48 research outputs found

    Behavior of Expansive Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular (Ecfst) Columns under Axial Loadings

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    Concrete-filled steel tubes (CFST) have been introduced in high-rise buildings in order to expedite construction and increase the confinement of concrete by the steel tube, and hence increase the capacity of the column cross-section. More recently, expansive additives (EAs) that counteract the shrinkage of concrete have been used in CFST to improve the bond between the concrete and steel tube. Although changing the confinement level exerted by the steel tube on concrete will have an impact on the behavior of CFSTs, little information is available regarding the influence of EAs on the mechanical characteristics of expansive concrete-filled steel tubular (ECFST) columns. The objective of this study is thus twofold: (i) to experimentally assess the behavior of concentrically loaded ECFSTs with different parameters, and (ii) to investigate the correlation between the test results and those obtained from different analytical modeling techniques and previous prediction approaches. The experimental program of this study consists of testing 16 CFST/ECFST columns. Fourteen concrete mixes are prepared with four different concrete strength values (16, 40, 50 and 90 MPa), four EA dosages (0%, 6%, 12% and 24%), and two concrete mixing approaches. Steel tubes in two different diameters (89.6 and 153.6 mm), thicknesses (2 and 3 mm), and lengths (370 and 1500 mm) are fabricated. In order to arrive at an effective prestressing action during the hardening process of concrete, two end plates are tied to each ECFST specimen immediately after casting. Each of the tested specimens is effectively instrumented using four LVDTs and several strain gauges. The behavior of the tested column specimens and those collected from previous studies is also assessed using two numerical modeling techniques, namely the fiber-based modeling (FBM) and finite element method (FEM), as well as using several prediction approaches. The results indicate that increasing the concrete strength significantly improves the axial load capacity of CFST columns by up to 76%. Using EA with a concrete strength of 40 MPa results in the most pronounced improvements in the axial load capacity of columns, whilst the most promising EA dosage for the ECFST short columns is 6%.Good agreement is observed between the experimental results and those obtained fromboth FBM and FEM in terms of ultimate load capacity, and hence the adopted modeling techniques can be used in further parametric studies on CFSTs/ECFSTs. It is also recommended to employ specific confined concrete models with the predictive approaches of Euro code 4 and AISC to arrive at the best correlation with CFST test results. This study provides insights into the behavior of pre-stressing CFST columns and presents test results with diverse parameters that contribute to filling gaps in the existing research, verify computational models and provide support for the development of prediction approaches for ECFSTs

    Projeto, implementação e avaliação de um data center gateway compatível com VXLAN usando P4

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    Orientador: Christian Rodolfo Esteve RothenbergDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia ElĂ©trica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Por muitos anos as Redes Definidas por Software (SDN) tĂȘm revolucionado o comportamento das redes de computadores, dando aos administradores das mesmas a possibilidade de programar o plano de controle da rede. No entanto, a implantação de soluçÔes SDN deu aos pesquisadores espaço para novos desafios, com o objetivo de atualizar nossas redes por meio de uma programação mais detalhada do plano de dados. O P4 Ă© uma Linguagem de DomĂ­nio EspecĂ­fico (DSL) para expressar como os pacotes sĂŁo processados em uma plataforma de rede programĂĄvel. Considerando o objetivo de permitir a programação P4 com alto desempenho, o Multi-Architecture Compiler System for Abstract Dataplanes (MACSAD) utiliza o projeto open source OpenDataPlane (ODP) para fornecer APIs especĂ­ficas, permitindo a interoperabilidade entre hardwares diferentes e minimizando a sobrecarga dos mesmos. O MACSAD Ă© um compilador que aproveita a simplicidade da linguagem P4 e a flexibilidade das APIs do ODP para trabalhar em diferentes plataformas, mantendo o alto desempenho. Assim, o MACSAD pode ser chamado de um "sistema de compilador unificado de alto desempenho", considerando que ele pode executar o mesmo programa P4 em mĂșltiplos hardwares com alta performance. Este projeto tem como objetivo adicionar suporte VXLAN ao MACSAD, integrĂĄ-lo a um controlador SDN, fazer uma anĂĄlise de throughput, latĂȘncia e da distribuição do balanceador de carga atravĂ©s de mĂșltiplos polinĂŽmios. Assim, para alcançar essa integração, faremos uma implementação P4 VXLAN com uma abordagem SDN para preencher as tabelas atravĂ©s de um controlador simples. Por fim, faremos uma anĂĄlise dos mĂ©todos de balanceamento de carga, principalmente atravĂ©s de funçÔes Checksum e CRC para uma avaliação de desempenho de todo o sistema. Dessa forma, utilizaremos o Network Function Performance Analyzer (NFPA) e Open Source Network Tester (OSNT) para efetuar os testes de throughput e latĂȘncia, gerando diferentes tipos de trĂĄfego para an'alise de performance de nosso programa P4 definido na aplicação do plano de dadosAbstract: For some years, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has been revolutionizing the networking landscape, giving administrator users the possibility to program the network control plane. However, the deployment of SDN solutions gave researchers space to new challenges, aiming to upgrade our networks to new levels through deeper data plane programmability. The Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors (P4) is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) to express how packets are processed on a programmable network platform. Considering the objective to allow P4 programmability with high performance, the Multi-Architecture Compiler System for Abstract Dataplanes (MACSAD) uses the OpenDataPlane (ODP) Open Source project to provide specific Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), enabling the interoperability between different hardwares and minimizing the overhead. The MACSAD is a compiler that takes advantage of the P4 language simplicity and ODP APIs flexibility to work on different platforms, but still maintaining high performance. Thus, MACSAD can be called as a "unified compiler system with high performance", considering that it can execute the same P4 program on multiple targets with high throughput. This project aims to add Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) support to MACSAD,integrate it with an SDN controller, evaluate the throughput, latency and the Load balance distribution through multiple polynomials. Thus, to achieve this integration we will make a P4 VXLAN implementation and an SDN approach to populate the tables through a simple controller. Finally, we will analyze different load balancing polynomials, mainly through Checksum and CRC functions and a performance evaluation of the whole system, to perform the last one we will take advantage of Network Function Performance Analyzer (NFPA) and Open Source Network Tester (OSNT), generating different types of traffic to benchmark our P4-defined dataplane applicationMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia ElĂ©tric

    ”Are you recording the conversation?” - A study of individuals' attitudes and needs of the recording of phone calls.

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    Den hÀr studien handlar om inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal. Studiens syfte var att undersöka privatpersoners instÀllning samt behov av inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal och identifiera hur de anses kunna dra nytta av denna funktionalitet. För att fÄ reda pÄ huruvida privatpersoner förhÄller sig till detta intervjuades 15 respondenter utifrÄn en kvalitativ ansats. I studiens insamlade material framkom det att respondenterna hade blandade Äsikter kring inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal. Den viktigaste aspekten som framkom under studien var hanteringen av kÀnslig information och hur den personliga integriteten skall skyddas frÄn krÀnkning. Baserat pÄ de utmaningar som identifierades i studien har ett stort behov varit att kunna anvÀnda de inspelade samtalen för att lyssna igenom vad som har sagts under samtalen, men Àven för att pÄvisa vad som har sagts. NÄgot som var förvÄnande i studien var att mÄnga var skeptiska kring delningen av kÀnslig information och hur individers integritet skall skyddas frÄn krÀnkning, trots detta var majoriteten av respondenterna positiva till de fiktiva funktioner av delning för de inspelade mobiltelefonsamtalen och sÄg sig ha ett behov för att anvÀnda dem. Resultatet som vi fÄtt fram Àr att det finns ett behov till inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal bland privatpersoner och att de flesta har en positiv instÀllning till denna funktionalitet, samtidigt finns det faktorer som tillit till andra individer och integritetsaspekter som kan göra att individer vÀljer att inte anvÀnda vissa funktioner

    The Role of Outpatient Intravenous Diuretic Therapy in a Transitional Care Program for Patients With Heart Failure: A Case Series

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    Analgesics in Older People with Chronic Pain

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    La douleur chronique dont la prĂ©valence est en augmentation en particulier chez les sujets ĂągĂ©s est considĂ©rĂ©e comme l’un des problĂšmes de santĂ© les plus graves, non seulement en termes de souffrance humaine et de consĂ©quences physiques et psychiques associĂ©es mais aussi en terme Ă©conomique pour le systĂšme de santĂ© et la sociĂ©tĂ©. Sa prise en charge reste toujours complexe surtout chez les sujets ĂągĂ©s d’une part pour des raisons liĂ©es aux mĂ©canismes physiopathologiques variĂ©es de la douleur et Ă  la pharmacopĂ©e insatisfaisante et d’autre part, pour des raisons de changements liĂ©s Ă  l'Ăąge, de modifications pharmacocinĂ©tiques et pharmacodynamiques. Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thĂšse issu principalement de la sous-cohorte S.AGE douleur chronique, nous donne l’opportunitĂ© (1) de dĂ©crire l’état actuel de la prise en charge mĂ©dicamenteuse de la douleur chronique chez les sujets ĂągĂ©s non institutionnalisĂ©s par des mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes en fonction du genre des mĂ©decins; (2) d’identifier les facteurs prĂ©dictifs de chute chez les sujets ĂągĂ©s souffrant de douleur chronique et; (3) d’estimer le coĂ»t de consommation de soins dans cette population ainsi que d’identifier les facteurs associĂ©s aux coĂ»ts et leur Ă©volution au cours de temps.Les principaux rĂ©sultats sont:(1) Aucune diffĂ©rence n’a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence entre les mĂ©decins hommes et femmes dans la prescription d’antalgiques de palier 1, 2 ou 3 (selon la classification d’OMS). Cependant, comparĂ©s aux mĂ©decins femmes, les mĂ©decins hommes ont prescrit plus de mĂ©dicaments pour la douleur neuropathique et moins de mĂ©dicaments Anti-Arthrosiques Symptomatiques d’Action Lente (AASAL) mĂȘme aprĂšs l’ajustement sur plusieurs facteurs de confusion;(2) Les facteurs prĂ©dictifs de chute identifiĂ©s chez les personnes ĂągĂ©es souffrant de douleur chronique sont: les antĂ©cĂ©dents prĂ©alables de chute, la dĂ©pendance dans les activitĂ©s quotidiennes mesurĂ©e par l’échelle ADL, l'Ăąge ≄75 et le fait de vivre seul Ă  domicile. Ces facteurs non spĂ©cifiques Ă  la douleur chronique se sont avĂ©rĂ©s pertinents dans les sous-cohortes S.AGE fibrillation atriale (FA) et diabĂšte de type 2 (DT2).(3) Le coĂ»t moyen total de consommation de soins au premier semestre du suivi Ă  Ă©tĂ© estimĂ© Ă  2548€ ± 8885€/patient. Les facteurs indĂ©pendants associĂ©s aux coĂ»ts Ă©taient: les comorbiditĂ©s associĂ©es, la dĂ©pendance dans les activitĂ©s quotidiennes, la dĂ©pression clinique probable, la nature permanente de la douleur, la douleur de type neuropathique, le fait de vivre seul Ă  domicile, la lombalgie chronique et les fractures vertĂ©brales/ tassement vertĂ©braux. Dans les 18 mois suivants, les coĂ»ts de soins de santĂ© ont augmentĂ© de 48% (p <0,0001) (78%, 26%, 14% et 7% pour les hospitalisations, les prescriptions mĂ©dicamenteuses, les visites mĂ©dicales et paramĂ©dicales, respectivement).En conclusion, ce travail de thĂšse apporte des rĂ©sultats sur plusieurs aspects de la douleur chronique chez les sujets ĂągĂ©s, leurs consĂ©quences et leur prise en charge. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent une diffĂ©rence liĂ©e au genre de mĂ©decin dans la prescription des mĂ©dicaments contre la douleur neuropathique et AASAL. Les rĂ©sultats ont identifiĂ© Ă©galement diffĂ©rents facteurs associĂ©s aux chutes et aux dĂ©penses de santĂ© sur lesquels des actions prĂ©ventives de santĂ© pourraient contribuer Ă  une meilleure prise en charge des sujets ĂągĂ©s dans le futur.Chronic pain whose prevalence is increasing particularly in the elderly is considered as one of the most serious health problems not only in terms of human suffering and associated physical and psychological consequences but also in terms of huge economic consequences for the health care system and society. Its management remains complex in the elderly on one hand for reasons related to the various pathophysiological mechanisms of pain and unsatisfactory pharmacopoeia. On the other hand, for reasons of changes related to age, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. In this context, this thesis derived mainly from the sub-cohort S.AGE chronic pain gives us the opportunity (1) to describe the current state of medical management of elderly suffering from chronic pain by general practitioners (GPs) according to the gender of the practitioner; (2) to identify predictors of falls in elderly patients with chronic pain; (3) to estimate health care consumption costs in this population as well as to identify factors associated to cost.The main results are: (1) no differences were found between male and female GPs in prescribing analgesics step1, 2 or 3 (according to World Health Organization classification). However, compared to women GPs, male GPs have prescribed more drugs for neuropathic pain and less Symptomatic Slow Acting Drugs for Osteoarthritis (SySADOA), even after adjustment for several confounding factors; (2) predictors of falls in the elderly with chronic pain are: fall history, dependence in daily activities measured by the ADL scale, ≄75 age and living alone at home. These factors have proven to be relevant in the sub cohort S.AGE atrial fibrillation and type 2 diabetes mellitus;(3) The average total cost of care consumption in the first semester was estimated to € 2.548 ± € 8.885. Independent factors associated with the costs were comorbidities, dependence in daily activities, the probable clinical depression, permanent pain, neuropathic pain, living alone at home, chronic low back pain and vertebral fractures/ vertebral compression. Health care costs increased significantly by 48% (p <0.0001) (78%, 26%, 14% and 7% for hospitalizations, medications, medical and paramedical visits, respectively) during the follow-up period.In conclusion, this thesis brings results on several aspects of chronic pain in the elderly, their consequences and management. The results suggest a difference by physician gender in prescription of drugs against neuropathic pain and SySADOA. The results also identified different predictors of falls and cost, which could contribute to a better prevention and care for elderly in the future

    Gold Nanoparticle Cytotoxicity

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    The industry of nanotechnology is growing faster than the understanding of nanoparticle’s long term health and environmental effects, which has brought about research regarding nanoparticle cytotoxicity. Our research focused on studying interactions between supported lipid bilayers with varying sized bare unconjugated gold nanoparticles. The interactions were monitored on an instrument, known as a Quartz crystal microbalance. From the results, size wasn’t a variable that governed how the bare gold nanoparticles affected the membrane. A major factor in the results was the lack of reproducibility. The existence of defects during the formation of the SLB is in itself a variable in the experiment and will need to be treated thusly in future nanoparticle-lipid bilayer research

    Percutaneous mitral valve repair: A new treatment for mitral regurgitation

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    Mitral valve disease affects more than 4 million people in the United States. The gold standard of treatment in these patients is surgical repair or replacement of the valve with a prosthesis. The MitraClip (Abbott Vascular, Menlo Park, CA) is a new technology, which offers an alternative to open surgical repair or replacement via a minimally invasive route. We present an evidence-based clinical update that provides an overview of this technology as it relates to managing patients with significant mitral regurgitation. This review article is particularly useful to noninterventional cardiologists and interventional cardiologists who will be managing patients with this novel technology in increased volumes over the next decade but who do not perform this procedure


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