770 research outputs found

    Exact arithmetic as a tool for convergence assessment of the IRM-CG method

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    Using exact computer arithmetic, it is possible to determine the (exact) solution of a numerical model without rounding error. For such purposes, a corresponding system of equations should be exactly defined, either directly or by rationalisation of numerically given input data. In the latter case there is an initial round off error, but this does not propagate during the solution process. If this system is first exactly solved, then by the floating-point arithmetic, convergence of the numerical method is easily followed. As one example, IRM-CG, a special case of the more general Iterated Ritz method and interesting replacement for a standard or preconditioned CG, is verified. Further, because the computer demands and execution time grow enourmously with the number of unknowns using this strategy, the possibilities for larger systems are also provided.Comment: 12 page

    MicroRNA-222 regulates muscle alternative splicing through Rbm24 during differentiation of skeletal muscle cells

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    A number of microRNAs have been shown to regulate skeletal muscle development and differentiation. MicroRNA-222 is downregulated during myogenic differentiation and its overexpression leads to alteration of muscle differentiation process and specialized structures. By using RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) pulldown followed by RNA sequencing, combined with in silico microRNA target prediction, we have identified two new targets of microRNA-222 involved in the regulation of myogenic differentiation, Ahnak and Rbm24. Specifically, the RNA-binding protein Rbm24 is a major regulator of muscle-specific alternative splicing and its downregulation by microRNA-222 results in defective exon inclusion impairing the production of muscle-specific isoforms of Coro6, Fxr1 and NACA transcripts. Reconstitution of normal levels of Rbm24 in cells overexpressing microRNA-222 rescues muscle-specific splicing. In conclusion, we have identified a new function of microRNA-222 leading to alteration of myogenic differentiation at the level of alternative splicing, and we provide evidence that this effect is mediated by Rbm24 protei

    Optimization of the Asymptotic Property of Mutual Learning Involving an Integration Mechanism of Ensemble Learning

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    We propose an optimization method of mutual learning which converges into the identical state of optimum ensemble learning within the framework of on-line learning, and have analyzed its asymptotic property through the statistical mechanics method.The proposed model consists of two learning steps: two students independently learn from a teacher, and then the students learn from each other through the mutual learning. In mutual learning, students learn from each other and the generalization error is improved even if the teacher has not taken part in the mutual learning. However, in the case of different initial overlaps(direction cosine) between teacher and students, a student with a larger initial overlap tends to have a larger generalization error than that of before the mutual learning. To overcome this problem, our proposed optimization method of mutual learning optimizes the step sizes of two students to minimize the asymptotic property of the generalization error. Consequently, the optimized mutual learning converges to a generalization error identical to that of the optimal ensemble learning. In addition, we show the relationship between the optimum step size of the mutual learning and the integration mechanism of the ensemble learning.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Journal of Physical Society of Japa

    Micorrización de plantulas en contendor de Pinus nigra con Suillus granulates bajo condiciones de campo

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    Seedling mycorrhization acts as an efficient tool for improving the quality of seedlings. In this study, the effectiveness of Suillus granulatus, originating from Pinus heldreichii forests (Montenegro), to produce containerized ectomycorrhizal seedlings of autochthonous Pinus nigra in open field conditions was investigated. Spore (106, 107, 108) and vegetative (1:16, 1:8, 1:4) inoculation on ectomycorrhizal formation and seedling growth were tested. Spore and vegetative inoculums of autochthonous Pisolithus arhizus were used in the same trial as additional control treatments. The utilization of vegetative and spore inoculums of autochthonous S. granulatus has proven to be an effective method of obtaining containerized ectomycorrhizal P. nigra seedlings under open field conditions after 11 months. S. granulatus spore inoculations resulted in well developed ectomycorrhiza, decreasing the growth of the P. nigra seedlings in the first growing season. Mycelial inoculations resulted in slightly developed S. granulatus ectomycorrhiza, which increased the growth of the seedlings. Therefore, it would be feasible to use spore inocula of S. granulatus, with 106 spores per plant, to produce ectomycorrhizal P. nigra plants on a large scale. Controlled mycorrhizal inoculation of seedlings is not a common practice in Montenegrin and Serbian nurseries; as such, the obtained results will contribute to the enhancement of nursery production of Pinus nigra and other conifers. This also could be assumed as a starting point for many further efforts and investigations with autochthonous fungal and plant material in this region.La micorrización de plántulas actúa como una herramienta eficaz para la mejora de la calidad de los brinzales. En este estudio se investiga la eficacia de Suillus granulatus, procedentes de bosques de Pinus heldreichii (Montenegro), para producir plántulas ectomicorrícicas en contenedores de Pinus nigra autóctonos en condiciones de campo. Se ensayaron inoculacion por esporas (106, 107, 108) y vegetativa (1:16, 1:8, 1:4) para la formación ectomicorrízica y el crecimiento de las plántulas. Se utilizó inóculo de esporas y vegetativo de Pisolithus arhizus autóctonos en el mismo ensayo como tratamiento control. La utilización de inóculos vegetativos y esporas de S. granulatus autóctonos ha demostrado ser un método eficaz para la obtención de plantas en contenedor ectomicorrícicas de P. nigra bajo condiciones de campo después de 11 meses. La inoculación de esporas de S. granulatus produjeron un buen desarrollo ectomicorrizas, disminuyendo el crecimiento de las plántulas de P. nigra en la primera estación de crecimiento. Las inoculaciones miceliales produjeron un escaso desarrollo ectomicorrizico de S. granulatus, con aumento en el crecimiento de las plántulas. Por lo tanto, sería factible el uso de inóculos de esporas de S. granulatus, con 106 esporas por planta, para producir plantas ectomicorrícicas de P. nigra a gran escala. La inoculación micorrízica controlada de plántulas no es una práctica común en los viveros de Serbia y Montenegro y, como tal, los resultados obtenidos contribuirán a la mejora de la producción en viveros de Pinus nigra y otras coníferas. Esto también podría ser asumido como un punto de partida para futuras investigaciones con material autóctono de hongos y plantas en esta región

    Improving the efficiency and accuracy of nocturnal bird Surveys through equipment selection and partial automation

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    Birds are a key environmental asset and this is recognised through comprehensive legislation and policy ensuring their protection and conservation. Many species are active at night and surveys are required to understand the implications of proposed developments such as towers and reduce possible conflicts with these structures. Night vision devices are commonly used in nocturnal surveys, either to scope an area for bird numbers and activity, or in remotely sensing an area to determine potential risk. This thesis explores some practical and theoretical approaches that can improve the accuracy, confidence and efficiency of nocturnal bird surveillance. As image intensifiers and thermal imagers have operational differences, each device has associated strengths and limitations. Empirical work established that image intensifiers are best used for species identification of birds against the ground or vegetation. Thermal imagers perform best in detection tasks and monitoring bird airspace usage. The typically used approach of viewing bird survey video from remote sensing in its entirety is a slow, inaccurate and inefficient approach. Accuracy can be significantly improved by viewing the survey video at half the playback speed. Motion detection efficiency and accuracy can be greatly improved through the use of adaptive background subtraction and cumulative image differencing. An experienced ornithologist uses bird flight style and wing oscillations to identify bird species. Changes in wing oscillations can be represented in a single inter-frame similarity matrix through area-based differencing. Bird species classification can then be automated using singular value decomposition to reduce the matrices to one-dimensional vectors for training a feed-forward neural network.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Lattice dynamics of FeSb2

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    The lattice dynamics of FeSb2 is investigated by the first-principles DFT calculations and Raman spectroscopy. All Raman and infra-red active phonon modes are properly assigned. The calculated and measured phonon energies are in good agreement except for the B3g symmetry mode. We have observed strong mixing of the Ag symmetry modes, with the intensity exchange in the temperature range between 210 K and 260 K. The Ag modes repulsion increases by doping FeSb2 with Co. There are no signatures of the electron-phonon interaction for these modes

    Decontamination of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequence datasets based on bacterial load assessment by qPCR

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    Identification of unexpected taxa in 16S rRNA surveys of low-density microbiota, diluted mock communities and cultures demonstrated that a variable fraction of sequence reads originated from exogenous DNA. The sources of these contaminants are reagents used in DNA extraction, PCR, and next-generation sequencing library preparation, and human (skin, oral and respiratory) microbiota from the investigators

    Risk factor control and adherence to treatment in patients with coronary heart disease in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2005–2006

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    Introduction: European treatment guidelines in persons with known coronary heart disease (CHD) focus on adherence to antiplatelet therapy, beta-blockers, ACE/ARBs, and lipid-lowering agents, with goals for blood pressure (BP) of < 140/90 mm Hg and LDL cholesterol of < 3.0 mmol/l. Data on adherence to these measures in Eastern Europe are limited. Material and methods: The Third Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Coronary Prevention Study (ROSCOPS III) was conducted in 2005-2006 at 10 primary heath care centres in 601 patients (36% female, mean age 55 years) with CHD including acute myocardial infarction or ischaemia, coronary artery bypass graft, or angioplasty who were examined and interviewed at least 6 months after the event. We examined the proportion of subjects on recommended treatments and at goal for BP, LDL-C, and non-smoking. Results: The proportion of subjects on recommended treatments included 61% for beta-blockers, 79% for ACE/ARBs, 63% for lipid-lowering agents and 74% for antiplatelet therapy. Only 30% of subjects were on all four of these treatments. 59% of subjects had BP at goal of < 140/90 mm Hg and 33% were controlled to < 130/80 mm Hg, 41% for LDL-C, and 88% were non-smokers. Improvements were seen in lipid-lowering and ACE/ARB drug use and non-smoking status from an earlier survey (ROSCOPS II) in 2002-2003. Conclusions: Our data show, despite improvement over recent years, that many persons with CHD in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina are neither on recommended treatments nor at target for BP and/or LDL-C. Improved efforts targeted at both physicians and patients to address these issues are needed
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