5,051 research outputs found

    Stream dynamics between 1 AU and 2 AU: A detailed comparison of observations and theory

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    A radial alignment of three solar wind stream structures observed by IMP-7 and -8 (at 1.0 AU) and Voyager 1 and 2 (in the range 1.4 to 1.8 AU) in late 1977 is presented. It is demonstrated that several important aspects of the observed dynamical evolution can be both qualitatively and quantitatively described with a single-fluid 2-D MHD numerical model of quasi-steady corotating flow, including accurate prediction of: (1) the formation of a corotating shock pair at 1.75 AU in the case of a simple, quasi-steady stream; (2) the coalescence of the thermodynamic and magnetic structures associated with the compression regions of two neighboring, interacting, corotating streams; and (3) the dynamical destruction of a small (i.e., low velocity-amplitude, short spatial-scale) stream by its overtaking of a slower moving, high-density region associated with a preceding transient flow. The evolution of these flow systems is discussed in terms of the concepts of filtering and entrainment

    Interplanetary flow systems associated with cosmic ray modulation in 1977 - 1980

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    The hydromagnetic flow configurations associated with cosmic ray modulation in 1977 to 1980 were determined using solar wind plasma and magnetic field data from Voyagers 1 and 2 and Helios 1. The modulation was related to two types of large scale systems of flows: one containing a number of transients such as shocks, post shock flows and magnetic clouds; the other consisting primarily of a series of quasi-stationary flows following interaction regions containing a stream interface and often bounded by a forward reverse shock pair. Each of the three major episodes of cosmic ray modulation was characterized by the passage of the system of transient flows. Plateaus in the cosmic ray intensity time profile were associated with the passage of systems of corotating streams

    Charting self-esteem during marital dissolution.

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    ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to chart changes in self-esteem before and after marital dissolution to identify the factors that shape individuals' self-esteem during this life transition.MethodWe analyzed 10 annual waves of self-esteem data from 291 divorcees from a nationally representative panel study of the Netherlands (N ~ 13,000). We charted the course of self-esteem before and after marital dissolution and tested a broad set of moderator variables that may shape individuals' self-esteem trajectories.ResultsThe average divorcee experienced significant decrease in self-esteem preceding marital dissolution and remained stable afterward. There were substantial individual differences in self-esteem trajectories, both before and after marital separation. Divorcees who experienced financial hardship, were affiliated with a church or religion, or scored low in Conscientiousness showed the most pronounced decrease in self-esteem during the years approaching marital dissolution.ConclusionThis study highlights the importance of assessing people multiple times before and after marital dissolution to dissect how people approach and respond to this life event. Results are consistent with perspectives that view divorce as an opportunity to abate the strains of an unhappy marriage

    Gyrofluid simulations of collisionless reconnection in the presence of diamagnetic effects

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    The effects of the ion Larmor radius on magnetic reconnection are investigated by means of numerical simulations, with a Hamiltonian gyrofluid model. In the linear regime, it is found that ion diamagnetic effects decrease the growth rate of the dominant mode. Increasing ion temperature tends to make the magnetic islands propagate in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. In the nonlinear regime, diamagnetic effects reduce the final width of the island. Unlike the electron density, the guiding center density does not tend to distribute along separatrices and at high ion temperature, the electrostatic potential exhibits the superposition of a small scale structure, related to the electron density, and a large scale structure, related to the ion guiding-center density

    Goitre and Iodine Deficiency in Europe

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    The prevalence of endemic iodine-deficiency goitre in Europe has been reduced in many areas by the introduction of iodination programmes. Recent reports, however, show that goitre remains a significant problem and that its prevalence has not decreased in a number of European countries. Hetzel1 has pointed out that the high global prevalence of iodine-deficiency disorders could be eradicated within 5-10 years by introduction of an iodised salt programme. The current World Health Organisation recommendations for iodine intake are between 150 and 300 μg/da

    Gyrofluid simulations of collisionless reconnection in the presence of diamagnetic effects

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    The effects of the ion Larmor radius on magnetic reconnection are investigated by means of numerical simulations, with a Hamiltonian gyrofluid model. In the linear regime, it is found that ion diamagnetic effects decrease the growth rate of the dominant mode. Increasing ion temperature tends to make the magnetic islands propagate in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. In the nonlinear regime, diamagnetic effects reduce the final width of the island. Unlike the electron density, the guiding center density does not tend to distribute along separatrices and at high ion temperature, the electrostatic potential exhibits the superposition of a small scale structure, related to the electron density, and a large scale structure, related to the ion guiding-center density

    Gyrofluid simulations of collisionless reconnection in the presence of diamagnetic effects

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    The effects of the ion Larmor radius on magnetic reconnection are investigated by means of numerical simulations, with a Hamiltonian gyrofluid model. In the linear regime, it is found that ion diamagnetic effects decrease the growth rate of the dominant mode. Increasing ion temperature tends to make the magnetic islands propagate in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. In the nonlinear regime, diamagnetic effects reduce the final width of the island. Unlike the electron density, the guiding center density does not tend to distribute along separatrices and at high ion temperature, the electrostatic potential exhibits the superposition of a small scale structure, related to the electron density, and a large scale structure, related to the ion guiding-center density

    Failure mechanisms and surface roughness statistics of fractured Fontainebleau sandstone

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    In an effort to investigate the link between failure mechanisms and the geometry of fractures of compacted grains materials, a detailed statistical analysis of the surfaces of fractured Fontainebleau sandstones has been achieved. The roughness of samples of different widths W is shown to be self affine with an exponent zeta=0.46 +- 0.05 over a range of length scales ranging from the grain size d up to an upper cut-off length \xi = 0.15 W. This low zeta value is in agreement with measurements on other sandstones and on sintered materials. The probability distributions P(delta z,delta h) of the variations of height over different distances delta z > d can be collapsed onto a single Gaussian distribution with a suitable normalisation and do not display multifractal features. The roughness amplitude, as characterized by the height-height correlation over fixed distances delta z, does not depend on the sample width, implying that no anomalous scaling of the type reported for other materials is present. It is suggested, in agreement with recent theoretical work, to explain these results by the occurence of brittle fracture (instead of damage failure in materials displaying a higher value of zeta = 0.8).Comment: 7 page

    The GREAT triggerless total data readout method

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    Recoil decay tagging (RDT) is a very powerful method for the spectroscopy of exotic nuclei. RDT is a delayed coincidence technique between detectors usually at the target position and at the focal plane of a spectrometer. Such measurements are often limited by dead time. This paper describes a novel triggerless data acquisition method, which is being developed for the Gamma Recoil Electron Alpha Tagging (GREAT) spectrometer, that overcomes this limitation by virtually eliminating dead time. Our solution is a total data readout (TDR) method where all channels run independently and are associated in software to reconstruct events. The TDR method allows all the data from both target position and focal plane to be collected with practically no dead-time losses. Each data word is associated with a timestamp generated from a global 100-MHz clock. Events are then reconstructed in real time in the event builder using temporal and spatial associations defined by the physics of the experimen
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