9,153 research outputs found

    The influence of emotional reaction on help seeking by victims of school bullying

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    Research has started to focus on how victims of school bullying cope, but there is still very little understanding if why pupils cope in one way and not another. This paper aimed to examine the effects of gender, school-stage, frequency of victimization and different emotions (anger, vengeance, self-pity, indifference, and helplessness) upon the choice of social support that children report using. Questionnaires were completed by 6282 Maltese schoolchildren aged between 9 and 14 years old. Analyses revealed that specific patterns of emotion and victimization predict whether pupils report using certain sources of social support. Results are discussed in relation to their relevance for possible intervention, future research needs and implications for the theoretical framework used

    Artificial reef for artisanal fisheries enhancement - an attempt off Trivandrum coast

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    Several demersal fishes arc found to congregate in the vicinity of submerged objects such as reefs, logs, ship-wrecks and rock out-crops where plants and bcnthic animals flourish than in areas where the bottom is flat and barren. These communities serve as food for larger predators. Submerged objects may, at times, provide shelter and even spawning locations for manya- fish. Underwater observations made by divers while retrieving portions of submerged vessels also report that such habitats harbour considerable concentration of fishe

    Artificial reef for artisanal fisheries enhancement - An attempt off Trivandrum coast

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    Reefs were constructed mostly in the sandy region at a depth varying from 5 to 27m. Granite stones of varying sizes were put first on the site selected for the reef construction so as to form a circular or rectangular ridge. Eventhough fishing was done throughout the year in the neighbouring areas, in the reef environment, it is done only during the calm season between November and April. Tthe landing during 1987-'88 from the reef environment was only 59.0 tonnes. A drastic reduction in the landing from the reef environment could be noted during the subsequent year, ie., 1988-'89, with a total of 24.2 tonnes. The percentage contribution of fishes from the artificial reef environment dwindled to 3.6 from 8.5. Fishes like Decapterus dayi, Carangoides plagiotaenia, Priacanthus hamrur, Sphyraena sp. Rastrelliger kanagurta and Nemipterus spp. dominated the catch of the reef region. From the present study the general guidelines for the placement of artificial reefs are suggested

    Solar wind data from the MIT plasma experiments on Pioneer 6 and Pioneer 7

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    Hourly averages are presented of solar wind proton parameters obtained from experiments on the Pioneer 6 and Pioneer 7 spacecraft during the period December 16, 1965 to August 1971. The number of data points available on a given day depends upon the spacecraft-earth distance, the telemetry bit rate, and the ground tracking time allotted to each spacecraft. Thus, the data obtained earlier in the life of each spacecraft are more complete. The solar wind parameters are given in the form of plots and listings. Trajectory information is also given along with a detailed description of the analysis procedures used to extract plasma parameters from the measured data

    Stress appraisal, coping, and work engagement among police recruits: an exploratory study.

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    This study investigated the influence of stress appraisal and coping on work engagement levels (Absorption, Vigour, and Dedication) of police recruits. Participants were 387 men, ages 20 to 33 yr. (M = 24.1, SD = 2.4), in their last month of academy training before becoming police officers. Partially in support of predictions, work engagement was associated with Stressor control perceived, but not Stress intensity experienced over a self-selected stressor. Although the three dimensions of work engagement were explained by Stressor control and coping, Absorption was the dimension better explained by these variables. Police recruits reporting higher Absorption, Vigour, and Dedication reported using more Active coping and less Behavioural disengagement. Results showed that stress appraisal and coping are important variables influencing work engagement among police recruits. Findings suggested that future applied interventions fostering work engagement among police recruits should reinforce perceptions of control over a stressor as well as Active coping strategies

    Perceptions of South African academic instructors toward the teaching and learning of anatomy

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    Background: Reflecting on teaching is commonly cited as a fundamental practice for personal and professional development. Educational research into the scholarship of teaching and learning anatomy includes engaging in discipline specific literature on teaching, reflecting on individual teaching methods and communicating these findings to peers. The aim of this paper was to formally assess the opinions of senior anatomy instructors regarding the state of anatomical knowledge at their respective institutions. Materials and methods: An open-ended questionnaire was devised consisting of eight direct questions seeking opinions on anatomy teaching, knowledge, potential educational developments and general thoughts on the teaching of anatomy to medical students. These were distributed to senior Anatomy Faculty (identified by the author by their affiliation with the Anatomical Society of Southern Africa) based at the eight national medical schools within the country. Results and Conclusions: A number of key themes emerged. Most senior faculty felt that the standard of medical education at their respective institutions was “good.” However, emphasis was also placed on the “quality of teaching” incorporating clinical scenarios. There were also indications that staff are split into those that are keen to do research and those that are happy to provide teaching to medical students as their primary function. Several challenges such as time constraints within the curricula, lack of cadavers to reinforce knowledge and lack of appropriately qualified staff were highlighted. Recommendations included fostering partnerships with both clinicians and medical scientists into the anatomy curriculum thus improving teaching and research

    Reflective journals: unmasking student perceptions of anatomical education

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    Background: In medical education, reflection has been considered to be a core skill in professional competence. The anatomy laboratory is an ideal setting for faculty/ student interaction and provides invaluable opportunities for active learning and reflection on anatomical knowledge. Materials and methods: This study was designed to record student attitudes regarding human cadaveric dissection, explore their experiences of anatomy through an analysis of their journal-reflective writings and determine whether this type of creative writing had a beneficial effect on those students who chose to complete them. A total of 75 journals from Medical and Allied Health Science students were collected and analysed. Results: Results were categorised according to the following themes: (i) Dissecting room stressors (27.6%); (ii) Educational value of dissection (26.3%); (iii) Appreciation, Gratitude, Respect and Curiosity for the cadaver (18.9%); (iv) Positive and negative sentiments expressed in the dissecting room (25.8%); (v) Benefit of alternate teaching modalities (4.6%); (vi) Spirituality/Religious Beliefs (3.7%); (vii) Shared humanity and emotional bonds (3.69%); (viii) Acknowledgement of human anatomical variations (3.2%); (ix) Beauty and complexity of the human body (1.8%) and (x) Psychological detachment (0.9%). Students appreciated the opportunity to share their emotions and reflect on the humanistic dimension of anatomy as a subject. Student reflections illustrated clearly their thoughts and some of the difficult issues with which they wrestled. Conclusions: The anatomy laboratory is seen as the budding clinician’s first encounter with a patient, albeit a cadaver. This was the first time that reflective journals were given to students in the discipline. Reflective journals allow students to express themselves in an open-ended and creative fashion. It also assists students to integrate anatomy and clinical medicine and assists in applying their basic anatomical knowledge in an authentic, yet safe environmen

    विषिंजम में टूयूना मत्स्यन के लिए जीवंत चारा मछली की उपलब्धता

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    Process evaluation for stressor reduction interventions in sport

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    Stressor reduction interventions may have the potential to improve the well-being of those involved in sport. Organizational psychologists have used these primary interventions in various performance domains. The authors describe the stressor reduction design and implementation processes, and the contexts in which they occur, that impact on these interventions. The authors then examine how process evaluation methods can be applied during stressor reduction in sport settings. Process evaluation requires the frequent collection of data about intervention experiences and events from multiple sources using a mixed-methods approach. The article contains practical recommendations for sport psychologists who implement stressor reduction interventions

    The Present status of our knowledge on the lesser sardines of Indian waters

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    The results of research carried out at Waltair, Mandapam. Tuticorin and Vizhinjam and another centres on the lesser sardines over the past up till 1978 are reviewed in detail. In the twentyyear period from 1958 to 1978 there was an increasing trend of production of these fishes along the different coasts of India, the average annual landings nearly doubling from 36,000 t in 1958-67 to 70,000 t in 1968-78. The bulk of the catches came from Tamil Nadu, including Pondicherry, (32.6%), Kerala (32.2%) and Andhra Pradesh (26.5%)- Fishing was mostly by the labour-intensive traditional methods in close-shore waters, better catches coming from 30-55 m depths. Shore seines, boat seines and gill nets were the principal gears employed in the fishery though gill nets were the most effective