3,113 research outputs found

    Changing pattern of visceral leishmaniasis, United Kingdom, 1985-2004.

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    A 20-year (1985-2004) retrospective review of 39 patients with imported visceral leishmaniasis found that tourism to Mediterranean countries and HIV infection were associated with visceral leishmaniasis. Diagnosis was often delayed. Treatment with liposomal amphotericin B has improved prognosis. Visceral leishmaniasis should be made a reportable disease

    Asset Pricing Lessons for Modeling Business Cycles

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    We develop a model which accounts for the observed equity premium and average risk free rate, without implying counterfactually high risk aversion. The model also does well in aceounting for business cycle phenomena. With respect to the conventional measures of business cycle volatility and comovement with output, the model does roughly as well as the standard business cycle model. On two other dimensions, the model's business cycle implications are actually improved. Its enhanced internal propagation allows it to account for the fact that there is positive persistenee in output growth, and the model also provides a resolution to the "excess sensitivity puzzle" for consumption and income. Key features of the model are habit persistence preferences, and a multisector technology with limited intersectoral mobility of factors of production

    Modeling the Arctic Freshwater System and its integration in the global system: Lessons learned and future challenges

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Numerous components of the Arctic freshwater system (atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere, and terrestrial hydrology) have experienced large changes over the past few decades, and these changes are projected to amplify further in the future. Observations are particularly sparse, in both time and space, in the polar regions. Hence, modeling systems have been widely used and are a powerful tool to gain understanding on the functioning of the Arctic freshwater system and its integration within the global Earth system and climate. Here we present a review of modeling studies addressing some aspect of the Arctic freshwater system. Through illustrative examples, we point out the value of using a hierarchy of models with increasing complexity and component interactions, in order to dismantle the important processes at play for the variability and changes of the different components of the Arctic freshwater system and the interplay between them. We discuss past and projected changes for the Arctic freshwater system and explore the sources of uncertainty associated with these model results. We further elaborate on some missing processes that should be included in future generations of Earth system models and highlight the importance of better quantification and understanding of natural variability, among other factors, for improved predictions of Arctic freshwater system change.The first two authors have contributed equally to the publication. The Arctic Freshwater Synthesis has been sponsored by the World Climate Research Programme’s Climate and the Cryosphere project (WCRP-CliC), the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), and the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). C.L. acknowledges support from the UK Natural Environment Research Council. M.M.H. acknowledges support from NSF PLR-1417642. D.M.L. is supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Energy BER, as part of its Climate Change Prediction Program, Cooperative Agreement DE-FC03-97ER62402/A010, and NSF grants AGS-1048996, PLS-1048987, and PLS-1304220. J.A.S. is supported by Natural Environment Research Council grant NE/J019585/1. Y.D. is supported by Environment Canada’s Northern Hydrology program. We acknowledge the World Climate Research Programme’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling, which is responsible for CMIP, and we thank the climate modeling groups for producing and making available their model output. For CMIP, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison provides coordinating support and led development of software infrastructure in partnership with the Global Organization for Earth System Science Portals. The CMIP data and CESM-LE data are available through the relevant Web data portal

    CAPE Times P Explains Lightning Over Land But Not the Land-Ocean Contrast

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    The contemporaneous pointwise product of convective available potential energy (CAPE) and precipitation is shown to be a good proxy for lightning. In particular, the CAPE Ã— P proxy for lightning faithfully replicates seasonal maps of lightning over the contiguous United States, as well as the shape, amplitude, and timing of the diurnal cycle in lightning. Globally, CAPE Ã— P correctly predicts the distribution of flash rate densities over land, but it does not predict the pronounced land-ocean contrast in flash rate density; some factor other than CAPE or P is responsible for that land-ocean contrast

    A Homolog of the Vaccinia Virus D13L Rifampicin Resistance Gene is in the Entomopoxvirus of the Parasitic wasp, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata

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    The parasitic wasp, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), introduces an entomopoxvirus (DlEPV) into its Caribbean fruit fly host, Anastrepha suspensa. (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), during oviposition. DlEPV has a 250–300 kb unipartite dsDNA genome, that replicates in the cytoplasm of the host's hemocytes, and inhibits the host's encapsulation response. The putative proteins encoded by several DlEPV genes are highly homologous with those of poxviruses, while others appear to be DlEPV specific. Here, a 2.34 kb sequence containing a 1.64 kb DlEPV open reading frame within a cloned 4.5 kb EcoR1 fragment (designated R1–1) is described from a DlEPV EcoRI genomic library. This open reading frame is a homolog of the vaccinia virus rifampicin resistance (rif) gene, D13L, and encodes a putative 546 amino acid protein. The DlEPV rif contains two EcoRV, two HindIII, one XbaI, and one DraII restriction sites, and upstream of the open reading frame the fragment also contains EcoRV, HindII, SpEI, and BsP106 sites. Early poxvirus transcription termination signals (TTTTTnT) occur 236 and 315 nucleotides upstream of the consensus poxvirus late translational start codon (TAAATG) and at 169 nucleotides downstream of the translational stop codon of the rif open reading frame. Southern blot hybridization of HindIII-, EcoRI-, and BamH1-restricted DlEPV genomic DNA probed with the labeled 4.5 kb insert confirmed the fidelity of the DNA and the expected number of fragments appropriate to the restriction endonucleases used. Pairwise comparisons between DlEPV amino acids and those of the Amsacta moorei, Heliothis armigera, and Melanoplus sanguinipes entomopoxviruses, revealed 46, 46, and 45 % similarity (identity + substitutions), respectively. Similar values (41–45%) were observed in comparisons with the chordopoxviruses. The mid portion of the DlEPV sequence contained two regions of highest conserved residues similar to those reported for H. armigera entomopoxvirus rifampicin resistance protein. Phylogenetic analysis of the amino acid sequences suggested that DlEPV arose from the same ancestral node as other entomopoxviruses but belongs to a separate clade from those of the grasshopper- infecting M. sanguinipes entomopoxvirus and from the Lepidoptera-infecting (Genus B or Betaentomopoxvirus) A. moorei entomopoxvirus and H. armigera entomopoxvirus. Interestingly, the DlEPV putative protein had only 3–26.4 % similarity with RIF-like homologs/orthologs found in other large DNA non-poxviruses, demonstrating its closer relationship to the Poxviridae. DlEPV remains an unassigned member of the Entomopoxvirinae (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTVdb/Ictv/index.htm) until its relationship to other diptera-infecting (Gammaentomopoxvirus or Genus C) entomopoxviruses can be verified. The GenBank accession number for the nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper is EF541029

    Flood realities, perceptions, and the depth of divisions on climate

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    Research has led to broad agreement among scientists that anthropogenic climate change is happening now and likely to worsen. In contrast to scientific agreement, US public views remain deeply divided, largely along ideological lines. Science communication has been neutralised in some arenas by intense counter-messaging, but as adverse climate impacts become manifest they might intervene more persuasively in local perceptions. We look for evidence of this occurring with regard to realities and perceptions of flooding in the northeastern US state of New Hampshire. Although precipitation and flood damage have increased, with ample news coverage, most residents do not see a trend. Nor do perceptions about past and future local flooding correlate with regional impacts or vulnerability. Instead, such perceptions follow ideological patterns resembling those of global climate change. That information about the physical world can be substantially filtered by ideology is a common finding from sociological environment/society research

    An Atlas of human kinase regulation

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    The coordinated regulation of protein kinases is a rapid mechanism that integrates diverse cues and swiftly determines appropriate cellular responses. However, our understanding of cellular decision-making has been limited by the small number of simultaneously monitored phospho- regulatory events. Here, we have estimated changes in activity in 215 human kinases in 399 condi- tions from a compilation of nearly 3 million phosphopeptide quantifications. This atlas identifies commonly regulated kinases as those that are central in the signaling network and defines the logic relationships between kinase pairs. Co-regulation along the conditions predicts kinase-complex and kinase-substrate associations. Additionally, the kinase regulation profile acts as a molecular fingerprint to identify related and opposing signaling states. Using this atlas, we identified essen- tial mediators of stem cell differentiation, modulators of Salmonella infection and new targets of AKT1. This provides a global view of human phosphorylation-based signaling and the necessary context to better understand kinase driven decision-making

    Experimental GHZ Entanglement beyond Qubits

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    The Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) argument provides an all-or-nothing contradiction between quantum mechanics and local-realistic theories. In its original formulation, GHZ investigated three and four particles entangled in two dimensions only. Very recently, higher dimensional contradictions especially in three dimensions and three particles have been discovered but it has remained unclear how to produce such states. In this article we experimentally show how to generate a three-dimensional GHZ state from two-photon orbital-angular-momentum entanglement. The first suggestion for a setup which generates three-dimensional GHZ entanglement from these entangled pairs came from using the computer algorithm Melvin. The procedure employs novel concepts significantly beyond the qubit case. Our experiment opens up the possibility of a truly high-dimensional test of the GHZ-contradiction which, interestingly, employs non-Hermitian operators.Comment: 6+6 pages, 8 figure
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