377 research outputs found

    KSU Percussion Ensemble Spring Concert

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    A performance by the KSU Percussion Ensemble, under the direction of John Lawless.You may attend the live performance, or live stream it from the comfort of your home.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/2433/thumbnail.jp

    Towards a Praxeology of Teaching

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    Both preservice and seasoned teachers experience a considerable gap between theory and prescriptions for teaching and their day-to-day practice. We concep- tualize this gap in terms of the difference between descriptions of practice and practice itself. Descriptions cannot include the tacit understanding against which specific acts of teaching become meaningful; thus, they are inherently out of syn- chrony with practice. We illustrate how Bourdieu’s notion of habitus (a set of dispositions) accounts for appropriate actions in situations where there is no “time out” for deliberation and how coteaching can support preservice teachers’ development of this habitus. Les Ă©tudiants-maĂźtres comme les enseignants chevronnĂ©s ressentent l’écart considĂ©rable entre la thĂ©orie et les rĂšgles de l’enseignement et leur pratique quotidienne. Les auteurs conceptualisent cet Ă©cart en termes de diffĂ©rence entre les descriptions de la pratique et la pratique elle-mĂȘme. Les descriptions ne peuvent inclure la comprĂ©hension tacite par rapport Ă  laquelle des activitĂ©s prĂ©- cises d’enseignement prennent un sens; aussi ces descriptions en elles-mĂȘmes ne concordent pas avec la pratique. Les auteurs illustrent comment la notion d’habitus de Bourdieu (un ensemble de dispositions) explique la pertinence des actions effectuĂ©es dans des situations oĂč il n’y a pas de temps pour dĂ©libĂ©rer et comment le coenseignement peut favoriser de dĂ©veloppement de cet habitus chez les stagiaires.

    Towards a Praxeology of Teaching

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    Both preservice and seasoned teachers experience a considerable gap between theory and prescriptions for teaching and their day-to-day practice. We concep- tualize this gap in terms of the difference between descriptions of practice and practice itself. Descriptions cannot include the tacit understanding against which specific acts of teaching become meaningful; thus, they are inherently out of syn- chrony with practice. We illustrate how Bourdieu’s notion of habitus (a set of dispositions) accounts for appropriate actions in situations where there is no “time out” for deliberation and how coteaching can support preservice teachers’ development of this habitus. Les Ă©tudiants-maĂźtres comme les enseignants chevronnĂ©s ressentent l’écart considĂ©rable entre la thĂ©orie et les rĂšgles de l’enseignement et leur pratique quotidienne. Les auteurs conceptualisent cet Ă©cart en termes de diffĂ©rence entre les descriptions de la pratique et la pratique elle-mĂȘme. Les descriptions ne peuvent inclure la comprĂ©hension tacite par rapport Ă  laquelle des activitĂ©s prĂ©- cises d’enseignement prennent un sens; aussi ces descriptions en elles-mĂȘmes ne concordent pas avec la pratique. Les auteurs illustrent comment la notion d’habitus de Bourdieu (un ensemble de dispositions) explique la pertinence des actions effectuĂ©es dans des situations oĂč il n’y a pas de temps pour dĂ©libĂ©rer et comment le coenseignement peut favoriser de dĂ©veloppement de cet habitus chez les stagiaires.

    Biostability of an orthopaedic device and its long-term implantable biomaterials

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    The BDyn device is a bilateral posterior dynamic stabilisation spinal implant used to treat degenerative disc disease. The BDyn device consists of a polycarbonate urethane (PCU) component, a silicone component, a mobile titanium alloy rod, a fixed titanium alloy rod and it is fixed to the vertebrae by titanium alloy pedicle screws. The viscoelastic properties, chemical structure and surface morphological changes of the untreated, in vitro degraded and in vivo degraded were compared. The macro and micro-scale viscoelastic properties, chemical structure and surface morphology of five long-term implantable PCU biomaterials, which were in vitro degraded by four separate degradation methods were also investigated. No resonant frequencies were reported for the untreated and in vitro degraded components and devices however, resonance was detected in the frequency sweep test of BDyn Explant 2 with the sharp increase of the loss stiffness occurred at 4 Hz; this highlights the importance of evaluating orthopaedic devices with frequency dependent mechanical testing techniques. The biomaterials were viscoelastic throughout the frequency range tested and were significantly different at specific frequencies when comparing untreated specimens to specimens degraded by a specific degradation method; this further highlights the need to evaluate elastomeric biomaterials with frequency dependent mechanical testing techniques

    Senior Recital: Joseph Donohue, percussion

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    This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music in Performance. Mr. Donohue studies percussion with John Lawless.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/2086/thumbnail.jp

    Developing a good practice model to evaluate the effectiveness of comprehensive primary health care in local communities

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise statedBackground: This paper describes the development of a model of Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) applicable to the Australian context. CPHC holds promise as an effective model of health system organization able to improve population health and increase health equity. However, there is little literature that describes and evaluates CPHC as a whole, with most evaluation focusing on specific programs. The lack of a consensus on what constitutes CPHC, and the complex and context-sensitive nature of CPHC are all barriers to evaluation. Methods: The research was undertaken in partnership with six Australian primary health care services: four state government funded and managed services, one sexual health non-government organization, and one Aboriginal community controlled health service. A draft model was crafted combining program logic and theory-based approaches, drawing on relevant literature, 68 interview s with primary health care se rvice staff, and researcher experience. The model was then refined through an iterative process involving two to three workshops at each of the six participating primary health care services, engaging health service staff, regional health executives and central health department staff. Results: The resultant Southgate Model of CPHC in Australia model articulates the theory of change of how and why CPHC service components and activities, based on t he theory, evidence and values which underpin a CPHC approach, are likely to lead to indivi dual and population health outcome s and increased health equity. The model captures the importance of context, the mechanisms of CPHC, and the space for action services have to work within. The process of development engendered and supported collaborati ve relationships between researchers and stakeholders and the product provide d a description of CPHC as a whole and a framework for evaluation. The model was endorsed at a research symposium involving inv estigators, service staff, and key stakeholders. Conclusions: The development of a theory-based program logi c model provided a framework for evaluation that allows the tracking of progress towards desired outcomes and exploration of the particular aspects of context and mechanisms that produce outcomes. This is important because there are no existing models which enable the evaluation of CPHC services in their entirety

    Research support of the WETNET Program

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    This study examines various aspects of the Microwave Vegetation Index (MVI). MVI is a derived signal created by differencing the spectral response of the 37 GHz horizontally and vertically polarized passive microwave signals. The microwave signal employed to derive this index is thought to be primarily influenced by vegetation structure, vegetation growth, standing water, and precipitation. The state of California is the study site for this research. Imagery from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) is used for the creation of MVI datasets analyzed in this research. The object of this research is to determine whether MVI corresponds with some quantifiable vegetation parameter (such as vegetation density) or whether the index is more affected by known biogeophysical parameters such antecedent precipitation. A secondary question associated with the above is whether the vegetation attributes that MVI is employed to determine can be more easily and accurately evaluated by other remote sensing means. An important associated question to be addressed in the study is the effect of different multi-temporal composting techniques on the derived MVI dataset. This work advances our understanding of the fundamental nature of MVI by studying vegetation as a mixture of structural types, such as forest and grassland. The study further advances our understanding by creating multitemporal precipitation datasets to compare the affects of precipitation upon MVI. This work will help to lay the groundwork for the use of passive microwave spectral information either as an adjunct to visible and near infrared imagery in areas where that is feasible or for the use of passive microwave alone in areas of moderate cloud coverage. In this research, an MVI dataset, spanning the period February 15, 1989 through April 25, 1990, has been created using National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) supplied brightness temperature data. Information from the DMSP satellite 37 GHz wavelength SSM/I sensor in both horizontal and vertical polarization has been processed using the MVI algorithm. In conjunction with the MVI algorithm a multitemporal compositing technique was used to create datasets that correspond to 14 day periods. In this technical report, Section Two contains background information on the State of California and the three MVI study sites. Section Three describes the methods used to create the MVI and independent variables datasets. Section Four presents the results of the experiment. Section Five summarizes and concludes the work

    A Functional Link Between Bir1 and the <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> Ctf19 Kinetochore Complex Revealed Through Quantitative Fitness Analysis

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    The chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) is a key regulator of eukaryotic cell division, consisting of the protein kinase Aurora B/Ipl1 in association with its activator (INCENP/Sli15) and two additional proteins (Survivin/Bir1 and Borealin/Nbl1). Here, we report a genome-wide genetic interaction screen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using the bir1-17 mutant, identifying through quantitative fitness analysis deletion mutations that act as enhancers and suppressors. Gene knockouts affecting the Ctf19 kinetochore complex were identified as the strongest enhancers of bir1-17, while mutations affecting the large ribosomal subunit or the mRNA nonsense-mediated decay pathway caused strong phenotypic suppression. Thus, cells lacking a functional Ctf19 complex become highly dependent on Bir1 function and vice versa. The negative genetic interaction profiles of bir1-17 and the cohesin mutant mcd1-1 showed considerable overlap, underlining the strong functional connection between sister chromatid cohesion and chromosome biorientation. Loss of some Ctf19 components, such as Iml3 or Chl4, impacted differentially on bir1-17 compared with mutations affecting other CPC components: despite the synthetic lethality shown by either iml3∆ or chl4∆ in combination with bir1-17, neither gene knockout showed any genetic interaction with either ipl1-321 or sli15-3. Our data therefore imply a specific functional connection between the Ctf19 complex and Bir1 that is not shared with Ipl1
