11,549 research outputs found

    Female reproductive strategy predicts preferences for sexual dimorphism in male faces

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    The aim of the current studies was to test an assumption that variation in female preferences for sexually dimorphic male facial characteristics reflects strategic optimisation of investment in offspring. A negative relationship was predicted between ideal number of children and preferences for masculine male face shapes, as the benefits of securing paternal investment should outweigh the benefits of securing good genes as the costs of raising offspring increase. In Study 1 desired number of children and preferences for masculine face shapes were compared in a sample of female students. In study 2, the prediction was tested in a sample with a wider age profile while controlling for relationship status. Preferences for explicit partner characteristics were also assessed. The prediction was supported: women who desired a higher number of children preferred more feminine male face shapes and ranked cues to investment of parental care over cues to immunocompetence in a partner more highly than those who desired fewer children. Results indicate that female mate preferences vary with reproductive strategy and support assumptions that preferences for feminine male faces reflect preferences for “good dads”

    Honesty, social presence, and self-service in retail

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    Retail self-service checkouts (SCOs) can benefit consumers and retailers, providing control and autonomy to shoppers independent from staff. Recent research indicates that the lack of presence of staff may provide the opportunity for consumers to behave dishonestly. This study examined whether a social presence in the form of visual, humanlike SCO interface agents had an effect on dishonest user behaviour. Using a simulated SCO scenario, participants experienced various dilemmas in which they could financially benefit themselves undeservedly. We hypothesised that a humanlike social presence integrated within the checkout screen would receive more attention and result in fewer instances of dishonesty compared to a less humanlike agent. Our hypotheses were partially supported by the results. We conclude that companies adopting self-service technology may consider the implementation of social presence to support ethical consumer behaviour, but that more research is required to explore the mixed findings in the current study

    Discrete and surface solitons in photonic graphene nanoribbons

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    We analyze localization of light in honeycomb photonic lattices restricted in one dimension which can be regarded as an optical analog of (``armchair'' and ``zigzag'') graphene nanoribbons. We find the conditions for the existence of spatially localized states and discuss the effect of lattice topology on the properties of discrete solitons excited inside the lattice and at its edges. In particular, we discover a novel type of soliton bistability, the so-called geometry-induced bistability, in the lattices of a finite extent.Comment: three double-column pages, 5 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Optimizing photon indistinguishability in the emission from incoherently-excited semiconductor quantum dots

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    Most optical quantum devices require deterministic single-photon emitters. Schemes so far demonstrated in the solid state imply an energy relaxation which tends to spoil the coherent nature of the time evolution, and with it the photon indistinguishability. We focus our theoretical investigation on semiconductor quantum dots embedded in microcavities. Simple and general relations are identified between the photon indistinguishability and the collection efficiency. The identification of the key parameters and of their interplay provides clear indications for the device optimization

    Wild at Heart:-The Particle Astrophysics of the Galactic Centre

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    We treat of the high-energy astrophysics of the inner ~200 pc of the Galaxy. Our modelling of this region shows that the supernovae exploding here every few thousand years inject enough power to i) sustain the steady-state, in situ population of cosmic rays (CRs) required to generate the region's non-thermal radio and TeV {\gamma}-ray emis-sion; ii) drive a powerful wind that advects non-thermal particles out of the inner GC; iii) supply the low-energy CRs whose Coulombic collisions sustain the temperature and ionization rate of the anomalously warm, envelope H2 detected throughout the Cen-tral Molecular Zone; iv) accelerate the primary electrons which provide the extended, non-thermal radio emission seen over ~150 pc scales above and below the plane (the Galactic centre lobe); and v) accelerate the primary protons and heavier ions which, advected to very large scales (up to ~10 kpc), generate the recently-identified WMAP haze and corresponding Fermi haze/bubbles. Our modelling bounds the average magnetic field amplitude in the inner few degrees of the Galaxy to the range 60 < B/microG < 400 (at 2 sigma confidence) and shows that even TeV CRs likely do not have time to penetrate into the cores of the region's dense molecular clouds before the wind removes them from the region. This latter finding apparently disfavours scenarios in which CRs - in this star-burst-like environment - act to substantially modify the conditions of star-formation. We speculate that the wind we identify plays a crucial role in advecting low-energy positrons from the Galactic nucleus into the bulge, thereby explaining the extended morphology of the 511 keV line emission. (abridged)Comment: One figure corrected. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 29 pages, 14 figure

    Challenging Racist Violence and Racist Hostility in 'Post-Racial' Times: Research and Action in Leeds, UK, 2006-2012

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    YesDespite increasing understanding of, information about and official commitment to challenge these patterns, racist hostility and violence continue to have an enduring presence in urban and rural life in the UK. This indicates the paradoxical nature of this racial crisis and challenges for antiracism as a political project. This paper charts how these issues play out at the local level through an examination of a five year process from problem identification through to research, response, action and aftermath from 2006 to 2012 in the city of Leeds, UK, with a focus on two predominantly white working class social housing estates in the city. We explore how embedded tensions and antagonisms can begin to be challenged, while examining how the contemporary climate of austerity and cuts in services, together with prevailing post-racial thinking, make the likelihood of such concerted action in the UK increasingly remote
