574 research outputs found

    Four-Spacecraft Magnetic Curvature and Vorticity Analyses on Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves in MHD Simulations

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from AGU/Wiley via the DOI in this record.Four-spacecraft missions are probing the Earth's magnetospheric environment with high potential for revealing spatial and temporal scales of a variety of in situ phenomena. The techniques allowed by these four spacecraft include the calculation of vorticity and the magnetic curvature analysis (MCA), both of which have been used in the study of various plasma structures. Motivated by curved magnetic field and vortical structures induced by Kelvin- Helmholtz (KH) waves, we investigate the robustness of the MCA and vorticity techniques when increasing (regular) tetrahedron sizes, to interpret real data. Here for the first time, we test both techniques on a 2.5-D MHD simulation of KH waves at the magnetopause. We investigate, in particular, the curvature and flow vorticity across KH vortices and produce time series for static spacecraft in the boundary layers. The combined results of magnetic curvature and vorticity further help us to understand the development of KH waves. In particular, first, in the trailing edge, the magnetic curvature across the magnetopause points in opposite directions, in the wave propagation direction on the magnetosheath side and against it on the magnetospheric side. Second, the existence of a "turnover layer" in the magnetospheric side, defined by negative vorticity for the duskside magnetopause, which persists in the saturation phase, is reminiscent of roll-up history. We found significant variations in the MCA measures depending on the size of the tetrahedron. This study lends support for cross-scale observations to better understand the nature of curvature and its role in plasma phenomena.R. K. acknowledges financial support from CEMPS at the University of Exeter. C. F. acknowledges financial support from the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) under her Advanced Fellowship ST/I003649

    Signatures of Interchange Reconnection: STEREO, ACE and Hinode Observations Combined

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    Combining STEREO, ACE and Hinode observations has presented an opportunity to follow a filament eruption and coronal mass ejection (CME) on the 17th of October 2007 from an active region (AR) inside a coronal hole (CH) into the heliosphere. This particular combination of `open' and closed magnetic topologies provides an ideal scenario for interchange reconnection to take place. With Hinode and STEREO data we were able to identify the emergence time and type of structure seen in the in-situ data four days later. On the 21st, ACE observed in-situ the passage of an ICME with `open' magnetic topology. The magnetic field configuration of the source, a mature AR located inside an equatorial CH, has important implications for the solar and interplanetary signatures of the eruption. We interpret the formation of an `anemone' structure of the erupting AR and the passage in-situ of the ICME being disconnected at one leg, as manifested by uni-directional suprathermal electron flux in the ICME, to be a direct result of interchange reconnection between closed loops of the CME originating from the AR and `open' field lines of the surrounding CH.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted Annales Geophysica

    Simulation of magnetic cloud erosion during propagation

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    We examine a three‐dimensional (3‐D) numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation describing a very fast interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) propagating from the solar corona to 1 AU. In conjunction with its high speed, the ICME evolves in ways that give it a unique appearance at 1 AU that does not resemble a typical ICME. First, as the ICME decelerates far from the Sun in the solar wind, filament material at the back of the flux rope pushes its way forward through the flux rope. Second, diverging nonradial flows in front of the filament transport poloidal flux of the rope to the sides of the ICME. Third, the magnetic flux rope reconnects with the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). As a consequence of these processes, the flux rope partially unravels and appears to evolve to an entirely unbalanced configuration. At the same time, filament material at the base of the flux rope moves forward and comes in direct contact with the shocked plasma in the CME sheath. We find evidence that such remarkable behavior has actually occurred when we examine a very fast CME that erupted from the Sun on 2005 January 20. In situ observations of this event near 1 AU show very dense cold material impacting the Earth following immediately behind the CME sheath. Charge state analysis shows this dense plasma is filament material. Consistent with the simulation, we find the poloidal flux ( B z ) to be entirely unbalanced, giving the appearance that the flux rope has eroded. The dense solar filament material and unbalanced positive IMF B z produced a number of anomalous features in a moderate magnetic storm already underway, which are described in a companion paper by Kozyra et al. (2014). Key Points Filament material can move to the front of ICMEs Flux rope erosion can occur by azimuthal transport of poloidal fluxPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108271/1/jgra51093.pd

    Spacecraft observations and analytic theory of crescent-shaped electron distributions in asymmetric magnetic reconnection

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    Supported by a kinetic simulation, we derive an exclusion energy parameter EX\cal{E}_X providing a lower kinetic energy bound for an electron to cross from one inflow region to the other during magnetic reconnection. As by a Maxwell Demon, only high energy electrons are permitted to cross the inner reconnection region, setting the electron distribution function observed along the low density side separatrix during asymmetric reconnection. The analytic model accounts for the two distinct flavors of crescent-shaped electron distributions observed by spacecraft in a thin boundary layer along the low density separatrix.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Hybrid simulations of the cusp and dayside magnetosheath dynamics under \ quasi-radial interplanetary magnetic fields

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    Under quasi-radial interplanetary magnetic fields (IMF), foreshock turbulence can have an impact on the magnetosheath and cusps depending on the location of the quasi-parallel shock. We perform three-dimensional simulations of Earth's dayside magnetosphere using the hybrid code HYPERS, and compare northward and southward quasi-radial IMF configurations. We study the magnetic field configuration, fluctuations in the magnetosheath and the plasma in the regions around the northern cusp. Under northward IMF with Earthward BxB_x, there is a time-varying plasma depletion layer immediately outside the northern cusp. In the southward IMF case, the impact of foreshock turbulence and high-speed jets, together with magnetopause reconnection, can lead to strong density enhancements in the cusp.Comment: Accepted by JGR: Space physic

    Interplay of solar wind parameters and physical mechanisms producing the saturation of the cross polar cap potential

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    The nonlinear response of the cross polar cap potential (CPCP) to solar wind driving electric field is a well-known phenomenon. The reasons behind this saturation, however, are still under debate. We have performed a statistical study of the coupling efficiency between the solar wind and the northern polar cap index (PCN). PCN is used as a proxy for the CPCP. Our main focus is in quantifying how the solar wind dynamic pressure alters the efficiency. We show that the saturation of PCN occurs both during low and moderate upstream M-A conditions. We also show that the increasing dynamic pressure is associated with increasing PCN. In addition, we find that the coupling is different depending on which parameter, the velocity or the magnetic field, increases the solar wind driving electric field: the higher the velocity the higher the coupling efficiency.Peer reviewe

    Wave particle interactions in the high-altitude polar cusp: a Cluster case study

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    On 23 March 2002, the four Cluster spacecraft crossed in close configuration (~100 km separation) the high-altitude (10 <i>R<sub>E</sub></i>) cusp region. During a large part of the crossing, the STAFF and EFW instruments have detected strong electromagnetic wave activity at low frequencies, especially when intense field-aligned proton fluxes were detected by the CIS/HIA instrument. In all likelihood, such fluxes correspond to newly-reconnected field lines. A focus on one of these ion injection periods highlights the interaction between waves and protons. The wave activity has been investigated using the k-filtering technique. Experimental dispersion relations have been built in the plasma frame for the two most energetic wave modes. Results show that kinetic Alfvén waves dominate the electromagnetic wave spectrum up to 1 Hz (in the spacecraft frame). Above 0.8 Hz, intense Bernstein waves are also observed. The close simultaneity observed between the wave and particle events is discussed as an evidence for local wave generation. A mechanism based on current instabilities is consistent with the observations of the kinetic Alfvén waves. A weak ion heating along the recently-opened field lines is also suggested from the examination of the ion distribution functions. During an injection event, a large plasma convection motion, indicative of a reconnection site location, is shown to be consistent with the velocity perturbation induced by the large-scale Alfvén wave simultaneously detected

    In Situ Measurements of the Variable Slow Solar Wind near Sector Boundaries

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    The release of density structures at the tip of the coronal helmet streamers, likely as a consequence of magnetic reconnection, contributes to the mass flux of the slow solar wind (SSW). In situ measurements in the vicinity of the heliospheric plasma sheet of the magnetic field, protons, and suprathermal electrons reveal details of the processes at play during the formation of density structures near the Sun. In a previous article, we exploited remote-sensing observations to derive a 3D picture of the dynamic evolution of a streamer. We found evidence of the recurrent and continual release of dense blobs from the tip of the streamers. In the present paper, we interpret in situ measurements of the SSW during solar maximum. Through both case and statistical analysis, we show that in situ signatures (magnetic field magnitude, smoothness and rotation, proton density, and suprathermal electrons, in the first place) are consistent with the helmet streamers producing, in alternation, high-density regions (mostly disconnected) separated by magnetic flux ropes (mostly connected to the Sun). This sequence of emission of dense blobs and flux ropes also seems repeated at smaller scales inside each of the high-density regions. These properties are further confirmed with in situ measurements much closer to the Sun using Helios observations. We conclude on a model for the formation of dense blobs and flux ropes that explains both the in situ measurements and the remote-sensing observations presented in our previous studies.Peer reviewe

    Flux pile-up and plasma depletion at the high latitude dayside magnetopause during southward interplanetary magnetic field: a cluster event study

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    An event of strong flux pile-up and plasma depletion at the high latitude magnetopause tailward of the cusp has been analyzed based on observations by the suite of Cluster spacecraft. The multi-satellite analysis facilitates the separation of temporal and spatial features and provides a direct estimate for the strength of the plasma depletion layer for this event. A doubling of the magnetic field strength and a forty percent reduction of the density are found. Our analysis shows that roughly half of the total magnetic field increase occurs within 0.6 RE of the magnetopause and another quarter within a distance of 1.2 RE. In addition, the plasma depletion signatures exhibit temporal variations which we relate to magnetopause dynamics.<br><br> <b>Keywords.</b> Magnetospheric physics (Magnetopause, Cusp and boundary layers; Magnetosheath; Solar windmagnetosphere interactions
