kontibutor dalam poros pergerakan dakwah islam di Indonesia.
Mereka berusaha mewujudkan visi itu dengan melakukan kegiatan-
kegiatan agama yang bersifat sosial, dan kajian-kajian yang terbuka untuk
umum. Teori orientasi keberagamaan yang menjelaskan bawha jenis
oreintasi keberagamaan terbagi menjadi dua yaitu intrinsik dan ekstrinsik.
Secra garis besar intrinsik merupakan jenis orientasi keberagamaan
dimana individu akan melakukan kegiatan beragama murni karena motif
kebutuhan rohani dan pengetahuan yang mempuni. Sedangkan, ekstrinsik
memiliki pengertian bahwa seseorang hanya menjalankan bagian luar dari
agama dan dengan motif-motif seperti status atau materi. Teknik
pengumpulan data menggunakan angket pernyataan dengan 20 butir
pernyataan dan 4 skala. Angket dibagikan kepada 24 anggota Komunitas
Punkajian Bekasi, yang memiliki hasil bahwa 20 anggota komunitas
Punkajian Bekasi memiliki jenis orientasi keberagamaan intrinsik.
Sedangkan 4 anggota Komunitas Punkajian Bekasi terindikasi memiliki
jenis orientasi keberagamaan ekstrinsik. Namun kedua hasil tersebut
memiliki kecenderungan terhadap faktor-faktor seperti usia, gender,
pendidikan, dan kesejahteraan, yang akan juga menjadi objek dalam
penelitian ini.
The problem that occurs is when punk as a western culture which
is very famous in the 70s up to now is no longer about music but about
ideology and behavior. The spread of punk and all its elements finally into
Indonesia in the late 80s. Early punk presence in Indonesia became a
phenomenal thing and that ultimately creates a bad perception among the
general public. This is because the behavior of punkers who often violate
social norms and religious norms. In 2007 formed a community called
Punk Muslim punkers in Surabaya, this movement quickly spread to other
cities that finally gets to Bekasi. Community Punkajian Bekasi standing in
mid-2016 vision is to be contributor in the axis of Islamic da'wah
movement in Indonesia. They strive to realize that vision by conducting
religious activities that are social, and studies are open to the public. The
theory that explains the religious orientation kind of diversity is divided
into two intrinsic and extrinsic.Outline is a kind of intrinsic religious
orientation in which the individual will perform purely religious activities
because the motive spiritual needs and good knowledge. Meanwhile, the
extrinsic have a sense that someone just running the outside of religion and
motifs such as status or material. The technique of collecting data using
questionnaires statement by the 20-point declaration and 4 scale.
Questionnaires were distributed to 24 community members Punkajian
Bekasi, which has the result that the 20 members of the community
Punkajian Bekasi have the kind of intrinsic religious orientation. While 4
Community members have indicated Bekasi Punkajian type extrinsic
religious orientation. However, both results have a tendency to factors
such as age, gender, education, and welfare, which will also be the object
of this research
Studi Analisis Sambungan Balok-kolom Dengan Sistem Pracetak Pada Gedung Kampus Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya
Pembangunan tiada henti-hentinya untuk terus dikembangkan. Akan tetapi dengan Banyaknya gedung – gedung yang dibangun membuat lahan yang tersedia semakin lama semakin sempit. Oleh karena itu, banyak daerah yang mulai membangun gedung–gedung bertingkat untuk mengatasi kekurangan lahan yang semakin sempit. Pembangunan gedung bertingkat saat ini sebagian besar masih tetap menggunakan metode beton bertulang konvensional dengan menggunakan bekisting yang dicor di tempat yang akan menelan biaya lebih mahal karena membutuhkan banyak sekali bekisting serta akan memakan waktu yang lebih lama. Akan tetapi sekarang ada trobosan baru untuk mengurangi penggunaan bekisting yang banyak dan mengurasi lamanya durasi pengerjaan, yaitu dengan menggunakan metode pracetak yang dibuat di pabrik atau di lokasi proyek kemudian dirakit. Konsep pembangunan mengacu ke dalam SNI 03-2847-2002 dan SNI 03-1726-2002 sehingga acuan kedua peraturan tersebut akan didapatkan struktur yang tahan gempa, efektif, dan efisien. Dalam studi ini merupakan analisis gedung Kuliah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya Malang dengan zona gempa 4 yang di rencanakan kembali dengan menggunakan metode pracetak. Dari hasil studi didapatkan bahwa dimensi balok induk berukuran 40 cm x 60 cm dengan tulangan lentur digunakan D22 dan tulangan geser ∅ 10 harus memenuhi syarat aman terhadap kapasitas momen yang ada. Untuk struktur kolom lantai 1 hingga lantai 7 berukuran 80cm x 100 cm dengan menggunakan tulangan lentur D25 dan tulangan geser ∅ 10 harus bisa menahan berat beban yang ada diatasnya
Gratitude and Anxiety In Families With Covid 19
Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by SARS COV 2. The SARS COV 2 virus can spread very quickly and can even cause death, making most people feel anxious. Anxiety about COVID 19 certainly has a huge impact, especially on the families of COVID 19 patients. One of the efforts to reduce anxiety is by increasing a sense of gratitude. Gratitude is one way of diverting individuals from negative psychological states to positive ones. The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the relationship between gratitude and anxiety in the families of Covid 19 patients. This study used a quantitative descriptive method. The study participants involved 71 people (N = 71) who were selected using convenience sampling technique. Data collection in this study was conducted online using google form. This study used the HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) scale to measure anxiety. And the adaptation of the gratitude scale according to the average size of Indonesians compiled by Listiyandini, et al. The results showed that gratitude has a significant negative measure between the level of gratitude and the reduction rate in the family of covid 19 patients (co-efficiency has = -267; p = 0.024). These results indicate that a high level of gratitude can reduce family anxiety of Covid 19 patients. The suggestion from this study is that the victim's family can increase a sense of gratitude as an effort to reduce anxiety due to the Covid 19 pandemic.Keywords: Gratitude; anxiety; family of covid 19 patient
Sistem Otomasi Kartu Digital Pada Perpustakaan Jurusan Manajemen Informatika di Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya Menggunakan Algoritma Scan Line
Sriwijaya State Polytechnic is one of six first polytechnic in Indonesia. State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya consists of nine majors, one of the Department of Information Management and has the Central Library and the Library of nine courses including the Library Information Management Department. In data processing Library on Library Information Management Department do not yet have specific applications, so that an admin Library or the Library officers have difficulty in processing the data because the library is still done manually. The author tried to make a system that is automated so that it can process data fossilized in the Library. The research method used is observation, interviews and document analysis and use traditional methods of Waterfall in designing a system and method Hidden Surface Removal (Scan Line) in the system hardware, namely (Barcode Scanner). The results obtained from this research is a Automation Systems Digital Cards In Library Information Management Department at the Polytechnic of Sriwijaya Using Scan Line Algorithm
Implementasi Good Governance dalam Pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa (Studi Kasus: Desa Bantan Sari dan Desa Deluk Kabupaten Bengkalis)
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of good governance, especially the principles of transparency, accountability and participation in the management of the Village Budget (APB Desa) for the 2019 fiscal year in Bantan Sari and Deluk based on Bengkalis Regent Regulation Number 53 of 2018 and its obstacles. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. This type of research is qualitative research. The results of this study indicate that Bantan Sari Government in managing APB Desa has not fully implemented good governance, especially the principle of transparency at the planning step and the reporting and accountability step. This is evidenced in both steps of the absence of information regarding APB Desa and reports on the implementation of APB Desa to the community through information media such as banners, announcement boards, billboards, official websites and so on. Meanwhile, the Deluk Government in managing the Village APB has not fully implemented good governance, especially the participatory principle, in which the community's ability to be involved in the decision-making process in the management of APB Desa is only 40%. The obstacles faced by the Bantan Sari Government in managing APB Desa was the slow process of disbursing APB Desa, inconsistent regulations and a lack of coordination between the BPD and the Government. While the obstacles faced by the Deluk Government in managing APB Desa was the changes in the price of goods every time they carry out an activity program, changes in weather, limitations in the budget and the delay in ratifying the budget ceiling. Keywords: Good Governance, Transparency, Accountability, Participation, APB Desa
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