802 research outputs found


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    The Evolution of Cluster Early-Type Galaxies over the Past 8 Gyr

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    We present the Fundamental Plane (FP) of early-type galaxies in the clusters of galaxies RXJ1415.1+3612 at z=1.013. This is the first detailed FP investigation of cluster early-type galaxies at redshift z=1. The distant cluster galaxies follow a steeper FP relation compared to the local FP. The change in the slope of the FP can be interpreted as a mass-dependent evolution. To analyse in more detail the galaxy population in high redshift galaxy clusters at 0.8<z<1, we combine our sample with a previous detailed spectroscopic study of 38 early-type galaxies in two distant galaxy clusters, RXJ0152.7-1357 at z=0.83 and RXJ1226.9+3332 at z=0.89. For all clusters Gemini/GMOS spectroscopy with high signal-to-noise and intermediate-resolution has been acquired to measure the internal kinematics and stellar populations of the galaxies. From HST/ACS imaging, surface brightness profiles, morphologies and structural parameters were derived for the galaxy sample. The least massive galaxies (M=2x10^{10}M_{\sun}) in our sample have experienced their most recent major star formation burst at z_{form}~1.1. For massive galaxies (M>2x10^{11}M_{\sun}) the bulk of their stellar populations have been formed earlier z_{form}>~1.6. Our results confirm previous findings by Jorgensen et al. This suggests that the less massive galaxies in the distant clusters have much younger stellar populations than their more massive counterparts. One explanation is that low-mass cluster galaxies have experienced more extended star formation histories with more frequent bursts of star formation with shorter duration compared to the formation history of high-mass cluster galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Talk for "Matter Cycles of Galaxies in Clusters", presented at JENAM 2008, Vienna, to be published in Astronomische Nachrichten in Nov 2009 (proceedings of Symposium 6 of the JENAM 2008, Vienna

    Uniqueness Results for Second Order Bellman-Isaacs Equations under Quadratic Growth Assumptions and Applications

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    In this paper, we prove a comparison result between semicontinuous viscosity sub and supersolutions growing at most quadratically of second-order degenerate parabolic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman and Isaacs equations. As an application, we characterize the value function of a finite horizon stochastic control problem with unbounded controls as the unique viscosity solution of the corresponding dynamic programming equation

    Obscuration in extremely luminous quasars

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    The spectral energy distributions and infrared (IR) spectra of a sample of obscured AGNs selected in the mid-IR are modeled with recent clumpy torus models to investigate the nature of the sources, the properties of the obscuring matter, and dependencies on luminosity. The sample contains 21 obscured AGNs at z=1.3-3 discovered in the largest Spitzer surveys (SWIRE, NDWFS, & FLS) by means of their extremely red IR to optical colors. All sources show the 9.7micron silicate feature in absorption and have extreme mid-IR luminosities (L(6micron)~10^46 erg/s). The IR SEDs and spectra of 12 sources are well reproduced with a simple torus model, while the remaining 9 sources require foreground extinction from a cold dust component to reproduce both the depth of the silicate feature and the near-IR emission from hot dust. The best-fit torus models show a broad range of inclinations, with no preference for the edge-on torus expected in obscured AGNs. Based on the unobscured QSO mid-IR luminosity function, and on a color-selected sample of obscured and unobscured IR sources, we estimate the surface densities of obscured and unobscured QSOs at L(6micron)>10^12 Lsun, and z=1.3-3.0 to be about 17-22 deg^-2, and 11.7 deg^-2, respectively. Overall we find that ~35-41% of luminous QSOs are unobscured, 37-40% are obscured by the torus, and 23-25% are obscured by a cold absorber detached from the torus. These fractions constrain the torus half opening angle to be ~67 deg. This value is significantly larger than found for FIR selected samples of AGN at lower luminosity (~46 deg), supporting the receding torus scenario. A far-IR component is observed in 8 objects. The estimated far-IR luminosities associated with this component all exceed 3.3x10^12 Lsun, implying SFRs of 600-3000 Msun/yr. (Abridged)Comment: ApJ accepte

    AGN Dusty Tori: II. Observational Implications of Clumpiness

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    From extensive radiative transfer calculations we find that clumpy torus models with \No \about 5--15 dusty clouds along radial equatorial rays successfully explain AGN infrared observations. The dust has standard Galactic composition, with individual cloud optical depth \tV \about 30--100 at visual. The models naturally explain the observed behavior of the 10\mic silicate feature, in particular the lack of deep absorption features in AGN of any type. The weak 10\mic emission feature tentatively detected in type 2 QSO can be reproduced if in these sources \No drops to \about 2 or \tV exceeds \about 100. The clouds angular distribution must have a soft-edge, e.g., Gaussian profile, the radial distribution should decrease as 1/r1/r or 1/r21/r^2. Compact tori can explain all observations, in agreement with the recent interferometric evidence that the ratio of the torus outer to inner radius is perhaps as small as \about 5--10. Clumpy torus models can produce nearly isotropic IR emission together with highly anisotropic obscuration, as required by observations. In contrast with strict variants of unification schemes where the viewing-angle uniquely determines the classification of an AGN into type 1 or 2, clumpiness implies that it is only a probabilistic effect; a source can display type 1 properties even from directions close to the equatorial plane. The fraction of obscured sources depends not only on the torus angular thickness but also on the cloud number \No. The observed decrease of this fraction at increasing luminosity can be explained with a decrease of either torus angular thickness or cloud number, but only the latter option explains also the possible emergence of a 10\mic emission feature in QSO2.Comment: To appear in ApJ September 20, 200

    Interferometric Astrometry of the Low-mass Binary Gl 791.2 (= HU Del) Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: Parallax and Component Masses

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    With fourteen epochs of fringe tracking data spanning 1.7y from Fine Guidance Sensor 3 we have obtained a parallax (pi_abs=113.1 +- 0.3 mas) and perturbation orbit for Gl 791.2A. Contemporaneous fringe scanning observations yield only three clear detections of the secondary on both interferometer axes. They provide a mean component magnitude difference, Delta V = 3.27 +- 0.10. The period (P = 1.4731 yr) from the perturbation orbit and the semi-major axis (a = 0.963 +- 0.007 AU) from the measured component separations with our parallax provide a total system mass M_A + M_B = 0.412 +- 0.009 M_sun. Component masses are M_A=0.286 +- 0.006 M_sun and M_B = 0.126 +- 0.003 M_sun. Gl 791.2A and B are placed in a sparsely populated region of the lower main sequence mass-luminosity relation where they help define the relation because the masses have been determined to high accuracy, with errors of only 2%.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. The paper is to appear in August 2000 A

    Spitzer Observations of 3C Quasars and Radio Galaxies: Mid-Infrared Properties of Powerful Radio Sources

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    We have measured mid-infrared radiation from an orientation-unbiased sample of 3CRR galaxies and quasars at redshifts 0.4 < z < 1.2 with the IRS and MIPS instruments on the Spitzer Space Telescope. Powerful emission (L_24micron > 10^22.4 W/Hz/sr) was detected from all but one of the sources. We fit the Spitzer data as well as other measurements from the literature with synchrotron and dust components. The IRS data provide powerful constraints on the fits. At 15 microns, quasars are typically four times brighter than radio galaxies with the same isotropic radio power. Based on our fits, half of this difference can be attributed to the presence of non-thermal emission in the quasars but not the radio galaxies. The other half is consistent with dust absorption in the radio galaxies but not the quasars. Fitted optical depths are anti-correlated with core dominance, from which we infer an equatorial distribution of dust around the central engine. The median optical depth at 9.7 microns for objects with core-dominance factor R > 10^-2 is approximately 0.4; for objects with R < 10^-2, it is 1.1. We have thus addressed a long-standing question in the unification of FR II quasars and galaxies: quasars are more luminous in the mid-infrared than galaxies because of a combination of Doppler-boosted synchrotron emission in quasars and extinction in galaxies, both orientation-dependent effects.Comment: 42 pages, 14 figures plus two landscape tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Autonomy Operating System for UAVs: Pilot-in-a-Box

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    The Autonomy Operating System (AOS) is an open flight software platform with Artificial Intelligence for smart UAVs. It is built to be extendable with new apps, similar to smartphones, to enable an expanding set of missions and capabilities. AOS has as its foundations NASAs core flight executive and core flight software (cFEcFS). Pilot-in-a-Box (PIB) is an expanding collection of interacting AOS apps that provide the knowledge and intelligence onboard a UAV to safely and autonomously fly in the National Air Space, eventually without a remote human ground crew. Longer-term, the goal of PIB is to provide the capability for pilotless air vehicles such as air taxis that will be key for new transportation concepts such as mobility-on-demand. PIB provides the procedural knowledge, situational awareness, and anticipatory planning (thinking ahead of the plane) that comprises pilot competencies. These competencies together with a natural language interface will enable Pilot-in-a-Box to dialogue directly with Air Traffic Management from takeoff through landing. This paper describes the overall AOS architecture, Artificial Intelligence reasoning engines, Pilot-in-a-box competencies, and selected experimental flight tests to date

    Properties of dusty tori in active galactic nuclei - II. Type 2 AGN

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    (abridged) This paper is the second part of a work investigating the properties of dusty tori in AGN by means of multi-component SED fitting. It focuses on low luminosity, low redshift (z < 0.25) AGN selected among emission line galaxies as well as X-ray, radio and mid-infrared selected type 2 AGN samples from the literature. The available multi-band photometry covers the spectral range from the u-band up to 160 um. The observed SED of each object is fit to a set of multi-component models comprising a stellar component, a high optical depth torus and cold emission from a starburst (SB). The contribution of the various components (stars, torus, SB) is reflected in the position of the objects on the IRAC colour diagram. The comparison of type 1 (as derived from Hatziminaoglou et al. 2008) and type 2 AGN properties is broadly consistent with the Unified Scheme. The estimated ratio between type 2 and type 1 objects is about 2-2.5:1. The AGN accretion-to-infrared luminosity ratio is an indicator of the obscuration of the AGN since it scales down with the covering factor. We find evidence supporting the receding torus paradigm, with the estimated fraction of obscured AGN decreasing with increasing optical luminosity over four orders of magnitude. The average star formation rates are of ~ 10, 40 and 115 Mo/yr for the low-z, type 2 and quasar samples, respectively; but this might simply reflect observational biases, as our quasars are one to two orders of magnitude more luminous than the type 2 AGN. For the majority of objects with 70 and/or 160 um detections an SB component was needed in order to reproduce the data points, implying that the far-infrared emission in AGN arises mostly from star formation; moreover, the SB-to-AGN luminosity ratio shows a slight trend with increasing luminosity.Comment: 20 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS; full versions of tables 1-4 and Figs. 5, 14 and 15 only available as online materia

    When who and how matter: explaining the success of referendums in Europe

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    This article aims to identify the institutional factors that make a referendum successful. This comparative analysis seeks to explain the success of top-down referendums organized in Europe between 2001 and 2013. It argues and tests for the main effect of three institutional factors (popularity of the initiator, size of parliamentary majority, and political cues during referendum campaigns) and controls for the type of referendum and voter turnout. The analysis uses data collected from referendums and electoral databases, public opinion surveys, and newspaper articles. Results show that referendums proposed by a large parliamentary majority or with clear messages from political parties during campaign are likely to be successful