116 research outputs found

    Architectural analysis model based on BIM technology and virtual reality

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    Analiza arhitektonskih objekata u pogledu ispitivanja performansi aktuelna je oblast istraživanja u domenu arhitekture i urbanizma. U kontekstu BIM tehnologije i tehnologije virtuelne realnlosti formiran je model koji predviđa njihovu upotrebu u cilju poboljšanja procesa donošenja odluka u arhitektonskom projektovanju. Modelom je predviđena automatizacija analiza koje se mogu sprovesti na idejnom arhitektonskom projektu uz pomoć podataka koji se mogu dobiti korišćenjem BIM tehnologije. U okviru konceptualnog modela zasnovanog na metodu centralnog modela predviđene su višesturke analize od koje se mogu klasifikovati u jednu od tri grupe: Analiza objekta sa ispitivanjem svih ili većeg broja .ifc klasa, analiza pojedinih .ifc klasa i analiza spoljašnjih gabarita objekta. Prema pod-modelima predstavljena je analiza cene koštanja objekta, analiza energetske efikasnosti i analiza godišnje osvetljenosti objekta.Performance based analysis of architectural structures has become an important area of research in the field of architecture and urban planning. The conceptual model is presented in context of BIM and virtual reality technology usage for decision making processes in architecture. The model defines automation of several analysis that can be performed in early design stage of architectural project using data collected from BIM technology software. Multiple analysis are defined in central model framework and classified into three groups: Analysis of the object with the examination of all or a large number of .ifc class, analysis of individual .ifc class and analysis of the external properties of structures. According to these sub-models, analysis of the cost estimate, analysis of energy efficiency and analysis of daylight illumination are presented in dissertation

    Scientific Conferences as a Medium of Academic Communication – a Case of INFuture

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    Scientific conferences provide opportunities for both formal and informal communication of academic insights among conference participants and make possible the sharing of those insights with the wider academic community as well as the wider public through the publication of conference papers in both print and digital form, and owing to all this they may be considered a significant medium of academic communication. Every system of communication consists of three basic elements: source of information, information user(s) and mediums or channels used for disseminating information. We analysed the system of academic communication using this basic structure, where we approached scientific conferences as a medium used for the dissemination of information. However, it is important to emphasise that in this basic scheme researchers represent the source of information and information users at the same time. Our analysis of academic communication includes both the dissemination and assimilation of scientific information taking place at conferences. Standard forms of activity and interaction at scientific conferences, ranging from oral communication during the giving of presentations, through written communication involved in the publication of papers as part of conference proceedings to one’s very presence at a conference, should carefully be evaluated in terms of their effectiveness as mediums of academic communication. We will present the results of our preliminary research through demonstrating correlations between the number of authors and number of papers presented at previous INFuture conferences, classifying authors by country, co-authorship, etc., and thus provide an introduction into a more detailed research into the communication space created as a result of scientific conferences and the role of that space in the communication within a particular academic community. A more extensive research project will include scientometric and bibliometric analyses, interviews and comparative analyses that should provide us with insights into the significance of conferences as a medium of academic communication and their impact on the academic community

    Fluctuating asymmetry as an indicator of environmental stress in populations of the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis Laurenti 1768) in urban and rural environments

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    Uticaj sredinskog stresa na stabilnost razvića merističkih karakteristika (femoralne pore, subdigitalne lamele, supracilijarne granule) i oblika dorzalne strane glave ispitivan je poređenjem nivoa fluktuirajuće asimetrije (FA) navedenih karakteristika između populacija zidnog guštera (Podarcis muralis) koje naseljavaju urbana i ruralna staništa. Takođe, ispitano je i da li postoje razlike u nivou varijanse simetrične komponente oblika glave, alometriji simetrične komponente oblika i u nivou odstupanja od grupne alometrije između populacija koje naseljavaju ova dva tipa sredina. Pored toga, analizirano je i da li sredinski stres ima uticaja na performansu, kondicioni indeks i prevalencu i intenzitet krvnih parazita kao i da li jedinke koje su zaražene krvnim parazitima i jedinke sa niskim kondicionim indeksom pokazuju viši nivo asimetrije oblika glave. Osnovna hipoteza je bila da će populacije koje naseljavaju suboptimalne uslove životne sredine pokazivati viši nivo FA merističkih karakteristika, viši nivo FA oblika glave, viši nivo varijanse simetrične komponente oblika. Pored toga hipoteza je bila i da će postojati razlike u alometriji simetrične komponente oblika glave, nivou morfološke integracije između dva modula dorzalne strane glave između dva tipa populacija kao i veće odstupanje od grupne alometrije u urbanim populacijama. Takođe, pretpostavka je bila i da će urbane populacije pokazati veću prevalencu i intenzitet krvnih parazita, niži kondicioni indeks ali i da će inficirane jedinke i jedinke sa nižim kondicionim indeksom imati viši nivo FA oblika glave. U poređenju sa ruralnim populacijama, urbane su pokazale statistički značajno viši nivo FA za sve analizirane merističke karakteristike što ukazuje na to da je stabilnost razvića ovih karakteristika u ovoj sredini narušena. Takođe, uočeno je postojanje razlika u razvojnoj stabilnosti između analiziranih karakteristika što ukazuje na to da razvojna stabilnost može biti specifična za morfološke karakteristike. Nivo fluktuirajuće asimetrije je bio niži kod karakteristika koje su od većeg funkcionalnog značaja, što ukazuje da je kontrola razvića ovih karakteristika bila veća. Pored toga, uočeno je i da postoji značajna korelacija između FA femoralnih pora i subdigitalnih lamela što ukazuje na to da su ove karakteristike integrisane...Effects of environmental disturbance on developmental stability of meristic traits (femoral pores, subdigital lamelae, supraciliar granules) and dorsal head shape were evaluated by comparing fluctuating asymmetry (FA) levels between populations of the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) inhabiting urban and rural areas. Moreover, possible differences in degree of head shape variation, head shape allometry and in deviation from within-group allometric lines were tested between these two population types. Also, it was analysed whether environmental disturbance affects locomotor performance, condition index, and prevalence and intensity of blood parasites but also if infected animals and animals with low body condition show higher degree of head shape asymmetry. The main hypothesis were that individuals inhabiting suboptimal environments will show higher FA degree of meristic traits and head shape as well as higher degree of head shape variance. Also, it was hypothesised that, due to stressfull conditions, there will be differences in symmetric head shape allometry, differences in the degree of morphological integration between two head modules and differences in the degree of deviation from within-group allometric lines between the two types. Moreover, higher prevalence and intensity of blood parasites and lower body condition were expected in urban populations, as well as higher head shape asymmetry in infected individuals and in individuals with low body condition. Compared to rural populations, the urban ones showed significantly higher degree of FA for all analysed meristic traits, which suggests that developmental stability of these traits is affected in urban environments. Differences in developmental stability were found between the three traits meaning that developmental stability may be trait specific. Degree of fluctuating asymmetry was lower in functionaly significant traits, suggesting that it may be under stricter developmental control. Significant correlation was found between signed FA of femoral pores and subdigital lamelae, possibly a sign of morphological integration as these traits develop in the same body part and it is likely that they share same developmental pathways..

    An Analysis of Energy Efficient Data Transfer between Mobile Device and Dedicated Server

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    This paper discusses research results with regard to energy-efficient transmission of serialised data between servers and mobile devices. A test environment was created in which the research authors primarily measured electricity consumption during communication between a mobile device and server. Numerical results were used to determine how well data serialisation was performed on a dedicated server and its effects on the power consumption of a mobile device. The time spent in data serialisation and the size of the serialised file were found to significantly influence energy consumption. Based on that fact, results have been used to create a mathematical model which was later introduced with functional forms. The main variables in those functional forms were time of serialisation and size of a serialised file. The data collected through this research has been used for an experimental API-CB Saver, which based on mathematical models chooses the most favourable manner of serialisation and compression in real time. The results collected during the tests show that the CBSaver-Api approach performs with greater energy efficiency than current techniques. Furthermore, with optimal selection of data serialisation type and compression level in real time the considered system shows better performance in power saving. According to the results, the API-CBSaver tests indicate the direction which one should take for the purposes of improving energy efficiency

    Anti-VEGF in Treatment of Central Retinal Vein Occlusion

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    Macular edema along with macular ischemia is responsible for decreased visual acuity in central retinal vein occlusion. Bevacizumab (Avastin, Genentech) blocks vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) induced hyperpermeability of blood vessels. In this prospective case series we investigated the efficacy of anti-VEGF treatment in reduction of central retinal thickness (CRT) and improvement in visual acuity (VA). 25 patients were followed up for 12 months and treated monthly with intravitreal bevacizumab. VA and CRT were measured at each visit. Treatment was discontinued as the peak improvement of either parameter was reached and reinstituted in case of deterioration/recurrence of edema. Study endpoints included: VA using ETDRS charts, CRT and number of injections at 12 months. Mean VA from all 25 patients increased by 3.1logMAR lines (p<0.05 compared to baseline). The improvement of VA after bevacizumab injection was in correlation with a decrease in CRT. In subgroup analyses, patients receiving bevacizumab injection within the first 3 months after CRVO showed an average VA gain of 4.2 logMAR lines. Mean of 4.5 injections was needed to control the disease during the follow-up period. Bevacizumab treatment was effective in VA and reducing CRT. It appears from subgroup analysis that initiation of treatment early in the course of disease produced better functional outcome. Several injections were needed to control the disease. Regular OCT examinations and retreatment are advised in order to maintain initially reached VA

    Design of electro-mechanical actuator for medium sized helicopter and a test platform for its testing and verification

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    This paper presents the design of an electro-mechanical actuator that is used for actuation of a medium sized helicopter. The designed actuator consists of a commercially available electro-mechanical cylinder EMC40 from Rexroth Bosch and a brushless DC motor EC45 from maxon motor. Cylinder and the motor are connected by a custom-made gearbox, which allows for their parallel axial mount. In addition to the actuator, the paper describes a test platform that can be used to emulate the forces generated by an actual helicopter. Designed test platform consists of a torsional spring and an AC motor with excentre. Frequency regulator is used to achieve the desired frequency of the force. Experimental results obtained by testing the designed actuator on the test platform are also given in the paper

    Design of electro-mechanical actuator for medium sized helicopter and a test platform for its testing and verification

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    This paper presents the design of an electro-mechanical actuator that is used for actuation of a medium sized helicopter. The designed actuator consists of a commercially available electro-mechanical cylinder EMC40 from Rexroth Bosch and a brushless DC motor EC45 from maxon motor. Cylinder and the motor are connected by a custom-made gearbox, which allows for their parallel axial mount. In addition to the actuator, the paper describes a test platform that can be used to emulate the forces generated by an actual helicopter. Designed test platform consists of a torsional spring and an AC motor with excentre. Frequency regulator is used to achieve the desired frequency of the force. Experimental results obtained by testing the designed actuator on the test platform are also given in the paper


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    We report a case of a rare complication: aortic pseudoaneurysm rupture after embolization of an intracranial aneurysm in a 62 –year- old patient with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage, presented with chest pain and shortness of breath the fourth day after the procedure. The intracranial aneurysm was embolized with no intraoperative complications, and a postprocedural CT (computed tomography) scan showed no signs of intracranial rebleeding, ischemic lesions, or hydrocephalus. Cardiosurgical treatment was not indicated for the aortic pseudoaneurysm rupture

    Poređenje resorptivnih membrana u vođenoj koštanoj regeneraciji humanog i bovinog porekla

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    The properties of membranes for guided bone regeneration have been described by a number of authors. These involve biocompatibility, appropriate barrier features (mechanical prevention of soft tissue proliferation), tissue integration, immunologic neutrality, preservation of the space for new alveolar bone, and simplicity of application. Such membrane must hold out against the masticatory forces and tissue tension of the flap, and prevent the collapse of soft tissues and wound space reduction. The property of integration into the tissue guarantees wound stabilization and inhibits epithelial migration. The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate the influence of human resorbable demineralized membrane (RHDM) and bovine resorbable demineralized membrane (RBDM) on bone regeneration. The experiment, approved by the Ethical Committee, was performed on six dogs and conducted into three phases. Bone defects were created in all six dogs on the left side of the mandible, 8 weeks after extraction of the second, third and fourth premolar. One defect was covered with 200 μm thick RHDM, one with 200 μm thick RBDM, and the third defect was left empty (control defect). The pathohistological analysis was done two, four and six months after the surgery. In the third phase samples of bone tissue were taken and subjected to patohistological analysis. In all six dogs the defects treated with RHDM 200μm thick showed a higher level of bone regeneration in comparison with the defect treated with RBDM 200 μm thick and especially with the control defect. Our results demonstrated that the human membrane showed the least soft tissue ingrowth and promoted better bone formation at 6 months compared with a bovine one.Svojstva membrane za vođenu koštanu regeneraciju opisali su brojni autori. Ona uključuju biokompatibilnost, odgovarajuću barijernu moć (mehaničko sprečavanje proliferacije mekog tkiva), tkivnu integraciju, imunološku inertnost, očuvanje prostora za novu alveolarnu kost i jednostavnost primene. Membrana mora da izdrži sile žvakanja i tkivne tenzije režnja, da spreči kolaps mekih tkiva i smanjenje prostora rane. Svojstvo tkivne integracije omogućava stabilizaciju rane i inhibiciju epitelne migracije. Cilj studije je bio da ispita uticaj humane resorptivne demineralizovane membrane (RHDM) i bovine resorptivne demineralizovane membrane (RBDM) na koštanu regeneraciju i da ih međusobno uporedi. Eksperimentalna studija rađena na 6 pasa rase nemački ovčar, sprovedena je u tri faze. U prvoj fazi izvršena je ekstrakcija drugog, trećeg i četvrtog premolara sa leve strane. Osam nedelja nakon ekstrakcije, formirana su tri defekta na levoj strani mandibule i prekrivena humanom membranom debljine 200μm, bovinom membranom debljine 200 μm a treći defekt je ostavljen prazan (kontrolni defekt). Patohistološka analiza rađena je nakon dva, četiri i šest meseci posle hirurške intervencije. U trećoj fazi uzorci koštanog tkiva podvrgnuti su patohistološkoj analizi. Kod svih 6 pasa, defekti prekriveni humanom membranom debljine 200 μm, pokazali su patohistološkom analizom znatno veći stepen koštane regeneracije u poređenju sa defektima prekrivenim sa bovinom membranom i naročito sa kontrolnim defektom. Naši rezultati su pokazali da je humana membrana pokazala najmanje prorastanje mekim tkivom i bolju koštanu regeneraciju nakon 6 meseci u poređenju sa bovinom

    Numerical study of transient three-dimensional heat conduction problem with a moving heat source

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    A numerical study of transient three-dimensional heat conduction problem with a moving source is presented. For numerical solution Douglas-Gunn alternating direction implicit method is applied and for the moving heat source flux distribution Gaussian function is used. An influence on numerical solution of input parameters figuring in flux boundary conditions is examined. This include parameters appearing in Gaussian function and heat transfer coefficient from free convection boundaries. Sensitivity of cooling time from 800 to 500°C with respect to input parameters is also tested