168 research outputs found


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    Hierbas, subarbustos o arbustos. Hojas simples, opuestas o alternas, sin estípulas. Inflorescencia elemental cimosa, reunida en panojas o pseudoespigas. Flores perfectas o menos frecuente imperfectas, actinomorfas, pequeñas, inconspicuas, con 1 bráctea y 2 bractéolas. Perigonio (2-4-) 5, generalmente libre, papiráceo o escarioso. Estambres (2-4-) 5 epitépalos; filamentos libres o soldados formando una cúpula, en la cual se encuentran a veces pseudoestaminodios que alternan con los estambres; anteras dorsifijas, monotecas o ditecas de dehiscencia longitudinal. Ovario súpero, 1-3-carpelar, 1-locular, 1 ovulo campilótropo de placentación basal (multiovulado en la Tribu Celosieae), estilo simple o nulo; estigma capitado, 2-3-lobado o partido. Fruto generalmente seco, monospermo, indehiscente o dehiscente. Semilla 1, raro más, lenticular o subglobosa, a veces con arilo; embrión curvo, endosperma harinoso

    Propuesta de un plan de seguridad y salud ocupacional para la disminución de riesgos y peligros basado en la Ley N°29783 en la empresa Indusol, Concepción 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación como objetivo principal tuvo el desarrollar una propuesta de un plan de seguridad y salud ocupacional para la disminución de riesgos y peligros basado en la Ley N°29783 en la empresa Indusol, concepción 2020, dicho plan de seguridad y salud en el trabajo deberá de cumplir con todos los parámetros establecidos en la ley de este modo la empresa reduzca su nivel de riesgo laboral. El método de la investigación es científico a lo largo del desarrollo se utilizó distintas informaciones para el desarrollo de ello. Así mismo la investigación tiene un diseño no experimental debido a que solo se recaudó datos de la empresa para después seguir con el diagnóstico y la propuesta del plan de seguridad. Como la población de la investigación también es un número reducido solo se empleó un muestreo intencional de esta manera se obtuvo datos más exactos

    Brazilian woods in Portuguese xylarium / Madeiras brasileiras em xilotecas portuguesas

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    The geographical origin of the wood samples in xylotheques (xylaria, wood collections) are part of the history of knowledge on the biodiversity of a given region. Portugal was the colonizer of Brazil and the transport of wood from the 16th century onwards played a significant part in the relationship of the two countries. This prompted the present study which has the following aims; to survey existing Portuguese xylotheques, identify their samples of Brazilian woods and thus contribute to future studies concerning the origin and distribution of species of Brazil's tropical forests, analyse and characterise the different kinds of wood collection surveyed, as well as identify some woods described by means of data obtained from interviews. Sixteen xylotheques were identified and investigated in Portugal and a survey of the Brazilian species contained in them was carried out. These xylotheques were of qualitatively different types: scientific, technological, expository or historical. It was also observed that the concept of a xylarium in Portugal varies from a simple collection of wood samples in cabinet or a box, to a physical space of larger dimensions reserved specifically for the storage of samples or collections. A total of 3,126 Brazilian wood samples were found. Despite the many expeditions carried out from the 16th century and the numerous shipments of woods sent from Brazil to Portugal, especially from the 18th century onwards, no samples derived from them were identified except in historical xylarium. Instead it was found that most Brazilian samples had been obtained through donations and exchange with Brazilian institutions. In contrast, the African wood samples had been obtained by expeditions undertaken by Portuguese institutions from the 20th century onwards. This can be explained by the emergence only in that century of specialized laboratories. By then it had been recognized in Portugal that due to the increase in global consumption of wood, there was a need to develop technological and scientific expertise on such a valuable resource, and consequently in 1948 the Board of Overseas Scientific Investigations decided to set up the Laboratory of Wood Histology and Technology, with well-defined objectives.

    Rapid real-time PCR detection of Listeria monocytogenes in enriched food samples based on the ssrA gene, a novel diagnostic target

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    A real-time PCR assay was designed to detect a 162-bp fragment of the ssrA gene in Listeria monocytogenes. The specificity of the assay for L. monocytogenes was confirmed against a panel of 6 Listeria species and 26 other bacterial species. A detection limit of 1-10 genome equivalents was determined for the assay. Application of the assay in natural and artificially contaminated culture enriched foods, including soft cheese, meat, milk, vegetables and fish, enabled detection of 1-5 CFU L. monocytogenes per 25g/ml of food sample in 30h. The performance of the assay was compared with the Roche Diagnostics 'LightCycler foodproof Listeria monocytogenes Detection Kit'. Both methods detected L. monocytogenes in all artificially contaminated retail samples (n=27) and L. monocytogenes was not detected by either system in 27 natural retail food samples. The method developed in this study has the potential to enable the specific detection of L. monocytogenes in a variety of food types in a time-frame considerably faster than current standard methods. The potential of the ssrA gene as a nucleic acid diagnostic (NAD) target has been demonstrated in L. monocytogenes. We are currently developing NAD tests based on the ssrA gene for a range of common foodborne and clinically relevant bacterial pathogens

    Transporte de madeiras brasileiras para Portugal nos séculos XVIII E XIX / Transportation of brazilian wood to Portugal in the 18th and 19th centuries

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    O transporte de madeiras do Brasil colônia para Portugal teve início no século XVI e se estendeu até o século XIX. Este tema é escasso em livros e artigos de ciências.  Poucos autores, como Gabriel Soares, tratam desse assunto, trazendo contribuições importantes para a história brasileira. Somando-se a isso, esse trabalho apresenta grande relevância para a comunidade botânica, pois se trata do conhecimento sobre as madeiras que foram transportadas para Portugal. Objetivou-se realizar pesquisas em documentos de ordens de embarque das madeiras brasileiras para Portugal, analisar as entrevistas que foram feitas com coordenadores e curadores de museus, universidades e outros locais de guarda, naquele País, a fim de se obter a contextualização histórica, conceitos, evolução e tipos de transportes de madeiras utilizados, bem como as principais espécies transportadas. Além disso, apresentar uma breve relação do produto transportado e a evolução do transporte que conduziu este material. Esses documentos trouxeram alguns conceitos de transporte de madeira, que vai desde o transporte marítimo até o rodoviário, sendo este o mais atual. A evolução dos transportes associada com a necessidade de cada produto enviado demonstra que, foram desde barcas, seguidos de barcaça, barinel, bergalim, bigue e etc. Porém, os mais relevantes para o transporte de madeiras foram: caravelas, fragatas e principalmente as naus, que hoje foram substituídas pelos navios a hélice. As embarcações foram construídas com peças a partir de madeiras de: Bowdichia virgilioides Kunth. (sucupira), Bagassa guianensis Aubl. (tatauba), Lecythis pisonis Cambess. (sapucaia), Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) G.Nichols. (pau-d´arco), Paubrasilia echinata Lam. (pau-brasil), Aspidosperma polyneuron Müll. Arg. (peroba), dentre outras. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar a evolução dos transportes e as espécies que foram transportadas do Brasil para Portugal, contribuindo com a perspectiva de dirimir as dúvidas existentes há mais de dois séculos a respeito das madeiras exportadas. Além disso, esta pesquisa permitiu a produção de um glossário relacionando o tipo de madeira com as respectivas partes das embarcações. Trabalhos realizados nesta linha, com interesse nas madeiras e sua identidade histórica e atual, são escassos e significam uma riqueza para a história da ciência botânic

    External Validation of SAFE Score to Predict Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis after Ischemic Stroke: A Retrospective Multicenter Study

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    Diagnóstico; Fibrilación auricular; Ictus isquémicoDiagnòstic; Fibril·lació auricular; Ictus isquèmicDiagnosis; Atrial fibrillation; Ischemic strokeIntroduction: The screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) scale (SAFE score) was recently developed to provide a prediction of the diagnosis of AF after an ischemic stroke. It includes 7 items: age ≥ 65 years, bronchopathy, thyroid disease, cortical location of stroke, intracranial large vessel occlusion, NT-ProBNP ≥250 pg/mL, and left atrial enlargement. In the internal validation, a good performance was obtained, with an AUC = 0.88 (95% CI 0.84-0.91) and sensitivity and specificity of 83% and 80%, respectively, for scores ≥ 5. The aim of this study is the external validation of the SAFE score in a multicenter cohort. Methods: A retrospective multicenter study, including consecutive patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack between 2020 and 2022 with at least 24 hours of cardiac monitoring. Patients with previous AF or AF diagnosed on admission ECG were excluded. Results: Overall, 395 patients were recruited for analysis. The SAFE score obtained an AUC = 0.822 (95% CI 0.778-0.866) with a sensitivity of 87.2%, a specificity of 65.4%, a positive predictive value of 44.1%, and a negative predictive value of 94.3% for a SAFE score ≥ 5, with no significant gender differences. Calibration analysis in the external cohort showed an absence of significant differences between the observed values and those predicted by the model (Hosmer-Lemeshow's test 0.089). Conclusions: The SAFE score showed adequate discriminative ability and calibration, so its external validation is justified. Further validations in other external cohorts or specific subpopulations of stroke patients might be required.We acknowledge FIBAO (Biomedical Research Foundation) and Adrián Aparicio Mota for their assistance with statistical analysis. Adrián Aparicio (a FIBAO statistician) analyzed the collected data. The project was the winner of the IV research grant “STROKE PROJECT 2020” from the Spanish Society of Neurology

    Conceptos de biocatálisis de lignocelulosa desde un enfoque de ingeniería de procesos y sistemas: una revisión.

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    La biomasa lignocelulósica es reconocida como materia prima renovable y abundante en el planeta y útil en plataformas de procesamiento para la producción de biocombustibles y/o biomoléculas de alto valor agregado. Este tipo de proceso de producción integrado es llamado “biorrefinería” y es intensamente estudiado debido a que su implementación todavía es obstaculizada por factores como el consumo energético en las etapas de pretratamiento, la carencia de una comprensión profunda de la sinergia de las enzimas celulasas, y la dificultad de estandarización de los procesos de conversión dada la variabilidad de materias primas y escalas de aplicación. Así, este trabajo propone una revisión global de los tópicos anteriormente mencionados asociados a los fundamentos de la composición y características de la lignocelulosa, así como ejemplos de moléculas derivadas significativas por su valor comercial. Desde esta perspectiva se propone hacer una colección de conocimientos necesarios para el entendimiento de las plataformas de procesamiento de la biomasa y la valorización de biomoléculas derivadas mediante herramientas de la Ingeniería de Procesos y Sistemas que permitan la identificación de rutas tecnológicas de base biológica sostenibles, rentables y flexibles.Lignocellulosic biomass is recognized as a renewable and abundant raw material on the planet in processing platforms to produce biofuels and/or high value-added biomolecules. This type of integrated production process is called "biorefinery" and is intensively studied because its implementation is still hampered by factors such as energy consumption in the pretreatment stages, the lack of a deep understanding of the synergy of cellulase enzymes, and the difficulty of standardization of conversion processes given the variability of feedstocks and scales of application. Thus, this work proposes a global review of the aforementioned topics associated with the fundamentals of lignocellulose composition and characteristics, as well as examples of important derived molecules for their commercial value. From this perspective, a collection of knowledge necessary for the understanding of biomass processing platforms and the valorization of derived biomolecules is proposed using Process and Systems Engineering tools that allow the identification of sustainable, cost-effective and flexible bio-based technological routes

    Página web del grupo bilingüe de la Facultad de Educación para la enseñanza de las ciencias: elaboración, explotación y juicio crítico de los estudiantes de cara a la internacionalización de la docencia

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    Elaboración de una página web con material didáctico de Ciencias para el grupo bilingüe de Educación, que además sirve para ofrecer información para estudiantes que pudieran estar interesados en formar parte del grupo, incluyendo estudiantes extranjeros

    Habilidades sociales para las nuevas organizaciones

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    Las habilidades sociales han aumentado su importancia en las nuevas organizaciones. En el artículo se exponen algunos de los actuales contextos que requieren un aumento de los recursos interactivos y relacionales por parte de los trabajadores. En primer lugar, el rápido e imprevisible cambio interactivo de las organizaciones obliga al aumento de las competencias técnicas y las habilidades sociales. Asimismo, las nuevas tecnologías, la importancia de los equipos y la toma de decisiones colectiva han aumentado haciendo necesaria y compleja la competencia y habilidad para comunicarse. Por otra parte, los planteamientos actuales de la salud organizacional y las organizaciones saludables señalan las habilidades sociales como mecanismos imprescindibles. En esta línea, el dinamismo competitivo de las organizaciones ha creado multitud de contextos que pueden actuar como factores de riesgo para la salud de los trabajadores y la organización. En este marco, las habilidades sociales actúan como factores de recuperación y equilibrio. Finalmente, las nuevas organizaciones se caracterizan por su virtualidad, interculturalidad y globalidad haciendo necesario el desarrollo y aprendizaje de nuevas habilidades sociales.Social skills are becoming increasingly important for new organizations. This article presents some present-day contexts that require stronger interactive and relational resources from workers. The first is the rapid and unpredictable interactive change in organizations that demand enhanced technical competences and social skills. Likewise, new technologies, the importance of teams and collective decision making have continued to expand and have made the competence and the ability to communicate more necessary and complex. Besides, in current approaches to organizational health and healthy organizations, social skills constitute essential mechanisms. Moreover, the competitive dynamics present in organizations has created a multitude of contexts that can act as risk factors for the health of workers and organizations. In this situation, social skills have served as factors promoting balance and recovery. Finally, new organizations are characterized by their intercultural, global, and virtual nature, which makes it necessary to develop and learn new social skills

    Heterogeneity and Clonal Evolution of Acquired PARP Inhibitor Resistance in TP53- and BRCA1-Deficient Cells

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    Homologous recombination (HR)-deficient cancers are sensitive to poly- ADP ribose polymerase inhibitors (PARPi), which have shown clinical efficacy in the treatment of high-grade serous cancers (HGSC). However, the majority of patients will relapse, and acquired PARPi resistance is emerging as a pressing clinical problem. Here we generated seven single-cell clones with acquired PARPi resistance derived from a PARPi-sensitive TP53(-/-) and BRCA1(-/-) epithelial cell line generated using CRISPR/Cas9. These clones showed diverse resistance mechanisms, and some clones presented with multiple mechanisms of resistance at the same time. Genomic analysis of the clones revealed unique transcriptional and mutational profiles and increased genomic instability in comparison with a PARPi-sensitive cell line. Clonal evolutionary analyses suggested that acquired PARPi resistance arose via clonal selection from an intrinsically unstable and heterogenous cell population in the sensitive cell line, which contained preexisting drug-tolerant cells. Similarly, clonal and spatial heterogeneity in tumor biopsies from a clinical patient with BRCA1-mutant HGSC with acquired PARPi resistance was observed. In an imaging-based drug screening, the clones showed heterogenous responses to targeted therapeutic agents, indicating that not all PARPi-resistant clones can be targeted with just one therapy. Furthermore, PARPi-resistant clones showed mechanism-dependent vulnerabilities to the selected agents, demonstrating that a deeper understanding on the mechanisms of resistance could lead to improved targeting and biomarkers for HGSC with acquired PARPi resistance. Significance: This study shows that BRCA1-deficient cells can give rise to multiple genomically and functionally heterogenous PARPi-resistant clones, which are associated with various vulnerabilities that can be targeted in a mechanism-specific manner.Peer reviewe